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“BRINGING UP FATHER By GEORGE McMANUS *» I $650,080 HOTEL IN L. A, BOUGHT BY J, DEMPSEY LOS ANGELES, Nov. i. — With the purchase of a $650,000 hotel apartment house in West Sixtli Street, Jack Dempsey, heavyweight champion, and' his manager, Jack Kearns, have entered the hotel owners’ field. The new acquisition hrings the champion’s real estate to considerably over a million dol lars, it was learned. t was also understood from itn authoratitive source that his palatial Western Avenue home here was for sale for $400,000 which is said to bo a bar gain price. Neither Kearns nor Dempsey are thinking of a fight for Ihe cham pionship at present, they both de claring that the next battle in sight is one with Firpo In New York next July Fourth. PAL MORAN WANTS TO MEET LEONARD FOR LIGHT CROWN NEW YORK. Nov. 1.—Pal Moran, (he crack New Orleans lightweight, who put Charley White’s hopes for another shot at the championship Into the scrap heap, is confident that he tan take the measure of Penny Leonard amt win the Har lemit •’« t'tle if the latter agrees I I N I ' ] I . I » Measure your boots by the seasons* wear l SERVICE over man}) seasons: This, alone, is the real test of rub ber footwear. Measure your boot values by the “season stick.” Gold Seal Footwear will successfully stand up under the gruelling war against wear—as it has since the pioneer days of the Northwest. The rugged ply-on-ply construction of new para rubber reinforced at points of greatest strain is respon sible for their long life. Built with broad instep, they insure foot comfort and ease of action. We i? guarantee they will not crack. Good Pacific Coast stores can fit you with Gold Seal Rubber Footwear. You’ll also appreciate Gold Seal Oiled Clothing. We are the original and only Good year Rubber Company. Portland and San Francisco. I Goodyear I Gold Seal I Rubber Footwear I Ariwlwl W*> » «■ ifcm—-«# .1—Imtkim— ■-- __^B_| ' to moot him at the class limit, '135 pounds, 2 o'clock day of con ’ test. "1 have had two run-ins with tho (hampion,” Moran told a group of admirers the other day, “and know lie had his hands full with me both times. Mind yon. there was no weight agreement both times. “I realize Leonard at 13S or 140 pounds is one the greatest fighters we have, hut I believe that 1 can whip him " and capture the laurels at the lightweight limit.” Joe Golden, who manages the New Orleans Italian^ has signed the conquerer of White for an eight round star event with Eddie (Kid) Wagner at the Arena, at- Phila delphia on Nov. 5. Wagner is the lad who a few short months ago! won a unanimous decision over F< atlu'rweight Champion Joining Dundee. Moran also has ssveral other important matches pending, but will forego them should Lilly Gibson t come out and announce Leonard’s willingn ss to l e t Mo ran. His knot kout victory over tie Chicagoan earned for Moran the, right to he called Ihe Inge al con tender for the lightweight < ham pionshlp. Pa! is all set and ready to attempt tli ■ overthrow of Leon ard, and it is -entirely • up to-the champion and his manager to saj the word and the, match will he on GOODIE SALE. The Ladies Altar Society will have a Goodie Sale1 In the s’.oro across from the Frye-Bruhn Market on Saturday November 3rd. Sale starts at 11 a. yi. —adv. WALKER COCHRAN DEFEATS HOPPE NEW YORK, Nov. 1. — Walker j Cochran, of Los Angeles, surprised I the world when he defeated Willie ! Hoppe last night in tlio IS 2 bulk 'line championship tourney by 000 to ! 230 points in 15 innings. Erich Hagen'acher, German chain pion, defeated Roger Conti. of France, yesterday afternoon, 000 to 131 points in the fourth game of the championship. ♦ ♦ • COUGARS FORGE INTO LEADERSHIP; TIGERS ADVANCE TO SECOND At the end of the second round 1 of play in the Circus League o' ! woman bowleijjs. the Cougars, under j the leadership of Mrs. Fry, liad i supplanted the Leopards. Mrs j White’s team, for first place, tlv j latter dropping to third position , The Tigers, with Mrs. Rarragar at | the helm, had climbed from third Into second place., and were 32 pins behind the Cougars. The only other change in tlv respective standings reported at tin end of’ the first round was In tlie advance' of the Rears from sixiu to fifth place, the Lions, formerly fifth, dropping to sixth place. The official standings as an l nounced today, are: Cougars 2161 Tigers 2128 Leopards 2065 Pumas ... . 1000 Rears . 1932 Lions . 1927 Lynx . 1811 HOLD OLYMPIC GAME TRYOUTS ON JUNE 14 NEW YORK, Nov. 1—The exe cutive committee qf the American ! Olympic committee has voted to hold the final track and field con test to determine th ■ makeup of the American Olympic team at tli Harvard Stadium next June 11. As In the past, the winners In college and club track meets In the Spring will be competitors In the stadium. ZEV WIN? IN EASTERN RACE NEW YORK. Nov. 1 Zcv won the $5,000 autumn championship stakes at the Empire Clit? fra ks yester day afternoon In a gallop. Brata rlale Zev’s stnblematf coming in sec ond. OFFER BOB FISHER MANAGER’S POSITION MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 1. — Bob Fisher, captain ayd utility man of the Minneapolis American Associa tion, has been offered a position an manager of the Denver Baseball Hint) of the Western League, it eas announced hero. 1 American Legion Smoker Saturday |i Nov. 3rd, 1923 | at Elks Hall I CfUMPION FORD BUTLER I vs. § PETE ALLARD 1 For the Heavyweight Championship | of Alaska. ■ 9 —10 ROUNDS— I PRELIMINARIES 1 BEAUDIN vs. CLARK JOHN ROBERTS vs. CHESTER ROBERTSON “SKACWAY” MATTHEWS vs. JIM KERN Reserved Seats $2.50. General Admission $2.00 Reserved seat sale begins Monday, Oct. 29, at Dave Housel's. Burford's Corner and Juneau Billiard Parlors. ■F’*' BUY NOW! Auto Tire Chains AT OUR SALE PRICES Regular Price Sale Price !30x31/2 Cord Chains .$5.25 $3.75 32x4 Cord Chains . 6.25 4.25 33x4 Cord Chains .. 6.75 4.75 33x4 Cord Chains . 7.25 5.25 Cross Chains... . .10 .05 ABOVE SOLD FOR CASH ONLY Arrow Shot Qun Shells—Only $1.25 a box. MARSHALL & NEWMAN CO. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS PLUMBINO, , SHEET METAL WORKERS ^■ HOTEL ARRIVALS Hotel Zynda: Col. J. C. Gotwals, A. S. Crowell, Wellman ' Holbrook. Augusta Schneider, Dolly Conrad. M. Morrison. Alaskan Hotel: J. 15. Thompson, | Curl Regan, Bon Ea-ly. Mike Mu- \ rich, R. Boyer. Amir w Che ktison.j G. Melesnius, Ed. More, l’eter Cur- j anlk. F. Ea or. Gastineau: Mr. and Mrs. E. D. More, Wrangell; J. R. Thompson. H. Martin ami H. J. Neville, S. S.! Princess Mary; C. K. Alexander, Hoonah: R. C. Hurley,, Anchorage; Joe Mehcrin, Seattle; A. A. Ham froy, City; Capt. and Mrs. S. N. Dancpy, Los Angeles; Katie Smith and son Stanley, Latouche. NOTICE. Our froth killed chickens tillsi week, Iho best yet received, our; specials consist of capons and springers for roasting. D. B. Fom mcr, Phone 114. —adv. V • W Old papers fo» sale at The Empire. ‘ Let’s Go I to ‘“Bingo’s” for a real hair cut and shave at the 0. K. Barber Shop (J- -:-a m mt ■ ■ i ■wiwiwuii——n—nn *| Alaska Transfer Co. j | General Hauling,, < I i | Coal, Contract Hauling. j I Main Street. Phone 41 1 -b ■-15-« ' JAPANESE TOY SHOP ' 1 a. MAEIWO ‘ front Street I j I r. O. Box 218 for Mail Orders ^_9 L J. SHARICK Jeweler and Optician Watches, Diamonds, Sjlver-are ' - " ' ^ Jewelry ------— B-M I I | USED FURNITUR* i j Bought, Sold and Ea.chan»<&* I a. BOCOVICE . | j 211 Seward St. | Telephone 441. P. O. tk.i 2kl ■-.--; HOTEL SEATTLE | “Home of AlaskanB' j Prices reasonable. European j plan. Seattle, Wash. I R. L.. HODGDON, Manager | ; __._/_ ... 1 a-1 Permanent | We make and keep a laraa I stock for Immediate delivery, j tl’o old reliable standard double-lock FIREPROOF con- | i crcte chimney block, without 1 a fault. Concrete Products ] j Mtg. Co. Near Hall Park, Ju- I ! | neau, Alaska. Established j ; Twenty Years. PHONE 32. j | CONCRETE PRODUCTS MFG. I COMPANY 1 *1-- -Xi ALASKA MEAT COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Butchers PHONE 39 SEWARD STREET LOOK— LOOK—LOOK! Wo arc just ufter receiving an *> other shipment of this famous CQAN And we have lots of those fresh killed chickens. We also carry a full line of assorted feeds, and our delivery service is really tho best In town. For absolute proof of this fact ask your NEIGHBOR they , know. f / — I D. B. FEMMER* PHONE 114._ ti'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiimiitiimiiuiiiiiniuiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiHU 1 FOR THE WINTER - j ^ AT WINTER RATES, MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS § = AT THE CITY'S CENTER OF CONVENIENCE. § f THE GASTINEAU I = All that means GOOD FOOD 5 = All that means A GOOD REST i i F.iiiiimiimmimiHimminiMiHiiiiimiiimmimmimmmiiiiiiiimimmmimiiiiil • ' . v » ; for. -.a. ■ ’>*• .,r e. ...v-'-.j. - .*<&• a.-a.-:. 4'- w‘iff ?fnii?ii)M PROSPERITY IS HERe| ■ .. ■ f I » “* y,-M 3 SC gf. ! rs fc P C/J r~ p cn 3 1 Spruce Cement I iemlock Brick Fit Fire Clay Iron Bark Lime Oak Hay Shingles Grain Boat Lumber I JUNEAU LUMBER MILLS BEST EVER MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Now offers additional attractor Disability Benefit feuturea. NONE OTHER SO LIBERAL. ALLEN SHATTUCK INSURANCE REAL ESTATE ESTABLISHED 1888 ■ . - ■ - 1 -i We are pleased to announce the arrival of the best. OUR FULL. LINE OF NEW PACK HAPPY HOME Food Products | ARE NOW IN. Always leaders la quality at prices no higher than ordinary brands. GIOVANETTI’S | GROCERY a-a ; 5 * | TRY OUR j Merchants Lunch I 45 Cents I Arcade Cafe !>1IABY YOUNG, Proprietor.