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BOYS’ SUITS Blue Serge, Brown Checks, Grey Mixed, etc. And of the Latest Shades. Sizes 7 to 17. BOYS’ MACKINAWS' Of the Very Latest. Models Sizes 24 to 38 BOYS’ SHOES-Shu Packs And Shoes Made To Stand Hard Wear Just Recei\ed a Shipment of Trunks, Suitcases And Traveling Bags. GET OUR PRICES FIRST -the Leader Dep’t Store UC. FRONT STREET The Mavis Line of Toilet Preparations MANUFACTURED BY VIV AUDOU, PARIS Mavis Taclum Pd. Mavis Face Pd. Mavis Toilet Water Mavis Soap Mavis Tooth Paste Mavis Cj’d Cream Mavis Rouge Waltz Dream Tdlcum Pd. Waltz Dream Face Pd. Waltz Dieam Toilet Water Mavis Perfume “The Acme of refined taste” The Rexall Store Juneau, Alaska PHONE 26 I. J. SHARICK Jeweler and Optlelaa Watehaa. D'amonda, Jewelry Silverware “SAFETY FIRST” AUTO M. 1). Berry, Prop. ANY WIlKltK, ANYTIME! Stand, Alaskan Hotel Phone “Single-0” or 22 LET ME GIVE YOU A FIG URE ON YOUR BRICK AND STONE WORK. G. E. KRAUSE 531 Callioun Ave., P. 0. Box 87 FLOOD PICTURES 5 CENTS EACH Butler-Mauro Drug Go. 96 FRONT ST. Sub Station Post Office No. 1 TELEPHONE 134 NEW GOODS ALL THE TIME Tailoring, Shoes, Gent’s Furnishings HUGOHEIDORN Cor. Main and Second Srreets TWO IN ONE —THE EMPIRES gay for everybody. THE EMPIRE'S *ads” keep the houswlfe informed If all sales and the news columns are right up to the minute on the j Wi MW __ I CARGO STEAMER IS SUNK; IS THOUGHT TO HAVE HIT A MINE WASHINGTON, Oft. 5. — The' American cargo steamer Sansalia ut the Mallory Line was sunk yester day 15 miles southeast of Hnrne gat, N. .1., according to an official announcement, it is believed that the ship struck a mine. An un known number was killed. Patrol Boat Sank. ATLANTIC PORT, Oct. 5.—It is reported that an American scout patrol boat, No. .17!), was lost near shore, having sunk bow first. A rescue vessel has been sent to the scene. An internal explosion is the cause. One boat load of men was I rescued. It is not known whether the others were saved. There were 55 officers and men aboard. A latter report said all aboard were saved. “Lake City” Sinks. NEW YORK, Oct. 5.—The Amer ican steamer Lake City was sunk in a collision of Key West, and many of those on board were lost. BE SENT TO FORT. Paul Schwartzkopf, Carl Timman and Carl Paschen, three Germar aliens who were brought to the l! S. Marshal’s office from Yakutnt | some time ago, will be sent to Ft Lawton on one of the next boat' Sout h. HAVE YOU— f 'ordered one of those fresh cracked i crabs at the Alaska Grill? MBURNING; HONS WILL FLY (Continued from Page One) Le Catelet. but afterwards the Brit ish were thrown back on both sides of Le Catelet. FRENCH TAKE 2.500 PRISONERS PARIS. Oct. 5.—Violent fighting North of St. Quentin was reported at noon. The French have driven the ene my from the heights Southwest of Chardonvert. T; ,. French have maintained their large gains in heavy fighting East of Argonne. Northwest of Rheims during the past five days, the French have ta ken over 2,500 prisoners and 31 guns. HOSPITAL NOTES si -■ Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pearson of R. street ar« Hie parents of a baby boy born on Monday. Mrs. Bauman and her little da. liter, vvlin are at St. Ann’s Hos pit;,), will leave shortly for tbeir home at Cliirhagof. Mrs. Bauman is ihe daughter of William Free , burn. Mike Jackson, well Known around Juneau, was taken to St. Ann's ; Hospital yesterday with a severe 1 attack of pneumonia. Mrs. James Miller, wife of Capt. Miller of the King & Winge who i was operated upon at St. Ann’s hospital, is improving nicely. Mrs. Archie Radlot, of Thane, who was operated ttpon at St. Ann's hos pital, is convalescing. Mary Agnes Hitter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hitter, is ill and was taken to St. Ann’s hospital for treatment, yesterday. Alex Kiloh, who was severely in jured at. Salmon creek dam last week, is resting comfortably at St. Ann’s hospital. IS PROPOSED TO INCORPORATE FOR A NEW ICE PLANT Secretary Robert Kennedy says an important meeting of Local No. 4. Alaska Labor Union, will be held in Pond’s 2\4 Hull Monday evening, at which time yrill be submitted a prop isition to incorporate for a cannery md cold storage and ice making nlant. It is proposed to form a local company, with the understanding that Outside capital will be ready later to take over the enterprise. HARRY OWENS IS ELECTED MEMBER OF POLICE FORCE Harry Owens was elected night patrolman last evening in place of \rchie Bielich, at the City Council HOME COMFORTS IN FRANCE --—N _ The above official photograph shows au ingenious she wer bath in a f* rest near the western front. Pliable branches were torn from young tit . s ;ind formed into a large whorl shown in the photograph. Smaller mill v have been constructed and placed In a fast running spring. ib>| ea couuect larger and smaller wheel* and by a method of gearing the water is fun«d tu a height of about ten feet, whence It la forced through a bit of | hose. A French officer U shown enjoying bis shower. Special Display of Coats, Suits and Dresses I We direct particular attention to this special exhibition of the new cold weather fashions in woman's coats, dresses and suits. A carefully assembled stock comprising the latest and most favored styles is presented at prices which make it very well worth your while to buy now. Come see these new fashions, whether or not you intend to buy. Woman’s Plush Coats Pi iced $40.CO and Up Cloth Coats, Priced $27.50 and Up Woman's Suits Priced $24.50 and Up Woman's Dresses Priced $18.00 and Up ODD LOTS UNDERWEAR For Women and Children y2 price SCHOOL TABLETS 10c EACH When We Kick the Kaiser Out Have the Right to Join the Shout Buy W. S. S. Now Goldstein’s Emporium EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY ----- meeting. The Pumice committee re ported that the action was necessary and that further investigations were being made regarding police matters, which would be reported to th| Coun cil later. m ----■ Standard Fire-proof Chimney Blocks in All Sizes Carried In stock. CONCRETE PRODUCTS MFR. CO. Willoughby Avenue CUT THIS OUT!! and sent it with 25c and receive hy return mail Regulah Hollar Size Package of our Famous Egyptian Beauty Cream. CREMONILE A Beauty Bulider of the Highest Order. You will be more than de lighted with the result. R CHURCHILL CHEMICAL CO* Beaumont, Texas NOTICE TO TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS We are getting ready to print a new telephone direc tory about Oct. 5, 1918. All changes as to names and ad dresses must be in writing and in our possession as soon as possible. Those desiring advertising space will please notify the company at once. JUNEAU AND DOUGLAS TELEPHONE CO. CIRCLE CITY HOTEL Has a ReaT Home Atmosphere CLEAN, COMFORTABLE And within Your Means ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS BATH AND SHOWERS THE PLACE WHERE ALL OLD ALASKANS MEET See for Yourself! Mrs. Wm. Short, Prop. ATTENTION ! ! , We will take stove* in ex change for plumbing work done where electric ranges have been installed. SANITARY PLUMBING CO. Willoughby Avenue j Phone 443 ■— ---■ All accounts with the JUNEAU FRUIT & VEGE TABLE MARKET are now due and payable. | All persons having bills J ! against the above firm should present the same at once. ATTENTION!! We buy second hand suits, phone 394. THE RENOVATORY m_ —-—-f SOLID COMFORT With Service for the Winter Month* at Winter Rates HOTEL ZYNDA Juneau’s Exclusive Hotel -. Alaska Transfer Co General Hauling, Baggage, Coal, Contract, Hauling. MAIN ST., PHONZ 48 Independent Market Choice Meat Cats a Specialty. All Freih and Cored Meats. FRONT ST. - - Phone 129 p mmmmmmm ■ ■ 1 THE TRUTH €[ The beat dressed % men in town are those wearing suits made by F. WOLLAND MERCHANT TAILOR I 1 ———1— 1 TRAINED STENOGRAPHERS WANTED Uncle 8am la calling for Insistently every day for trained stenographer* to handle the vast details of the war wvt Will you help Uncle Sam? If so. pro~lde your daughter or son with a bualres* course In stenogra phy at the Alaska Business College. Bellingham, with Its Normal School environment la t>e cleanest and safest city on the Pacific Coast for your daughter to live In while pre paring herself to do hee bit. ALASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE «th PI. Exchange Cldg. Bellingham. Wash., Write u* for Information — FURNITURE AT PRE-WAR PRICES If you are in the market for furniture, now is the time to buy. —The bulk of our stock was purchased before the war and our prices are fully 40% less than those prevailing in the States. —Our stock is strictly new. We handle no second hand goods. C. W. YOUNG COMPANY The Store of Service ^^0 and Quality Ltake your change IN THRIFT STAMPS You Rot only Help Uncle Sam, but Acquire a Thrifty Habit. Alaska-Gastineau Mining Co