Newspaper Page Text
POLLY AND HER PA LS Neewah’s Humanity Was Almost His Undoing. CLIFF STERRETT LisTfexi, iWj ^ T*> oat. \ <yb~nA ho*j. y \m \^c^\ ItfeT ^1h»S I_ I IS The. hoaI. Chloroform j 'XfoT ^ ~r»A—* Iwr Gd/ftS -; \ -wr ->»*\ ICfe/,5-. “T ! ^ * J 1 ; *r fwd out. y ' 1 ^ot/* j r ' JJ,4-h-h-hh!\ f So "Til'S »s> \-l "Tokio *. \ Copyright, 1918. by N.w.p.p.r Future S.rv.'cr. Gr„t Britain Right. R«.n,*d. in U. 3. P.t.nt Offic. DOUGLAS AND TREADWELL NEWS NOTES XMAS GIFTS FOR LADIES Silk umbrellas, of latest shades, from $6.50 to $12.00 Georgette Crepe Waists, from.$4.50 to $11.50 Silk top skirts and petticoats, from. .$3.75 to $12.50 Crepe night gowns, at.$17.50 Silk stockings, gloves, bath robes and corset covers; prices to suit your purse. FOR MEN Arrow silk golf shirts, of all colors, prices from .$3.75 to $6.50 Silk neckties, from .50c to $2.25 Arm bands and garters in holiday boxes, from.50c to 75c Neckties, suspenders, silk sox, silk under- , wear, mackinaws and overcoats. FOR CHILDREN Silk toques, sweaters, fancy woolen sets of all colors. Come and look over our Christmas special holidays display. BOSTON STORE (Opposite Gastineau Hotel) IVORY PYRAUN —Not German make—All kinds of toilet se^s and extra parts to make up your missing articles—at 1916 prices—Biggest assort ment on the Channel. MUSIC —A half dozen Victrola, Columbia or Edison records make a splendid gift for anyone owning a phonograph,—or buy any of the three standard makes from us—or musical instruments which we cany from a harmonica to a piano. CANDIES —The choicest and freshest of nuts and candies—Holiday goodies of all sorts. PERFUMES —She will like nothing better than a bottle of our high class perfumery,—many choice varieties to choose from. STATIONERY —Fancy note and boxes of paper for your particular correspond ence; playing cards, etc. CUT GLASS —And hand painted fancy china sets, jewel cases, standard combs and hair brushes, hand bags, leather goods etc. FOUNTAIN PENS —If you want to make him happy put a fountain pen in his stocking on Christmas morning,—we have the best standard makes. Or give him a box of cigars,—a fresh supply of cigars and to bacco just deceived. UNBREAKABLE DOLLS —Just the thing for the little folks. Books, etc., dear to the hearts of the kiddies. D&OP IN; and get a hot or cold drink at our fountain and exam ine our prices. Ton will be pleased to And values oq many articles no higher than two and three years ago. ELMER E. SMITH, Dooglu - THE FRONT ST. DRUGGIST - Phone 33 DOUGLAS CHURCH SERVICES I ST. LUKE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH | &-5! (Very Rev. G. D. Christian, Dean.) Fourth Sunday in Advent Season. No Sunday school or service until further notice. Collects, Epistle and Gospel for above-named Sunday. Spec ial prayers for sick and for “Times of Great Sickness and Mortality.” pp. 41-42. "In quietness and confidence ye shall renew your strength."— Isiah. xxx„ 17. See pastor's Mes sage, Holy Trinity Cathedral. PATIENTS IN HOSPITAL REPORTED RECOVERING; ONLY TWO SERIOUS CASES DOUGLAS, Dec. 21.—The St. Ann Hospital management reports about thirty-five people now in the insti tution suffering from influenza and pneumonia. All of this number, with the excep tion of the little son of John Haho, and A. Barcumus, a Greek, are get ting along nicely and are not consid ered in any danger whatsoever. The Haho. boy and the Greek, are very low with pneumonia, however, and their cases are considered critical Mr. and Mrs. H. Irvine and two children were taken to the hospital yesterday, all down with the disease. Six of the Douglas school teachers and one' from Treadwell, are assist ing with the care of the patients. Mrs. William Franke, who entered the hospital for treatment yesterday, is getting along nicely, and little Flora Kaledovich, who underwent an operation last week for appendicitis, is so far recovered that she will soon be able to leave for her home GOVERNMENT DOCTOR BUSY DOUGLAS, "Dec. 21.—Dr. Montgom ory, in charge of Government work, Was on the Island last night and ex pects to make a survey of the Na tive district today. All Natives who have any symptoms o finfluenza or pneumonia will probably be taken to the Native hospital for treatment. RELIEVED PASSENGERS The passengers from the Island who work at Juneau, were accom modatingly taken to the mainland by Captain Durgan, of the launch Thalia, which happened to be lying at the Douglas float last night, ow ing to the fact that the gas engine of the Ghent would not work for a time. YOUNGSTERS MADE HAPPY TREADWELL, Dec. 21. -On Thurs day evening, residents of The I’ine were under the impression that an explosion had taken plate, but it turned out to be a band of young sters with tin cans, old saws, sheet metal and everything. that would make plenty of noise, as a charivari to Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Partridge, the newly wedded coupler who have made their home in the cottage for merly occupied by Earl Jernigan and mother last Summer. Mr. Part ridge, who is the Treadwell wharf inger, was prepared for the occas ion, and a hand full of quarters. WE SAVE YOU MONEY on Xmas gifts, cut glass, silver, clocks and numerous other articles on our “Bargain Counter,” at half price. OSTROM & SIMPSON, Jewelers and Opticians. FRESH CANDY Just arrived on last steamer—Bulk Chocolates, assorted jar candies, de licious confections of all kinds in fancy Xmas boxes—Just to your lik ing for the holidays. Examine this fine line of fresh candies at THE PALACE OF SWEETS. Large oranges, 65c a dozen at Goldstein’s Emporium. z PREPARING AL.LEYS TREADWELL. Dec. 21.—Big Mike Gaveril, the hi-jHJ chief bowler at Treadwell, and captain of the Ready Bullion team, is at work repairing the pin setting machines, leveling up the alleys and getting everything in shape for the bowling tournament which will start immediately follow ing the calling off of the quarantine regulations. New composition balls and heavy maple pins are already here. * . - ■ OLD TIMER RETURNS TKEADWELL, Dec. 21.—Louis Imo gen, one of the old-time carpenters at Treadwell, who left here about eight months ago, with the intention of remaining Outside—"never to re turn,” is back at his old job in the Ready Bullion carpenter shop and states that Alaska is the only place aft,er all. Mrs. Kogen, who accom panied him Outside, is expected to join him here on one of the next steamers foV the North. Xmas flowers, holly wreaths and baskets’; leave orders; Juneau Flor ists. Xmas present — Eastman kodak; nothing better. See W, H. Case. A nice assortment of hand-paint ed dishes at Goldstein’s. CHRISTMAS For-BABBoYv " GIRT. BROTHER SISTER MOTHER IliYS FATHER JV71 DAUGHTER - - SON FRIEND IVORY PYRALIN -Everything '■ in Ivory from fine large Toilet Sots, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Jewel Cases, *I'in Cushions, Bud Vases, Candle Sticks and all the staple articles. CUT GLASS, SltVERWARE AND CHINA—Vases, Nappies, ““““Creamers and Su gars, Celery Trays, Condiment Sets, Salt and Pepper Shak ers, Mustard Pots etc., and Smoking Sets. LEATHER GOODS AND TOI I,ET ARTICLES Roll-Up Toi let Casi s, Hand Rags, Collar Boxes, Playing Card Sets, Cigar and Cigarette Cases, Books, Al bums, Card and BUI Cases, Purses, Military Brushes and Cases. BOOKS _Poems by Service, .. Burns, Bryant and others. Fiction and War Stor ies, Children’s Rooks from A. B. C. Books to Fairy Tales, Linen Books, etc. STATIONERY -111 Fancy and "Plain Boxes — make useful gifts. PERFUMES — Make Sweet Smelling Gifts that everyone likes. CANDY—to Beautiful Boxes jo ‘souo ujuid pus the very best candy that mon ey can buy; 4 0c to $5 a box. TOYS AND DOLLS—to this juemjjsdap you will find a new stock of things the children like. Tea sets, drums. Dogs, Balls, En gines, Tinker Sets, Knitting Sets, Knives and Plash lights. Xmas Cards, Seals, Tags, Deco rations, Candles, Holly, Etc. GUY’S Drug Store NEXT POST OFFICE DOUGLAS ANOTHER GREAT' CARIBOU HERO NEAR DAWSON Thousands of Game Ani mals Come in and Give Yukoners Opportunity to Get Fresh Meat. DAWSON, Nov. 27.—A recent arriv als from Hie Twelve-Mile district, North of Dawson, report that thou sands of caribou have been crossing the hills and vales of that region of late, says the Dawson News. For many days they swarmed down the Little Twelve-Mile and across the Hay Meadows and covered the hills between Kentucky Point and Laptne Ridge, which is on the wagon road which follows the Guggie Gulch from Dawson to the Twelve-Mile Power House. When they came to the big flume many could not cross, but wandered along the flume untl they found a high trestle where It crossed a gulch. Then they marched in single file under tlio trestle, down the hill, and crossed the valley of Twelve-Mile, and struck Northerly along the North fork or main branch of the Twelve Mile. The most of them crossed on the eleventh, the day peace was an nounced, and the denizens of the re gion celebrated by bagging enough caribou that day to fill their caches all Winter. Hilly Hill, the Twelve Mile foreman for the Yukon Gold . and Carlson came In with the newsj of the big Trek. The caribou were in the vicinity for two weeks. Useful Xmas Gifts. Percolators "Universal,” all sizes and shapes at Goldstein's Emporium. LARGE DEPOSITS OF MOLYBDENITE FOUND IN COLORADO STATE — WASHINGTON, Dec. 20— A recent discovery of large, deposits of molyb denite, metp.f used for hardening cannon rifling, along ihe main range in Summit County, between Climax and Kokomo, Colorado, promises to rival the excitement of former boom days. The American metal-—Com pany, which installed a plant at Cli max at a cost of $.100,000 recently shipped two cars of ore from that district, which brought about $1G0, OOO. Preparations of the rush Into the hills hy 4,000 or 5,000 miners is being made as soon as the fifteon feet of snow covering the deposits disappears. Coats and Dresses, A new shipment <6f coats and dresses lias arrived for Grecnbaum’s and tlie poods are on sale at very special prices. Come and see them r.t Grccnbaum’s next to Gift Shop. GOLDSTEIN’S EM PORI I’M will he open Saturday, Monday and Tuesday evenings. THE FIRST IERRIIQRIAI BANK Of ALASKA We Pay 4 Per Cent, on Savings. BRANCH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF JCNBAC. Electric Appliances Make Useful Acceptable Christmas Gifts Alaska Electric Lisjkt and Power Co FRONT STREET.JUNEAty ALASKA FINE POULTRY DELIVERY HOUR U n r> 1 if 1 . ARTHUR FICKEN. N«r. rrye-nruhn Market 8.*»rd *r~t The Treadwell Store CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Appropriate Gifts for Holiday Season Kid Gloves Silk Hosiery Silk Neckwear Boudoir Novelties Kimonas Silk Sweaters Silk Waists Manicure Sets Novelty Purses Toys Dolls Toilet Sets A large assortment of ladies’ and children’s handkerchiefs, specially boxed for Christmas gifts; Madeira hand-embroidered handkerchiefs. \ Pyrahn Toilet Articles A special lot of ladies’ and men’s lounge robes and dressing robes in new de signs. Men’s neckwear and furnishing goods. SHOP EARLY SHOP EARLY OUR USUAL LOW RATE ALASKA TREADWELL GOLD MINING CO. MERCANTILE DEPARTMENT