Newspaper Page Text
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS • ) ‘ i ' • ,1 Study the store ads—that you may know how to plan your buy f ing wisely and within your "appropriation. ’ Store Ads. Should Be Carefully Studied We are living in a new industrial era. Conditions of manufacturing and selling are changing con stantly. Essential commodities are to be obtained almost us readily as in peace times—but values and prices are not the same. Generally speaking, prices are higher in all lines —necessarily so; for materials and labor cost more. Merchants aim to keep buyers informed of chang ing conditions, of altered prices and of present values of commodities. Advertising thus plays a more important part in cur daily lives than ever before. housewives must buy wisely — with knowledge of commodities—with proper economy, but without running the risk of securing poor values through a policy of alway* buying at the lowest price. Women should not merely read the ads—they should STUDY THEM. FOR RENT—Houses_ FOR RENT—Partially furnished house, St. Luke’s Rectory Douglas, $10 per month. Apply A. E. Gurr, Douglas. PIANO for rent, apply phone 143. FOR RENT—Comfortable houses, 6mall or large. Mrs. Montgomery Davis, Gth and Seward St. FOR RENT Furnished houses of three, five or six rooms; also two furnished rooms. Enouire Mrs. H. P. Hansen, Cor. Calhoun Ave and W. Eight St. — Phone 2543 FOR RENT—Apartment* BERGMANN HOTEL Rooms by the day. week or month. A few light housekeeping apartments left. Comfortable, warm, homelike. Mrs. Ray G. Day, Manager. ‘Phone 205. A warm place for the Winter. FOR RENT — Nicely furnished front room gentlemen only, hot and cold water with bath, with or with out board. Mrs. M. D. Berry, 210 Main street. 2. 3, 4-room apartments, furnish ed, $6 and up; phone 209, Gliff Apts. THE SKA VIEW AND JUNEAU APARTMENTS are giving special winter rates. All the rooms are cosily furnished, in cluding baths, linen, lights and wa ter; kept clean; single or double; all are outside rooms, splendid view of the channel; $5 per month and up. Mrs. Bertha Hogan, prop., phone 286. .Russian Baths The Russian Hath House will be open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 p, m. until 12 midnight. 1 FOR SALE—Miscellaneous FOR SALE—40 ft. gas boat with all equipment; very cheap. Call 4 rings on X Thane. TENT and FLY—16x20, 12 oz. heavy canvass—used one month; good as new, for sale at a bar gain. See O. E. Bennett, Douglas. FOR SALE—Standard Columbia Grafanola and 66 expensive rec ords at a big bargain (owner draft ed). See M. Gtovanetti, Willough by Ave. MISCELLANEOUS SECOND RAND Furniture tor tale at reasonable prices. Alaska rural tore Co. CARD READING GOOD CARD READING at 101 Front 8t. opp. Alaskan Hotsl. PALMIST_Come and have your fortune told from your band. Work, buslnees, mar riage and tbe future accu rately foretold; SOS Front Street. WANTED—Help_ MILL MEN WANTED—One saw yer, 7 men lor donkey engine crew, 6 men to handle lumber. Good wages. See Dave IIouscl at Bruns wick. WANTED—Good laundry girl at New Method Laundry, phone 299. W ANTED—Situation RESPECTABLE WOMAN, good cook, wants camp or hotel Job; can furnish best of references; apply Empire. WANTED~ WANTED—Furniture for 4 room house, in good condition and cheap; cash; phone 75. LOST AND FOUND LOST—Cluster stick pin; green and white stones; call Empire office. LOST—Bunch of 0 or 7 keys with leather cover. Return Empire of fice A. J. tf TURKISH BATHS HlLLHlDhl HATH HOUHB—Turkish 'teedle. Steam, "bower and tub batbr Dry and tt«*it heat, am Front St Phone HI11-HMf K D. McLEAH New and second hand fur niture bought and sold. Up holstering. carpet lading, furniture packed for ship ping. Cor Second and | Franklin. ’-—-< [ Before Buying or Selling [ Your Furniture See Ua i ALASKA FURNITUBE CO. : 211 Seward St. Phone 152 You can keep your fUEL BILL at a low figure by using only our high grade coals. Ladysmtih Nanaimo PACIFIC COAST COAL COMPANY PHOHX 411 ENGRAVING AND EMBOSSING Kngraveo slatting cards, wadding nvltatlons and announcements, and jther society and bustnssa station 1 ery; monogram dlsa and monogram tulr« stamping; and emboaasd so ciety and buatneas stationery—-tba best on tbs Pacific Coast. Leave or ders at the odes of Elf PIES PRINT ING COMP ANT, 4 ' ALASKA MOTES f -. Ralph L. Johnson of Nenana re cently wrote from the Outside that h<- had entered the Navy and had been assigned for duty on the gun boat Princeton. AH the newspapers from the In terfor contain items concerning the preparations for the end of the sen son of inland water navigation. E. W. Chapman of Cordova is now with a battalion of Engineers at Camp Benjamin Harrison at Indian a polls, Ind. George C. Noeller, a member of I lie Order of Pioneers at Nenana. died there recently. Miss Hazel Pauli of Fairbanks, was recently married at Seattle to Capt. Turner. Miss Pauli has been a resident of Fairbanks sinoe hoi early girlhood. She is a sister of Mrs. F. S. Gordon, wife of the Fair hanks drygoods tnerchant, and has two brothers at Camp Lewis. Her SERIAL 02757. United States Land Office, Juneau Alaska, Aug. 5. 1018. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that John Unsigned, of Juneau, Alus ka, assignee of Martha Goad, widow of Charles Pinkney Goad, has filed in the II. S. [.and Office for Juneau Land District, at Juneau, Alaska his application to enter, under and pursuant to Section 2306 of the Re vised Statues of the United States a Soldier’s Additional Homestead the following tract of land, situated on the northeasterly side of Gastln eau Channel, adjoining the shore thereof, and approximately one-halt mile Southeast of the City of Ju neau, in Latitude 58° 17' 30” North Longitude 134° 23' West, in the Territory of Alaska, designated as U. S. Survey No. 705, and more par ticularly described as follows, to wit: Beginning at Corner No. 1 Meander Corner; at line of or dinary high water of Gas tineau Channel: not set; thence North 0.19 chs. to Witness cor ner to Cor. No. 1 M.C.; whence U. S. M. M. No. 1 bears South 11° 40’ West 58.02 chs. distant, and Cor. No. 2 Sur. No. 1111 S. A. H. of C. W. Fries bearB South 62° 03' East 41 53 chs. distant; 10.15 chs. to Cor. No. 2; thence West 1.90 chs. to Cor. No. 3; thence South 7.64 chs. to Witness corner to Cor. No. 4 Meander Corner; 8.70 chs. to Cor. No. 4 M.C.; not set; whence Cor. No. I Utah Lode Sur. No. 642 hears North 43° 01' West 7.68 chs. distant; thence meandering along the line of ordinary high water of Gastineau Channel South 45° 16' East 1.20 chs; South 60° 30' East 1.21 chs. to place of beginning. Containing an area of 1.81 acres. Magnetic declination 31° 60’ East. U. S. M. M. No. 1 Is brass plate set in concrete on extreme » North end of Juneau Island. A duly authenticated copy o' the plat of said Survey No. 705, ti gether with a notice of Hie said ap plication to enter, was duly poste at a conspicuous place upon sai premises on the 3rd day of Angus’ 1918. c. n. waLker, Register. daily fashion hint ‘ V ---7 A smart hat of brown veil at and Cuill <• ostrich: band of brows ribbon. father at one time was City Magis trate at the Tatiana metropolis. ■ A •. __ Norman Anderson, a timekeeper on »lie Alaska railroad, who went outside and enlisted shorlly after the declaration of war, was recently honorably discharged as an enlisted man, arid commissioned a Second Nontenant. H. B. Joseph has relinquished his position as chief accountant far the Alaska Engineering Commission at Tanntia that he may devote his at tention td his position as townsite manager, and Kenneth Finlay-on has succeeded him in the former po sition. F. Doner has succeeded C H. Ilall as special disbursing agent for the Alaska Engineering Commission at Nenana. The Alaska Engineering Commis don will build a trail connecting the ends of the railroad this winter. M. T. Cooney, in charge of the Interior end of the work, has already start 'd his crew at its task. A cache of 746 bottles of bonded liquor was uncovered recently by the United States Marshal's office at Cordova and confiscated. Nels Smith was arrested and bound over to the grand jury, charged with the owner ship of the goods, which he denies. He was released on giving bonds in the sum of $3,000. A placer copper claim has been staked on Kenneeott creek three luarters of a mile below the Kenne cott mill by O. A. Margraf, J. H. Burgess and J. C. Nickel!. A 2,600 foot tramway has just been completed and 300 feet of a proposed X00 foot tunnel at the lead copper claim of the Green Group properly owned by John Barrett, on McCarthy creek, four miles front the Motherlode mines, in the Copper River country. IS NOT A SLACKER. Word has been received from tbe Bellingham Exemption Board that B. Jacobsen, a registrant of that board, who was held here with two tther men as suspected deserters, v.ns placed in Class II at the rc nuest of bis employers, in order that be might finish tbe canning i-ason, and so was not subject to his draft. Mr. Jacobsen will leave 1 >n the next boat for the South. Old papers for sale at The Empire ■ (flee. Second and Main streets. RECESS TAKEN BY THE COUNCIL FROM LAST NIGHT 0 Expected to Get Word from Outside Wednesday About the York Property. RELATES TO STREET Matter of the Willoughby Street Extension Was Up for Discussion Last Night. _ At the City Council meeting last evening, upon motion of Councilman J. H. Montgomery, seconded by Coun cilman J. J. Connors, the Council took a recess until next Wednesday, or to be called together Hooner at the option of the Mayor, in order to further consider the improvement of the extension of Willoughby Avenue over the property dedicated to the city by the Pacific Coast Company, in relation to the York property. Mr. Connors brought the question up and Mayor Valentine explained that Manager It. R. Young of the Pacific' Coast Coal Company was now in telegraphic communication with the officials in Seattle regarding a proper outlet for the property, and hoped to have an answer any mo ment. All present were agreed that they wanted to do all possible to hurry the work. Mr. Connors want ed to know' If the Mayor would sigq. over the contract given to the city* three years ago by the Pacific Coast Company relinquishing the right to that piece of property in front of the York property, in order that there might not be any hitch in going ahead. Mayor Valentine said that he was satisfied that the answer to the telegram from the Pacific Coast Company would be satisfactory. The Mayor said he knew that an injunc tion would be served unless York was given an outlet, and thereupon the Council agreed upon a recess. When the Council convened all were present save Councilman P. Carlson, W. George Johnson, the new member elected by the Council at the last meeting was present. A motion prevailed to allow a drain on Fourth Street in the Nel son Addition upon the petition of Robert Simpson and Grover C. Winn. A request from the Boston Group Mining Company signed by H. If. Folsom for a reduction of the as sessment from $5,000 to $800 was not allowed. The petitioner said the prop erty in the city limits near the “pond" was unproductive and the per sonal property consisted of a house about 25 years old and tunnel sites. The assessment was reduced from $1,000 to $500 on the fixtures of the old Opera House building. Councilman Montgomery reported ho had interviewed Oliver Drange, and found there was no truth in the statement that there was discrimina tion against people wanting to buy ice. The plant was too small for the demands made on it during the Sum mer. C. W. Fries reported that the elec tric lights burned on the lower City Float during the day and were out at night. It developed that the .lights are controlled by an electrl | cal automatic clock and it was thought the switch may have been turned on the wrong time. The claim of the Alaska Steamship Company for the city to stand onel third for the loss of clothing routed to Chichagof was allowed. M HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL (Fourth and Gold Streets) Rev. G. D. Christian, Dean. Rev. A. E. Butcher. Canon. Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity. At 11 a. m„ Celebration and Ad ministration of the Holy Eucharist. ■ with sermon. As this may be the last Sunday before Canon Butcher's departure he will preach the sermon at this service. Church School at 12:30. No service in the evening Offertory, “Communion" (Batiste), Miss Forbes, organist. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH (J. T. McQueen. Pastor.) Order of Service Morning sei'vice at 11 a. m Subject of sermon: "The Holy Spirit's Work in Redemption." Sunday School, 12:16 p. m. Bvenlhg worship. 7:3U p m 1 The Bev. L. D. Cook, who has i been recently appointed pastor of the Seward Methodist Church will speak on Y. M. C. A. war service. Rev. Cook has had more than a year of war service Come and hear him. Please take notice that all evening services will begin at 7»30 prompt. A cordial invitation is extended to all to attend these 'services. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH Sunday services wijl be held at 11 a. m. in the Chutuh of the Chris tian Science Society of Juneau on Fifth Street between Main and Sew ard Streets. The subject will be: "Unreality.” Free Heading Room at the Church Wednesday and Saturday afternoon from 2 to 5 o’clock. Sunday School at 12:15. » 1 CATHOLIC CHURCH f — _ * g» 8 o’clock. First Mass and Com ■minion. ' , 10: SO High Mass and Sermon. 7:30 p m. Itosaijr Instruction and Benediction. NORTHERN LIGHT PRES BYTERIAN CHURCH SI:-_n (Cor. Fourth * Franklin) Rev. George Gladstone Bruce, Pastor. The congregation of this church will join with the Methodist church in both morning and evening ser vices. Sunday school will uieet as usual. PEERLESS FREE READING T ROOM I s-2 Chas. C. Personens, Leader There will be regular Gospel ser vices on Sunday and Friday evenings at 8 o'clock. Everyone Is cordially Invited to attend these services. PRESBYTERIAN NATIVE X CHURCH a----c David Waggoner. Pastor 10:30—Bible Service. 7:00—Evening Service. 7:00—Wednesday. Mid-Week Pray er meeting. A cordial Invitation la given to attend these services. TOBACCO FUND FOB OUB BOYS PRESENT DATE The total of the Tobacco Fund donated The Kinpire for “Our Hoys in France” today is as follows: Previously reported $1,179.52 Mrs. Luella Porter, of Owens boro, Ky. . 1.00 * -—— Total to Date $1,180.52 Give us your next order for trai s fer work or coal. Juneau Transfer Company. Phone 48. FERRY TIME CARD M-rldt Commutation Ticket* |Lkt ——— FABE 15 CENTS _ J LEAVES JUNEAU i For Douglas, Treadwell and Thans 7:10 a. m. 9:00 a. m. •10:30 a. m. 12:30 p. m, • 2:16 p. m. 3:10 p. m. 4:40 p. m. 6:00 p. m. •7:30 p. m. 9:30 p. m. 11:10 p. m ••12:46 p. m. • To Douglas only—city float. •• Saturday night only. TWO WHISTLES FIVE MINUTES BEFORE STARTING RHONE (I Ticket Office 116 Seward Street — Phone 156 ALASKA WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA —Alaska Route— ■—___- - _ _ _ City of Seattle OmitB Sitka Farragut Spokane OmitflSkagw’y ■_ Westbound Farragut | i ■ Southbound City of Seattle Spokane THREE SAILINGS PER WEEK FROM SEATTLE TO SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEGO Ticket OUce 218 Seward St. GUY SMITH Phone 18 J. C. ADAMS City Ticket Atft., Juneau Phone 16G S. A. IIOUTON Agent Plione 4 tr T IT »T I 0 ft S * f tr PALATIAL STEAMER \ PRINCESS SOPHIA SAILS SOUTHBOUND -For PRINCE RUPERT AND POINTS SOUTH Ask Agents for dates, sailings, etc., or 'phono Numbers 224, 1373, or 4004 TICKETS TO VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, TACOMA, OLYMPIA, EVERETT, BELLINGHAM, ANACORTES, PORT TOWNSEND Take Same Rate. Reservations and All Information from 0. OLSON, Agent Jensen H’w’re Co(., Douglas POST OFFICE Thane D. 5MEAT0H Juneau F. F. W. LOWLE, Gen. Aget., Seward Street I “THE THREE FUNNEL LINERS” PRINCE RUPERT PRINCE GEORGE ! t —For— Prince Rupert, Swanson Bay, Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle, etc Tickets Issued to all parts of the world, and baggage bonded through to point of destination without trouble. Direct connec tion made at Prince Rupert with Grand Trunk Pacific Railway for all points in the United States and Canada. Buy a through ticket via "the Shortest Line to the East" saving two days time In travel as well as a saving in money. For information of sailing and arrival dates, call at or phone local office^. H. R. SHEPARD, Agent, Juneau Alaska. VALENTINE BUILDINGS.TELEPHONE 409 __.___u ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY SAFETY — SERVICE SPEED Ticket* to Seattle, Tacoma, Victoria and Vanconver. Through Tick et* 1b Bah Francisco < S.S. Alaska, S.S. Alameda, S.S. Northwestern and'S.S. Jefferson For information of sailing and arrival dates, call at or phone local offices. W. E. NOWELL, Agent, Juneau, Phone 2 ELMER E. SMITH, Agt., Douglas, Phone Douglas 33 SEATTLE STEAMSHIP COMPANY INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP LINE S.S. DESPATCH — FIRST CLASS, $24.00 8.8. PORTLAND, Freight and Explotivei Only For information of sailing and arrival dates, call at or phone local offices. ALASKA SUPPLY CO., Agents, Phone 44 ALASKA MEAT COMPANY JOHW KICK, M,m»i 1 r MiJiw/riiai Rrtatt BmtcJun Beef, Mutton, Fork, CUckens, Oysters, Fish, Home-made Sausage, Ham and Bacon SEW ABB STBEET -.PHONE 30 414 Wf «¥W? 41+ fflf Tm - raE EMPIRE.