ii n m n i mi ii m 11 ii 111 i m 11 m in m 1111 i m i-i m--J1 :? MINING JOURNAL TELLS P P| HP P OF JUNEAU GOLD BELT | i-i i n i ii 1111111 in 111111 n n m m i m m i n m 111111 The position or honor in each ot the June ami July numbers of the Alaska and Northwest Mining Jonrnal. pub^ lished at Seattle, are devoted to the "Juneau Gold Belt" The articles are from the pen of O. E. Bennett, of this city, special correspondent of the magazine, and they occupy the first halt dozen pages in each of the last two numbers. Mr. Bennett calls to mind a fact that Juneauites often lose sight of? a fact which many ot the citizens of Juneau have never known to be the truth. He says "Gold in the form of placer was first discovered in what is now known as the Juneau mining district, at Sumdum and Windham Bay. in the year 1870." Continuing. Mr. Bennett relates now ten years later, two prospectors, Joe Juneau and Richard Harris, land ed at the mouth of Gold Creek which empties into Gastlneau Channel now only a few yards from a number of the principal business houses of tho City of Juneau. "The prospectors discovered float ore at the mouth of this stream" tho article goes on to say, "and they followed it up to Sil ver Bow Basin whore they discover ed good placer prospects. Tho follow ing year there was what would be considered a smalt stumpedc to this district, and the year 1881 found ap proximately 100 people in the camp then known as Harrisburg. From that time up to the present, a period of ov er thirty-two years, the Junenu min ing district has witnessed a gradual and continuous development." "There arc special features char acteristic of tho Juneau Gold Belt which deserve special mention and ; which, at the same time have a defi nite bearing on its future" says Mr. Bennett, and further states that "the most important of these is that throughout the whole Pacific Coast this is one of' the few places where . . - 1 the mineral zone Ilea dlerctly and ad jacent to the natural channels of wa ter transportation. Thd second Im portant point is, that the high moun tains framing the hanging way of the lode system act as'a bulwark to the moisture of the ocean and cre ates conditions allowing u heavy pre cipitation which, In turn becomeB val uable as cheap and abundant power. The third characteristic is, that the lode systems so fur determined have such metallurgical ' characteristics as to permit of simple and easy ex traction. . "These three factors are necessary to and acfhally make possible the cheapest known working costs for gold mines In the world. By way.of comparison, there aro lodge systems as large as those in this belt and hav ing the same values found In many minlng districts, but as a rule, these three elements necessary to ctasap working costs permit of working ore, under the right conditions, that will show an extraction of not over $2 a ton. Inasmuch as the conditions which create high grade values aro unusual high grade deposits of any size are, as a rule, of rare occurence, and the mining of such deposits is invariably coincident with a short life. On the other hand, small strin gers and velulets of high grade ore, which cannot be worked themselves, scattered over a large area, is a con-( dition which exlBts in this district, and which makes up the large depos its now being worked and developed. "All of these special features just mentioned have a strong bearing on not aloue the present history of this pie, the life of the despits, on account district, but Its future. For exam of their size, will bo great. It is confidently expected that dome of the deposits already developed will bo working for upwards of a hundred years from what is at present known of them. The normal working con stant. both as to output and mon dltlon of this type of deposit is con employed. "From the standpoint of the mer chant, mines of this character, as against high grade deposits, allow him to build and develop along natural and substantial lines without fear that the bottom may drop out with the working out of high grade body of ore* From the standpoint of the minor and the working man. as against the quick and easy returns in a high grade camp, followed by a shifting of his position and occupa tion. he can, if he will, determine to definitely settle in this givep area, build his home and bring up his fam ily, feeling that his work and his fu ture rests on a substantial founda tion. IV 19 UU 1UIVI VUIU(> IV UVIV that better than fifty to seventy-five per cent, of the gross yield from the deposits is paid direct to labor and supplies. The present gold output, for the entire district fo rthe year 1914. or up to the present time, is approxi mately five million dollars, so that over two million dolThrs has been paid direct to labor, and this does not con sider the new money which is going into equipment and development work, but refersonly to present out put. "As an example of what large, low grade mines mean to the laboring man and merchant, take for example the Treadwell group of mines. This group to date has milled some 45,000, 000 tons of ore and produced in the neighborhood of $60,000,000 in gold and silver. Out of this, approximate ly $30,000,000 has been paid out in the form of salaries direct to labor, lias been paid out in equipment, ma chinery and supplies. The yearly output of this group averages about $4,000,000 a year, and Is increasing. T$e average number of men employed is 1.500, with a payroll, of approxi mately $166,000 a month. All this is taken direct from the ground and is added wealth, not alone to the com munity itself, but to the world at large. Up to the present time some $5,000. 000 has been expended on develop ment work on the low grade proper ties in this district, and there is an assurance of severul millions more being spent on the development of i other properties within the noxt two i or three years. Theso expenditures i are being made direct In the Silver i basin us woll as on Douglas Island, ! and will increase the present large < milling capacity by several thou sand tons. i In connection with tho Immediate vicinity of Juneau tho writor says more particularly: "Tho magnltudo of mining In. South eastern Alaska, and moro particularly on what Is known as the Juneau gold belt, where the raining and milling of low grade ore Is now beln'g carried op in operations of such proportions as to cpntor tho eyes of the mining and business world upon this sec tion, have, to a certain extent, led tho interested public to believe that tho Juneau gold bolt Is one of tho low grade ore bodies exclusively, and contains llttld. If any, rich veins of high grade ore in small bodleB, such as Is 'characteristic of many other camps. This 1b not tho case, by any means. Most of the ore bodies now being developed uiong hub dou are found to lie In what Is commonly termed, the Juneau slate, and are comparatively close to the water. However, there Is abundance of vci dence all along this belt for a dis tance of more than two hundred 'miles, that the dlorite and Its allied rocks which are found tb make the cast side contact of tho slates, con tain many smaller leads of rich, or very high grade ore. "At numerous intervals along this belt. Immense glaciers cut the for mations almost at right angles, and stretch from many miles into the interior down almost to the sea. Tho glacial morane and debris which lie at the fott and along the sides of these immense rivers of Ice, contain the undlsputable evidence of the richness of the veins disrupted by theso glaciers while moving In their course to the sea. Much float quartz may bo found around any of these glaciers in which free gold can readily be seen, some of It assaying very high in values. "Many of these rich stringers of veins have been located at numerous localities throughout this belt and held for several years, sufficient as sessment work being done each year to hold them and no further attempt l>elng made toward development. These veins usually being found in small bodies, have been neglected for the reason that local capital has been absorbed almost entirely and to its ut most capacity in handling the larger propositions of low grade ores, and also that often these smaller leads are rather difficult of access, or at least considered so in a coyntry where the mining developments have been heretofore carried on almost at sea level. "However, H Is apparent already, that this vest mineralized domain is soon to receive the attention of both prospectors and" mining investors that its indications warrant. When .it is taken into consideration that this immense and practically unex plored expanse of country, which lies back of the States and known to be heavily timbered for more than one hundred inlles Sack from the const line of the main land of Alaska, the future possibilities of this mineral empire of latent wealth are beyond conception. "Another heavily mineralized sec tion, where the conditions are closely analogous to those of the Juneau min eral belt, lies on the west side of Lynn Canal, between the head of Ex cursion Inlet and Chilkat River. Here, as on the Juneau mineral belt, are found a long and unbroken chain of heavily mineralized slates, the same being intersected along its whole course by many dikes of Intrusive 'rocks, and many of the streams which flow through this belt and empty in to the west side of Lynn Caual, show an appreciable and constant working of gold, apparently eroding in large quantities yearly from these slates. "A cursory and rather superficial examination made by prospectors and well known mining men during the summer of 1914, developed the fact that many large bodies of ore are to be found in this section which con tain both gold and galenn, and ar$ almost identical in character with the ores in the Juneau belt. This miner- , alized section, as a rule, lies within five or six miles back from tide wa ter. where numerous land-locked bays and indentations along the coast ren der fine harbors for the largest sea going vessels. , "Water power and timber suitable J for mining purposes are to be found 1 in abundance throughout these min- I eral belts, and when it is taken in- I to consideration that thiB district is open the year around for transporta tion facilities and accessible for min- i ing operations which are now and ] have been carried on at all seasons i of the year., it is little wonder that | large combinations of capital are t spending millions of dollars here 1 where an absolute guarantee of per manency is assured, and where a big share of the attention from tho mining < world is attracted and where many i homeseekers and investors are now | interested. 1 "The conditions of the mines in this mineral belt as they stand today, are pleasing to contemplate. "The Tread- , well group, Alaska-Gastlneau, Alaska- t Juneau and other properties on a : large operative basis, are in better < condition from a point of view in ton nage' and development work sb ^ell as surface equipment, than ever in < their history. The exploration work ] in all the mines in this district con- \ tinues steadjly and satisfactorily, and ^ the ore bodies are retaining an equal ly satisfactory depth and value. "Only a short way from this im- t mediate section, active and consist- t snt development work Is being car- r ?led on in the Auk Bay country, in i '.lie Eagle River country and the Ber tiftr's Bay country, the results of which are generally satisfactorily and encouraging. Thero can bo little ioubt that with the Improvement of modern metallurgy and the contlnua atlon of this dovelopmont work now planned in these outside sections, the olther mines comparable In size to this Immediate vicinity, will be forth coming." The articles are profusely Illus trated, and Mr. Bennett has received congratulations from many mining men for the careful manner In which he has presented the facts concerning the Juneau Gold Belt. Copies of both the June and July numbers of the Alaska and North west Mining Journal arc on sale at Juneau news stands. ? ?? + + ?* + + + *** + + ?? ?J* *|? + WAR SIDELIGHTS * + + Statisticians in Hamburg, Germany have complied figures showing that Gorman is rapidly becoming tho lan guage of tho world. In 1800 there were 30,320,000 speaking German, 31, -150,000 French, and 20,520,000 English in 1890 75,200,000 51,200,000 and 111, 100,000, respectively. In 1914, 105, 000,000, 52,000,000 and 152,000,000 re spectively. In 1800 there were 280, 000 speaking German in tho United States, in 1890, 7,100,000 and in 1914, 13,000,000. In 1914 there were 90, 500,000 speaking German in Europe, compared with 46,000,000 each of the French and English languages. A Zurich dispatch says that at the beginning of the war the Kaiser's special train was painted whitish-blue so that troops and civilians could all recognize and cheer the emperor as he passed. To prevent hostile avia tors from scolng the train easily It has been periodically repainted in dif ferent colors. The telephone system is so perfect that tho Kaiser when in the field can get into immediate connection with his army chiefs in the west and east fronts, the govern ment representatives nt Berlin and with ambassadors in neutral Eurpp can countries. y Bread just before the fall of Warsaw was double and triple its usual price. Eggs, which sold for for two cents, are now six "centos each. At Easter each Russian soldier received four eggs?1,000,000 soldiers around War saw meant 4,000,000 eggs?and the country was stripped of this product. There is no beef, and a pound of poor moat now costs 60 kopecks, against tho usual price of 24 kopecks?the poorest quality of stouppo oxen. In the Boston Globe, correspondent J. O. D. Bennett writes from Gb'ris tiania that men of affairs there feel that Norway will bo drawn Into the war as an irily of England. Explorers Amundsen and Nansen have voluntar ily returned to the Norwegian.)govern ment subsidies which they had been granted for further polai; researches, and have abandoned the latter until after the close of tho war. Germany has a new ureoplanc, that is practically invisible at 3,000 feet, at a height of 6,000 feet to the. nak ed eye. Tho invisibility is obtained by covering tho pinned with "cellon," a combination chemical mixture of cellulose and acetic acid, which make them exceedingly tough, transparent, and pliable and is also non-inflam mable. A London special asserts that ob servations indicate thnt whether ship is torpedoed with or without warning depends upon the individual German submarine commander and that there is no record of the Admiralty ever having issued Instructions on this point. ?4*? German submarines sunk ten Brit ish trawlers an;I three neutraj vessels on Tuesday. l;Tench Submarine Mar iotte was destroyed by the Gorman submarine on July 26 in the Dardan elles, according to a Constantinople dispatch. Arrivals and departures of. British merchants sliips from British port since the inauguration of the Gorman submarine war have been 31,395; 98 shipB having been sunk, of 31 per cent. The officers and men who have been killed were 505; and neutral ves sels sent to the bottom, 95. ??? A Cincinnati manufacturer, L. L. Wolf, hus discovered a flreproofing li quid designed to offset the effects of shells which on explosion distri bute burning liquid. The British gov ernment upon txpcrimentj has order ed 600 gallons. A representative of the French gov ernment is in Pittsburgh seeking tp place an order for sufficient mica to make 4,000,000 lenses for glasses lor glasses to be worn by the soldiers is a protection against gas and acid bombs. German Under-Secretary For For eign Affairs Zimmerman says: "We ean never give up our submarino war fare. The people would never sanc :ion that." In an article headed "Unfounded \nxieties," Count Reventlow admits he German public is a good deal an loyed by theu nsatisfying progress if the submarine war. A Germaif colonel claims the Kais er told the grand general staff that 10 has decided to end the war Jain lary 1, and sign a peace treaty on lanuary 27th, his birthday. ?+? The French forces have captured he Important position of Lomie, on he German colony of Kerermn, Af- I lea, and have advanced as far as ; ^otourzitsa. < Abe Martin Says It's for easier t' talk back than it s t' come back. Mrs. Tipton Bud's icphew has loft the penal farm as he vuz not satisfied. DON'T forgot tbo Names? OLTS & GrLPATRICK, Contractors Concrete or frame construction. (6-17-tf.) QUARTERLY REPORT OF LIBRARY ASSOCIATION In her quarterly report submitted to the Library Association last night, Mrs, R. E. Robertson, secretary, Bald: "Tho library now contains 1637 books, the average circulation being 1400 a month, or for tho quarter an average of approximately 47 books a day. The numbor of roaders in the reading room averages 30 a day. One day during July 50 readers availed thom hcIvcs of the privileges of tho read ing room. Tho number of borrow ers is 880. Fifty-one new borrowers have been added to the list since the first of July." Acording'To tho report, the averago monthly expenses of tho library arc itemized as follows: Rent $40 Librarian 75 Substitute 5 Janitor .'. 12 On August 1st tho association had on hand 'in tho banks a total of $508.31. During the quarter the sum of $720 was received from tho fol lowing sources: From Draper Club $204.94 Baseball game, gross receipts.. 233.20 Monthly subscriptions 131.30 Membership dues In aso'n 8.00 Calling cards sold 1.45 Fines for overdue books 36.80 Electrio light company, dona tion 15.00 A respectable middle aged widow wants general house work. She is a good plain cook and capable of tak ing complete charge of children and home for woman In business, or wid ower. No washing. Any part of Al aska. Mrs. L. C. Bennett, 2652 15th Ave. W? Seattle, Wash. 8-5-2t. HILL DRUG CO. just received another large ship ment of the famous Augustine & Ky era candles, bearing the factory date of.July 30th. The public can always feel confident of obtaining a fresh box of the celebrated Augustine & Kyer candy at the HILL DRUG%CO., Phone 32 ?(8-5-3t.) Empire want ads. work all the time. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL AND ANNEX Rateo?75c to $2.50 Per Day Weekly Rates on Request Phone 11 as i > ii i1 '' Watches, Diamonds Jewelry, Silverware I.J.Sharid<4 Jeweler end Optician V 5S? Phone 388 Strictly Pint Class Juneau Construction Co. Contractors flstom and office fix- II ' 51 turca. Mission furni ture. Wood tuminjr. Hand mwin*. JUNEAU. ALASKA ? f -i-H 1 I I 1 ?! ??H 1 1M II 1 I I I I I ! I I I I I I I 1 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 H 1 I I I I 1 I :; The Grotto liijl ;;:r I c. r. brophy Distributors of High Glass, Double ;;!! Stamp Whiskey, Wines and Cordials ;;!! . Olympia and Rainier Beer 95 front street telephone no. 210 ;;!! T ? ? 1111111 m i l n n n i m i n m m i m m i m 11 n iT:: ?i I I ! I I 1 1 I 1 1 I I I M-M IM I II II 1 1 III 1 1 III III I I 111 111 I 1 I t l* -Heidelberg liquor Co.-. i INCORPORATED | <[ i >' Largest Stock Best Brands ot '' Imported and Domestic Liquors \ and Wines for Family Use. < > * * Free Concert Every Evening 7 Till 12 < | < > Free Delivery. Mail Orders a Specialty. Telephone 386