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Newspaper Page Text
FULLER BUNK After All, There’s No Time Like the Present. MYER MARCUS HERE COMES AVOUCH*! WELL,I'LL BLUFF HIM OUT OF IT! PLEASE SlRil'^ GOT* A SICK WIFE! COULD you HELP * Ate I CAN Civfeyou A JOB He XT VMEEKf j-y Tift WHAT do Vou - MEAN — 'Too LATe 5 if SHe’lL Be WELL ENOUGH To GO /////?//** '//» 'f/m w/' C*wti«m. ma. hr h //////rrr'*—~^jgpmmn> /SSya/z. AIakcvj—- '' 17 You can keep your FUEL BILL at a low figure by using only our high grade coals. Ladysmtih Nanaimo PACIFIC COAST COAL COMPANY PHHW 418 [VIA KIN A WS For Outdoor Workers • HUGO HEIDORN Cor. Main and Second Srree v Style Quality Workmanship —Four things that make our Job Department of real service to you. Merchants Manufacturers Professional Men Organizations we are equipped to at tend to your needs along the job printing line. OUR SHOP IS EQUIPPED to handle any kind of a job. Efficiency and speed coupled with expert workmanship puts a su perior touch to our work. -CALL PHONE 3-74 and we will give you estimates and figures. Empire | Printing Co THU EMPIRE PRINTING COM ?ANY baa the best equipped com uerclal print Id* office la Alaska; In riudes 13 linotype faces, the latest styles In types, the only eadnslrely book and commercial cylinder print ing press In the Territory; modern In every ps-tlciU'v: only one anallty at printiit-TH* VEST—Prices raw 1 jmR ■nd 1 FIELD (By PETER P. CARNEY) Editor National Sports Syndicate The trench shotgun is America’s greatest contribution to the war. Through the expert handling of the trench shotgun the Germans learned that the Yanks were coining. At the first taste of the pellets the Huns began to whine and then to write notes calling us “barbarians,” Germany, too! Originator of the Big Idea Three score years ago it was the handy piece of the sheriffs who hunt ed the outlaw’3, prison guards, ex press messengers and stage coach guards, and it did yoeinan service. When America took a hand in the war a Georgia engineer by the name of Eagor began ruminating on ways to stop. the Hun. His ruminations brought him to the discraded weapon of the days of mushroom mining towns. It was the BIG IDEA. The suggested the utilization of the short barrel shotgun to the War Department and the suggestion met with favor. The improvised Winches ter riot gun, 1897 model, six shot, hand operated, single barrel pump shotgun was examined and found to be worthy. But there was one problem to be met. That was the placing of the bayonej.. The barrel of the gun was quite thin and did not offer much support for a bayonet. This is where Yankee ingenuity asserted itself and made the gun the dealiest short range weapon ever conceived or used by man. The weakness of the barrel was overcome by providing an outer steel coat or jacket, which is perforated and held a short distance away from the barrel proper and forms an air chamber that acts as a cooling jack et. To this reinforced jacket is the bayonet attached. The jacket prevents the scorching of the shooter’s hands and permits rapid fire. The magazine holds five shells and there is one shell in the chamber, making it capable of firing six shots as rapidly as one can pull the trigger and work the pump handle! This we might assert is mighty fast when in the hands of a trapshooter. Will Fire 60 Cartridges a Minute These shells contain 3% drams of smokeless powder, 00 buckshot load, 0 pellets to each cartridge, each pel let about the size of a .32-calibre bullet. It is possible for one man shooling, and others loading for him to fire 50 cartridges a minute, which means 450 slugs a veritable shower of lead, would be sprayed over a 100 yard sector. With hundreds of these guns in use one can imagine the result. No column of troops could stand at close range before a line of men armed with trench shotguns. In the past these guns have cowed mobs and upset mass formations. It is unwise to stand in front of them— especially when they are In the hands of one who might pull the trigger. The gun weighs 7V6 pounds and the bayonet 1% pounds pounds. It is the 12gauge pattern with barrels 20 Inches long made from rolled steel, cylinder bored. The bayonet can be removed and used for “close up" fighting. A sling is attached to the gun, the same as to the rifle, so that it may be thrown over the shoul der. An Idea of the effectiveness of the gun is shown in these tests on a two-inch pine board. At 50 yards the pellets wormed their way through the wood to a depth of 1% inches. At 75 yards the shot went in % of an inch and at 100 yards the shot went in 14 of an inch. When General Pershing requested the shotguns we are of the opinion that the idea was to try to keep Fritz at home in the evenings. Thou sands were supplied and those in the hands of men who co^J<l use them not only have kept Fritz at home nights but have kept him sleep less more than one night. Will Not Replace Rifle or Machine Gun Th shotguns are more effective than rifles for sentries. The guns will not replace the rifle in warfare nor will they perform the functions of a machine gun. It is purely an emergency weapon which has done all that it was intended to do—and some more. Firing from the hip .holding back the trigger and pumping the fore-J hand, the shooter can lay down a perfect barrage in front of him that will he effective for more than 100 yards. This gives an idea of the value of the gun in the hands of sentries. It carries more terrors in to the hearts of the enemy than any other Instrument of destruction that has been used. The only umbrella that will assist anyone when the trench shotgun is showering pellets over the universe ■ is an armored tank. Here Is a Sportirtg Proposition The guns are mainly in the hands of trapshooters, men who learned to! shoot at clay targets at the gun club. Trapshooters are sportsmen and have used the guns to deflect and ex plode hand grenades thrown by the enemy. Hand grenades explode four sec onds after they are thrown—-and if they are missed by the shooter he pays for the miss with his life. The compactness of the shot will stop the grenade and cause it tq explode near the enemy trench, which is fatal to the thrower. RUSSIANS HAVE STRANGE IDEAS ABOUT RED CROSS VLADIVOSTOK, Nov. 7. — Some Russians have a strange conception of the functions of the Red Cross. The apparently Intelligent matron of a \ ladivostok home for orphans recently proposed that the Red Cross take over management of all or phan’s homes throughout Russia. She thought this could be started with an expenditure of not more than 60,000,000 rubles. Another modest request from an other source was that the Red Cross undertake the rehabilitation and re pair of ail towns throughout Rus sia which have suffered from Rus sia’s civil war. The matron also asked the Red Cross to make the nurses and in structors in her institution behave. She complained that since the Bol shevik reign in Vladivostok all sense of discipline had vanished and the young men and women were carrying on high jinks to the det rirment of the orphan's welfare. Headquarters lor Ladysmith coal Juneau Transf. Co., phone 48. ARE AMBITIOUS TO BECOME A NEW NATION The Lettish People Are Re late dto the Ancient Aryan, One of Old est People. PETROGRAD, Nov. 7. Birth of a new nation of 2,600,000 people, or a population greater than that of Nor way, to be called Lettland, will be one of the results of the world war if the demands of the Letts of Li vonia and Courland are granted. The people living in the former Russian Baltic provinces are chafing under German dimination forced up on them by Prussian rifles and will plead for the right of self-determina tion before the peace Congress that ends the war. Letts predominate iti Livonia and Courland and have a distinct language and civilization wholly unlike those of the Esthcn urns. The Lettish language is closely re lated to the ancient Aryan and is regarded! as one of the oldest of Kur opean tongues. It is rich in folk lore and popular legends. Lettish theatres are maintained at Riga. Libau and several of the other larger cit ies. The Letts boast many novelists, playwrights, artists and musicians and hold aloof from the Germans. In all the world the Letts number about 2,000,000* The Territory in which Letts predominate, and which they insist should be set aside for them to govern embraces Courlaod, Livonia and several districts in the V astern part of the Russian govem i cut of Vitebsk, Including the dis tress of Dvinsk, Luzine and Rech i' e. The total population of this ]n mosed government to bo called Let'lsnd is 2,600.000 about 150.000 less than that of Denmark. The area of the proposed Lettland is 62,325 kilometers, which is one-fifth the size of Italy or Great Britain and fifty per cent, larger than either Switzerland or Denmark. The Letts comprise 68 per cent. of the population of the territory they want to govern. The Russians make up 12 per cent, of the inhabi tonts and tho Germans 7 per cent. The remaining pronulation is chiefly Jewish and Polish. Seventy-seven per cent, of the Letts are Lutherans. Eighteen per ceni, are Roman Catho lics and the remainder Greek Cath olics. Sixtv-six per cent, of the Letts residing in tlie proposed Lett land can read and wright. Riga, Libau and Windau, the three Baltic seaports embraced in the Let ish territory formerly handled al most one-half of Russia's total im port and export trade and are of prime commercial importance. It is the desire of Letts to have their independence under an inter national guarantiee of neutrality. A national council has been organized to resist all movements to make a German principality out of Courland and Livonia. This council is urging that Russia’s inability to defend the Balkan coast makes it imperative that it should be protected by inter national action and kept clear as a pathway from the West to the East. TOMATO-POTATO IS LATEST WONDER OF GERMAN FARMERS NEW YORK, Nov. 7.—A tomato potato is the latest “wonder” of German horticulture according to German newspapers received hee. According to their accounts, toma toes and potatoes have been raised on one plant. On a strong branch of a potato plant was grafted a shoot of a tomato plant. After a process of hardening, which re quired one month the grafted plan was set out in the open. The two branches then thirved as one. From sixteen such plants it is stated 4 2 pounds of tomatoes and 25 pounds of potatoes were gath ered. The plants require only a rich loose warm soil, much sunshine and ordinary care. German papers say the achievement is not aston ishing as the tomato and the po tatoe belong to the same plant spe iies that of solanum. ONLY PLACE IN TOWN serving Mallard and Teal ducks. Your way is the right way. THE ALASKA GIULE. HUN CARTOON SHOWS HATRED OF AMERICA That the Iiuus in their hatred fur the world outside of Germany have extended their propaganda to at tacking opera singers who have at tained fame and fortune In America la strikingly, il not artistically, shown In the cartoon reproduced herewith from Lustlge B'Jtter, a German paper. The particular copy from which this reproduction was made was sent to Karico Caruso by Davlde Drollet, one ef the sing er’s friends who Is now fighting on the western front In a letter dated August 13 Mr. Drollet writes that he took the cartoon from n Genian colonel, »liu >w. < I ■ „ «e was captured in a < n«t.c in■ i Kn,.e. The cartocii l i> lures ii m \ Fret I a Hein |>el. Mr- Caruso and -Miss Emmy Dcstinn—the women ablaze • with dia woi. ds-^-aiughig a song, whleh. according to the German in terpretation. stem* to sound petty much like “To Hell frith Germany." The title the cartoonist has lettered on Mme. llempel'a music reads:— “Down with Germany! Long Live the Dollar.'" Mr. CarUao la favored with a title somewhat less mer cenary, bat vicious enough from the Ember's viewpoint, thus:—"Down ' with Germany! Long Uve ItalyT' while Mitw Deatlnn, also condemn ing Germany to tbe lower region*, la appealing for tbe gucces* of tbe Czecho slovaks. The cartoon bears the cutting title “The *Grateful' partings,” and below Is paraphrased the poem, "Mlnneeanger," by lleitie. which, broadly translated, read* somewhat as folk rs:— “And which of tk se succeeds the beat With song of hate from Inmost baa rtf For bo la victor who achieves ▲ Miooaaad pounds for every note.” SPORTS LONDON, Nov. 7.—For four long months London has enjoyed immun ity from hostile air raids and moon light lights are no longer dreaded by the inhabitants. For tnanv weeks German airmen have had far more urgent business to attend to on the other side of the channel. Much of this is due to the persistent raid ing of Rhino towns and the bombing of German aerodomos. These at tacks compel the enemy to muster for their defense machines which they can very ill spare from the bat tlefields where Allied supremacy in the air becomes increasingly mam j fest. I The frequent raids on German towns have been fully recorded but the growing frequency of attacks on German airdomes have rt reived much less attention. From Information ob tained from the War Ministry it is learned that in the month of August alone there were thirty-three attacks on German aerodomes, nineteen ot which were directed against t» i ot them which had become particularly obnoxious as hives of aerial wasp In one daylight raid on an aero dome a fierce conibat lasted over forty minutes as a result of which four German machines were destroy ed and three others driven down 'out of control.” Two British machines were lost. Many of the night raids have been very effective. Over one aerod >me five tons of bombs wore dropped seven direct hits on hangars were made and a fit was started. On another raid eight ton* of bombs were dropped and several hangars completely burned out, and the aero dome covered with largo holes whb h effectively spoiled it for landing put poses. The effect af these attacks is to cripple the efficacy of the Germans’ aggressive work and their power of retaliation and demoralize ihelr per sonnel. Their recuperative powers are now at a low ebb. PRESS AGENTS FOR UNCLE SAME BECAUSE KNOW RUSS LANUAGE ARCHANGEL, Nov. 7.—'I use of the American army continp nt sta tioned here who speak Russian arc press agents for Uncle Sam. In the troops selected for Russian service were many of Slavic birth, who are reviving their old language ue and using it with the pretty IMs sian girls and more important, with the Russian workmen who are in clined to think, sometimes, that the Allies are quite imperialistic. In odd moments between guard duty one finds American soldiers telling Russians that - the United States is here to help them, and that’s all. PRISONERS GIVE OTHER PRISONERS THE GLAD SMILE REIIIND BRITISH LINES IN FRANCE, Nov. 7,—When the Brit ish were bringing back hundreds and thousands of prisoners in the last advance to the Htndenburg line often times batches of prisoners al ready in cages would laughingly welcome a new contingent. One cage was situated in n ravine and the Germans could see more prison ers coming over the brows of the hills. As crowds of them came in sight cheers would go up from the prison cage and as the men arrived at the enclosure they would be greeted with handshakes and smiles. polaneTg£ese~ SCARCE ARTICLE AT PRESENT TIME NEW YORK, Nov. 7. — German efforts to obtain g< ese from Poland and Ukraine virtually have fath d and Hie German market ia practi cally barefqf the fowl, aaya the Co logne Gazette. An organization charged with the duty of arrang ing imports of geese from Roland, and other occupied territor'es in the East stated that betw -en 400, (K'u and 809,000 geese had been or dered in those districts but the acf tual receipts amounted to ouljr 50, 000. Ukraine had promised to ex port 1,000,000 geese but owing to unexpected difficulties, not one wt| sent to C rinauy. BRITISH WAR PUBLICITY PAYS C. F. Higharo. Widely Known in America, Tell* How Government Department* Advertise*. j a- -■ How the British Government has seen helping instead of hampering leWBpaper advertising is explained iy the lionorary publicity agent of carious British departments in a etter to Janies Keeley, obtained In response to an inquiry made by Roger \V Babson, director of the Dopur! ruent of Labor. The letter ollows ‘ Dear Mr. Kelley: In reply to Jie query from the Chief of the Di vision of Information and Educa tion, Mr. Itoger W. Babson, in re tard to the attitude of the British Rovorn men't toward the British ,jrest. I would like to say that the British Government not only relies upon, but encourages in every way the newspapers of this country, rh > have placed no restrictions on lie pres sin regard to the sort of ad rtfsing they should carry or how much of it they should carry, and neither have they interfered in any way witn the business side of the ntwsp. pers other than to arrange tor them to only use a proportion of the paper or pulp which they used in previous years, owing to the lack of supplies coming into the coun try. Kv ii therp the object was to see that as far as possible all news papers maimntio d their prestige. l'li only other restriction I know of that has 1" en placed on the newsp. pci s is the press bureau which regulates the distribution of newTh.e British Government be lieves that the press of this country is most essential for the proper car rying on of the war. ‘ In regard to advertising—all the advertisements that have appeared in the press on behalf of the Gov ernment departments of this coun try are paid for at scale rates, or more .as in the case of war bontjs fpid war-savings certlticates. where in a great many of the newapapere there are two rates, one for trade and one, for financial ,the Govern ment pays a rate half way between theBe two rates. There has never been any question of the Govern ment asking for free advertising In this country, neither have they ex pected It. One can not expect a newspaper to give up the bulk of its editorial space in support of the war and then give up Its revenue col umns at the same time. “Thi* paid advertising has been extraordinarily successful. The cost of the treasury’s advertising In the raising of war loans works opt at roughly one-thirty-eighth of 1 per cent., which I think you will agree is extremely economical. “The advert ising of nonessential commodities lias decreased, not be cause of an> interference on the part of the Government, but owing to tiic fact that the newspapers use their good judgment there and only find room tor the necessities and 4lve second place to the ponesaen tials. All trade-marked goods are a<l\ ertised regularly as before, tho they can not use such large apace as previously,#>”t their advertising In a more modified form la thare Just the same. I think this answers Mr. itabson’s queries. If it does not I should be pelased to give you any further Information you may re quire. “In writing to Mr. Baboon you might wish to have some authority for the statements which I make. Yo might tell him that the man who gave you the Information la the honorary publicity agent to the treasury, the national war egvlngl committee, the Admiralty, and othei Government departments." T1 letter la signed by C. P*. Hicham, who is widely known In this country and formerly h®*d im portant businee epoeitione here. no _ . _ SIMPLY DRIFTING Through life, choosing the easiest and most pleasant way, legartless of eUgBitr. in «** of the lurett warn to be left inmmtt TO RE SAVED through Christ is a DEFINITE STEP. Yo* must come to God an a ner. and yoira