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PAGE FOUR SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN. MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1913. NEWS SECOND NUMBER ON HIGH SCHOOL COURSE PLEASED DOES PLAYERS' WAR THREATEN BASEBALL? ARROGANT COMMISSION'S REFUSAL TO RECOGNIZE PLAYERS' FRA TERNITY MAY LEAD TO BASEBALL STRIKE THAT WILL TIE UP NATIONAL GAME. (By George R. Fulford.) Men who read as limy run progess to see ominous handwriting upon the. wall of baseball, to the effect that un- i less the conditions under which ball players now labor go through a few rapid changes, something resembling '. a strike will threaten the game with- : in two years. The national commission, baseball's supreme court (originated by and for the club owners of the major leagues.) threw down the g;dmtlet to the play: ers, when Carry Herrmann, chairman announced that the commission would : not receive President Dave Fultz of j the Baseball Players' Fraternity, to; present the petition of the players, j The commission lias ridden rough j snou over tne players so long it sees no reason why it should not remain as "baseball's great gassoosalum. "We won't receive Fultz because he is not a ball player. He is a lawyer," is the meat of Herrmann's statement. Perhaps the weighty trio of the na- J tional commission dou't care to tackle the lean jawed lawyer, preferring to take a chance with a player's commit-1 tee, composed of, say, Fred Merkle, ( "Ping" Bodie and Dave Altizer. ; Fultz. by the way, was a ball player j in the majors before he hung out his j shingle. I The national commission is Ban Jofyison, Tom Lynch and Herrmann. The-nrst two are members by right of their oflice as presidents of the Amer ican and National leagues respective ly. If Herrmann is elected chairman by them. He is the only club owner the other two "being salaried employes. It would be just as logical for the players to protest against Johnson and Lynch hearing their grievance on the ground that they are not club owners, as it Is for the commission to object to Fultz because he is not a player. The players' fraternity, which Is the labor union of baseball, has de manded several reforms, chief of which are: That a player getting 10 days' no tice of release, shall be free to sign wherever he can. U. V NATIONAL l0N ' j Frank Corry, Aus- The second entertainment on the high school course was given last Sat urday night before an enthusiastic audience, who gave the speaker, Chan cellor Bradford, a cordial welcome when he entered the hall about 9:30, after a trip by auto from Albuquerque, which lasted five hours. . -: The time of waiting was taken , up by some delightful musical offerings by Prof. Tello and Miss Dora Fischer, the former rendering selections on the 'violin and Miss Fischer singing In her usual finished manner. Both artists !"-ere warmly applauded and the num bers given were greatly enjoyed. Chancellor Bradford was introduced ' v Judge Collins who was happy in the ; Manner in which he handled a situa ,;on which was a little trying for all. but the speaker entered upon his work s if he had not gone through the ex- t rience of a climb up La Bajada hill in the chill and the dark and gave a lrrture that was tilled with the helpful nd the hopeful spirit that sends an vl'ence away feeling an inspiration ' " greater effort. Chancellor Brad ford is an earnest, forceful speaker and gave what he had to say with a fer vent enthusiasm which was winning md interesting. The subject was "Sun- crowned Manhood." and gave a patriot ic and hopeful view of the future Am erica. The next number on the course will jbe in January and will be a musical TURKEY IN MAINE inl"nber whlch win be announced fully win. Long Island India. Italian team Francesco Verri, It aly; Maurice Brocco, Italy. Australian-American team Alfred Gouillet, Australia; Joseph Fogler, New York. Newark team Fred Hill, Newark, N. J., Martin Ryan, Newark, N. J. German team Willy Appelhause, Germany; Herman Packebusch, Ger- .j many. , i .. . French team Andre Perchicote, i France; Petit Breton, France. Motor Chasers Elmer Collins, I Lynn, Mass.; Bobby Wauthour, Wal : thourville, Ga. j Danish team Norman Anderson, j Denmark; Norman Hansen, C'openha i gen. j Irish Melbourne team James Fran I cis Moran, Chelsea, Mass.; Alfred Grenda, Tasmania. Tasmania team Jack Makin, Philadelphia Percy Lawrence, Den ver. New York team Cltrence Carman, New York; George Cameron, New ! York. The Midgets Worth L. Mitten, j Davenport, Iowa; Lloyd Thomas, San Francisco. i The Pests Joe Kopsy, New York: ! Fred Keefe, Tasmania. WILL EAT HIS XMAS LOS ANGELES ASKED SANTA FE TO HELP PASS IMPORTANT BILL "The Examiner" Wired That Only Chance for Municipal Water Was Before U. S. Senate; Chamber of Commerce Rallied to Angclenoes' Support. The leading figures In baseball's biggest controversy; above, Garry Herrmann, Ban Johnson and Tom Lynch, the National Commission; Below, President Fultz of the Players' Fraternity. That players shall receive ten days' notice before unconditional release. That if a probationary player is not tendered a regular contract before 45 days have passed, he shall be a free agent. That a major leaguer of 10 years not be withdrawn. The refusal of the commission to re ceive Fultz, chosen head of the major league and some minor league play ers, as their representative, will prob ably act as a boomerang. Already some wise head has awakened the commis- servlce shall be given his uncondi- j aion to Herrmann's "bull" and the an tional release if no team in the ma- j nouiicement has been promulgated jors desires bim. j that Fultz would be received with a That when waiver is asked, it may i committee of players. WHAT WORLD'S CHAMPION FIGHTER THINKS OF THE "TOM-BOY" GIRL ficiency goes, pays tribute to the girl of the active type by trying to simul ate the flush of a dab of carmine. Fresh air you can't get too much of it. Tan Is a badge of soundness. And the working girl as well as the Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. Si After n slay of almost three months in tlv university hospital Jack Coombs h again at his Philadelphia home, 201m Cumberland street. He is getting stronger every day, and will remaii. here until "December 20, when he will leave for his home in Kennebunk, Me. He is especially anxious to eat his Christmas turkey in Maine. According to the physicians who at tended Coombs there is every MYSTERIOUS LIFE SAUING IS NOT VERIFIED The following telegraphic corre spondence shows the cordial relations that exist between Santa Fe, the old est city in the United States, and Los Angeles, the city of angels: ; Xos Angeles, Cal., Dec. S, 191 3 New Mexican Printing Co., : Santa Fe, N. M. San Francisco's only chance for a municipal water supply is in the con gressional grant in the Hetch-Hetchy Valley. Dill has passed the house and comes to vote in United States senate December 6. Please see prominent citizens and officials of your city and urge them to wire your senator to sup port the Hetch-Hetchy bill. "Wire us what you arc able to do. (Sgd.) LOS AXGF.LES EXAMINER. 12:07 p. m. To the above telegram the New Mexican replied: Los Angeles Examiner, Los Angeles, Cal.: lour telegram referred by us to Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce which body did effective work in the direc tion, you desired with New Mexico delegation in senate. Congratulations on passage of the bill. (Sgd.) NEW MEXICAN PTG. CO. MONTGOMERY WARD DEAD AT HOME IN CHICAGO. Forfolk, Va., Dec. 8. Mystery sur rounding the reported rescue of 197 passengers from the Mallory liner Rio Grande during a fire at sea north of the Diamond shoals early yesterday reasci, . remained unsolved today. "She's the Girl I'm Going to Marry When I Get Through With the Ring and Settle Down For Life," Says Willie Ritchie. I school lassie can get plenty of exer-! jcise if she doesn't yield to the sin of j laziness. j The stock of the so-called "Tom ' I Boy" is rapidly going up. She's the j kind the king pins fight their best (battles for. I to believe that Jack will be able to take his turn in the pitcher's box next season. The pitcher will remain in Maine until April. He will not go south with the Athletics on their train ing trip, but expects to condition him self for the season in the north. "I am glad to be home," said Coombs yesterday. "The folks in this city, particularly Connie Mack, have treat ed me royally. I always tried to g'vj them the best I had in me when I i played for the Athletics. I am sure 1 j will pitch again. Doctor Carnett tells !me I will be fit by spring. It has been ja long pull. I have been ill since 'April 33, and that's a long time for a fellow who has spent so long out on Although a wireless from vrtp' Beach to New York last night, re ported Captain Dodge of the British steamer Swanmore, having been the rescuer, the Swanmore is at Balti more. The captain of the Merchants and Miners liner Suwanee, which was in the vicinity was spoken late last night by the Charleston, S. C. wire less, and knew nothing of the rescue. Agents of the Mallory line say the Rio Grande was not licensed to carry passengers. The Rio Grande today was on her way to Brunswick. Ga., with passengers aboard, according to wireless. the ball field. "I will remain in the Maine fields most of the winter. I have been told o take, things .easy. I will obey or- ders. Once I get to tossing the ball around and can come home tired at j nights, then I shall know I am myself j once again. I "But for the kindness of the doctors and nurses and my legion of friends 1 don't know what I should have done during my illness. The hardest tiim j was during the world's series, but the New York, Dec. 8. At 3 o'clock rt peated victories also acted as a this afternoon the fourteenth hour, the j tunic. I am fortunate in getting out riders were distanced at 340 miles 8 j in cool weather, for that is what the j laps, inis uea ine recoru niuue last I doctors, say I need, and when the sum ! year by Root and Hehir. ' mer rolls around I hope to be on the slab again doing my best to show the York, Dec. 8 The seventeen m.blic how much I aDDreciate the 17 TEAMS START IN ANNUAL SIX DAY BICYCLE RACE! HANS SCHMIDT IS PLACED ON TRIAL IN NEW YORK Chicago, 111., Dec. 8 A, Montgomery Ward, who rose from a day laborer to the presidency of a mail order house which bears his name, died today at his residence at Highland Park. The multi millionaire was 70 years old. Death resulted from a complication of diseases, which developed after two fails. About two years ago Mr. Ward slipped on the running board of an automobile at Pasadena, California, andbroke one arm and a shoulder blade. These injuries forced him to forego all outdoor amusements and confined him largely to his home. Six weeks ago, Mr. Ward fell in his home and fractured his right hip. The kid neys were inured and pneumonia set j in. . New teams which started at midnight in the twenty-first annual six day bicycle race at Madison Square Garden were still intact at the end of the end of the eight hour and up to last year's record, notwithstanding an accident during the fifth hour. Three men, Walthour of Georgia, Applehouse of Germany, and Carman of New York, had a bad spill on the Madison avenue turn. The scoreboard showed that 18!) miles, three laps, had been covered, equalling the record made by Wal thour and Cameron last year. The teams were bunched with Cory lead ing. Following is the list of the teams: Jersey Skeeters Peter many attentions I have received in Philadelphia. One result of Jack's illness was to cause him to give up smoking. He asked waivers on his old pipe several weeks ago. PACKEY McFARLAND AND BRITTON FIGHT TONIGHT. Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 8. Much in terest is manifested in the fistic en counter planned for tonight In Mil waukee, between Packey McFarland land Jack Brittnn, both of Chicago. The boys are to box ten rounds and it will be a no-decision affair as far as the referee is concerned Snnrt- Drobach, jng editors will pick the winner ac- New York, Dec. 8 Hans Schmidt, one time assistant rector of St. Jos eph's church, was placed on trial today for the murder of Anna Aumiller, a crime which he confessed after por tions of the girl's body had been washed ashore last September hy the Hudson river. His defense of insan ity was made by his lawyers with his consent. The district attorney charges that Schmidt is shamming insanity and that his plea to be permitted to ex piate his crime in the electric chair is insincere. NEW FRENCH CABINET GERMAN OFFICER TO BE COURT MARTI ALED. Berlin, Dec. S. Lieutenant Baron Von Forstner according to the report reaching here, is to be tried by court martial for wounding a lame shoe maker, on December 2, at Zabern, Al sace, during street disturbances. It was Lieutenant Von Forstner who started the trouble at Zahern bv mak- jing scornful references to the citizens when he add'-'1'"'"'' "- - " company. Seventeen -were held t by members test was reo anarchy vers Order was m Ings. PRINCE'S CASE IS DISMISSED BY COURT Washington, I). C, Dec. 8. The su preme court today dismissed the ap peal of Prince de Bearne from the de cision of the Maryland courts, which held that his railroad bonds in Balti more must be held to satisfy the claim of a Parisian jeweler. The jewelry TO BE FORMED TODAY " n,,n Q Thfl nt,;,tt 11 IU H1C uermany; Aitren misteaci, bacra- rordine to their views nf tho ,nw mellt0' I The engagement is to be at catch- International team Edward F. j weights. It. is believed that McFar Iloot, New York; Reggie McNamara, j land will have at least five pounds Australia. I advantage in weight over his adver- Australian team Jackie Clarke. Isary. Australia; Paddy O'SulIivan, Heheir, McFarland and Britton have met in Australia. ,two prior contests, each boy being Mutt and Jeff John Bedell, Bald- j credited with a decision on points. HIBERNATING ! "WILLIE RITCHIE. By WILLIE RITCHIE, (Lightweight Champion of the World) (Staff Special). Pan Francisco. Cal., Dec. 8. Physi cal condition Is about the best dowry any girl can have. What I have said about boys living clean lives, free from disintegrating habits, goes equally for the girls. Some girls smoke and some drink to make a "bit" with a man, as a rule. But that isn't the trouble with the great majority. It Is physical laziness. her. She gives promise of vigorous, glorious womanhood fit to take its place beside the boys who become the king-pins. Such a girl invariably makes a prize wife and a great pal. That is the kind of girl I am looking for. When I have finished with this fight game and can settle down to give her the time and companionship she de serves, I am going to marry that kind of a girl. No, I haven't picked her out yet. Everyone likes to see a girl engage In the open air sports. A tennis rac- And here the mothers are often to qUet doesn't cost much, or a bathing! blame, buch parents instvli tue idea suit. And how much heartbreak vou into their daughters that splendid muscles spelling bodily efficiency are only for boys. The result is scrawny women who eat their hearts out in envy of their better developed, more winsome companions. My hat is off to the girl who has been discounted under the name of l tntn, unattractive gins would save yourselves if you knew how easy it is to gain vigor and health through de votion to some outdoor sport. It gives the girl what she should prize most, the good, rich color ol health, a clear eye and a reserve of strength to cope with her household, "Tom Boy," the girl who romps and school of office tasks. takes her place In wholesome sports, Why even the slothful, pale woman there is sometbins fine and free about I who is almost a nonetlty as far as ef- Paris the premiership of Senator Gaston Doumergue, who is not a socialist, as has been announced, but a radical- socialist, is to be organized today dur ing a conference of the statesmen who M. Doumergue has asked to accept pcrtfolios. The radical-socialist party, to which the new premier belongs is the strong est group in the chamber of deputies. Its principles are Democratic, but are widely divergent from those of the unified socialists, who are in reality the only true socialists in the political groups of France. daughter of Ross R. Winans. of Balti more. The appeal of the prince from decisions that part of the proceeds of the bond sale should be used to re-pay money borrowed from his brothers also was dismissed. TWO LAKE STEAMERS REPORTED MISSING Cleveland, O., Dec. 8. Reports re ceived at Cleveland marine offices to day told of fears being felt by owners for the safety of the two lake freight ers, the Turret Cape and J. A. McKee, , both of which are missing on Lake Huron in the storm. The ships car ried crews of 18 to 20 men each and were owned by Toronto, Canada, trans portation companies. SUIT TO PARTITION ESTATE IS THROWN OUT St. Louis, Mo Dec. 8. Judge With row in the circuit court today sustain ed the demurrer to the petition of Richard H. Cole and Mrs. Hallie Cole Herbert, of Los Angeles, to distribute the million dollar estate of the late Nathan Cole. The demurrer was filed by Frederick N. Judson, who, under the will, controls the estate which has been placed in trust, and by Dr. Ern est H. Cole and Nathan Cole, Jr. By the decision today, the suit to terminate the trust and distribute the estate is thrown out of court. McALEER SELLS STOCK IN BOSTON AMERICANS. New York, N. Y., Dec. 8. Ban Johnson, president of the American League, announced today that Joseph Laiinin, a hotel man of Garden City, L .1. had purchased a half interest in the Boston American Lueague Club, by acquiring the stock held by Robert .Mclloy and James McAleer. TO TEST INCOME TAX LAW IN COURT. Chicago, 111., Dec. 8. The suit to test the constitutionality of the in come tax law will come before Judge Kenesaw M. Landis in the U. S. dis trict court here next Thursday, it was determined today. SUNDAY SCHOOL MAN 1 ARRESTED FOR CRIME. Los Angeles, Calif., Dec. 8. William Hints, county road overseer and Sun day school superintendent of Daven port, Neb., was arrested here yester day on a telegraphic warrant charging him with having embezzled $280 of public funds and with violation of the Mann white slave act. He is accused of having left the state with Luella Huston, a servant girl in the Hintz household. Accord ing to advices from Nelson, Neb., the county seat, where the warrant was issued, the money had been given him to pay off workmen on the roads in the district. i VILLA LOWERS HIGH COST OF LIVING (Continued from page onel. City was in complete possession of the rebel troops today, although General Villa was still working outside the city and had not entered up to noon. The troops that did enter were those un der General Chao, who had been work lug around the city for many weeks. Federlco Moye, the civil governor, was still in possession, but ready to greet Villa. Coffee It's for enjoyment and comfort. Without that, drop it. But what you can get out of fine coffee is worth going after. Schilling's Best is fine coffee, with all its flavor and fragrance carefully preserved in aroma-tight cans. Cleanly granulated, 1-lb, 2-lb and 2-lb cans moneyback. 15