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1 RAISE MONEY FOR THE FAIR Soliciting Corps Is Organ ized* , \ . n» — - $10,000 HEEDED DURING WEEK Whole Qty is Enthusiastic About the Project. mm* tkr Be Tka Ba\l> •f the Slac mt Mur Katrtee Are Expected. It !■ expected that 110,000 will be ■obecrlbed durin* the week tor the State Mr, which will be held her* (ram Friday, .October II, to Saturday, October 10, tinder the auaplcea ot the Alabama Agricultural Association. At the meeting of the Executive Committee, In charge of the Pair, yes- . ter day afternoon. Senator 8. J. Cassels was made General Chairman of the Soliciting Committee, which will col-1 let subscriptions. He and hie corps. Which consist of thirty representative Sien of Montgomery, will begin work this morning and will ask everyone for Subscriptions In exchange for stock. W. A. Darla, chairman of the Execu tive Committee, who presided at the •nesting In the Commercial Club rooms, says that the whole city is enthusias tic about the project, and that the State Pair this year will be the largest •Nr held In the history of tWBtati. It will serve not only to display the resources of Alabama, but to advertise Mbs opportunities In this city and dem onstrate Its live civic spirit. Already the Executive Committee has voted to offer 12,100 In purses for •tors* racea A purse of $<00 each will be offered for the 1:15 trot, the 2:10 "trot, the 2:10 pace and the 2:25 pace. The entrlee will be closed on May 1. iAa the State Pair races are the end ml the circuit, a large number of horses Win be entered. The selection of the Secretary for the State Pair has not yet been made, hut President Chambers has v,the matter aov under advlsetnent, so a choice will probably be anounced In a very short tlms. * Seven sub-committees have been ap pointed to aseiet Senator Cassels. The Chairmen of ' these committees are: James E. Hickey. Prank D. Kohn, Ale< Rice, A. J. Forbes, Emanuel Meertlef. K&htm Orell and M. C. Scott. The en tire business district wlU be canvassed ■by these men. What the committee steeds In making the Pair the most successful And most tnlked-of event In ‘Alabama for the year. Is money. Near ly every business man appreciates tive 'great good that will accrue to the city through the State Fair, and are giv ing it the heartiest support, It Is rumored In Birmingham that the cltlsens there are also organizing a Pair, which will take place- Just pre vious to the State Fair, from October 41 to the 20. The competition from this newly or ganised Fair, for patronage of the State, however. Is not expected to be Appreciable, as the Montgomery Fair Tiae become too widely known and has always succeeded In getting the larg aet number of entries and crowds. JUDGE J. If. DICKINSON DEPARTS FROM CpLUyqjUS Columbus, Miss.. March 2.—(Special) •-Judgo Jaoob MeGavodk Dickinson and warty, wOol. have been In Columbus Since Sunday, left this afternoon for New Orleans and judge and Mrs. Dick inson Will-proceed from there to Wash ington, but will not reach there in time for the Inauguration. Judge George ft. Peck, general coun asl of the Chicago, Milwaukee' and St. Paul Railroad, who was a member of the party, will go direct to Chicago. This 1» the birth place of the pro spective Secretary of War, and while he was here, and It was not Judge Dickinson, thr Jurist, diplomat and man of affairs, but "Mn<r ptekhspon. tha for grown tall la alatura, bat unchangel In heart and enjoying again tha sight of youthful aaanaa and tha society of youthful frlsnd*., judge Dickinson refused to permit anythin* of a public demonstration in his honac. but walked unostaptatlously about the streets, renewing an old friendship here and making a new acquaintance, and chatting pleasantly to all who cams in his way. This morning Judge picktnson went to the old school house, where the foundatlqa for bis splendid education was laid, and nffowsd gray haired men who accompanied him, the spot whore he hsd played hie first gams -of marbles. The eld school house, now long since torn down, was located on a high hill and a part of the town which Is not" now considered fashion able. b.ut Judge Dickinson minded neither the steepness of th^ MU or the squmller of surr9undlnga, his heart having been seemingly as light and as free from cere as on the day when, bare-footed and probably bare-headed W Indulged In the- pasttime so "de lightful to all American youths, a game of marbles. The good spIMte of Judge Dickinson seemed to be contagious end his beam ing countenance and cordial handclasp brought good cheer to all with whom ha came In contact. His visit brought real pleasure to his old friends here, and it was with grsat reluctance that they hade him good bye. GRANT INJUNCTION LtVK STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY IS RESTRAINED Israraarr Commissioner Jallen Files Petition Against the Alnbnmn Mntnnl Live Stock Inaor nnee Company sn4 Re ceiver la Appointed. The petition of, Frank N. Jullen, In surance Commissioner and Secretary of State, filed in the City Court in Equity, Judge W. H. Thomas yester day granted a temporary injunction, restraining the Alabama Mutual Live Stock Insurance Company from con tinuing Its business, and appointing Thomas M. McLaughlin as temporary receiver to take over Its allairs. March 12 was set by the writ of Judge Thomas as the. day for the offi cials of the company to allow cause why the injunction should not be mads perpetual. or -v. The petition followed an examination of-the affairs of the company by Depu ty Commissioner A. C Sexton. The examination revealed the opinion of the officials that the company was In solvent, and that It should be re strained from business. Following the report, the applica tion for an injunction was piade, and granted, and the petition for a re ceiver also complied with. The Alabaina Mutual Live Stock In surnce Company is a State concern, with headquarters in the First National Bank Building of Montgomery. ■ Eus tace Long Is President, and L. 8. Ellin,,Secretary and Treasurer, THE MONTGOMERY AUCTION AND SALVAGE COMPANY Is the name of a new firm which has been organised for the purpose of do ing -a general salvage and auction business In Montgomery. Such a company has been badly needed here for some time, and it is safe to say that; with the existing de-« mand for suc^ a concern, and being under the management of Mr. C. E. Fuller, President of the Fuller Land Company, and with H. B. Brockett, as Auctioneer, the company' will do good business from the start. adv ZIONIST ADVOCATE TO LECTURE TONIGHT Tonight .at t o'clock. Mr. A. H. Fromenson will deliver his last lecture on Zionism, the great movement or ganized by Herzl some twelve years ago. The meeting promises to be a great success, as Mr. Fromensan's lec tures in Montgomery delivered during last week were discussed by many Montgomerlans who formerly thought the movement nothing more than a splendid dream. Mr. Fromenson is a splendid speaker, of magnetic personality, and his dis cussions have been in the past clear cut and logical. „ An entirely new phase of the subject will be discussed at the Temple tonight, to which the public is cordially invited.* > - . f < , ; You Are Invited to Visit This Place. r -rxzT Thu is a view of the laboratory in Lynn, Mass., in which. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound is made. There is a sign 5 feet long and feet wide attached, permanently, to the front of the main building which reads as follows : 1 Public inspection invited —from 8 A.M. to 4 P.M. —Lydia E. Ptnkham Medicine Co. What does this sign mean t It means that public inspection of the laboratory and methods of doing business is honestly desired. It means that there is nothing about the Finkham business which is not “ open and above-board.” It means-that a permanent invitation is extended to anyone to - come and verify the statements made in the advertisements of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Is Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound made exclusively from roots and herbs ? Come and Sec for Yourself. Do the women of America continually use as much of it as we are told ? Come and See for Yourself. Was there ever such a person as Lydia E. Pinkham, and is there any Mrs. Pinkham now to whom sick women are asked to write ? Come and See for Yourself. > Is the vast private correspondence with sick women conducted by women only, and are the letters kept sjjictly confidential ? Come and See for Yourself. Have they really got letters from more than a million women ? Come and See for Yourself. Have they proof that Lydia E. Pintfham's Vegetable Compound has cured thousands of these women i Come and See for Yourself. _ • ' This advertisement is only for doubters. The great army of women who knew from their own personal experience that no medicine in the world equals Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com Eound for female ills will still go on using and being benefited by it; ut the poor doubting, suffering woman must, for her own sake, be taught confidence for she also might just as well regain bar health. i ALEXANDER NOT GUILTY _ / Quick Verdict Rendered . by Jury* FIRST 'PROSECUTION HERE It Was Alleged That Whiskey Had ' Been tald. WlUlaat Thweatt Slated He Had Made Paiebaae At the Sett DHak Stead Bat This Waa Healed. After being out no more than ten minutes, the^ jury In the case of H. K. Alexander, who was tried in the City Court yesterday for violating the pro hibition law, returned a verdict of not guilty. The trial was short, consisting in the examination _pf three witnesses, Wil liam Thweatt. 9. E. Beasley and Alex ander. - , Thweatt testified that, during Jan uary, tye bought from the soft-drink stand of 'Alexander and Company at the corner of North Court and Madison avenue, a half pint flask of whiskey. Me told that he called for whiskey, And that It was given to him without demur. His testimony as to the iden tity of the person who waited on him was not clear, as he could not remem ber the person. He -also said that he did not know Alexander by siglM Upon cross examination of Tnweatt, the defense asked questl'dns tending fo show that he bought the whiskey with a purpose of making evidence, and that he was acting for some one else. The mate objected to most of the ex amination along this line, and the ob jections to a large extent were sus tained. though the defense, in argu ment upon the objection stated frank ly that (t was Its purpose to show, if possible, that Thweatt was Influenced in his purchase by other parties. The bottle of whiskey whioh was al leged to have beeh bought was Intro duced In the court a^ evidence, with Its seal unbroken, and with the name of ’ the purchaser written across the seat Alexander testified that he had never had, to his knowledge, any intoxicat ing liquor for sale In his soft-drink establishment since January 1. He in spected "the half-pint flash which Thweatt said had been bought and declared that he had never possessed tn stock, even before prohibition days, liquor with, suoh markings. 8. E. Beasley, who accompanied Thweatt ugOn the night of the alleg ed pufctfhse, was Introduced, but his testimony was altogether Insignificant, aa he told ‘that he had stepped out of the shop while the purchase was made. The ease of .Alexander attracted much interest In the city, and the courtroom was well filled. The rase was called during the morning, when a jury was empannelled. Six of the regular jury were challenged, E. S. Oppenhelm and E. F. Taylor>by the Btate, and Oeorge Barnes, W. D Sayre, B. E. Branch and R. P. Stout by ths defense. A. J. Kaufman, who had been selected, asked to be excus ed from serving In the oase, and was discharged -upon agreement of the counsel. The defense Introduced demurrers to. the Indictment, which were overruled and the evidence was taken, the argu ments heard, and the Jury returned af ter six o'olock, after a short session. The'second prohibition ease, that of Tom Harrison, who. was Indicted for violation.of the prohibition law win come before the Court- to-day. I. W. HAMPER RYE 4 ate. *0.00 8 tots. **.00 ex. GRCIL, TRADING CO. P. O. Box Mf. / Pensacola* NEGRO SEEKS PARDON J.'P. JOUBAJi MAKES APPLICATION TO PSDERAL COURT. He Was Aeeaaed of Acquiring Money Prom a Negro Woman While Im gersonntlng a Government Penaton Ottelal. J. P. Jordan, a well known negro ot Montgomery, who wu convicted In the United State* Court here several month* ago, for a aerie* of pension frauds of many years standing, has ap plied for a pardon. Jordan Is held at the Pederal prison In Atlanta to which he was sentenced for two years and six months. Jordan avers In hi* petition that he was wrongfully Imprisoned, and that because of ills detention his family suffer* greatly. That the petition be refused, however, I* the recommenda tion >of District Attorney Parsons, and of Judge Jones The petition renews the Interest in the exploits of the negro, which were carried on for years, during which he played the guise of a pension attor ney. Several times he was indicted by the Federal grand Jury for frauds, and twice before his conviction there were clear-cut cases. In one, however, the main State witness died Just before the day of trial, and the chain of evidence was broken. Again be escaped through an Indictment of faulty draft. He was Anally caught, when last year he acquired money, from a negro woman while Impersonating a govern ment pension official. After a hard trial he was convicted and sent to At lanta. „ _ SOCIETY IN JACKSONVILLE. Jacksonville, March 2.—(Special.)— Miss Kate Caldwell gave a welsh rare bit party In honor of Frank Wood, who Is her*/on a short visit from Kentucky, f Those Invited were Miss Alice Hill man, Miss Virginia Norton, Miss Helen McKnlght, Miss Richie Norton and Messrs. Grant Francis, Woodsen Weav er, Arthur Battle, Hugh Francis and Frank Wood. \ The Ladles Aid Society mat Monday afternoon at the .home of M*rs. Dr. Arbery. The meeting was well at tended and such encouraging reports from the treasurer that It was decided to start the work on the church Im provements at once. Committees were appointed to get bids or contracts for papering, plaa ntlre 11 Interior terlng and painting the entire of the church; also a committee to select a suitable carpet. After the business meeting the ladles were In vited Into the dining room where de licious rafreshmsnts were served. Mrs. J. E. Sharp and little daughter, Mildred, are expected home from Bir mingham, where they have beern visit ing for several weeks \ party of young people spent Mon -In- a| day mountain-sUmblng and enjoyed dinner on the charming mountain, re turning home at sun-down. Those composing the party were: Miss Wlnltrsd Bostwlck, oils* Martha Dean Crow, Miss Louise Douthtt, Miss Julia Prlvett. Miss Margaret Crow, Miss Mattie Currier, Mies JosepMne Gaboury, Miss Elate Nixon, Miss Lil ian Roberts and-Mls* Willie Maud Bat tle; ..Messrs. Gordon Worley, T. J Gurley, J. Weaver, Hugh Jackson, Mil lard Bal" "" _,ttle, Liston Crow, Will Morton, Fred Crow and Hugh Denman. Safe-Blower Identified. Birmingham. March 2.—George Bar ton, the safe-blower, captured here last night, has besn positively Identified by Chief Bodeker. who knew him, and by a Federal officer who carae from. At lanta tonight. . CLEMS THE COMPLEXION OVENNIONT Hil l Hack, IiVftlHt, Bto, ttiltk 17 BnlkMii hr New Bkla IUa •By. Since lta discovery one year ago. ths now akin remedy, haa In lta ex tre<Trdlnary accompllehmenta. exceeded the moat sanguine expectatlona of the eminent apOeuuiat who cave It to the world. It haa cured thoueanda of caaea of ecaama and cradtcatad faolal and other disfigurements of year'a standing. Tha terrible Itching attend ing eoaema la atopped with the flrat application, Birina proof of lta eura tire proportion at the very outaet. In lean aerloua akin affectlona. auch aa plmplea, raah. herpaa, blackhead*, acne barber’a Itch, etc., results ahow after an overnight application only a small quantity being required to effect a cure. Thoae who uae poalam for theae minor akin troublea can now avail themaelrea of the special Se cant package, recently adopted to meet auch needa. Both the SO-cent package and the regular S2 Jar may now be- obtained In Montgomery at E. O. Fowler's and other leading drug stores. 1 Samples for experimental purposes may be had free of charge by writing direct to the Emergency Laboratories. 33 West Twenty-llfth Street. Naw' Torfc City. <•) LAWS ARE NO GOOD 111 DOE FORT IS FORCED TO DIS MISS CASKS. Alien'd Violators of Prohibition and P)otal Carrying Arts Go Free Front C^nrt 'In s Birmingham. Birmingham, March 2—(Special.)— There seems every chance that viola tors of the prohibition taw In Jefferson County during 1*08, will go free of all charges. Following a decision of the Alabama Supreme Court that the warrant of ar rest must affirmatively state the date of the offense, demurrers to warrants under which- practically all of the ar rests were made, are being sustained In every Instance. The Supreme Court decision In the Julian Marx case. In »ther words, promises td> clear eveiy prohibition violator In Birmingham arrested wdth In.a year of the time the law went Into effect. y . ' The usual warrant read* that such an offense was committed "within twelve months.” Defendants claimed that they might have sold whiskey "within twelve months” and still not be liable to punishment, as before Jan uary 1.- ldto. of course there was no ^Tw In this county against such sale. Only those arrested after January J, 11109. are unable to make this point. Thirteen cases of this Aaracter went off the docket In the Criminal Court today, Judge Fort presiding. Five went off Monday. Now every other man under bond or In Jail charged with violation has been infofmed of the loop-hole ajtd It Is practically certain that hundreds will glide through. Other warrants may he Issued but this would Involve "sec ond Jotgtrdy,” and the like, leading to numengs tangles. Judge Fort held another law invalid today when a case concerning the carrying of a jtlstol less than twenty four Inches In length came before him. His uttentlon was directed to the de cision of the Supreme Court on this matter, and he at once decided that the prisoner could not be held. This Is taken to mean that the pistol law Is also In the rubbage heap Hereafter offenses of thls'liature will be treated under the old statute of carrying concealed weapons. DOCTORS PRESCRIBE LITTLE ALCOHOL IN MONTGOMERY Aoeordlag to the prescriptions filed in the office of Probate Judge Gaston, tha sales of alcohol on prescription were Ugh*. In Montgomery during Feb ruary. Only one drug store records sales of alcohol, and these are but qjre In number, and each for one-half pint CLEMENTS NOT SENTENCED. Judge Will Pass oa Morgan County Man Thursday. Decatur, March 2—(Special.)—Bob Clements, whom a Morgan County Jury convicted last night of murder In the first degree, on the charge of having murdered the family of Tom Edmond eon, was not sentenced this morning, as had been announced by Judge Thomas W. Wert, last night, owing to the absence of John Semple, of Hartaelle. one of the attorneys for the defendant. - m Clements will be sentenced next Thursday morning at 10 o'clock by Judge Wert. Clements's father Is still In the cits and visited his son In the county Jail this morning The defendant's wife and seven children are not here, they having returned to their home near Woodland Mills, two or three days ago “Taste It and Smile' RILOX FORMERLY KNOWN AS'RIXOl' ksssI Prompt. Effective Harmless ■attire's one admi rable lubricant for Man's digestive machinery RIL>OX la aimply pur « CASTOR OIL mad. delightfully palatable by our own pro cess. Physician* everywhrru now prescribe It. At all Druggist'—*6 eta The Bulf Chemical Ce., Mobile, U. 8. A. Positions Dnuhoa gives contracts, backed by chain f 80 Colleges. $800,000.00 capital, and 20 ears’ success, to secure position* under “** " or refund tuition. ggll puuvsee, -- r aeon able conditions or SOOKkEEPING Draug hoot's com petitors, by not __ accepting hi* prop altion. In effect concede that ha teafche* lore bookkeeping In THREE month* than hey do In BIX. Draughon cjtn convince pOU. SHORTHAND 7ft per cent of the United States Court Reporters write the ystam of Shorthand Draughon teaches, be suae they know it ie THE BEST. FOB FREE CATALOGUE or booklet Why Learn Telegraphy?" which egptain It call on or writs Jno. Tt Draughon, Preet DRAUGHON’S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. (WE also teach BY MAIL) tfoplgomery. 1>m >y__AvDL6pp_the_L_Q. ime CAPSULES /VII URINARY . DISCHARGES k BELXBVKD IN 24 HOURS! iiach Cap ’ eul* bears (MIOY she rta Dtvarc of counterfeit* ALL DBUQttlMTt' This Distributor will out any kind of fertilizer, gummy or dry* iir «ny de sired quantity from 50 to 1,000 pounds to tne acre and'will not clog up. ' The best by tot. . .’i-w Every one sold with our absolute guaran tee: your money back, if you wish it. The kind where you have no chain to get out of fix. L We also have a good stock of cotton Planters on hand. Carriage & Supply Co, Farmers' Supply House T* THE STA' or AUBuUr-nioioui. DEPARTMENT. The Supreme Court of Alxbsun*. November Term, 1*0*. 1 Dlv. Ml. . ' _ . Edward P. Allen ea Executor, Ac.. et ole. appelants. vs. P. G. Bromberg et ale., Indi vidually, and ae Executore, Ac., appellees. Appeal from Mobile chancery Court. Whereas. on the 10th day of November, lttl. an order of publication erne made In the above etated cauaa ae follows. to-wlt: Come the appelanta, and move the oeart for an order of publication, ae required by lav, citing Mary Mlley, Kate Mlley. There.a Mlley, Mrs. Annie Morgan. James Morgan, Mary Morgan and Annie Morgan to appear at tl>e next call of the let Dlvlnlon of thin court, on April 1th, 1155. and to Join In the aeelgnmeat of errore In thle cauee; and In e up port of eald motion George J. Bulll vail Biq., an attorney of thle court, nere make, oath In writing that the eald above nAxned partlu are over twenty-one of in and ore non-residents of the Bute Of Alabama, that Mary Mllay. Kate Mlley. and Therein Mllay. reslds at 1« Willow Placa, Brooklyn. Now Tork. and that Mrs. Annie Morgan. James Morgan. Mary Mor gan and Annie Morgan, reside In Oretnn. Louisiana. ••Wherefore, it it ordered, that notice be published for four consecutive weeks In fhe Montgomery Advertiser, a newspaper pub lished In the city of Montgomery, County of Montgomery, and State of Alabama, citing said Mary Mlley. Kate Mlley. Therosa Milov. Mrs. Annie Morgan. Jamee Morgan. Mary Morgan and Annie Morgan to apMU at the next call of tho let Division of this court, and to Join In the assignment of vrnre In this cauee. and aotlfylng them that If they fall so to do. a severance will be had on the errore assigned by eald EM ward p. Allen ae Executor. Ao., et ale., who eued out eald appeal In their own names:—and that a copy of eald notice be sent by mall to eald parties at their poet office ad dressee, above mentioned. Now, therefore, pursuant to aald order this publication Is made; and tbs eald Mary Mlley. Kate Mlley. Theresa Mlley. Mrs. An nie Morgan. Jpmes Morgan. Mary Morgan and Annie Morgan are hereby cited-, to ap pear at the next call of the let Division of this court on April 5th, 1509, and to Join In the assignment of errors In thle cause; and notified that If they fall eo to do a severancA will be hud on tho error* &mI(b ed by said Edward P. Allen as Executor Ac., et. ala., who eued out aald appeal In their own names. . . .. witness Kobert F. Elgon. Clerk of the Supreme Court of the State of Alabama, at the Capitol, thle the 15th day of February, ISOg. ROBERT F. LIGON, Clerk of the Supreme Court of Alabama —wed-4t “Confidential Talks With Young Women” A book of peculiar interest to the - female »ex. "What a young woman ahould know" written In plain worda. The question* dealt with are In the mind* of every young wo man every day. Book neatly bound sent for One Dollar and satisfac tion guaranteed. WELFARE COMPANY 625 S. Wittenberg *»!. Springfield, Ohio. MONT GOMERY ICE AND COLO STORAGE CO. Mt TONS DAILY CAPACITY. 1,00c TO JOB STORAGE CAPACITY. All orders for Ice will bs fflven prompt at* tention. Office oorner Madison Avenue and Perry Street •7. T. H. Moore. A Burnett V. Free T. 8. DEXTER AVENUE STORE FOR RENT No. 310, Possession can be given at once. Apply to 312 Dexter Avenue Fairmount SssKHK Ra^Mm a»H1 let. A Church School for Girls, offering all the regular courses. with Special (’oarse* In Art and Made. A limit of slaty girls Insnre* individual in struction. Rates%+• Thu school Sat th* feature of a Winter taradon instead of the usual Summer one. Beautiful and hsalthfal location. Catalogue upon application. lUt. k. J. Ruty, Writer rrl»glp*l CANCER In all forms complsts ly and permanently iured without the knife. Thirty years* direct experience Hundreds of cured patients. Call jt for question blank, tee r>monlals and term* Auarose Drs. Scott A Scott. "Specialists. P. O, Box No. SL Montgomery. Ala. PICKWICK CAFE FRED RIDOLPHI,Propriel 103 Commerce Street AMERICAN SERVICE. FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Repair Department Phonographs, guitars, violins, sewing machines repaired here. PHONE 43. R. L. PENICK, 110 DEXTER AVE. Every style made by the Edison Co. and we have every Record in the Edison Catalog. Merchants will please write for whole sale prices. Prices are lower here than at factory, for the rea son that freight rate is less from Montgomery than from the factory. At retail we sell any style of Phonograph on monthly payments. Call at store and hear the new Records, or writr^or catalog of Phonographs and Records. Yung’s Restaurant 26 North Court Street The Place tor Every Lelicccy ot Lana and Sea.,