Newspaper Page Text
HOPE" r * Preaches Sermon* CALL TO / DUTY SOUNDED ft ■ « * ■ - * of Christianity fie Seen. Itrn(1k> At 8t. John's Episcopal Church lut Sight, thi Right—Reverend C. K. Nel son, Blsh/p of the Diocese of Atlanta, Breached Ja magnificent sermon to a irge corgregatiun. w "A Vidon of Hope” was the subject chosen, lad was as follows: II. Kilgs vt: 17. And the Lord open ed the free of the young man; ana he saw: add behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of Ore round fbout Elisha. It wls an era of great depression In Israel./ Jehoram's reign of wickedness succeeding one of the same character, had Weakened the moral fibre of the cltlzfns of his capital, gamarla. an ef fect/always produced by sin In high ?laasf and with loss of trust In God he* went courage to resist the foes wlWse existence when not a warning nor a menace. t is the army of the Syrians held the capital In siege many viewed annlhll atfcn as lmmlment. and the servant or attendant of the Prophet Elisha shared the common apprehension: and as he gazed upon the army of fleet horses , aid death-dealing chariots, cried out ►■with alarm: Alas! blaster, how shall pe do? i Now the prophet had before him the identical prospect which Incited fear In the others, and yet showed a com posure In his answer from which one may gather a lesson of confidence In the Supreme Ruler of human affairs. There was In hint a sight of the Invis ible things which enabled him to reply In a spirit of supreme hopefulness— “They that be with us are more than thby that be with them.” It may baatfiat this Incident Is the origin of an expression In times of fearful ness and trembling when the fiowers of evil seem to be overwhelm ng In number and strength, .and the numerical minority Is with usf that “God and one make a majority. ’ To afford to his attendant comfort and peace,. "Elisha prayed, and said, 'Lord, I pray Thee, open his eyes that he may 8<o,' And th® Lord opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elllha.” Here, as elsewhere In emergencies, God had not left Himself-without a prophet—a visible representative of His will and a believer In the power of the Unsson. It took a prophet to em brace tie real truth of the situation and to convince another soul that the Odds In favor of the ascendency of evil Were merely apparent. And a vision was vsuchsafed which set the matter ft rest In an exhibition of. a favoring orce :hat left no doubt as -to the re *UMairy a one In our time finds him self lit the mental attitude of Elisha's Servant. That there are occasions and apparent reasons for anxiety cannot be denied.-and never perhaps more or more dreadful than when a condition of proaperlty deceive# men Into aslf rellance and Indices lives of ease, of carelessness, and of sin. It Is just then when spiritual re sources are low that the adversaries of faith and virtue make gi¥atest dis play of strength and their manoeuvre are calculated to dishearten all but the few who are able to comand a vision of love and providence. And the shock, when It comes. Is al ways greatest to those who are at ease or who In supreme Indifference ex claim: "The Lord will not do good, neither will He do evil."—Zeph. I; 12. Ip our own time there U a boast fulness of worldly power, which sav ors greatly of the pagan conception of strength as being the physical quality of mere brute force, or superior num bers and armament, and leaves out of view that righteousness and rever ence for the Most High are alone the LIVER, BLADDER, KIDNEY and ™ STOMACH ' GOLD TROUBLES MEDAL , HAARLEM OIL tuMuWMiim. Capsules Gold Medal Haarlem OU Is the •nly genuine Haarlem Oil. Made from the original Tilly Formula, first discovered A. D. 1696. Capsules and bottles sold at all drug atores. Capsules 35c., bottles 15c. and 35c. • HOLLAND MEDICINE CO.. Sola Importers, Senates,Fa* 80M by K. O. Fowler, Moatyomery, Aim. permanent substance of a poopla'a' greatness. There la a maaterjr of wealth which exhibits 1 toe If not always In vulgar displays bat elao la assuming and maintaining control of the affairs of thousands of human beings Th dlrect lona and for purpoaea where Judgment. Juatice and charity are needed to a degree Impossible to be found In the few posaesaora of great wealth. For whatever may be averred of the money mablng faculty, no one can aasett that It either produces or Is . necessarily (we may say nominally) allied with those qualities of heart and head Which guarantee wisdom In distribu tion. Materialism, not as a philosophy, but In concrete thought, and worse still, as the expression of the beginning -and end of human existence and Including all motives and rewards, has a vast army of devotee% little and large. We are confronted with a disposi tion to extravagance which is no less dangerous because It has taken hold of a democracy and not an empire; and where every man la a King) and to the limit of his ability, frequently to his great dishonor and in Injustice to others, enjoys a King’s privilege Still more alarming is the wide spread Indlftereifce to ltlb, nascent old or of middle age; indifference to the proper use, to the responsibility, to the sacred loan of life, shown lp the lightness with which men and women throw It off. That these and many other condi tions which might be mentioned are calculated to create serious anxiety needs only to be stated to be recog nised. At the prospect some are fear ful some discouraged. It does look to them that serious calamity Impends, and no way of escape from a Just doom appears In all or any of human calculations and promises of reform. There Is but one cure for the dis tress, one source of relief to the bur den of woe, that Is a vision vouchsafed ol^ the ever-present power and provi dence of God. and of His all-sufficiency. Simple trust (born of faith In the Di vine promises) gives the assurance, “They that be with us are more than they that be with them." And to those who pray looking to perceive how God Is caring for His own. the vision comes “and behold the whole mountain Is filled with horses .and chariots of Are”—swift enegles in pumbers. and Instruments of force to oppose the foe and to consume the evil and the false. Much of discouragement and most of failures are due to lack of faith in the Invisible: and doubt makes cowards of us all. , The evils of one day cannot be di minished by argument, nor evaded by denial. They are patent facts and not the Imaginings of croaking age. Whither shall the Christian look for remedy? Looming up out of the darkness of perverted Ideals and the gloom of un repented sin. the figure of the Incar nate Christ appears to HIS disciples, and as on another occasion, when He seemed helpless and alone, one may hear H'.s voice saying, “Thlnkest thou that I cannot pray to my Father and He shall even now send me more than twelve legions of angels?” S. Matt, xxvl, 63. _ For our encouragement and comfort visions are obtplng on every hand ex posing the holts of the Most High, ready to obey His summons When th‘e need appears to Him. First—In the history of God's deal ings with men and nations, what is more manifest than that He allows them to run their course and In His own time and way brings them Into the fulfilment of His plan. By the wars In South Africa and In the Sou dan He has opened the gates for the evangelisation of millions. The more recent wars In China and Japan have created an unparalleled opportunity for the spread or His truth with an lm fetus which Morrison oould only dlm v foresee. _ Second—From the beginning of the Christian era an evolution has been going on with one underlying purpose and object, notwithstanding periodic waves of error and unbelief. ,, The average man notes It only in great movements like the Norman Conquest, the Reformations of the six teenth century, the Wesleyan revival, the great awakening In this land, the Oxford movement In England. But the process Is continuous and advancing day by day. Third—A phenomenon of our time Is the marvellous cessation of contro versy. It Is not that men think less or hold less tenaciously to their convictions, but In view of the widespread longings for unity among Christians, and In light of the tremendous progress and success of missionary enterprise, men are coming to ask themselves. What are the greatest Interests of humility and how are they to be sabserved; and there Is less time and less disposition to wrangle over the variations which enter Into a composite catholicity; and there Is more stuoy of the common ground upon which we stand In the great battle against the allied forces of sin and unbelief, than effort to ad just family disputes and to seoure con sideration of our denominational pref erences. Fourth—Then again, behold the un paralleled growth of universal human sympathy (a-41rect product of the Gos pel In Its wide acceptance as a basis of conciliation). The Hause conference of arbitration Is In fact an application of the Christian mode of determining grave causes, as against the pagan method of resort to arms. And, despite the warlike prep arations and demonstrations of the na tions. appeal will hereafter be had to arbitrament rathey than armament, and battles will be waged with words rath er than with weapons. Observe the Interest of Christian nations, not solely for gain or trade, In the Orient. How the hearts of all men went out In sym pathy to the unfortunates In the ca lamity of Messina and of 8an Fran cisco. In narrower spheres the plans of Juvenile reformation, the child-labor BEFORE drinking 4whisky, either as a beverage or a tonic, be *sure that, it bears an Established Reputation for Age, Purity*andjGoodness^ For fifty years . has been a whisky prized for its fine flavor and its excellent tonic qualities. I Lewis 66 Rye is absolutely free from aromatic ethers or fusel oil. It is a genuine, drinkable whisky, especially valuable for Medicinal purposes^ It’s Away Above Everything in the whisky line. Keep in mind, the name and the labcland accept no substitute. „ FOR SAU BY All Leading Mail Order Houses in Pensacola, Jacksonville and Chattanooga. Strauss, Pritz & Co. Distillers Cincinnati (am cat* .problem, tit* safeguarding of the f< Yly by divorce-legislation. all lndl< that our people are awake to groat need* and are, under Ood, equal to great emergencies, and all the *tlr End comment of the past trtenlnum 1* in evidence not of stag nation or of a hopeless state of human society, but of aotlvltle* aroused, moral perceptions quickened and determination reached that righteousness Is not contempla tive merely, but has an aggressive part to tlsr in world movements. Firth—Or see how philosophy and science have ceased their challenge and religion has taken them both Into her conrtdence slnoe wise men have come to recognise the fundamental harmony of nature and revelation and the unity which He* at the source of both. Sixth—Or again what marvellous ad vance on past ages Is observable In the discovery of comparatively recent times that religion Is more than either worship or the saving of the Individ ual soul. That hospital work Is re ligion; that school teaching Is religion; that asylums, associated charities, street and slum work are religion; that boys' clubs and women's associa tions, and social reform, and civic Im provement and communal government are all different operations of religion, opening up avenues of usefulness and beneltcTenoe to multitudes who hereto fore have had no more to do than sim ply to gain admittance within heav en's gate, and have Just learned that no man can save his own soul without an effort to save at least one other soul besides. Seventh—The outlook has been wid ened, the view has been clarified; we have found the mistake In classing out of religion all efforts except such afl were theological or ecclesiastical and we are the gainers by the change. The vision opened to us has shown a better way, and emphasized the com plete and ultimate safety for us. but only If all do oUr duty and utilize but privileges. There Is a perfectly logi cal connection In the two terms of Browning's fampus aphorism: "Ood Is In heaven, „ All's right with the world. The men upon whom we mult de pend to keep the world steered aright are they wno preserve the conscious ness that Ood Is In heaven, and that all Hls children are on earth to do HThr.radre£rSfUao?drora smith I. his melancholy agnosticism and reit erated by a prominent newspapetMNew York Evening Post) that “all that is left to us Is the Christian ideal of character.” is one of the manifestations that the church and her mission are misunderstood by a large part of civ ilised mankind. . # The church is in no danger of fail ing away from her place as ar-teacher, a leader and a healer under the plv*JJe commission, unless she yields temptations which her Lord and Mas ter successfully resisted—unless she uses her power and authority for tern pora^advantage, or tempts O od^ ^ by spiritual pride, or transfer, her homage from the only Beisg to whom it !b due and bestows it upon the objects offer*? by the tempter. The church does not rest her case of her origin, her authority or her ca or ner origin, ncr ftumuiu/ wa s.w. paclty upon any interpretation of tn^ Scriptures, nor upon any theory of in' A m l .. a _, aa A.a. » HsAnHa no rkA fi — OU1 ovi iivi « K— “ —--» spiration, but upon a definite P£r*0.?, ality which has made itself felt witi amy wnicn ims svacsg - - Increasing force all through the ages. She Is not “an infant crying In the night," but a society directed and guided by the ever-present Spirit of the Living Ood, having a definite lineage, an orderly arrangement of Inspiring means to virtue, a body of truth which science does not traverse, and a des tiny which is every day fulfilled In one or another department of beneficent W¥hat the church has Infused Into men the principles which are being worked out In the amelioration of the social as well as the personal con dition of mankind in her glory, and not the shame of abandonment of her '^In* the gradual redemption of the world which Is an hourly attested fact and not a theory, the-church has made evident that the Kingdom of Ood Is now on earth strengthening and ex panding. But it is a kingdom which Someth not with 6bservatlon that Is, with the blare of trumpets or the glare of fiashlights, but by a firm and iteady progress of «• seated faith In the »reat realities of revelation. . ' Naturally, they who look only on the side of the world-cnfllcts, and the tokens furnished by the discontented and the selfish, see nothing but dis l*Ihft your ear to the ground and 11s ten and you can hear the tramp or Christ's army moving Irresistibly to ward final conquest; or, better still, lift up your eyes unto the hills, and pray ror a vision of the spiritual and the unseen, and you will be chereed with the certainty that the mountain Is full if horses and chariots of flrre round ibout those who put their confidence in a God who is mighty to save. GROVE HILL NEWS. The New School Building Hfli Been v Completed. Drove Hill, March ’.—(Special.)—The new school building at this place has Just been completed and the contrac tors will doubtless turn the building over to the- building committee In a few days The building is a handsome one and Is constructed of brick veneer with concrete trimmings. This is the building which resulted from a donation by the Sage Land and Improvement Company of New York. The company owns large timber Inter ests In this county, as well as In the counties of Washington and Choctaw The donation amounted to $20,000 and the school Is for the special benefit of the three counties above named. The plans as to management and operatlow of the school ha«ve not yet been de cided upon. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Meth odist Church here, has purchased a lot from R. G. Allen and a new Meth odist church will be erected thereon at no great distant date. The farmers of this section are busy getting ready for the planting of crops. It Is a noticeable fact that more oats have been planted this season than ever before. A contest was filed In the Probate Court this morning. In the matter of the will of Mr. George Reid, deceased. Mr. Reid was a well known citizen of this County. The contest/will probably be heard on April 26 Chancery Court convenes here on Thursday, March 4. There Is more business on hand than has been known for a long time. LlltliOR IN GOOD WATER. Heavy Flan Are imposed lu Mayer’s Court. Goodwater, March 2.—(Special, f— Steve Wood, a negro, was yled for .violating the State prohlbln<^ law. The case was tried before Counnlinsn J. S. Gilliland, Mayor pro tem. The court assessed a fine of $50 and costs. Tt$e negro falling to raise the amount was put to hard labor for the town. Immediately after this case was called the case of the Town versus J. J. Thornton, charged with public drunkenness, and a fine of $15 and costs was fiaeessed In this case. Bond was made by Thornton. Mayor London Is in bed sick and could not be present. The local baseball team met last night and perfected organization, elect ing Albert Casper, manager, and Sam Baker, captain. DEATH OF MR. HASTY. End Comes to Good Cltlira of Thomas vtllo. Nlcholsville, 'March 2.—(3pecial.)— The death of Sam Hasty, one of Thom asvllle's most enterprising citizens oc curred yesterday In Mobile. Mr. Hasty had been In bad health for about a year and about two months ago had gone to Hot Springs for treatment, but getting no better re turned home and a few days ago went to Mobile for an operation. His remains were Interred at Thom asvllle today with funeral services at the Baptist Church. He was a "native son” of Marengo, having been reared near Nlcholsville. where several brothers and sisters sur vive him, among them. Judge A. L. Hasty of Linden, a mother, wife and three children. On every hand the stir and hustle •of the farmer Is noticeable. It, la the general remark of the oldest citlzene that "we never saw as much plowing and breaking of land so early as this year." A much larger acreage of corn will be planted than has been done for several year* TO REDEEMrSCRIPT" CONTRACTORS COLLECTING MONET , FROM TUB COINTY. tt !■ Mind That Nearly |W,«M Will Be Rtltcwl hr the Beard at Bareaae la Next Few Days. Montgomery County “script," the re minder of the daya ot lmpecunloslty Just over, la being redeemed with a rueh. Since yeaterday morning, when the flrat of the certificates waa re deemed by a aubatanttal bank check, there have been an influx of contrac tor and others who hold the certifi cates of indebtedness into the office of Clerk S. T. Westcott, of the Board of Revenue, and the “script" which has been a bugbear of weeks and, in some cases, months, passed back* into the hands of the Board In all, several thousands of dollars m “script” were redeemed yesterday. As soon as the holders learned that they could get good, cold cash for the more intangible certificates, they made at once for the court house. It is calculated that nearly $50,000 In the certificates of indebtedness have been issued by the County, since the days of rigid retrenchment began in early November. This amount ls^asl ly eovered by the transfer of over $2S0,000 from the general fui)d to the road and bridge fund, and It is thought that every dollar of .the "script” will bo retired within the next few days. Now that the day of the certificates Is oveit the Board of Revenue of the county is, In all, as gloriously happy a bunch as any living. The specter of the “script" faced them on the first day of their service, when all were new, with one or two exceptions to the responsible york of guarding the county treasury. And they were scared at first, scared breathless. But their system of rigid economy has proved efficient, and the first pub lic "acrlpt” of Montgomery County his tory, la being relegated to the past as fast as possible- ' LUNCHEON At Fltapatrlek’a Cafe March 3rd, 1009. as Crata. Vegetable Soup. Boston Fish Chowder., * Sliced Tomatoes. Salt Water Sea Trout au Baubalsa. Spaghetti a-1 Itallanne Irish Stew, Dublin Style. Queen Fritters, Sauce Sabyon. Celery Salad en Muyonalse Sirloin of Beef au Jus. Roast Pork, Apple Sauce, Mashed Potatoes. Candled Yams. Steamed Rice. Lima Beans Blanc Mange Pudding. i Transparent Sauce. Coffee Tea Milk. adv. NOBLE CAREY HAS , GONE FROM GADSDEN Anniston, March 2.—(Special.)—A special from Gadsden states that Noble Carey, son of a Methodist min ister, who was formerly stationed at Oxford, but who Is now at Calera, has disappeared because of a charge that he had embezzled $230 from the Louis ville and Nashville and the N. C. and St. L. Railwoy Companies, by whom he was employed as yard clerk. The money was secured, It is said, by the sale of flour which was held In the warehouse at that place. Young Carey has many friends In this city, where he was known during the residence of his parents at Ox ford. He is 21 years of age, and here tofore has borne a goed reputation. Before leaving Gadsden, It Is said, he left a note for Agent C. E. Miller, stating that he could not stand the charges made against him and the ac cusations of his friends, and that he thought IBtlme for him to leave. PUBLIC NOTICE On account of the Head Camp W O W., of Alabama, which will be held in Montgomery, March 9, 10 and 11, 1909. all railroads will sell tlkets for 1 1-3 fare plus 25c round trip. Tickets on sale March 7, 8. 9. Good to return March 13, 1909. All Delegates and Woodmen take no tice and be governed accordingly. R. S. Gulledge, a<jv- Chairman. MEETING CALLED SOUTHERN ASSOCIATED PRESS MEMBERS TO CONVENE, Improvement* la Service to Southern Circuit Will Be Dl*cu»»rd—Com mercial Club to Enter tain the Visitors. Montgomery. In preference to Mobile. Louisville or Atlanta, has been chosen by the Southern Associated Press mem bers for Its meeting of March 24. At the last meeting, held In Atlanta, thlr ty-flve or so workers of the press were entertained, and movements were' put on foot bringing about improvements In the service to the Southern circuit. The object of the session here Is to discuss plans for further improving the news service, so that the South will have news facilities the equal of those In any other section of the country. The following order was sent to all offices having leased wires In the JL,ouisville-New Orleans circuit: Atlanta, March 2, 1909 “All American Press members. Douis vllle-New Orleans Circuit: “As a great accommodation to Col onel Diehl, meeting of Southern Asso ciated Press members Is hereby called for March 24. A majority of the pa pers heard from having expressed a preference for Montgomery. Ala., the meeting Is called to convene In that city at 12 o'clock, March 24. Colonel Diehl and I hope, Mr. Stone, will meet with us- _ ".Tames R. Gray, “Chairman." Plans are already on foot for the entertainment of the guests. The Com mercial Club has arranged for a recep tion. > " READY TO SERVE YOU. Prom our branch In Prnnacoln. send your whiskey orders to GRE1U TKAUI.HU CO., P. O. Box K37. ^ Peamacola, Fla. MALCAMPO’S CASE. A Committee From Foo Chow Has Ar rived In Amoy. Amoy. China, March 2.—A commit tee arrived here yesterday from Foo Chow to Investigate the case of the Spanlsh-Chlnaman Malcampo. This man, defying the .local authori ties, persisted In keeping open a local theatre during the period of mourning for the late Emperor and was arrest ed. Foreigners are deeply Interested in the Incident because of the principle of extra-terrltortality involved. The leading Chinese of Amoy have united In sending a letter to the for eign consuls supporting the general attitude of the taotal. They protest against the registration of Chinese subject* and regret that good rela tions are being Jeopardised by this In cident. The best thing in all the world is Good Health. Quit coffee and use Postum It makes the rich, red blood of Good Health, ••There's * Reason.” DO NOT HESITATE in fivb Mixirrsi tou are rid op STOMACH MISERY. Toar Dnntat Hu a Pleasant Ttatlu Preparation Called Dhpifiil Which Caeca gtoasaeh Troa hlc cad Indigestion Be fore Yaa Realise It. Some people think they hare Indirec tion. others Catarrh of the Stomach, others Nervousness, Cancer or Dyspep sia. etc. Call It this If you will, but the real name for your trouble la food Fermentation, with only partial diges tion. Everything you eat turns to either Acid, Stomach gas or Stomach poison, which weaken the digestive or gans, causing a lack of gastric Juice. Your food sours. Is only half digested, and you become affected with loss of appetite, pressure and fullness after eating, burning sensation, a feeling of vomiting, heartburn, water brash and tenderness In the pit of the stomach, slinky tongue, bad taste In the mouth, constipation, nausea, belching of gas, dlsxlness, sick headaches, mental de pression and many other common symptoms. You can cure all this by not eating, by not putting any food In your stom ach to ferment; but how about the nourishment needed to sustain your bodily strength? If you are a stom ach sufferer, either man or woman, young or old. whether you call It Indi gestion or any other name, go now to your druggist and give SO cents for a case of Fdbe's Dlapepsln. Every possible kind of Stomach trouble Is readily cured by Dlapepsln. which takes right hold of the food In your stomach and 'digests It alone, without the help of the stomach. Just as If your stomach wasn't there. After a few days? use of Dlapepsln -your Stomach will fgaln be In good working order, your meals will thor oughly digest and your Intestines will be clean and fresh, and you will have no use for laxatives or liver regula tors. — i i Don’t Put Off ordering your Spring Suit till the eleventh hour. By selecting early you are as sured of our complete variety of patterns to chooose from— give us more time to complete those details which impart class to the finished garment. Spring Suits Tailored to Taste $20.00 to $60.00 Incorporated. Montgomery, Ala. Want Ads 1c a Word Na mi Uiaa Ik less tfcaa U eaue. M ward* at »an|a laactli auUa 1 Uaaa. The fallow lag rataa ara tar cea aacatlaa Inaartlona. Special beatlai* Itraa whan M Insertions ara orttiat. liin FOB CITV AllSl ' • time* .jp par cent. a«. » tlraaa ..M par cent. a*. M tlmaa .M par aaal. o«. M tlmaa .U l-» par cent. at. Ual-at-lrai A4a la par warp ML 'Phone tlia Advert is la« Department and Ha will (aka juiur ML aa4 charge It It Jour aaiaa la la tka tfiractorjr. TttONI NT. ▲4s most bs ob hand bj it o'doeii p. m. to bo laoorted Um mx! 4s/. WANTED—BOARDERS, FURNISHED rooms fhd board In private family, day board a specialty, 603 8. Derry Mrs. A. C. Glo/er. ‘Phono J2Q7. —f*jt CADtTS AT BANQUET GEORGIA STtDEJiTS AKK KNTIflK TAI VKU AT BA.MtL ET. James Forbes and B. B. Smith, ot Monlgoinerq, Ara la the I'artj. Judge Taft Was .\ut Present. Washington. March 2,—(Special.)—At D o'clock Monday afternoon, a most enjoyable banquet-'was tendered the cadets of tha Georgia Military Academy and Donald Frazier School, the former being near Atlanta, and the latter at Decatur. Colonel J. C. Woodward, head of the O. M. A., presided, and read a letter from President-elect Taft, signed by his own hand, In which he spoke high ly 'Of these two Southern Institutions, and expressing his pleasure that they were here, and his regret that his en gagements today prevented him from accepting an Invitation to be present. Oolonel Woodward paid neat tribute to Judge Taft, which was aplauded by the enthusiastic boys, Urief addresses were made by Congressman Hardwick, of Georgia: Colonel Nash. Professor Gardner, Major Fray and Mr. Brantley, son dt Congressman Brantley, of Geor gla. Cadets James Forbes and B. B. Smith, of Montgomery; John Howard, of Birmingham, and Sharp, of Nauvoo, Ala., are here with the G. M. A., corps. Sanders Hickey, of Montgomery, wus to have come on, but was preventeu by Illness, much to the regret of all. These hoys make a splendid appear ance and will doubtless he much ob served In the Inaugural parade. They will call at the White House tomorrow upon President Roosevelt. Among Alabamians who have arrlven for the Inauguration uru B M. Allen, of Birmingham; Albert P. Bush, F. J. Inge, Colonel E. L. Russell, Joseph C Rich, and Richard V. Taylnr, of Mo bile. Hon. 8. J. Bowie and Mrs. Bowie will remain over for the Inauguration, be ing the guests for ten days of Hon and Mrs. George W. Taylor. Alfred J. Stofqr. Statement of Condition o> The Exchange National Bank Condensed from Report to Comptroller, at Close of Business I February 5,1909 - > Rnotmcu. Loans and Discounts ....$ United States Bonds . Premium on U. 8. Bonds...... Alabama State Bonds . Real Batata.. Furniture and Fixtures . Due from V. 8- Treasurer...... Demand Loans . ...$ *1.11140 Cash and In Banks 194.44S.ii— 494.SSt.4l il0.00t.04 14.041 71 41.474.00 19.001.01 14.11 T.7» 4.000.00 SiS.77i.Tt il.tti.iSi.47 LTABILXTim Capital Stock . • • Surplus. Undivided Profits Circulation .... Dividends Unpaid Bills payable ...» Notes Re-dlacounted Deposits •••• .. •• ...a --.49 ***'*441 Tt.*MM I1IN.H . 449.4M.M MICHAEL CODT. Prmld.nt, Officers. JOSEPH NORWOOD. Vlc.-Pr.iHmt J. KIRK JACKSON. Directors. JOSEPH NORWOOD. Merchant and Planter. 8IMUN OAB8H»NHKlMSR. of B. Uaasen helmer A Co.. Clothlnc. J. L OASTON, Physician. EMANUEL LOBMAN. Preoldont Orel! Broa Company. t '' N. J. BELL. Merchant. Planter and Capl tallat. LOUIS STEINER, of Stotner. Lobman * Prank. Wholeoale Dry Oooda WM M. MARKS. Mark* A aerie. Cotton sad Portlllsera KKEU s. BALL Attorney at Law. JOS C. HAAS, of J. C Hasp * Co.. B.J, wen a co. SAMUEL QEKSON. of A. Oeroea * Merchants ISIDOlt WEIL, of well Bros. Cotton Chants PRANK MCPHERSON. Merehaadlaa J. KJRK Jackson. Cashier. P. A OULl.EDOE. Capital!*. Verbena. AJn. ERNEST MATER. Mayer * Mohr. Osar On, MICHAEL CODT. Preotdeat. We invite Deposit Accounts Collections have our prompt attention. ahdersom 'coal g. '‘••'(•alOuickD*'1'' —» FOB SALE. FOR’’sALE^A~'good and harnesa » ■addle hor«e. JnV B. Fuller. —1* FOR SALE—Burhurban grocery. food ■mall stock of goods on hand, will al»o ■•11 or rent building. Thu la an opprotunlty for the right man. Addraa* C.. care of Ad verttaer. _* FOR HALE—Pekin and “uacovaa duck «««■ Wyandotte and Rhode Ialand Red hen* fgg» 12 for 14 Hongkong. Toulouae f00** HI a' 'for ll.W. W. E. Sell.r.. ‘tg* 2617. Mornlngvlaw. ** ** RANGE—Moat Improved ataal range apldta Regal—lt» round, cornered one-piece oven lining, lneurea perfect baking “d long wear* Price $36 complete, worth $«»• Jame» O'Hara, 11I-120 Monroe. _ FOR SALE—One good three gallon «cw. or will exchange for dry one. Call phona No. 624. J. Brlnafleld. 116 Lae St._o NICE furniture wagon for <•!■ Apply Wolff Furniture Co.. 10 Commerce Bt.^ ^ WRITE for our free mating Hat. hare Ba-red and White Rook*, White Leghorn* and Homer Flgaona—the very beet Model Poultry Farm, Conyara, Ga._ lf-»ot FOR BALE—Fertile egg*, from any Amer ican poultry, $2.00 per eettlng. Now la the time P.o improve your poultry pone. Oet the old hen bu.y Write for our catalogue, no coat.' Choctaw Poultry Tarda. M fayett. Bt. Mobil*. Ala_ PENSACOLA. FLA.—If you want Interesting Information about a guaranteed Investment !!, .h. beat euburban property around Pen ■acola? wrTt. the Pen-col. Hanll* Co.. 214-16 Blount Bldg.. Penaacola. . —l#-tf NICE furniture wagon for aala. Apply | wVlfi Furniture Co.. 20 Commerce St. # bale—On account elckneae In family Im forced to aell my piano at a aacrlflca. a .tandard maka. For particular* addraaa -HUmderd." P. O. Boa 421. Montgomery. Ain. —t*-tf l UR bale—A tract of I,leu aerea of be., .train Pine timber in South Alabama Ad jr.*. James M. Oavleoa Brew ton. Ala FOE SALE—REAL ESTATE. HAVE Three nice little Ttornee for aa 1 e; ine aa an inveatment tne -ether* on uaay ,,an alao farm fifteen mile* from town. V E. Soles. 10 Bo. Perry St., 'Phone 111 nd 17.fl. -ll-tf roR SALE—At a aacrlflce. elx room cot-', aae bath, sanitary. 2 lote. barn and out LOUd'ee; near H. P. school. Prloe $2110; 200 cash, balance small payments Ad Lreaa W. A. C.. care Advertiser, trees »• — ll-frl-eun-wed-tf FOE RENT—RESIDENCES. FOR RENT—New 6 room cottage, large garden, or chicken yard. In good neigh borhood and close to car line; $12.10 per month l'«l * Securities Co.,14 6. perry 81.. 'Phone 274. _—*44-11 FOB RENT—STORES. KTORE~TOR RENT—Now occupied by Wolff Furniture Co. No. lu Commeree. ISrUu feet, two .torle. and bnsament, po».*.lun given April first, apply on priuuea^ FOB BENT—BOOMS. THKEK rooms furnished, first floor at once, Phone 3m or «87. FUspatrlek Cafe Co. FOR RENT—A large front, furnished room with ad conveniences. See It at 300 Dexter or phone 433. FURNISHED—Rooms for light housekeep ing, on first fioor; In private family; all modern conveniences one block from Poet Office. S McDonough St. —13-3t TYPEWRITERS & SUPPLIES. REBUILT Denamore typewriter. 1)6. Rem ington. 150. Other make. cheap. All make, repaired. Bupplle. for all machlnea Southern typewriter Exchange. No. ao Com merce St. *—2S-tf FUBNai JBE. FURNITURE—wa pack and .hip your fur niture; W« repair and reflniah your furnh. lure. Geo. U. Wragg Furniture Co., 'Fhoo. .5). —tf WANTED—MaLL HELP. WANTED—Advei tlsement and make-up man to work on small Dally. State experience and wages, address P. O. box 333, Tuscaloosa. AU. —I WANTED—iMen to learn barber trade and take positions waiting our g.aduatiie. few weeks completes, constant practice furnish ed. acoiar-hlp include* tool*, demonstra tions, examinations and diplomas. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Oa.~ WANTED—PihMALE HELP. WANTED—White girls to do general houee workln private homes; fair wages, moder ate work, good treatment and good oppor tunitlea Those who wish a situation end live out of town may write The Salvation Army, Montgomery. Ala. Otherwise ma> call at *11 Whitman St., or 'phone mi —tf WANTED—AGENTS. WANTED—Three general .genu fo, ,b» .t.te of Alabama to handle Irrigated laud. In .malt tracu and on easy payment.. None but competent and energetic men noed ap ply Write at once. Truck Grower. Colunia atlon Co.. Wuhtr Bldg., Sau Antonio, Tex as. —*-7t GASOLINE GAS LIGHTS—Light your .tore, reeidence and ground, with tha greatest and cheapest light known Write now for price.. Exclusive territory to scents Knight, Bo* 12. Montgomery, Ala. —2-201 WANTED—SALESMEN. INTELLIGENT— Hustling salesmen for magnificent new maps. Quick sailers. Ex traordinary chance for workara But* If, you have had scparlenoa. Hudgins Compa ny, Atlanta. Or —*-IW CLOSING OUT SALE. We are going to discontinue out Jewelry business and we are going to give the Jewelry buyers of Montgomery some rare bargains in Diamonds, Watches and Jeweby. Fixtures for sale, store for rent Fred J. Dreher & Co. 10 S. Court Meyer & Goldman Phone 141 508-11 First lat’l Beal Estate Fire Insurance Fidelity and Surety Bonds Accident and Health Insurance Liability Insurance Investment Securities Stocks and Bonds Money to Lend on Improved City Beal Estate at 0% and 6 per cent. Meyer & Goldman LIST EVERYBODY FULL FOB MONTGOMERY THE CITY OF OPPORTUN ITY. AND THB BELL BUILDING BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR HALS—At a bargain, twenty-live ■ ham stuck US) (or any part thereof) of the Andrew Railway Safety Appliance Oo.. , r Montgomery. Ala- Special Inducement to party taking the entire twenty-five shares. F. O. Box 111. Charleston. 8. C. —It-Tg EDUCATIONAL. LttAltN Telegraphy. Hallway wires art oiii into Driutghon't Practical Buslaeva Collage, Dvxler Ava, Opp. the P O.. Montgomery, for students’ use Positions secured. Call Bend for Fret booklet. “Why Learn Teleg raphy/*li-wd-sat ptnaNCIAL. * j MONEY TO LOAN—Loan on improve* dtp real eatate and Montgomery ocunty farts land J C Hardaway * Co.. *«» Bed Bldg.. •Fhoae U65—17-tg ENGRAVINGS WANTED—You to Illustrate your uU with our cut«. they add 26 per coot to tho attractiveness of any ad. talk It ovar with The Advertiser Engraving Company. PICTURE GOODS. Picture* Easels, Frames. Mouldings, Glass. Brushes, Art Material. Paints. Water Col or* Tube Colors, Stationary, Vase*—All these thing, end many more. Llttl* Paint 8tor* 11 N. Ferry 8t —tf LOST. LOST—A bunch of key* on N. Court or Church or Clayton Reward If returned to The Advertiser Office or phone 3060. —1$ LOST—Sunday, small gold bracelet at Dag ter Avenue Methodist Church or between there and St. Margaret’s Hospital, flndar rewarded if returned to 27 N. Lawrence Bt., Phone 235. —18-U FOUND. found—Ledles’ Skirts cleaned and preseed 7 5c suits II.>6, no shrinkage; no fading; wo will (lyo f*r you. Southern Dye Works, over May’s Bakery, Phone 1505. —f« MULTIGRAPH LETTERS. IBLIC Typewriting and Multlgranh work the very highest duality turned ant en rt notice Montgomery gteoog rankle an* - Vaadlvar Building, .porting Bureau, hone list SI MISCELLANEOUS. CORRESPONDENCE and consignments of all kind, solicited. Montgomery Auction and Salvage Company. Office 5 ft N. Court 8t. _-M-tf STORAGE—New concrete building, special ly built for all kinds of storage; bulk stor age at reasonable rate.; private roams far household good* Frank TannUla Fnralturo On. —tt-a