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“BRINGING UP FATHER-_ By GEORGE McMANUS 11 "" ' ’ " " I I _____— 10 COACHES ON U.S.C. ’23 STAFF LOS ANGELES, Oct. 6— If the University of Southern California football team is unsuccessful on the gridiron this season it will not b on account of lack of con lies, for the Trojans have no less than ten mentot s. Elmer C. Henderson, head coach learned the rudiments of the game while playing for Oberlin College in Ohio, and coached at Broadway High School, Seattle, Wash , before coming to U. S. C. Bill Hunter, who lias been pro nioteel to assistant roach, was onc> all-stato tackle, in Ohio. John Thurman, who was an All American tackle for the University of Pennsylvania last year, recently signed to coach the forward defense. Clifton B. Herd, famous tennis player, is advisory coach and is said to be one of the lie at “scouts'’ in the country. Opposing coaches declare Herd lias an uncanny way of learn ing the plays and signals of their teams from just watching the play from a seat iti the grandstand. He is said to be aide to remember the plays and the position of each player on such plays until ho reaches liis home where he makes charts an ' records other information. However Herd just laughs when told of hit “powers.” Jamies Anderson, of Sweden, whe was in charge of athletics in ltus sia during the latter part of the reign of Czar Nicholas, is trainer foi tile Trojans. Leo “Babe” Calland, captain ol the 1222 Trojan varsity, is freshman coach. Ottier players of the Trojans las season who are on the coaching pay roll of (heir alma mater arc' Boy Baker, Howard Kincaid and Heroic! Galloway, backfleld roaches, and Ln ''veil Lindley, assistant line coach CHARLIE WHITE KNOCKED OUT NEW YORK, Oct. 6.—Pal Mor n of Now Orleans, last night knocked out Charlie White, of Chicago, in the fourth round. footbaIl'comes IHTO OWH TODAY j CHICAGO, Oct. 6.—Every football team in the western conference is in action today in games regarded as final practice contests. NEW YORK, Oct. 6.— Football comer, intd its own throughout thi country today with practically all major elevens In action. BOSTON CLUDS INVESTIGATED BOSTON, Oct. G — District Attor ney O'Brien announces he has begun an Invr •Li-mtiOn into the Boston clubs of the American and National League on petition of Boston ciil zene who alleged fraud by both clube, in transfer of players to othet clubs. For this reason it is charged both clubs failed to cause the play ers to do the best in their garnet, MAJOR LEAGUERS CAN BARNSTORM THIS YEAF CHICAGO, Oct. 6.—Major leagu playefs, except those in the world' ceries have until November 10 foi barnstorming exhibitions. This it according to a ruling made today bj Baseball Commissioner Landis. I*--—■ 'I . I 1 j Three Yankees To Participate Sixth World’s Series : I - I NEW YORK, Oct. 6,—Three Yankees', Babe Ruth, Wally | ; Schang, veteran catcher, anil j Bush, pitching ace, will partici- | pate ’in their sixth world series | when they oppose the Giants | next week, thus tying the record | i established by Eddie Collins | with the Athlteics and White | ;SoX. | i PAPYRUS AND ZEV TO RACE I NEW YORK, Oct. 6.——It is offi icially announced that Harry Sin i lair's* throe-year-old Zev has been i elected to meet Papyrus in the ■ $100,000 horse race at Belmont | Park here on October 20. SEALSlUNCH RAG FOR 1923 RAN FRANCESCO, Oct. 6. — The teals have clinched the pennant of he Pacific Coast League for 1023, for the second successive time. PAPYRUS MAKING-HIT IN EASTERN RACE PARK _ NEW YORK, Oct. 6—Papyrus is said to be the happlent and friendli est animal that lias ever appeared In Belmont. Tite English horse is hero to meet an American horse in a $100,000 stake race this month. gun - accurate and hard hitting, hammerless, solid breech design; Savage high-pressure steel barrel. Model ’99— Note the ham merless, solid breech. Noth ing can get in to jam that powerful action. Built for .22 hi-power; .250-3000; .30-30; .300; .303. ) Light to'carry— }\ quick to handle * Steady and true to hold CLEAN In line—swift and sure | est target rifle built into a sport in action—every single bar- 1 ing model, rel made of the finest high-pres- I Or take the Model 1914—the sure steel. | Savage slide-action repeater. Solid The same steel used in govern- breech—solid top—no exposed ment rifles—bored the Savage 4 parts. Sturdy and accurate to a way. That means accuracy. degree. High-power rifles: Or Savage repeating shotgun: You can always count on the sure Fills the bags with the same sure action and rugged strength of | ness that your Savage high-power these rifles. brings down the big game. Has The smashing .303; the amaz- the Savage hammerless solid ing .22 hi-power; the deadly .250- breech. Handles right—functions 3000; the powerful Savage .300, right—throws a hard and even and the old favorite .30-30—a spread. line-up that will take care of any- And look for the Savage Red Box. thing from woodchuck to moose. The mark of good ammunition. . Ask at your dealer's or write for .22 repeating rifles: our interesting catalog. There’s the Sporter—the latest * SAVAGE ARMS CORPORATION sensation among "gun-cranks.” . Dept.— Utica. N. V. The gilt-edge accuracy of the fin- ' o»m nnjoperate*, ofthtj. Sir**,Arm,Company SAVAT.E i OAKLAND WINS THROUGH HITS SEATTLE, Oct. 6. -Ray Kramer pitched excellent ball yesterday aft ernoon and the Oaks hit three Seat-, tic pitchers hard. Five runs in the second started the fireworks. Lafay-j ette hit a homer in the eighth withj a man on base. The batteries were: Seattle—Lashley, Williams, Jacobsi and Yaryan. Oakland—Kramer and Read. - I | YESTERDAY’S GAMES. Pacific Coast League. Seattle 1; Oakland 14. San Francisco 9; Sacramento 5. Ixrs Angeles 5; Salt Lake 7. Portland 4; Vernon 4; game called' in sixth, rain. National League. No games scheduled. American League. Cleveland 0; Cblcogo 1. New York S; Philadelphia 4 Detroit 9; St. Louis 1. Washington 4; Boston 2. STANDING OF the teams Pacific Coast League. W. L. Pet. Sun Ftancisco ..-.110 71 .032 Sacramento .106 82 .561 Portland .101 87 .540 Seattle . 93 93 .500! Salt Lake . 88 103 .465 I.os Angeles . 88 104 .4 60 Oakland . 85 105 .446 Vernon . 75 115 .393 National League. w. L. Pot New York . 95 56 .629 Cincinnati . 91 61 .699 Pittsburgh . 85 67 .559 Chicago . 82 69 .543 St. Louis . 77 73 .513 Brooklyn . 73 78 .4 83 Boston . 52 99 .344 Philadelphia . 50 102 .328 American League. w. L. Pet New York . 97 63 .649 Cleveland . 81 69 .640 Detroit . 81 71 .533 St. Louis . 74 76 .494 Washington . 73 78 .484 Philadelphia . 68 82 .463 Chicago . 69 84 .443 Boston . 61 89 .405 BOB TURNER’S AUTO SERVICE. 6 A. M. on. Phone 257. Popular Prices. Office next to Boston Store. —adv. THREE PENNANTS IN SIX YEARS IS RECORD OF CHIEF OF YANKS NEW YORK. oYt. 0. Miller .1. I Huggins. Hie midget manager of then New York Yankees, has been leading baseball clubs In pennant r;n ■ s for l eleven years. Before tliat he had nint years of active service on the dia mond as a major leagu ■ player. Never a heavy hitter, the little: leader became noted for Ills know j ledge of the game ami his ability to I ipply it when right brainy work wasi needed to win. So he became a stiu in spite of physical handicaps. In 1901 Huggins first played pro | fessional ball with the St. Paul club. He entered the major leagues in, 1904 with his home city team, tliej Cincinnati Reds, and played second j base regularly for nix years He , then was traded to the St. Louis | Cardinals and becam their manager I In 1912, succeeding Roger llrcsnu han. He remained In chat go of tin j Reds until the close of the 1917 sea ] son and that winter was signed to, manage the Yankees. Twice during his stay in St. Louis] Huggins surprised the fans with hi.->j teams. In 1913 the Cardinals finished last but in 1914 they came horn - In " RuthBTMTtchell f; VOCAL TEACHER Pupil of Mrs. Dudley Kitts, Boston, Mass, | Address Hotel Clastineau for i Appointment. |-M Double Braking Efficiency 4 Buick Four-Wheel Brakes ft) Buick four wheel brakes, because they double the braking surface brought into action, increase the braking efficiency of the car practically 100 per cent. The action is simple, positive and rapid. A slight pres sure on the service pedal (the method of operation is unchanged) and all four wheels are retarded—the car is quickly, smoothly and safely brought to a stop. With these proved Buick four-wheel brakes a stop is made its a much shorter distance with a minimum of skidding danger. , Obtaining braking friction at four contacts with the road increases the braking power and lessens the wear on each brake lining and each tire. The 1924 Buick models, with four-wheel brakes, a more powerful engine, beautiful new bodies and numer ous other advanced features fully exemplify the Buick policy of incorporating every improvement that will give greater safety, comfort and satisfaction to the owner. f r _ _R-S-IS-NI* Ray Rotary Fuel G il Burners * . ", FOR ANY HEATING PLANT ' ENOUGH SAID MARSHALL & NEWMAN CO. DISTRIBUTORS Plumbing , Heating Sheet Metal Works M aiiurtH PH0NE *73 ■■ i I hiril place. In 101G Ida team Ha shed seventh, but he was in third dace again in 1917. Ills New York earns never have finished outside the irst division. He was fourth In 91S. third in 1919 and 1020 and lirat n 1921, 1922 and 192:1. Hoggins i noted lor his many big rades, some of them iiu hiding seven u d eight players. Many smart deals lave been directed hy him ns the rankle manag r. MCOSEHEART BAZAAR. The annual Mooseheart Hazaar vi 1J be held at the Moose Hall Kri lov, Oct. 26th, and 27th. Goodie bile last afternoon and a big dance ast night. —atlv. ARE YOU RUPTURED? Res ideuti of Alaska are in :d that I have ted an appli . that gives In stant Relief and in many case; has effected Radical Cures! If ruptured, it will be to your in terest to investigate this great invention. Address: PROF. PIERCE 954 Park St., Alameda, Cal. I “ J | Alaska Transfer Co. | General Hauling, Baggage, I Coal, Contract Hauling. I i i Main Street. Phone 41 j 1 s-------m i i-r i JAPANESE TOY SHOP i f - 11 | H. » MAKI90 I rront fltreet ' P. 0. Box 218 fer Mail Orden ■-Mi IS. SHARICK Jeweler and Optician Watches, Diamonds. - - Silverware Jewelry a---w i I I | USED FURNlTURn , I I Bought, Sold and Exchanged 1 J. &OCOVICH j I 211 Seward Si. j | | Telephone 441. P. O. Box 111. | ■. -- --■! ^-„-|B 1 HOTEL SEATTLE "Home of Alaskans” Prices reasonable. European plan. Seattle, Wash. R. U HODODON, Manager IS-* ■' 1 I'i We are expert in 1 “ORNAMENTAL CONSTRUC TIVE WATER-PROOF CONCRETE,” and the common wet kind alio. | Willoughby Ave., near Ball grounds. Established Twenty | years. Phone 32 ! I CONCRETE PRODUCTS MFO. , I COMPANY » •-9 ALASKA MEAT COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Butchers PHONE 39 SEWARD STREET NEEDN’T WATCH THE OVEN If the range is fed with our Bn* stove coal. There will be sure to be a fine even heat that means good baking and roasting. You've got to have coal pretty goon anywaj So why not order it from us thl* timo and learn how much more heat it gives with loss coal than th* or dinary kind does? We specialize in feed. , D. B. FEMMER 4 _PHONE 114._ FREE i 10-quart Galvanized Pail with each $1.00 purchase of Proctor & Gamble Soaps, more soap for less money. ‘ --- — > _ HOME GROCERY, Phone 138. 1 FOR THE WINTER [ i '• AT WINTER RATES, MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS = = AT THE CITY'S CENTER OF CONVENIENCE. | I , THE GASTINEAU v J = / All that means GOOD FOOD v * f = All that means A GOOD REST T ' f * PROSFERiTY IS HERE * ’5" 1 - Sg * $$& £ to *f*pfe* <*. l- ' }■ v &- •vr."*tJ; ; ^ _ 5£ .'.i}S£P o~ 11 o 1 Spruce Cement l lemlock Brick Fii Fire Clay Iron Bark Lime Oak Hay Shingles Grain Boat Lumber JUNEAU LUMBER MILLS BEST EVER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Now offers additional attraotif Disability Benefit feature*. NONE OTHER 50 LIBERAL. ALLEN SHATTUCK INSURANCE REAL ESTATE ESTABLISHED 1896 l~--- -■ PROMPT AND EFFICIENT I DELIVERY i PHONE 385. GIOVANETTFS i GROCERY I 1 --■ -—-r | TRY OTJR ! Merchants Lunch | 45 Cents 1 Arcade Cafe | MARY YOUR Q, Proprietor, j