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p !he practical everyday sweater lot Skirts that are in active demand for || ~ women, the wear resisting kind. wear with the popular sweaters or 3s S sown in good models and in many separate silk overblouse. Plaid and §jj p different colors. pleated styles. §| $4.50 to $13.50. One-Fotutb 0^. § g CORDUROY g For Making Bath Robes § These come in an as p: sortment of color — p~ navy, flame, pansy, rose §E and Copenhagen. p-.= $1.50 and $1.75 a yard. H MEN’S OVERCOATS EE For the man who EE cares for warmth aiTfl EE $ EES good tailoring this ® ^ croyyr of overcoats are fr= sure to please. COLORED HANDKER CHIEF UNEN Fine sheer and med ium weight handkerchief linen. 36 inches wide. Colors, rose, blue, apri cot, green and orchid. $1.50 a yard. SILK TUBING 1 Silk jersey tubing for §j vests in white, pink or- j| hid and canary. A quick- j| ly made and practical E ■gift for holiday giving. § $2.25 and $3.25 a yard. | s - £ MEN’S SUITS 1 6 All the season’s = newest fabrics and patterns to choose 5 l from in plain colors a f and fancy mixtures. § EXTRA SPECIAL | 525 A A a Suit ss 5 KLONDIKE MAY SECURE LIQUOR WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. — Til; United Slates will propose to thi conference at Ottawa tomorrow mal; some aiDangemcnts authorizii;;; Canadian offices to transport liquor :i|tosk the Panhandle of Alaska into Hie Klondike. OTTAWA, Nov —_•»l the Amer 1 lean Canadian conference on liquor running to bo held here tomorrow it is understood the United States 'll propose the prohibition of tin clearance of vessels for American ports with a cargo of liquor ad also ask for authorization for scan h and s<: are and making a treaty fur extradition of persons accus ,1 o" liquor offenses. EXFLUaiTN SIC COAL MINE CHICAGO, Nov. 2#.—Two miners are dead and 18 badly hurt as the result of an explosion lata this at. -ternoon in a mine of the Chicago, Wilmington & Franklin Coal Com pany ueur West Frankford. Illinois This is said to be the largest mine in the world where more than men are employed. All others are believed to have reached the ground safely. MILLERAND 8EEKS NEW DUTIES PARIS, Nov. 26.—M. Millerand. President of France, wants the du ties of his office Increased. He is an active and a prodlgous worker, and his present duties, restricted mainly to receiving official visits, inaugurating movements, laying cor lierstones, welcoming newly appoint <d diplomats and pardoning vou- j vincts, leave him so much time on ! kin hands that he is eager tu take i on further responsibilities. Furniture moved and stored , MJfhg^lorie. Phofle^48.j A - Newspaper Publisher Can’t Read or Write. lillininilHIIHljllHIHIHIItlHfllllllil | LLOYD IS ARRESTED ON DRY UW CHARGI — ■ i ■ ■ James Lloyd was arrested Satui day afternoon by Federal Deputy Mai j shal M. H. Truesdell, charged wit violation of the Alaska Bone Dr I Law for alleged possession of In J toxicatlng liquor. It was reportei I that eight bottles of homebrew beei were found in hts possession. Lloyd was scheduled to appear be fore Judge V. A. Paine in the U. | S. Commissioner's Court this after i noon to plead. He was represented by H. L. Faulkner. | ' -- MANILA—Many were drowned ii Cagayan Valley, Cagayan Provinci i in Northern Luzon by a typhoon last week . i ■ Ben Grodgky, publisher of the 1 Venice (Cal.) News, 1s said to be the world’s only newspaper pub lisher who can neither read nor write. * ' USE OF DAIRY PRODUCT8 SHOWS BIG INCREASE WASHINGTON, Nov. 26. — Forty nine gallons of milk, 16.1 pounds of butter, and 3.8 pounds of cheese were the average consumption of dairy products of each person in the United States during last year, statistics of the Department of Agri culture show. Use of these commodities showed an increase over all previous year*. It is estimated that a little more than one-fifth of the total money paid for food last year was spent for dairy products. ATHENS, Nov. 26.—A decree has been posted abolishing martial law which has been in effect since the outbreak of the counter revolution. •Try ft. Tf ydn don’t like It, Knock it—Evan-Jones Coal, «Jav. BOAT WRECKED ALASKA COAST: L BULETIN — CORDOVA, Nov. i I 26.—A wireless received here j says the Shimkou Maru has gone ashore and will be a total loss. No mention is made as to the fate of the crew aboard, about 35 Japanese. SEATTLE, Nov. 26.—A message' received tilts morning from the dls-! abled Shimkou Marti, which was I being towed to Seattle by a tug after breaking her crank shaft off ; the Aleutian Islarftls several weeks, ago, reports the tug' Numaconna has been forced tf» let go within a mile of Montague Island today. The wind was blowing 90 miles an hour. The windows of the Japan ese craft were shattered by the, heavy seas. NATIVE BROTHERHOOD ELECTS NEW OFFICERS The Alaska Native Brotherhood.1 which had been In session for some time closed their session last week with the election of the following officers for the ensuing year: Peter Simpson, Sitka, President; * Hans Stewart, Kake, Vice-President; L. F. Paul, Petersburg, Secretary: and R. Young, Sitka, Treasurer. > Hoonah was selected for the next * annual convention. C. W. Hawkesworth, of the Bn - reau of Education, and E. P. Wai •- ker, Chief Fur Warden of Alaska. i were present at the convention. / -» »•» Evan-Jones—the only washed coal [ ever sold in Juneau. —adv. . Stop-Look-Listen Best Cane sugar sold to any body at $8.50 per 100 lb. sack, when purchased with our other food products and home bot tler’s supplies. Write for price li»t. {• > Guarantied Products & Supply Co., 2108 First Ave., Seattle. ifc . “ **""^™*-*fc*“^**» wmmmm mmmmmm a SLEDS j SKATES . , . V * ' — W| have them —_ _ I! : ~ \ ■A V c w. young co.[j • - ..r WAR HEROINE SUES SISTER FOR ALLEGED THEFT OF'PRINCE'S LOVE. ! _ i nc <: 3/i'Qpc-iApfki 4 <$£$%$] Princess Nicholas von der Lippc-Lipski, 37, formerly the im mensely rich Mrs. Wendell Phillips, New York society leader, who married Prince Nicholas von der Iippo-Lipski, 30, page to the late j Czar has filed suit in New York City for $100,01)0 against her sis ter, Mrs. Gertrude Schroeder, a widow, whose husband left her very wealthy. The Princess charges her Bister with alienating the 1 affection of her royal husband, declaring she found his clothing in Mrs. Schroeder's luxurious apartment. The Princess, before her I marriage, served in the Women's Overseas Foreign Service H03- | pitals Fn France and was severely wounded at Verdun. She receiv- I j ed numerous decorations for valor. Her only son, an American i aviator, was killed in an accident in France. Poisoned Liqyor Gathers in Victims in Eastern Cities PITTSBURGH, Pa., Nov. 26—Seven deaths inside of a few days have been reported here caused by pels-, oned liquor put on the market to meet tho pre-holiday demand. _ PHILADELPHIA, Pa., Nov. 26 — j Poisoned liquor has caused the death I of five since Saturday and sent scores! to tho hospitals. MONTREAL—Consntutlng a record for 50 years, fourteen and one half' inches of snow fell between Friday! night and early yesterday. Alaska Radio Crosley Non-Regenerative Golden Rule | Sets Cost Less. 324 E. 4TH ST. ■-fa, iniiiiitiiuiiitnmi:timiiuiiiimiiiiiiiiiii>iiHiiitttiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiHkiHniirtmtir> NOW IS THE TIME TO BOY < I BASKETBALLS, FOOTBALLS, BOXING • | GLOVES, BOXING TRUNKS, BASKETBALL | PANTS, KNEE GUARDS, ETC. \ * | See us for complete Basketball Uniforms. 5 'I 52 ! . JUNEAU HARDWARE CO. I i 1 .niiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiniiniiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiinniuniinuiiiiiiiiinnuinimnb^ TAILORING The holiday season is near at hand when evening suits will be in demand. See if your dress suit is in order. If it is not in order, now is the time to prepare for it. We make them. F. WOLLAND, Merchant Tailor. « ?T7 LET US HELP YOU ARRANGE YOUR THANKSGIVING TABLE Our stock of table silverware, carving sets, etc., is complete in every detail. ' We are at your service. -Wright Shoppe JUNEAU’S JEWELRY SHOPPE WM. C. WEIGHT. Cor. .nA FOR CHRISTMAS J. B. BURFORD & CO. ■■■■I. ■■ ■ i. -. FINE POULTRY ”StAW DELIVERY HOUR JSjttllSt& FRYE-BRUHN MARKET wn^fc ip \ %. . i . • - . - . .. ... ■; . ■■ ■ ' -s* ■' &x