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The Montgomery advertiser. [volume] (Montgomery, Ala.) 1885-1982, March 04, 1909, Image 2

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News of Mobile Society
ir<l«H mt Mm) «• *»MU*»«.
Hokth, March I—(Special.)—From
Mt Reaa. Ok la. cornea the newa or the
Simmags there on Saturday laet of
Mae Lillie £. Frame and Mr. Fred W.
Ome, the ceremony being performed
at l;SO p. a., at the realdence of the
bride* parent*. attorney and Mra. J.
!W. Frame, by the Rev. Mr. Farrant,
. Of the Praabyterlan Church.
Only the relatives and intimate
Meade were preeent and the bride wm
loudly In her wedding gown of aoft
White ailk with trimmings of Irish
The groom la the aon of the late Ar
thur Danne. of this city, and nephew of
C3ty Clerk Adolph Danne. of Mobile.
Be Is a prominent traveling man and
has a number of friends here to extend
him their beat wlShea and congratula
trllp Luncheon for Mrn. Fall.
Man. Morton Fall, of Nashville, who
Is always a warmly welcomed visitor
In her old home, was the guest of hon
or yesterday at a bridge luncheon glv
dn tor her hy Mra Oeorge Hurd.
The private dining room of the Bat
tle Bouse earns the place rhoeen for this
charming affair and the Richmond
poses lent ah additional brightness to
the oocaalon. The gueets were: Mra
L C. Garrett. Mra E. J. Buck. Mra.
Bondurant, Mra Watters, Mra. Joseph
MeFblUips, Mrs. W. K. Syson. Miss
Heustls, the guest of honor, Mrs. Fall,
and the hostess. The prise for each
of the two tables was a bunch of vio
The meeting of the Bowling Club.
Which was to have been held this
morning, has been postponed until to
morrow. With Miss Ollne McMillan as
Seamen'* Bethel.
The concert at the Seamen's Bethel
tomorrow evening will be under the
auspices of the W C. T. U. Much in
terest Is being manifested In thla en
tertainment as it will be the last Mra.
Bort Stafford will arrange In. Mobile,
ns the Superintendent of the Soldiers
nod Bailors Department, Mrs. Stafford
moving to another State In a fev
School lofnnwit Aoooelatloe Moot*
There will be a meeting ot the Mo
bile City and County School Improve
ment Association held at the Barton
Aoadamy tomorrow (Thursday) even
ing at • o'clock.
The addroee of the evening will be
given by Prof. R. A. Mickle, whooe
subject will be, "The High School," and
the music will also be under Mr
Mickle's personal supervision. The
public Is cordially tnvltod to attend.
Posse sal Notes.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Salter, who
have been the guests of Colonel and
Mrs. W. D. Stratton, have returned to
their home In Bayonne, N. J.
Mrs. Sykes Gilbert, of Huntsville, Is
here on a visit to her mother,. Mrs.
Brad Lavts.
Miss Aline St. John will leave tomor
row tor a visit to friends In Montgom
ery _
Mrs. James O. Smith, a member of
the Shakespeare Club of this elty, has
been appointed by Mrs. L. J. Haley,
of Birmingham, on the Loan Scholar
ship Committee for the Alabama Fed
eration of Women’s Clubs
Mrs. Hannis Taylor ha* returned to
Washington after a visit to her moth
er, Mrs. Le Baron.
Mrs. Archibald S. Hall lert tonight
for New York on a visit to her daugh
ter, Mrs Joseph Hodgson. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillip Fry,
who have been the guests of Mrs. T.
S. Fry and family, on Government
Street, returned last night to their
home In New York.
Mr. and Mn. Curtis Bush, Jr., and
Miss Marie Bush will leave tomorrow
for the West.
Mrs. Morton Toulmln Is visiting her
brother, Judge Harry Toulmln, at
Brut Be Takci Up et lt°n,t,B
ITn^ **—- laurat Kclt
I* north AJ«
_March 1.—(Special.)—Clr
jult Judge D. W. Bpeake and Circuit
•oliottor D. C. AKnon are In Moulton
bolding a term of the Lawrence Coun
ty Court.
Several caoaa of Importance are to
oome before till a term of the Circuit
Court In Moulton and among ttila num
ber are neseral murder caaea.
One of theee la the trial of Beacom
Turner, who waa recently Indicted for
the murder In the aecoad degree, oharg
ed with the killing of Walter Holland
about one year ago. at Caddo. Law
rence County, juet after a trial In a
justice court.
The Turnere had rented a tract of
land adjoining tout land* owned by
Hollands. Some one had been
the wire fence aurroundlng
the u“iff rented by the Turners. The
Turners accused the Hollands of this
gad as a consequence the Hollands
Bare arrested on warrants sworn out
by tK~* Turners charging them with
Mqw. . „
The ■ was tried before a justice
at Caddo, hi Lawrence County, and the
Hollands were convicted. After the
•tfUloftBb case, Walter Holland told
the father of the Turner boys that he
had sworn to a lie. A light resulted
bttwMU member® of the two famille®.
In whlah Waiter Holland wee killed
and hie lather seriously stabbed.
Holland. Sr., recovered from hie
wounds and la now able to he up and
around. Some of the Turnere were
badly beaten, but recovered.
Juat after the killing Bascom Turner
and his brother fled, but later sur
rendared to the officers.
At the time of the trouble there was
much bad feeling between the fac
tions and there was strong talk of
lynching ■
A recent grand Jury Indicted Bascom
Tuner for murder In the seoond de
gree, and he gave bond and has been
out of jail slnoe.
Both the Turners and the Hollands
gre highly connected. Walter Hol
land was the eon of the sister of W.
W. Garnett, a well-known retail and
wholesale grocery merchant of Deca
Suggeville, March S.—(Special.)—The
fallowing program waa much enjoyed
at the Methodist Church Sunday night
under the direction of Miss Caldwell:
Sanitation. by Miss Lila Cleveland,
Duet, "Let the Lower Lights be
Burning.” Miss Mamye Deas and J. C.
Paper, "The Missionary." Miss Sta
Song, "Bring Them In." by little
girls, Misses LUa and Bessie Cleveland,
Myrtle Calloway and Miriam Jowers.
A piece, "Our Missionary Dolls." by
several little girls and boys.
Organ solo. Miss Barnes.
Music from the choir.
Mrs. Boseman and daughter, Miss
Everetts Boseman. of Thomasville,
were the guests of Mrs. I. D. Portia.
James Deas, Jr., left Wednesday for
Jackson, Miss., where he has accepted
a position.
Mr*. W. H. Davis vleited friends in
Jackson the past week.
W. E. Cammaek and F. M. Cobb
were business visitors to Thomaaville
.Jhe past week.
Jusw Cammack left Tuesday for his
home In Gastoaburg for a few days’
stay before going to Lebanon, Tenn ,
where he hae a position.
I. D. Portls was a recent visitor to
Wr. R. Alford, of Camden, was
among the past week’s visitors!
J. C. Williams, Jr., spent Friday at
Marlon Junction.
Miss Jennie Rivers returned Sunday
from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Rivers in Jackson.
W. H. Davis spent Thursday in Mo
O. W. Creagh is with ralatlvea In
Miss Mamie Stabler Is at home after
a month’s Btay with relatives in Mo
Mr. Mlnge, of Faunsdale, was a bus
iness ivialtor Saturday.
T. B. Morries, of Mobile, spent sev
eral days In town the padt' week.
Tenth District of Pythlaaa Will
Opelika. March 3.—(Special.)—Ope
lika will entertain the Tenth District
Pythian Convention Monday, March 22,
and plans are already under way, to
make the occasion a most pleasant and
memorable ons.
The district convention Is composed
of the following lodges: Alexander
City Dodge, No. 9; Almond Dodge, No.
184: Auburn Dodge, No. 219; Opelika
Dodge, No. 14: Good water Dodge, No.
120; Lafayette Dodge, No. 18; Devel
Road Dodge, No. 220: l^amar* Dodge,
No. 282; Mllttown Dodge, No. 208;
Notasulga Dodge, No. 287; Roanoke
Dodge. No. 91; Tuskegee Dodge, No.
107; Wedowee Dodge, No. 181; East
Tallassee and Carvllle Dodge, No. 223,
and MVstic Tie Dodge, No. 172.
Damon Dodge, No. 14, of Opelika, has
appointed the following committees
for the occasion:
Reception Committee—J. A. Jones,
chairman; S. R. Williams snd Charles
Arrangement and Program Commit
tee—J. B. Reynolds, chairman; W. M.
Hopson, John K. Watkins, Joe H.
Smith, and 8. S. Strong.
About fifty delegates will be present,
and Hon. J. B. Rylance of Dadevllls
will preside over the body.
The convention will be In session one
day, which will be devoted entirely to
business, and at night there will be a
banquet, to which all Pythlans will be
Rev. W. A. Taliaferro, pastor of
the First Baptist Church, has returned
to Opelika from Birmingham, where
hs went to perform the marriage cere
mony of Mrs. Ezra Sudduth Vincent and
Mr. E. J. Smith.
Mrs. P. P. Brooks, who has been
quite 111 at her home on South Seventh
Street, Is now Improving.
Mrs. John C. Farley entertained the
Dickens Club at her home, on Avenue
B. this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
This afternoon at 4:30 o’clock, the
residence of Jeff Whatley caught fire.
The alarm was lmmedlatesly given.
The fire department responded prompt
ly. but as the wind was blowing very
hard. It was impossible to save the
The firemen did good wrork In keep
ing the flames confined to the one
building. Some of the household goods
were saved, and it Is thought the loss
sustained Is covered by Insurance.
Phillips Is Released.
Mobile, March H. W. Phil
lips, who was arrested here Saturday
last on the charge of obtaining money
under false pretenses was tried today
and discharged. Phillips' home Is In
Tampa, Fla.
wobiub raoni start a couhtsb
Nni *1 Start* Da Nat Wait Bla
Aml(M4 far lafrackant
Baeaaaa af tka
Mobil*. March 1—(Spaolal.)—Severs!
counter petition* to tba on# filed with
the Supreme Cour*. satins (or the Im
peachment *( Sheriff Frank C»salsa,
were started here today and It la re
ported that already hundred* of name#
have been attached to the petition*, of
which there aro said to be five or more.
Much Interest I* felt her* to know
the name* of the Moblllan* signed to
the petition* a*kln( for the Impeach
ment of Sheriff Casalaa, and on every
hand question* are asked. If they can
not be obtained and published.
A* many elpnature* a* possible will
|»<* ntgned to the petition* and they will
be rushed to the Supreme Court.
Governor Comer has refused to make
public the petition against Sheriff Cas
sias or to five the namsa of th* sign
Improvements Are Pleeeed Is Build
ing at Dethan.
Dothan. March S—(Special.)—At the
instigation of the Dothan Commercial
Club. Houston county Officers have de
cided to rnatall a number of modern
Improvements and conveniences in the
county court house.
The first step In this direction was
taken yesterday, when the contract to
re-wire the building was awarded.
Owing to numerous defects In the
original wiring It was condemned by
the Southeastern Tariff Association
and common oil lamps have been in
use since the building was completed.
Citizens of the county, backed by the
Inhabitants of Dothan. worked for
years to Induct the county commis
sioners to furnish proper lighting ap
partus. After so long a delay Houston
County Is much elated over this nsw
»K»S OF (ill.FPORT.
County Board of Supervisors Holds •
Qulfport. Miss.. March 3—(Special.)—
The County Board of Supervisors. In
session here since Monday, adjourned
today until the flrst Monday of May.
After hearing the report of a disease
resembling glanders among stock In
and around Handfbnro, Dr. D. S. Tay
lor was appointed to look Into the mat
Bids were opened on the metal
equipment for the new record vault at
the court house and the contract was
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Billings, an aged
couple, were placed on ths county pau
per list.
Burial of sir. finnegan.
Many Pay Respects To Flas Old Cltl
sca of Mobile.
Mobile, March 3—(Special.)—In the
preaence of a large gathering of
friends and relatives, the remains of
Captain Owen Finnegan, the veteran
steamboat man. were laid to rest In
Magnolia Cemetery today.
Services over the remains were held
at St. Joseph's Catholic Church by Fa
ther Oerlack. Many beautiful floral de
signs attested the esteem In which the
deceased was held by his friends.
MR. THOMA stricken.
Mobile Man Has Convulsions On ths
Mobile. March 3—(Special.)—Shortly
after noon today. Eugene Thoma, a
machinist, residing at No. Ill 8t. An
thony Street, was seised with convul
sions while walking near the oorner of
State and Boyal Streets.
Mr. Thoma fell violently to the side
walk, sustaining a Severe cot on the
hack <rf the heafl. several teeth being
loosened, and he received a lacerated
wound on the tongue.
Chunrbuln Man Took Bloodod Dogs nnd
Sold Them.
Mobile. March 3—(Special.)—In the
City Court today H. Hayssen, a well
known resident of Chunchula, was
found guilty of obtaining money by
false pretenses and the jury recom
mended him to the mercy of the court.
Hayssen Is alleged to have taken two
blooded dogs from a resident of Pritch
ard's Station and obtained money on
Mobile Negro Accused.
Mobile. March I—(Special.)—Arthur
Bryant, a negro, was arraigned In the
Recorder’s Court this morning on a
charge of assault to murder, but his
case was continued until tomorrow to
allow time to summon witnesses. Dr.
J. C. Edwards swore out the warrant
against Bryant, and alleges that the
negro attempted to assault him with a
hatchet, following a difficulty or mis
Negro Hero Killed by Cor.
Mobile, March B. B. McCoy, a
negro who was cabin boy of the river
steamer W. H. Gardiner, that burned
to the water's edge In the spring of
1887. at Gainesville. Ala., with a loss
of twelve lives, was killed here late
last night by an electric oar. McCoy
saved the lives of six people by fewlm
mlng with them to the shore.
City Marshal aod Jailer Resign From
Scranton. Miss.. March 3.—(Special.)
_After a busy session of two days.
the Board of Supervisors of Jackson
County adjourned this forenoon for the
County jailer H. J. Krebs has re
signed his position which he has held
under Sheriff A. H. Smith for the past
fourteen months.
The City Council met last night In
Clarke’s Pure Rye
is not bottled especially to sell in prohibition sec
tions— it is sold everywhere—you cannot buy a
dependable whiskey at a lower price — if you pay
more, the price is exorbitant.
Write us direct at Chattanooga, Tennessee, or Jack
sonville, Florida, and we will see that your wants are
taken care of at once.
12 Full Quarts, $12.00 Delivered
4 Full Quarts, 5.00 Delivered
Clarke’s Pure Rye is bottled, aged and guaranteed
by the Government.
Clarke Bros. & Co. Peoria, Illinois
The Largest Distillers in the World
regular (Melon and transacted a large
amount of bualnaat whloh bad accu
mulated during the peat month.
City Marshal Charlee Ferrer ten
dered hie reelgnatlon to the Council
la(t night/ the same to take effect at
Mr. Ferrer claim* that hie dutlec
are Interfered with to euch an extent
that he haa no (pedal functlone of
olBoe left, and to relieve. a tenaloa In
city affalra, he determined upon thla
A apeclal election haa been ordered
to flu the vacancy, the date being aet
|pr Tuaeday, March SO.
t ■ a. ■ -
▼aleatlee Haa Trouble la »«uil*d Hie
Htlf id.
New Orleana. March S.—A apeclal to
The Picayune from Puerto Cortex,
Spanish Honduraa. aaya:
Washington Valentina, of New York,
appears to be having serious trouble
In securing a confirmation of his lease
of the Honduras Railroad, which he
effected with President Davtlla during
last August.
It seems that the statesmen of Hon
duras are not satisfied with the ar
rangement and Congresk haa thus far
withheld Its approval, taking the po
sition that the President had no right
to enter Into the agreement under the
laws of he country.
Valentine Is undsrstood to have ad
vanced the Government quite a large
stim of money at the time the road was
turned oer to him. In order to enable
the Government to meet certain emer
gencies then preaslng.
Unless the) Valentine contract Is af
firmed or some similar arrangement,
made whereby private parties can un
dertake some needed Improvements of
the road. It Is Inevitable that the ba
nana Interests, dependent upon this
road for transportation, will suffer se
Prominent Pensacola Bar Oily llt(klly
Hurt, In Fall, But Failed to Rally
When Blood Polaoalac
sn la.
Penaaeola, Fla., March 3.—(Special.)
—Falling from a trapeze while at hla
home last week, Dudley Gonzalez, eon
of Train Master O. A, Gonzalez of the
L. and N„ died at a hospital tonight at
7 o’clock of tetanus. The young man
took a serious turn Monday night, and
he was moved from his home to the
hospital, where he continued to sink
A peculiar coincidence Is that only
ten days prior, the young brother of
th* deceased fell from the same tra
peze and suffered the breaking of an
arm, but.he soon recovered. The de
ceased is connected with one of the
largest and most prominent families
of the city.
Mo^fle, March 3.—(Special.)—City
Attorney Boone filed In the United
States Circuit Court today on the part
of the municipality, demurrers to a
bill died by the Postal Telegraph
Company Monday to enjoin the city
from collecting a license tax Imposed
upon telegraph companies.
The license tax amounts to 11,000
per annum and was fixed by the Gen
eral Council at Its meeting Dec. >1,
when the license ordinance for Mobile
for 1309 was adopted.
In this demurrers to the bill of com
plaint the City Attorney claims that a
court of equity will not enjoin the
collection of taxes and that the com
plainant has a complete remedy at
law. In that If the agents of the com
pany should be arrested or suit should
be brought by the city to collect the
ilcense tax, if the law 1s Invalid, that
defense could be made In either one
of these law proceedings.
It Is contended by the Foetal Tele
graph Company that the levy was for
revenue only and not a police meas
Demopolis, March 3.—(Special.) —
Galua Whitfield, one of Marengo’s old
est and moat beloved men, died sud
denly last night at the residence of
his brother, Dr. J. B. Whitfield, In
this city He was 73 years of age
ahd was a bachelor.
Hie health has been apparently
It will be remembered that his broth
er, Dr. Boas Whitfield, died suddenly
a few years ago.
Galus Whitfield was a member of
one of Alabama's most prominent fam
llles^ He was a Confederate Veteran,
and a MaBon. Universally loved and
esteemed, he was known to be one of
the best men In this community. His
business ability was a matter of espe
cial admiration. Besides the vast es
tate he Inherited, with three other
brothers, two of whom survive him,
he amassed a large fortune. He made
money aid he gave money.
The remains of this good man. who
was born, reared and always lived in
Demopolis. though he spent most of
his time in Mississippi, will be Inter
red in the family graveyard In Glover
cemetery, in this city, by tt^ Masons,
from the Episcopal Church, of which
he was a member, Friday morning.
Of his Immediate family, there re
mains his two brothers, Dr. J. B. Whit
field of this city and Needham White
field of Linden.
Coming of Commerce Commission la n
Birmingham, Marcn 3.—Announce
ment that the United States Interstate
Commerce Commission would meet In
Birmingham. March 10, was contained
today In a telegram received from the
Commission, asking for reservation of
the Federal Court room.
Thf* Commission has never met in
Birmingham and Its coming Is a com
plete surprise. No Intimation of the
matters to be taken up has yet been
To Punish High Speeders.
Los Angeles. March 8.—Fifty dollars
fine for the first ofTense andMor the sec
ond the longest hard term on the chain
gang It Is possible to Indict for a mis
demeanor This is to be the punish
ment for the violators of the motor
car speed ordlnanoa If the city attorney
finds the Council can pass such a
Jury For Cslhoun.
San Franclsc^ March 3—The 16th
special venire # Jurors summoned In
the trial of Patrick Calhoun, charged
with Bribery, was exhausted before
noon today without result.
Mobile, Ala, March 3.—Arrived:
Steamers Colombia (Nor.), Boe. La
Ceiba; schooner Hibernia (Br.), Mo
Dade, Havana.
Cleared: flteamers Colombia (Nor ),
Boe. La Ceiba; Santa Anna (Ital.), De
Koaa. Rosario.
New Orleans. La,, March S.—Cleared:
Steamers Colonial (Br.). Raby, Liver
pool; Virgil (Br ), Gaven, Antwerp via
Norfolk; MereatOT (Nor.), Kalsen,
Puerto Cortez; Preston (Nor.), Olsen.
Livingston via Belize. Puerto Cortes
and Port Carries.
Port Eads. March 3—Arrived: Steam
ers Parismlna (Br.). Mader. 'Colon via
Port Llmon; Bluefielda (Nor.). Langs,
Sailed; Steamers Val Salles (Ital.),
Costa, Genoa via Norfolk; Gallia (Dan),
Pedersen, Progresso; Dragoman (Br.).
Middleton. Mobile; Appomattox (Br.),
Richardson. Booai del Toro; Momuo,
Boyd, New York.
Ctty Si VMM by Tkm Mem Emni*<
la Pm bile Sii item News
of tAr Florida
Pensacola, Fla.. March' S.—(Special.)
—To remodel and enlarge the countr
jail la the Intention of the County
Commtailonera, according to offers
made the board by real eatate firms
who desire to sell additional space to
the county for certain extensions.
As It la the county owns a much
larger spaoe than Is occupied by the
Jail, and should the additional real es
tate be purchased an addition erected
covering It all It would give a jail
larger than any In the State.
The Jail is entirely inadequate to the
needs, and prisoners are crowded to a
great extent. In some Instances sev
enty and eighty prisoners are confined
In a space which really cannot afford
comfort for more than thirty.
Secretaries at Work.
Three field secretaries, all bent upon
benevolent work, are in the city to
day. They are H. P. Hamner of the
National Play Qrounds Association;
Secretary McLean of the United Char
ities and Dr E. G. Routzahn, of the
American Tuberculosis Exhibition.
Dr. Routzahn and Mr. McLean have
beeh In the city for several days, each
engaged In his particular work, and
the former has about completed his
engagement as the exhibit Is to close
Friday night. While Mr. McLean Is yet
to form the organization which he de
Mr. Hamner Is a new arrival, hav
ing reached here this morning, but be
fore his departure will thoroughly or
ganize those who are Interested In es
tablishing play grounda
Streets sat Sidewalks.
If the plans of the Board of Public
Works are approved by the City Coun
cil and the appropriations granted
which are asked for extensive Improve
ments In streets and sidewalks will be
undertaken at a very early date and
with the paving which Is contemplated
will make models of Pensacola’s thor
The board has requested an appropri
ation for Improving and opening Bar
rancas Avenue, a thoroughfare which
Is contemplated to give a driveway to
Fort Barrancas, In addition, to one By
the Government road, and also suffi
cient money with which to transport
1,000 tons of oyster shells from Apa
lachicola to Pensacola.
The shells hove already been se
cured and all that Is nAossary Is to
charter barges and tugs necessary to
bring them by water to the city, as
well as the expense of loading and un
Headaches and Neuralgia from Colds.
LAXATIVE nnoMO Quinine, the world wide
Cold and Grip remedy removee cauee. Call
for full name. Look for etgnature B. W.
drove. 15c. —thu
Pensacola. Fla.. March 3.—(Special.)
—An Interesting session of the Ladies
Benevolent Society of Temple Beth-El
was helJ this afternoon at the temple.
The meeting was well attended by the
Jewish ladles of the city, who are
much Interested In their work.
Mrs. Almon H. Payne, who has been
spending several days In Mobile, the
guest of her sister, has returned home.
Mrs. I. Fried, who has been visiting
In Mobile during the past ten days,
has returned home. During her so
1ourn she was the recipient of much
attention at the hands of her Mobile
friends, who regretted her departure.
Mrs. J. H. Collins will be the re
cipient or the Flinch Club to-morrow
■afternoon at her home on Thirteenth
aventde and the members anticipate a
most pleasant afternoon. ■„
Hon. pannlWerJtf, Mays, yrbo Is „*o
represent this district In Congress af
ter March 4th, left this afternoon for
his home In Montlcello after having
spent a short time In Pensacola ac
quainting himself with the needs of
the navy yards and forts.
Mrs. Peter Kane has 'as her guests
Mrs. Weber and Mrs. Schaeffer, of St.
Louis, who will spend several weeks
In the olty.
An Interesting session of the W. C.
T. U. was held this afternoon at the
Presbyterian church. The union Is
composed of a large number of ladles
who at first organized Into separate
unions, but later consolidated.
Mrs. Herman Howland has returned
home after spending MardI Gras with
friends In New Orleans.
Mrs. L. L Walker Is very 111 at her
home on East Zarragossa street.
Mrs. Mai L. Bear Is to be hostess
to-morrow afternoon at the weekly
meeting of the Six Hand Euchre Club.
Amendment Voted Down In Cnllfornla
Sacramento, Cal., March 3.—Another
vain attempt was made by the anti
Japanese element In the Assembly to
day to exclude Japanese from the pub
lic schools.
An unimportant school bill by Sack
ett, of Ventura, was called up for final
passage when Poldley, of Red Bluff,
offered an amendment barring not only
j Chinese and Japanese but all Asiatics.
The amendment was voted dgdfn.
The Jap BUI In Montana.
Helena, Mont.. March 3.—The Legis
lature was In session until midnight.
After a hot fight the Clayberg anti
Japanese bill, framed after the Cali
fornia measure, which would have
prohibited the holding of lands by
the Orientals, was killed by a vote
of 24 to 22 In committee of the whole.
Fatal Accident Occur* In Railroad
Prince Rupert. B. C.. March 3.—News
has Just reached here of a fatal acci
dent In connection with the construc
tion work on the Pacific Coast end of
the Grand Trunk-Pacific near Tele
graph Point.
Three men lost their lives and sev
eral others may die from Injuries. The
dead: John Samuelson, Eric Anderson,
Fred Hoglund.
nrf id nonoana.
New OrleanB. March 3.—An entire
block In the business district of San
Pedro, Spanish Honduras, wag destroy
ed by Are on the night of February 21,
according to a special to The Pica
yune. This Is the second general con
flagration suffered by San Pedro with
in the past three months.
Arizona Constitution.
Phoenix, Aril.. March 3.—The gov- '■
srnment vetoes the educational Quail- !
flcatlon bill providing that voters
shall be able to read a paragraph of ,
the constitution of the United States
selected at random. The bill was then
passed over the Governor's veto. The
local option segregation bill was
amended and passed by the council and j
sent back to the House.
Taken Back to Artsona.
Los Angeles, March 3-Under a
heavy guard, Ricardo Flores Magon.
Antonio Villareal and Llbrador Riv
ers. alleged Mexican revolutionists,
were taken from the county jail this
morning and placed on a Southern
Pacific train for Tuscon, Arix. They
will be turned o«ver there to officers
and taken to Tombstone on charges of
violating the neutrality laws.
Pope Pins Improve*.
Rome. March *.—-The Pope Is bet
ter of his cold and hoarseness, but
he has not yet been permitted to re
sume his audiences, which probably
will be suspended until next week. He
la, howevar, transacting business.
The Kind Ton Hare AlwflvBought has borne the signs-,
ture of Chas. H. Fletcher, and tu been made under his
. _ you _ __ _
“Just as-good” are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castorta is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil,
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups ~ '
Opium, SEorphhti
In this.
for over 80 years.
Allow no one
It is Pleasant. It
nor other Narcotics
contains neither
substance. Its age Is
and allays Feveriahni
Colic. It rell
and Flatule _
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy i_
The Children's Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
jm. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
elleves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
lency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
ad Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep,
■en’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
The Kind Yon Hare Always Bought
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
First Will Make Application to Ctresit
Court of Appeals tor a Re
hearing—City Accepts a
Drinking Fountain.
Pensacola, Fla.. March 8.—(Special.)
—The famous peonage cases which or
iginated In the camps of the Jackson
Lumber Company, at Lockhart, Ala.,
are to be taken to the United States
Supreme Court, acoordlnfl to Colonel VV.
W. Flournoy, of DeFunlak, chief coun
sel, who was In the city this afternoon
In (Connection with these cases.
According to his statement a peti
tion for rehearing will be filed Imme
diately with the Circuit Court of Ap
peals In New Orleans, and If this Is
not granted the cases will be taken to
the higher court
When the Court of Appeals recently
affirmed the Judgment of the local Uni
ted States Court, one of the Judges ren
dered a dissenting opinion.
Should the Supreme Court not hear
the cases Manager W. S. Harlan and
Robert Gallagher will havo to com
mence ser.vlng their terms of eighteen
months each In the Federal prison, while
four of the foremen will serve thir
teen months each.
Captain Lee Summoned.
Captain Harry Lee, of the United
States Marine Corps, stationed at Port
Royal, 8. C., Is among the witnesses
for whom subpoenas were Issued today
out of the United States Court, sum
moning him to appear here as a wit
ness In the case of Salvadore Vlncentia,
the Italian, who Is charged with hav
ing murdered Robert Laird, on the
Naval Reservation several months ago.
He Is to be tried March 22.
A crept* Driaklig Fountain.
Th# City Council today accepted the j
offer or the ,National Humane Alliance
tot a $1,000 drinking fountain for ani
mal®. The meeting was a special one
and by resolution a space was set aside
at the corner of Garden and Palafox
Street* for the fountain.
17. C. V. Going to DeFunftak.
The members of Camp Ward No. 10,
U. C. V., will leave here in a spedial
car on the morning of March 13 fbr
DeFuniak. where the annual encamp
ment of the First Brigade is to be held.
It 14 expected that the attendance from
this section will be larger than ever
before known.
Record In Loading Ships.
By finishing unloading the cargo of
mahogany logs on the steamer Venus
this afternoon a record was establish
ed here in discharging mahogany. The
vessel entered Saturday and work was
commenced. Since tiien nearly 2,000
Immense logs ha/v been unloaded but
order to complete the work in such re
markable time It was necessary to
work several shifts of men, discharg
ing cargo throughout the night and
Olty Committee Meets.
Declining to grant the use of the
city hall to even the City Democratic
Executive Committee, the City Council
today placed itself on record as allow
ing no body other than the Council to
hold meetings in this place.
The Committee had been called to
gather there tonight at 6 o’clock, but
when the members arrived they were
told they could not occupy the chamber.
The Mayor tendered the use of his pri
vate office and the meeting was held
there* and a call issued for the city
Like pure gold. Our cotton seed
meal mixture.
Birmingham. March 8. — (Special.)—The
city council meeting Wednesday night prom
ises to be one of the liveliest sessions
of the year. A llvf“ wire will be the mat
ter of letting the contract for the city
printing. For years this has been on an
eight months basis, each newspaper hold
ing the Job once In three years. A resolu
tion passed the last meeting that the morn
ing paper should now have the work for
one year. Mayor Ward has vetoed thos
ordinance, and the matter will be rehashed,
with vigor at the Wednesday night ses
sion .
IV *® For
and dyspepsia
Headaches, dull pain In pit of the
Btomach, belching of gas and bitter fluid,
“heartburn",—all these mean indiges
tion, or dyspepsia. Then, if you will
take a little Kodol, you will know just
why it is for indigestion—anddyspepsla.
That is really the best way to learn now
good Kodol la—try it, yourself, when
you need it. You cannot make any
mistake in taking a little Kodol when
ever your stomach goes wrong.
Our Guarantee. SttSSff"®
you are not benefited — the druggist will at
cnoo return your money. Don't hesitate; any
druggist will sell you Kodol on these terms.
The dollar bottle contains times as much •
as the 60o bottle. Kodol la prepared In the
laboratories ot K. C_De Witt & Co.. Chicago.
Cheneys Expectorant cots coughs
and colds short. Cures babies and
grown people. 25c., aQ druggists.
Arrival ana u^ua. wX IU40I Union Pm.
Schedule corrected to 4ati ^ qirr#*1
for Union fiprlnya. Troy.
■ufaula Ozark. Amerlcua Alba*
any. Columbua Macon, Savanna*
and Aucuata..
For Union Sprlnya Troy Andalusia
Bufaula Fort Oalnee. Daw eon.
Amerlcua. Albany. Columbua.Macon • :10am
From Savannah.
Columbua a _____
Ozark, Bufaula Aad'aluala. Troy.
and Union Sprlnye.lit Mam
From Maoon. Columbua Albany.
Amerlcua Daweon. Ft Oalnea Ba*
Caula. Andalusia Tray. Union Bp's* Ttllpa
For farther information write or apply ta
Gao. R Wrlfht, G A^ 101 Montyamary St«
A T 8urratt. D T A.. Montgomery.
3rd 1909
No. 104. Lv. Montgomery 8:25 a m.
Ar. St. Louie 7:48 a.m.
No. 108, Lv. Montyomory 4:10 p.m.
Ar. Tuscaloosa 8:00 p.m.
Ar. Shreveport, La 1:20 p.m.
Ar. Dallas, Tex. 7:85 p.m.
Ar. Ft. Worth Tea 8:40 p.m.
No. 108, Lv. St. Louis 8:05 p.m.
Ar. (Montgomery 6:30 p.m.
No. 107, LV. Tuacalooaa 7:01am.
Ar. Montgomery 11:00 am.
AH train* dally. • r • ‘
For further Information apply tat
P. s. Hay. S. E. P. A. 80 Commerce
gt Montyomery Ala
Coast Line
Ursmli Pullman
Service to
Savannan and Jacksoville
Train 68 leaves Montgomery 7:05 P. M.,
arrive Savannah 9:20 A. M.. Jacksonville
1:40 A. M.
For additional information or for reser*
rations 'phone VI7 or 710.
8. T. SUPREtT. Commercial Agent.
U. T. AgentExchange Hotels
Fast Express Service.
10 A. M.
Cecille ....March 23lKals. Wm. II. April •
K. Wm.D.Gr. Mar. 30 IKronprln* Wm.t
I April.18
Twln-Soree Passenger Nrnire.
Gnelsenau March 11 Scharnhorst March 25
Roon . . • .March \$[ *P. Frederlch Wm.,
•Calls at Plymouth and Cherbourg.
I April .. .1
Mediterranean Service.
Sailing at 11 A M.
P. Irene ..March 6|*N«ckar ..March 20
K. Albert March UJarbarossa .March 27
•Omits Algiers and Genoa. tOmits Algiers.
North German Lloyd Travellers’ Checks.'
Oelriche St Co., Agents, 5 Broadway, N. Y.,
or an/ Local Agent.
The On Time Line.
i^eavM atouiguinery .. i:2oa.iu. i.oup.m.
Arrive Ainencus .. ..12:22p.m. 1:20a.m.
“ Cordcie.1:30 p.m. 2:65 a.m.
•• Savannan .. .. 8:25 p.m. 9:20 a.m.
Double datiy passenger service to Savan* <
nali without change, making close conueo~
tiona with Coastwise Steamships for all
Eastern Points.
For full Information apply to
8. T. Surratt, U. T. A^
O. C. Humphrey, C. A.,
Exchange Hotel.
The above schedule wffectlve Sunday,
January "td.
Wilson Printing Co.
Over Fourth National Bank.
Creators of things out of the ordinary
In typography.
\.\\ orders for ice will be given prompt at*
:ention. Office corner Madison Avenue and
Perry Street.
’Phone 0T.
Factory 'Phone 050.
H. Moore.
B- Burnett.
V. Free.
T. 8, How*
Probate Notice.
State of Alabama. Montgomery County.
Probate Court. February 15th. 1909.
Notice is hereby given that on this da^
W. G. Yelvorton a* guardian of Louise
Byrd. Lawrence Byrd and Carter Ilyrd,
Minors, filed his application In this erourt
for an order to sell certain lands lying Is
Dale County, and belonging to said minors,
for reinvest and the maintenance and, sup*
port of said minors, and that the 15th day
of March, 1909, was set to near said appll*
Judge of Probat*

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