CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY CO.-B.CCoastServke SaiHnc from Janaau for Port Simpaarv. Prise* Rupert. Swuiuoix, Alrrt Bar. Vaa?OQT*r Victoria and S?Ut]o PRINCESS SOPHIA SEPTEMBER 4th Orphan BuOdt* C P. R. TICKET OFFICE J. T. SPICKET1. A?t. 11111111 ii 111111 m 1111111111 n n n n 11 n n ki 111111 n ALASKA I STEAMSHIP COMPANY af?tjr. Sarvk*, Speed Ticket* to Sttttlr, 1iccn?. Victoria ?n<5 Vancouver. TCrougn , , tWki la toSas Vrarctrco ? ? ? ? JEFFERSON North Sept. 8. 19, Oct. 1 South, Sept. 9, 20, Oct. 2 | ; | DOLPHIN North Sept 13, 25, Oct. 7. South Sept 14, 26, Oct 8 ? ? MARIPOSA North Sept. 15, Oct 3.?South, Sept 24, Oct 12 " ;! ALAMEDA North Sept 21 Oct 9. South. Sept 11, 30, Oct 18 -f ;; NORTHWESTERN North Sept 10, 28 South Sept 18, Oct 6 I! WILLIS E NOWELL. Juneau Apt Elmer E. Smith Deuglae Agt $ > I I II I I I I I < I I I I I I II I I 1 I I I I I I I II ' I ' I I H M Ml 1 I I M I I 1-1-F HUMBOLDT STEAMSHIP CO. the tMh Hw S. S. HUMROUDT The AUaka Flyer ; LEAVES JUNEAU, NORTHBOUND SEPT. 12th and 22nd LEAVES JUNEAU SOUTHBOUND SEPT 13th and 23rd S I DOCKS AT JUNEAU CITY WHARF PETTIT A HARVEY, Agent*. Cheney Block, Juneau Seattle Office?716 Second Avenue | t| *11 I Pj e ? ri Allen Shattuck. - Agent Northland Steamship Co. SECULAR FAST SERVICE BETWEEN -EATTLE AND JUNEAU AL-KI, Southbound . .v . Sept. 7 FARES TO SEATTLE: a'lrtt Class $19. Second Class $12 1 Pacific Alaska Navigation Company I ALASKA PACIFIC STEAM SHIP CO. Pufet Sound-California Route/ SeatUe^an Frasclaco, con-i' ??ctiaf with 8JS. Vale and y MS. Harvard for Southern California Porta. ALASKA COA$T CO. Puget Sound-Alaska Route. | from Tacoma and Seattle fo. J Ketchikan. Peteraburg, Ju >eau. Yakutat. Katalla, Cor dova. Valdez. Kilamar, Port Wella. LaTouche. Seward. Cook Inlet points and Kodlak. Admiral Evans. West Sept. 11 Ad. Watson, West .... Sept 18 Right reserved to change sailing dates without notice. B. F. Watson, Gen. Alas. Agt H. R. Shepard <1 Son, City Ticket Ageuts Geo. J. McCarthy, Agt. Phone 217 ??' * * ? ? I..U. :: The White Pass 8 Yukon Route | :: THE ROUTE OF COMFORT, SPEED, SERVICE, SAFETY | ? ? Through tieketa to and from Dawson, Fairbanks, >11 Interior Alaska and Yukon River point* *r ? ? Dunn* him at navigation our fleet of modern. up-to-date itomcn will operate regularly T ' > the entire length at Yukon River and tributariee. giving a service never before equalled. T ' ' Our daily train service between Skaguay and White Horse has been improved by the addition T 1 OF MODERN PARLOR OBSERVATION CARS ' | which are splendidly equipped with comfortable leather chairs, writing desks, card tables. X ) ) dressing rooms, etc.. affording travelers an opportunity to view the famous White Pass J. j , scenery m ease aad comfort. For full information apply to J. I J. E. DEMPSEY. Traffic Mnnngar - SKAGUATr, ALASKA I Tl 1 1 I I II I 1 M I I II I I I H H I I I 1 1-1 1 1 I I I I 1IIMM ill II M I 1 it | J for Seattle, Prince Rupert |; Ketchikan, Wrangdl and i o Petersburg. " ? City of Seattle. Sept. 5. 1? * | Spokane, Sept. 10 and 20 For Skagway and Haines ? Spokane, Sept. 9 and 21 ? City of Seattle, Sept. 4, 15 % connects at Skajrway for T Dawson and ail Yukon $ River points. % f CONNECTS AT HrfATTUS TOR J ? SAN fRANUSCO, LOS ANGELES, SAN DlfGO and all California Points ? 2 Through tickets sold everywhere m United States and Canada X 2 LOW RATES- Larrrst and finest passenger steamers on P. C. -UNEXCELLED SERVICE X -x For fall particulars apply i X H. BRANDT. C.A.KD, Sea-Ftlk. Wasm. S. H. EWING. Agent. Juneau, Alaska X ^ rights reserved to change schedules x 1 FINE POULTRY ?v?E Foil Una fresh and cured rosats? Government Inspcctod. Try our Wild Rose Lar t , Frye-Bruhn Market t s. H. MILLWEE \ LAWYER t 2 Notary Public T ? 2M-206 Seward Build inz Juneau. AUaka ? r?=?* I A. H. HUMPHERIES GENERAL TRANSFER Heavy Hauling a Specialty Phone*?Office 258. Barni 228 Office, Valentine Bldg. ?! 111111111111111111111111 The Grotto ialoon and Liquor Store :; UVELLE a BROPHY Proprietor* Front St JUNEAU 111111 li 111111111111111 -y." | Mecca Fizz "Smooth as Silk" Pabefa Blue Ribbon Beer On Draught AT THE MECCA 42 FRONT ST. CONWAY & SECREST ? in linn ! A. Benson ^ j | Stand at Willa' Grocery Store T Phooea 4"Sor S-S-5 t > ORDERS PROMPTLY EXECUTED X II I JUNEAU FERRY A NAV. CO. Summer Schedule In Effect June 22, 1914. Leave Juneau for Douglas, Treadwell and Thane. 6:00 A. M. 1:00 P. M. 6:30 P. M 8:00 A. M. *3:00 P. M. *8:00 P. If. ?9:00 A. M. *4:CO P. M. 9:30 P. M. 11:00 A. M. 5:00 P. M. 11:00 P. M. Saturday Night Only?12:00 P. M. ! Trips marked (?) do not call at Thane, .eave Douglas for Treadwell and Thane 6:10 A.M. 1:10 P.M. 6:40 P.M. ! 8:10 A. M. *3:15 P. M. *8:15 P. M. ?9.J10 A. M. *4:15 P. M. 9:40 P. M. 11:10 A.M. 5:10 P.M. 11:15 P.M. Saturday Night Only?*12:20 A. M. Trips marked (?) do not call at Thane. Leave Thane tor Treadwell, Douglas 8:15 A. M. 1:15 P. M. 6:45 p M. 11:15 A.M. 9:45 P.M. 11:15 A. M. 4:20 P. M. 9:45 P. M. 5:15 P. M. 11:20 P. M. Saturday Night Only?12:20 A. M. (? Does not call at Treadwell on return) Leave Treadwell for Thane and Juneau. 6:2oA.M. 1:25 P.M. 9:55 P.M. 8:25 A. M. 5:25 P. M. 11:30 P. M. : 11:25 A.M. 6:55 P.M. Saturday Night Only?12:30 A. M. < Leave Treadwell for Douglas and Ju- i neau. 6:35 A.M. 1:35 P.M. 8:20 P.M.' 8:35 A.M. 3:20 P.M. 10:05 P.M. 9:15 A.M. 4:20 P.M. 11:20 P.M. ' 11:35 A. M. 7:05 P. M. Saturday Night Only?12:20 A. M. Leave Douglas for Juneau: I 6:40 A.M. 1:40 P.M. 7:10 P.M. t 8:40 A. M. 3:30 P. M. 8:30 P. M. | 9:20 A.M. 4:30 P.M. 10:10 P. M. , 11:40 A. M. 5:35 P. M. 11:40 P. M. ' Saturday Night Only?12:40 A. M j WAR EFFECTS RUBBER. The European war nas caused rub ber goods to take a decided advance which will mean that in the near fu ture we will feel the advance on our 'ocal marftfet. Mr. Britt, of Brltt's Pharmacy, has forseen this Increase and has laid in a big supply of hot water bottles and fountain syringes which may be had for the same old price and they are all guaranteed for two years. Remember this: Always buy the best; we do. 8-20-tf. ? LEAGUE BAA'iBALL ? + * N0RTHWE8TERN LEAGUE. Wou liOst Pet. Vancouver 8S N 54 .632 Seatilo 8? 56 -606 Spokane - ?? 80 65 .552 Victoria ? ? 6J 84 .425 Tacoma 60 90 .400 Ballard 55 86 .386 PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. Won Lost Pet Portland 84 64 .568 l/os Angeles _... 86 73 .540 Son Francisco 86 73 .540 Venice ..... 85 75 .531 Sacramento 70 91 .433 Oakland 61 96 .386 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won Lost Pet. Boston 69 53 .566 New York .. 67 54 .554 Chicago ..... 68 59 .535 St Liouts _ 67 62 .518 Philadelphia 66 05 .463 Pittsburgh 57 67 .458 Brooklyn * 56 67 .455 Cincinnati 56 69 .448 V AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won Lost Pet. Philadelphia 84 42 .666 Boston , 74 61 .592 Washington 63 59 .516 Dertoit 64 63 .504 St. Louis L 57 70 .499 Chicago 63 65 .493 New York 58 68 .463 Cleveland 42 87 , .326 FEDERAL LEAGUE. Won Lost Pet. Indianapolis ....._ 68 54 .639 Chicago 68 55 .637 Baltimore ..? 62 57 .521 Brooklyn x63 67 .525 Buffalo h 59 .508 Kansas City 67 65 .467 St. Louis 55 67 .451 Pittsburgh 50 70 .419 AMERICAN LEAGUE. Yesterday's Scores: At Washington ? Washington, 2?4; Philadelphia. 0?9. At New York?Boston, 6; New York, 5. At Detroit?DetroiL 3; Chicago, 1. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Yesterday's Scores: At Boston?Boston, 8; New York, 3. At Philadelphia ? Philadelphia, 5; Brooklyn. 4. At Chicago?Chicago. 4; Cincinnati, 3. St. Louis-Pittsburgh game postponed; rain. _ ? FEDERAL LEAGUE. Yesterday's Scores: At Brooklyn ? Brooklyn, 12; Pitts burgh, 4. NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE. Yesterday'o Games: At Spokane?Seattle, 13; Spokane, 5. Rain at Tacoma and Victoria. PACiFIC COAST LEAGUE. Yesterday's Scores: At San Francisco?San Francisco, 6; Oakland, 4. At Los Angeles?Sacramento, 3; Ven ice. 1. At Portland?Los Angeles, 7; Port land. 5. CHANGE OF PROGRAM ATN GRAND THEATRE TONIGHT ?? - There will be an entire change of program at the Grand theatre tonight, including the following: "A Bandit"?Faco to face with the derperado. "Peeping Pete,"?and only a minute ago they were hitting each other with bullets. "The Smallpox Scare"?Doc receiv ed news of the big epidemic and it was no dream either. "Morgan's Treasure" ? Donderful drama; resue of an Indian girl: The great Biblical piece, "The Shad ow of the Past," will be seen Friday and Saturday evenings. A great State's right feature. ??? HOME OF FARROW SUDDENLY STRICKEN WITH DEATH ??? "Tex" Farrow, one of the best known steamship men in the coun try, who has ever since she was launched been chief steward of the Jefferson was called home by wireless eight hours after the Jefferson left her dock in Seattle on the last voyage by the sad news of the sudden death of Mrs. Farrow, whom he left in ap parently perfect health only a few minutes before the ship left for the North. Mr. Farrow transferred to the North western in the Gulf of Georgia and made the sorrowful trip back to Se attle. AMERICANS TO SHIP T,300,000 TONS COAL NEW YORK, Sept. 9.?Spanish in terests at Madrid have made con racts in New York and Philadelphia lor the delivery In Argentina and Uru juay of 2.300,000 tons of steam coal. ? */4rriiours> "STAR" | 8 |and BACON.too 1 For a Delicious Break fast, Dinner or ^ Supper | "SWEET AS A NOT" | mmmmmmmmmmmmammmamgrn I \\ Wko Was Wkittier? ;; J; said the Teacher \ [ ' i: ''Some Poet" :: J o s=_=ss=_=::!;;^|^ 1 AND OUR \\ < BBNZO VVHICH-HAZEf. Jf i :: gream o, |; is "SOMB LOTION" ;; ; :: 25cents Per Bottle o , :: j; i i! BrittsTtiarmacy it! o We Never Substitute?We cal custom house. Comparison of the receipts of Aug ust, 1914, with those of August, 1913, shows a total of 3113,439.63 for the month just closed and $137,439.30 for August of last year. Receipts of this port for July, 1914, were $123,378.67 pr $9,939.04 more than for August. GERMAN PRAI8E8 WORK OF FRENCH CANNON PARIS, Sept. 9.?A German prison er, paying a tribute to the new French iS-mllllmeter cannon, says they were ible to demolish in a few minutes intrenchments that Germans had spent days in constructing, and pro lucing havoc with those in the Tenches. THE WAR NEWS. rhis war news is bound to embarrass, Twould even a Munchausen harass. We're told that each Inning The allies are winning, iiVlth the Germans retreating toward Paris.?Jen, In Seatle Times. PETTIT & HARVEY I Rental* and General Collection* REAL ESTATE BROKERS Auditing an.! Accounting Agents Northern Life Insurance Co. Cheney Bldg. 297 * Washington Fir Direct to User Build of Hewitt-Lea-Funck Co. Washington Fir ? the wood that won't shrink, pull apart, crack, check or warp. Timbers' lor Mines; Send List lor Price Lumber from our own forests, cut in our own mills and sold direct Send list for proof of saving. Square deal guarantee backed by One Million Dollars Invested in the business. Millwork Catalog free. Prize Plan Book (all practi cal homes) . Ten Cents 11 i 111 n 11 m 11111111111111mi 11111111111iiii'iin ? We've Got It : Everything in the line of Wines, Liquors, Cigars ;j | JUNEAU LIQUOR CO.,Inc. jj ! 'The Family Liquor Store"~Phone 94?Free Delivery 1 ?i 81 II I I M a I I I I I 11 I 11 I 11 III 11?I 1111 I 11111II ? 111111 H ' 11 11 111 I II I ? I 11 I II1111II111 1111111111111111111tl1111 $5,000.00 was paid to advertise the s le of Electric Coffee Percolaters !! at $7.50 each in a weekly magazine for one issue. !! ; We are selling the best electric coffee percolater made ;; ; for $5.00 each, but we do not pay such an enormous sunf'for ' '< advertising. II ; ALASKA ELECTRIC LIGHT & POWER CO. ji | Third and Franklin Sts. Juneaj, Alaaka. | \ IIIIMII I IIIMIIIIIIH MHIIIIIIIIMIII 1111111111111 ' J IS 7S OT OT G7 Give u. on* trial and we will treat yon ao well you will want nyjj [r |P IT to come back. Wo feature Reliance Brand, evory article ab> ? aolutely guaranteed. Your money refunded if you are not /"M thoroughly aatiafled. Prompt attention given to all order*. vHOVHIlCttl 514 Calhoun Ave. Telephone 385 . -j?..r., T..t .1..I t t t lit 1 .lit ,t .t f..t. II. ft I t t t I I I I Doors and Windows at Seattle Prices STORE AND OFFICE FIXTURES i Mission Furniture We carry a stock of Hardwoods and Fir and employ Home Labor the year'round. Get our prices before you send your money outside. JUNEAU CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Ferry Way, Near l^ront Street. Telephone 3S8 [j |I-H 1 II I I I 1 I I 1 1 HIM I'M 1111 OCCIDENTAL HOTEL AND ANNEX Occidental Hotel Co., J. P. Old*. Mgr., European Plan Headquarters Tor Mining Men nnd Commercial Travelers FRONT STREET Opposite Post Office Phone 1*1 ?set ? ?_?. ? ? ' i t t t i t ? t i i ? t t ? ? < . i t ? > i ? . t t . ? > i ? ? t ; Old Kentucky B ar irffr i CLAY and McNEEL, Proprietoa n A S-?4 a u Hotel in Connection 1 : 19 Front Street :: :: Near Postoffice jj_f" 'i ? i ii?i?a Hi ii i n 11111 ill 1111111 i 111 n 1111111111111 Rates Reasonable Third and Harris Stroet. Juneau TheBERGMANN NEWLY BUILT AND NEWLY FURNISHED. MODERN IN ALL RE SPECTS. STEAM HEATED, ELECTRIC LIGHTED, HOT AND COLD WATER IN EVERY ROOM; BATH ON EVERY FLOOR, INCLUDING A SHOWER BATH. 8ANITARY CONDITIONS PERFECT. Beer lOca Glass I I LOUVRE BAR Free Moving Picture Shows Every Afternoon and Evening t ' WILLIAM SCRIBNER, Mngr. n i an n i h 11 m i m ii 111 ch m n 11 n h u n h i 11 h n ? | Heidelberg Liqour Co., Inc. ji Largest Stock Best Brands of !! Imported and Domestic Liquors ;; ; and Wines for Family Use. ; ; FREE CONCERT EVERY EVENING 7 TILL 12 :: : Free Delivery MAIL ORDERS A SPECIALTY Phone 386 :: ..... V. ?H-H-H-l 111! I l-l-l-l-1 M 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 I H 1 I I 1 1 1 I I I -H-I-l- 11 I I !? H- t-H When ordering BEER o ? :? ?? insist on RAINIER PALE | . * | V o McGloskcysl ? ? ? ==* i I i i J When in Seattle Stop at the Place for ALASKANS It'll Flro-Pruof, Modern and Convenient J3 RATES Sl.00 Per Day and Up | HOTEL BARKER I CornerPlie and Shth Free Auto Bnit Meet* all Boat* and Tralna I C. 0. Waleton & Conrad Freediae. Propa. B ALASKAN SOURDOUGHS