If You Want the Heal Thing in TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING SEE M. J. O'Connor A Perfect Fit or No Sale NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED ||| M. J. O'CONNOR DOUGLAS || Paul Bloeclhorn, Jeweler watches, clocks, china and cut glass DOUGLAS ALASKA T IS A GOOD TIME TO SELECT NEW 1nuw wall paper, rugs, linoleum at P. H. FOX'S - - Douglas, Alaska 1 M I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 Personal Mention :: > I I I II I I I I I J ?< i HI I I I I I I I I Mr. Pedrick, wife of the captain of engineers of the revenue fleet, is aboard the Alameda enroute to Un alaska. (5. O. Twiss and wife are passengers J on the Alameda enroute to Unalga, 1 near Unalaska. Mr. Twiss is the oper ator at the Unalga station. M rs. \V. E. Reynolds, wife of the Captain Reynolds, commandant of the revenue fleet, is aboard the Alameda enroute to Unalaska. C. H. Bushman, head of the North western Fisheries Company, is a pas senger on the Alameda enroute to Seward. Mrs. H. G. Steele, of Cordova, and son are pasesngers on the Alameda en route to their home. J. R. Brown, who is operating the Apolo mine at Unalga, acompanied by his daughter Miss Ruby is enroute to the Westward. Miss Brown will spend the summer with her father. P. E. Parsons is leaving on the Ala meda for the Westward and will prob ably be gone three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cain are recent arrivals who will establish themsel"es a home in Juneau. Louis P. Shackleford will reach San Francisco tomorrow and go direct to Tacoma. After a few days in Tacoma he will proced to Juneau. Mrs. S. E. Armstrong wife of Deputy Marshal Armstrong is a pasesnger on the Alameda enroute home. Robert Scott, the well known com mercial man travelling out of Juneau, leaves on the Alameda tonight for the Westward. 111111 i 111 it 111111111 [ i in j| Marine Notes jj i 11111111 m i II 11111111111 The Spokane is due in Treadweil at seven o'clock in the morning and Has 36 passengers for Juneau. The Humboldt arirved shoiily after 12 o'clock last night and proceeded to Skagway this morning. She will sail South about seven o'clock tomor row morning. The Alameda arrived from the South about six o'clock this morning and will leave this evening for Sheep creek. After discharging she will leave for the Westward about mid night. The Princess May is due to arrive from the South about midnight and will sail on return trip tomorrow night. The Al-Ki will be due front the South May 18 sailing on return via lloonah the same day. The Admiral Sampson will be due to arrive from the Westward May 19. The Jefferson will sail from Seat tle for Juneau Thursday. Oyster-lovers, go' to "U and I" Lunch Room. 4-14-lm. CLASSIFIED. FOR RENT- -Beds at Hogan s Flat; ?3.00 a week. Inquire May Dorgan 1 Commercial Cafe, 3-14-t.f. TABLE BOARD by day, week, or month. Strictly home cooking.?The Jones House. Cor. 5th and Seward. WANTED?A 6* or 7-room . house, furnished or unfurnished, for 5 I years, beginning in July?Or some lot owner to build such house for perma nent tenant. Apply gen. office, Alaska 1 Gastineau Mining^ Co. 5-8-2t. J FOR RENT?Cabins. Inquire, John | Museth, Goldstein's store office. lO.tf FOR RENT ? Large front room; bath; suitable for two men; $20. Jones House, Fifth and Seward. t.f. FOR SALE?Quadruple plate flat sil verware, including one dozen each of knives and forks in two sizes and i spoons in four sizes, all well pre served. Will sell as a whole or in two equal lots. Telephone 4-2. 5-13-2t CHARTER OPE N] For a short time only the charter of Douglas-Treadwell Lodge, No. 755, Loyal Order of Moose, is open and the iniation will be only $5, covering all cost of joining. Since the purchase by the Supreme Lodge of over 1,000 acres, comprising several farms ad , jacent to Aurora, I1L, for the Inter I national Home and University, the membership of the 1,500 Moose lodges has increased by leaps and bounds because so many were quick to see the advantages of belonging to an Order that insures their crippled and aged members, their widows and or phans against want, cures the con | sumptive and gives the children of Moose an education unequaled by any university, absolutely tree, besides I paying a high sick benefit to its mem bers in good standing. The fee will be raised to $10 in a short time with out notice. See any Moose, or Sec retary Humfrey at once. J. FREDERICK JOHNSON, ?4-21-t.f. National Director. GLASGOW NEWSPAPER MAN WANTS A BROWN BEAR J. C. Dunwater, one of the owners of the Glasgow Herald, Scotlond. Is doing Alaska. He has heard some thing about the big brown teddy bears out to the Westward and wants to ge: one, hence he Is now aboard the Ala meda enroute to the land of the Ko diak grizzly. Clifford Little, the well known huntsman guide is accompany ing the Scottish newspaper man and has guaranted to bring him face to face with one of the monsters. They will go to Seward and from there move at easy stages over toward Sand Point where it is expected that the trophy sought will be found. Clifford Little, the guide, and Mi. Dunwater today took out hunting li censes and there remains nothing but the finding of the big brown fellows to complete the object of the trip. ELKS, NOTICE. Regular meting of Juneau Ix>dge, No. 420, B. P. O. Elks, Wednesday evening, May 14. There will be init iation. E. C. JAMESON, Secy. NEW LINE of Muslin Underwear Gowns?Chemise Combinations, Etc. ^qjuneru,rlaskr. K j . j ;::>U.SK UUKSSES Teak'?(iigham 5: I'lain and Crinkle Srviv inker ! $1.50 lo $3.50 COMMENCING Thursday, May 15th We are going- to make special prices on- Tailor Made Suits, Coats and Dresses. The special prices we make will in clude free alterations. These SPECIAL LOW PRICES Will be on all garments of our early purchasing, this to make room for strictly summer wearables. The prices we are going to make on these garments should close them out in short order, so our adivce is to COME EARLY and thereby secure first choice. Remember the Sale starts Thursday, May 15 th at 9 o'clock a. m. and will continue until the following Saturday night until 10. P. M. I & I t I PARASOLS I Imli-lji/ SUN UMBRELLAS I \ I WW BOUDOIR CAPS I \ L ? f CREPE KIMONAS n | ??? t i lace curtains ivi trWI portairs i ii | vlr s1lkoline | iltt art demins, scrims "ASK BRITT" Just as Fine Rubber Goods as the World Produces Do you know that a druggist selects rubber quality exactly as he selects drug quality??based on intimate knowledge and a desire to always have the best? Every hot water bottle or fountain syringe or other rubber article in our stock is perfect in every way?made of new, live, active rubber, never-sprin-a-leak seams, correct sizes, models and workmanship. If it's class you want?the most perfect, most sat isfactory rubber goods, get them here. Our prices are the lowest for the highest grade? we don't charge for "looks" but for "wear." Buy here and know. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE FOR TWO YEARS WITH EACH ONE. WM. BRITT, the Druggist ? -i 111111111;; i i; i i 111111 M I IorpheumI ;; JUNEAU. ALASKA ;; ?! Photo Plays ?? :: GENERAL FILMS :: Best by Test " j| PERFORMANCE jj Every Ni^ht ? ? !! First Show commences 7:45 p. m Second 9:00 p. m. ? ? Matinee, Saturdays Only ?? !! 2:30 p.m. :: FOOT MAIN STREET jj ?! I-H4M 1 I !? !? !? I I III Ml 1-H