SECOND EDITION. THE WEATHElt. Washington, July 19.—Forecast of weather for the succeeding twenty-four Jours: Generally fair; warmer in south ern portion; west winds. ADVANCED THE CAUSE. F. P. O’BRIEN AND .1. J. ALTMAN ADDRESS A LARGE AUDIENCE AT AVONDALE. Capt. Frank F. O’Brien and Col, J. J. Altman spoke to a largo audience in Jloore's ball at Avondale Just night. In the crowd were a number ol Jeffersoniau democrats who paid strict attention to the speakers and appeared ateply interested in what was said. Both the speakers were heartily cheered by the nudieuce and the cause of democracy was advanced by reason of their having spoken. * ON THE TURF. BRIGHTON BEACH RESULTS. Brighton Beach Race Track, Jnly 20.—Following is the results of today’s races: First race, one milo and three furlongs— Chauncey, 07 (Bergen), 10 to 1, won; Jo dan second, Roller third. Time, 2:24%. Second race, six furlongs—Ben Lom ond, 122 (McCaflerly), 7 to 5, won; Ayon second. Solitaire third. Time, 1:16%. Third race, six furlongs—Monaco, 113 (Hamilton), 7 to 5, won; Cockade second, Harry Reed third. Time. 1:16%. Fourth race, seven furlongs—Jack of Spades, 102 (Griffin), even, won; Armitcgo second, Logan third. No other starters. Time, 1:28%. Fiiih race, one mile and a aixtoontli— Figaro, 95 (T. Sloan), f> to 1, won; Mar shall second, Dr. Garnett third. Time, 1:49. Sixth race, one mile—Life Eoat, 101 (Bergen), 0 to 5, won ; Major General sec Counors third, lirue, 1:43%. e are not exclusive cheese lers. We’ve hundreds of gs to make our profit ji, so that we can rd to sell you cheese a basis of profit that itime would bankrupt a reg ,r cheese house which has hing but cheese to sell. If want the best New York am cheese, or a fine full m Western made, or a good, mild, firm cheese, at a moderate price, we have them all in big supply in our refrig erator room, and always in fine condition. Williams & •ks, 2103 Morris avenue. It' YOUR DACK ACH173, t you arc all worn out, really good for noth* ing, it is general debility. Try BROH'X'S r It OX BITTERS. it will cure you, cleanse your liver, find giv6 a good appetite. _ EDUCATIONAL. Jasper Record: Professor Amis is pul ing in in some telling blows for the Hund ley amendment as his canvass for county superintendent progresses. Information reaches us that he has about converted his opponent. Amis is perhaps the best quali fied man in the county for tfce position he seeks. Under his management the sohools oi the county have prospered, there has been comparatively no friction and the standard of teachers notably improved. His defeat would be s calamity to tbe schools. Tnskeloooa Gazette: Tho Hundley amend ment should receive the support of every voter. L>on’t forget to mark your ticket “yes” when you go to the polls in Au gust. Tu6knloosa Times: Pursuant to a call of the county board of education the male teachers of the county met at the court house Saturday to consider tbe Hundley amendment, Superintendent C. A. Gaston presiding. After considerable discussion tbe following preamble and resolutions, upon motion of Mr. Little, seconded by Mr. Moon, were adopted: Whereas, Tho teachers of Tuskaloosa county, assembled at the county court house, recognize that the fund appropriated to the public schools, under the laws now ot force in our state, are altogether inade quate lor the purposo of maintaining said sohools as they should be maintained ; and, Whereas. Wo are impressed with the be lief that in tho education of the masses mnst be tbe successful perpetuity of our commonwealth, as well as tbe prosperity end harmony of individual communities; and, Whereas, We realize that the proposed amendment to the constitution known at tue Hundley amendment is a non-partisan measure. Resolved, That wo heartily indorse said amendment, and that we make effort to have it placed intelligently before the voters of this county. That wo earnestly request all friends ol education to assist in obtaining for the amendment a favorable consideration al the hands of tho voters of our county. That we respectfully urge our local pa pers, regardless of political adherence, te seek to enlighten the people as to the pur port of the amendment. The vote upon the above amendment was practically unanimous, there beiug only one dissenting voice. RUN DOWN BY A TRAIN AND DEATH RESULTED FROM THE INJURIES RECEIVED. Eugene Neal, a young man 21 years ol age, was run over by a train in the Georgia Pacific yards, near Avondale, Thursday night about. 10 o’clock and badly mashed and injured. It seems that be was ou the track when a switch engine, pushing a caboose, backed upou him. Ho was knocked down and caught under tbe car, his left arm and side being badly torn. He was carried to the Birmingham in firmary, where his injuriei received med ical attention. But this attention proved in vain, for his injuries turned out fatal, he dying last night about 9:30 o’clock. Hie remains were prepnred for burial by War ner & Smiley. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Gastorla. I, -iMWiim«u»Q*-"-»-~~TrT---■ ■ mi be interesting to see all the HJ*®'* people at our store tomorrow, buying some of the greatest Dry Goods bargains ever seen in Birmingham. 5000 yards Challies Lawns and Muslins, all at one price, 3 k 7000 yardsdotted Swiss es, printed India Linons and Organ dies, all at one price, 6 k 2000 yards Imported Organdies and dotted Swisses, all worth 25 and 35c, all at one price, 12k. 500 yards Imported all wool Challies, 30c. Splendid quality sheer white India Linon, 5c. 30CO yards checked and striped fancy White Goods, all sorts and conditions—some worth up to 33c, and none word less than 13c—all to be sold at one price, 10c. 26-inch ladies' twilled Silk Umbrellas, fancy handle, $1.50. 100-inch and 10 yards wide Canopy Mosquito Bars, 1.50. Good sized Mosquito Bars, ring top, 75c. Large size real Feather Dusters, :8c. Gold Dollars at Your Price! Yard-wide Lonsdale Bleached Domestic, 6 k 10-4 Pepercl Bleached Sheeting, iSAc Simpson’s best Black and White Calico, 5c. 12k quality Zephyr Ginghams, 7k Indigo and Gold French Penangs, 10c. Agency Standard Patterns. August Fash ion Sheets are here. Why don’t you ride free. Bring coupons here and we wiLl g'kve you street car and dumm) . n tickets free. GREAT CLEARING SALE! Jggj^We are going to sell every yard possible to clear _AT_ l our Spring and Summer fabrics; all must go. The price s IT ¥ ITT T ) will be made. If you want the goods, come at once and U A U I I (get your choice. The inducement to We are de i 11 JlI JVLi ) termined to close out our Summer Goods if possible, an d C0RNER / in order to accomplish this, we are selling everything at NINETEENTH STREET AND SECOND AVE. \ °r ^)e^QW factory COSt.H. A. KLINE & CO. SENATOR JONES Coming to Birmingham to Address a Big Rally of the Populites. The local populites are making big prep arations lor a grand rally in Birmingham on the 28th. They say the meetings will be a perfect paralyzer to ail the democrats, and 10,000 unterrified Kolb voters will be present, with every man’s month wide open yelling for Kolb. They give it out also that Sena tor John P. Jones, the great Nevada mil lionaire and authority on silver, will be here and address the meeting. As the sen ator is a straight republican, witn populite leanings, he will no doubt come out for Captain Kolb on that occasion. The announcement that 10,000 will be here reminds one of the 10,000 that were to attend the Kolb state convention, but who never came. PERSONAL. Mr. Theo. D. Kline, general superin tendent of the Central Railroad of Georgia, is in the city. Mr. T. 8. Moise, division superintendent ol the Central, is in the city. Mr. B. C. Epperson, superintendent of the Southwestern division of the Central, is in the city. Sirs. W. C. Garrett and children have returned from a visit to relatives in Hale county. Mrs. Allan C. Jones of Greensboro is visiting her mother, Mrs. Kate R. Lewis, Underwood hill. Mrs. Lon Black of Blossom, Texas, is visiting her brother, Mr. W. C. Shackle ford, in this city. Miss Mary Burko, who has been visiting her cousins, the Misses Greene, at East Lake, has gone to Monteagle. Miss Burke, who is already one of the most ac complished teachers in Montgomery, is spending the summer taking a special course in her chosen department ol educa tional work, Ladies’ button shoes at and less than fac tory cost to make room lor $10,000 stock ol fall shoes at T. C. Kino’s. * TERSELY TOLD. - I You can buy shoes cheap at C. H. Frans cis’, 2022 Second avenue. J Banisters, French calf, cordovan kang(fe roo, and patent leather shoes now J4.501 Men’s |3 calf skin shoe now fl,95. Great bargains. Oxford ties. T. C. King’s, fb Dr. J. \V. Hughes has again thrown opep the doors of his pharmacy, and will results furnishing weather reports for the AaK Herald. * ^ Central fresbyterlan church, corner of Fifth avetyie andEighteentstreelh—Services on Sabbath morning at ll o’clock and at 8 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. L. S. Handley. Sunday school at 9:30, Mr. William Mont gomery, superintendent. Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Two peculiar looking men got off the train at the depot last night. They had loug hair, full beards, and wore slouch hats and long tail overcoats. They looked like the pictures of anarchists. A police man on First avenue started after them. “There’s something wrong with a man that wears an overcoat in July,” said ihe cop. He was right. A man who is obliv ious of personal comfort is absorbed iu some absorbing scheme. The pen used by Stenographer W. M. Lindsay in taking Senator Morgan’s speech was Smith & Montgomery’s cele brated Waterman’s fountain pen, and it did the work without a break. Don’t let the mosquitoes bite you. We’ll furnisn you with canopy bars 100 inches long, 101-2 yards wide, complete, for $1.49. Complete bars as low as 69c. The Geo. Passe Company. jyio iw JOE SAYERS INDORSED AND GIVEN A RENOMINATION — CLEVE LAND’S COURSE COMPLIMENTED. Austin, Tex., July 20.—Tb* congres sional convention here todny renominated Joe Sayers for congress by a rising vote. A resolution indorsing the course ol President Cleveland in maintaining the peace and security of the government was unanimously adopted. AFTER A RAVISH ER. Pensacola, Fla., July 20.—News has reached this city n! the ravishing of Misi Iiorlzog by a white man named John Roll ings. He has not yet been captured. The people are terribly aroused, however, and have armed IbemBelves and are scouring the woods in every direction for ths fugi tive. He will never reach jail alive if cap tured. The lady is thought to be seriouslj injured. HUNG BY HIS OWN COLOR. Jacksonville, Fla,, Jn:y 20.—A special to the Times-Uoion from Kissimmee, Fla., says: At 2:30 o'clock this morning Ec Lundy, (be regr- -vbo murdered bis wlf< Wedn’Hoa<-, ac taken Irono jail by a mol and lynch -.. ') bo mob wh.cb put Lund] to deslli was composed entirely of negroes. White I'opie knew nothing ol the tragedj ti l tb s morning. HE LOUioVILLE AND NASHVILLE Will sell r: und-trip tickets, July 24, 23 anc 26, to Texne points at onn fare for tli< round trip, good for thirty days from dat< ’ of sale. Apply to P. Sid Jones, ■ Travelling Passenger Agent, Morrl ’ building. jy 21-td HANGED 'for HIS CRIME. CHARLESTON, W. Va., July 20. — Was! Adkins, who murdered ike Radlord, wai hanged shortly alter noon today at Fayette ville. Charles Bays, one of bis accoin plices, had his aenienoe commuted to lil< imprisonment yesterday evening. r WORK Of A CVlLONE. Lt XtNQTON. Ky., July ’.0.—Willmoro, i small town in .Jessamine county, wa1 badly damaged by a cyclone yesterday af '".'"non. At least a dizsn persons web injur d, and one latally. AIR BRAKE FAILED And a Head End Collision Occurred, in Which Two Firemen Were Killed. Macon, Ga., July £0.—A head-end col lision between a northbound passenger train and a southbound freight train oc curred this morning between i and 5 o’clock at Dames Ferry, eighteen miles above Macon, on the East Tennessee, Vir ginia and Georgia railroad, in which Fire man Fat Rogers of the freight train was instantly killc-d, and Fireman Doyle Thorn of the passenger train so badly injured that he died at 1:20 in Macon, where he was brought for medical treatment. No oue el»e was injured, and only slight damage doue to the engines and cars. Dames Ferry was the meeting point for the trains and both were on time, but the airbrakes on the passenger train failed to work properly and the train dashed arouud a sharp curve into the freight, which had just started into the sidetrack. Both en gineers jumped, but the firemen were hor ribly mangled between the engines and tenders. FOP. OATES AND DEMOCRACY. NEcfttO VOTERS OF TUSKALOOSA MEET AND ORGANIZE. Tuskaloosa, July 20.—[Special Corre spondence.]—A large number of the col ored votera of Tuskaloosa beat assembled at the court house here last night and or ganized an Oates club, with about eighty members. Much enthusiasm was mani fested and several sensible speeches were made by prominent colored members of the club. Mr. I. Green, white, who was the nom inee of the republicans of this county for the senate, was caliedon for a speech, and, after announcing his withdrawal from the senatorial race, made a strong talk for the democratic ticket and adviBed bis colored hearers to vote it in lull from Oates down. There is a strong sentiment shaping it self here among the thinking colored peo ple for Oates and the fall organized ticket and it now looks like their eupport of the ticket is assured. ( TILLMAN ACTS UGLY And Calls the President Pet Names and Abuses Others—Butler De j dares for Stevenson Again. Charleston, 8. C.. July 20.—The fea tures of today’s campaign meetiug at Lex ington were the howling of Cal Caugh man, candidate for congress, Butler’s in dorsement of Vice-President Stevenson for president and Tillman’s abuse of Cleve land. These two last, by the way, are not novel, being parts of the regular campaign speeches of the two senatorial candidates. A special to the News and Courier thus speaks of the howling down : Today’s disgraceful sceues, for such they were, no matter who was howled down and how it was done, ought to teach a variety of moral lessons. It ought to, and per haps will, show bow uncertain and spas modic political worship Is. Two years ago Cal Caugham and Tom Seay were the chief hurrahers for Governor Tillman at the cam paign meeting here. Then Governor Till man and Cal Caughman were not exactly strangers as they passed by, and Governor 'lillmun said of Caugbinan at VValballa only two years ago: “There is no blotch or smirch on his record.” Lexington two years ago had Tillman as its idol and Caughman as second to Ben Tillman. Today one of the two political demagogues was systematically howled down. He was not allowed to utter a single sentence. He was denied the privilege which two years ago he said Governor Till man had secured for the plough boys. There was not a shadow at a possibility for him to make any kind of “speech. Haring Butler’s speech the following occurred: ‘ * We want Tillman for president, ’ ’—from the crowd. Senator Butler—Upon reflection, you can make him president aod send me back to the senate. [Applause and laughter.] Mr. Seay—Ho you thiDk we ought to ex pect any relief from the democratic party, and who is your man for president? Sanator Butler—I think the best man for ns is Adlai E. Stevenson, or Ben Tillman, if you want him. Stevensoo is the friend ol the soatb. My judgment is that the democratic party is our only salvation. If all men, of whatever parties, will unite on some good man on silver, not only those in the south and west, but the north and east, I believe we can win the fight. Mr. Ste venson is in sympathy with us. He favors an enlargement of the currency. Tillman abused Cleveland and showed his own readiness to become an ardent populist, as follows: He ridiculed Cleveland’s letter to Con gressman Wileou. “When Judas be trayed Christ,” he said, “his heart was not blacker than this acoundrel Cleveland in deceiving the democracy.” [Hurrah.] Then he charged that those congressmen that Cleveland did not bay with patronage were bought with money from Wall street. He charged that Cleveland bad heen ma nipulated by Wall street. He wanted to knowhow much “sugar” he got lor writ ing the Wilson tetter. Ha believed Steven son would have done much more for the south than that “bag of beef.” [Hujrah at this pet name.] Two hoars ago he be lieved the democratic party ought to be tried again. “ We were born democrats aod nlwaya , jwill be democrats,” he said. “ We may 'have to change our name. Those scouu . diets up in Washington have stolen the democratic liberty and are serving the devil.” A voice, “There’s nothing in a name. ’ ’ Governor Tillman gritted his teeth, got , red in the lace and said with much vigor: (“1 pledge yon here and now that just as coon as 1 see a glimmer of hope to throw , off the yoke ol gold I’ll lead you on if you will follow ma, and if you wout, I'll go it alone, [Great hurrahs.) PaTB THE PENALTY. | Trenton, N. J., July 20.—Jossph Wall tvitu, who killed Keeper James B. Lippiu , colt Alareh 2 last at the state prison, waa hanged at 10:52 this morning. HIGHTOWER—RUJILEY. INTERESTING WEDDING AT YORK—COL. J. J. ALTMAN BILLED FOR A SPEECH. York Station, July 20.—[Special Corre spondence.]—Mr. C. B. Hightower and Miss Bettie Rumley were married last night at thcj’resbyterian church, Rev. O. A. Strickland officiating. Tho church could not seat the crowd. Mr. Hightower is mayor ot York and one of cur lending merchants and men. Miss Bettie Humley was one ol the prettiest aud most popular young ladies in town. They enjoy tho best wishes ol a host of friends. They lefton tho 8:30 train on their bridal tour. They will visit several places of note and then, after spending a while in Chat tanooga, will return home. Col. J. J. Altman of Birmingham, form erly of this county, is billed to address the people at Curl’s Chapel, near here, Satur day, July 28. It is thought his speech will have good effect, as this is Colonel Alt man’s old home. Pearson & Wyafit stock at cost. For Saturday only we will give every tenth pur chaser the amount of the pur chase in cash. Craddock Shoe Co. jyzo 2t WE ARE THE AGENTS FOR Ibe largest wir.e-producing company in California, and can sell for family use their i ure, delicious claret at CO cents per gallon. VVe also tel) the finest of nomestic and im ported liquors at reasonable prices. 8. Wise & Co., No. 8, corner Morris Avenue aud Twentieth Street. apl5 2m2dp REMOVAL NOTICE. Drs. Ballard & Clapp have removed their office from 2006 Third avenue to 2020 Third avenue, where they have secured rooms on the ground floor. jy8 ltn 2p Fresh bread and candy made daily. C. W. Cody,3d avenue, next old postoffice. jej tf 2p CONDENSED SPORTING CHAT. In racing form tho pacer Johnston weighs only 910 pounds. Miss Helen R. Hollwlg, tho young wom an who recently wrested the American tennis championship for women from Miss Aline M. Terry, is a member of tho Kings County Tennis club, Brooklyn. Kremlin is doing eighths at a two mtn uto gait and may make it lively for Direc tum, the stallion king, before the season is over. Tho famous race horse, Tcnny, will shortly join his old rival, Salvator, at the Rancho del Passo stud in California. Robert J paced a milo at Buffalo ro ct-n i ly in 11, unu mse nan m iiuuana tbe last quarter in SO seconds. lie finish ed strong and fresh. Charles W. Stage, tho champion 100 yard sprinter, does not believe that ho has becomo a professional athlete by ac cepting a League umpireship. He pro poses to compete in the American ama teur championship this year. Sutton Vane, the melodramatic author, Is going to write n play for Corbett. John H. Brooks, ’95, has been elected captain of the Princeton varsity baseball team for next year. Brooks has played shortstop for the past two seasons on the varsity. _ _ Over forty skeletons of white men have been unearthed by workmen at Caldwell, N. Y. The place is believed to have been a burying ground used during the French and Indian war.iu 1757. It Makes Pure Blood 8crofula Thoroughly Eradicated. "a I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass.: "It Is with pleasure 1 give you the details of our little May's aiekues* and tier return to health by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. She was taken down with Favor and a Bad Cough. Following tills a sore came ou her right side be tween the two tower ribs. Iu a short time an other broke ou the left aide. Sho would take spells of soic mouth and when we had succeed oil in overcoming tills alio would suller with at tacks of high lever and expel bloody looking corruption. Her bead was affected and matter ooxed from Imr ears. After eacli attack she be Hood’s^ Cures oamc worse and all treatment failed to give her relief until we began to nse Hood's Sarsaparilla. After she harttnlteu one-hall bottle we could sec that she was better. We continued until she bad taken threw bottles. Now she looks like The Bloom of Health and Is fat as a pig. We feel grateful, and cannot say too much in favor of Hood's Sarsaparilla.” Mas. A. M. Adams. Inman, Tennessee. Hood’s Pills act easily, yet promptly and afQcieiitly, on the liver aud bowels. 26c. , i x < LEGITIMATE Versus FAKES. -c IT is in order for us to inform the public that our business is still conducted in a legitimate manner, without being compelled to resort to faking, evidenced by the large crowds who daily throng our large establishment, conclusively show ing that we are selling the best gcods for the least money. We are not closing out our immense stock of Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Etc., at great sacri fices—simply divide profits with you. A call will prove convincing. The line of Summer Clothing has been enlarged. It embraces all styles—Cheviots,Serges, Alapacas, Sicilians, Drap dc Etes, Etc. M. WEIL & BRO., 1915 and 1917 First Avenue. Potter Block. Sole Agents. KNOX HATS. ^ N. B. Our Great DrivesJ'—Men’s Half Hose, in black and tan, 10c. Men’s Balbriggan Undershirts, 25ct A PROCLAMATION. By the Governor: Whereas, On the night of July 19 1894, un known parlies causelessly and wantonly as saulted'Private E. L. Stallworth, Company K, First regiment, Alabama state troops, while in the performance of his duty as a sen tinel ai Birmingham, Ala., and wounded him with a stone or other missile; and Whereas, Assaulting n sentinel is a grave felon}' under section 4708 of the code. Now, therefore, I, Thomas G. Jones, Gov ernor of the State of Alabama, by virtue of the authority in me vested by law, do issue this proclamation, offering a reward of two hun dred and fifty dollars for the arrest and deliv ery to the sheriff of Jefferson county of each of the persons gniity of said felonious as sault. This reward will be payable upon the conviction of the guilty party or parties of the offense denounced by said section 4708 ot the code. I do further enjoin upon all dull officers and request the aid of ail law abiding citizens t(f w bring the guilty persons tc Justice. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set myMk hand at Birmingham, Ala., this, the 20th ol July, A. D. 1894. . —) THOS. G. JONES, Governor. By the Governori J. D. Barron, Secretary of State. Hotel - Marlborough, Broadway and Thiily-sixlh Street, * New York. A first-class hotel at fair prices. Conducted on the American and European plan. Conti, ins poo rooms, single and en suite, with private bath and toilet, and is itghfed entirely with electric light. LOUIS L. TODD, Proprietor. my2li sat tue 3m IK YOU WANT Your Watches, Jewelry and Clocks tepaired correctly, take them to 2020 1st Avenue, Birmingham. Ee sure you get in the right place, and ask if you are. Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jew elry, Silver, Etc., at tariff reform prices. Notice. " • Internal Revenue Service, ) District op Alabama, 1 Collector’s Office, ( Birmingham. Ala., July 2u, lb91. j Notice Is hereby given that on MONDAY. THH JOTH DAY OF JULY, 1894, I will proceed to "ell iu front of tho United States court hr.tiro ujid pnstofilce building. Birmingham, Ala., the following doscribeq property seized In violation of the Internal revcuun laws of the United State-*, via: One barrel whisky. Sis small kegs whisky. R. O. RANDALL, Collector Internal Revenue, District of Ala bama. WASHBURN i Guitar,, Mandolin, ft Zithers in volume and Quality of tone dra the BK.T IS TD» WORLD. W.f muted lo wear In euy climate. S :ld by all leading dealer.. Bean* ilfnlly Illustrated eonveulr cat aleguu with portrait* of fumona artUt. will be Mailed PRES. LYON HEALY. CHICAGO. i