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INFORMATION IS1 FILED BY SHOUP AGAINST DANNERS Fifty three Informations Charging Illegal Fishing Filed Before Reed. Fifty-three Informations were filed In the Federal District Court today before Judge T. M. Reed by U. S Attorney A. O. Shoup, charging var ious fishing trap operators, indi vidual canners and packing corpora tions with violation of the Terri torial close salmon season fishing laws No summons have been asked for as yet, said the District Attor nry, the Government withholding this step in order to give the packers and others an opportunity to appear without the issuance of summons. As to the indictments returned under the same law, If demurrers are filed to the informations, trial of the cases will be deferred pend ing settlement of the question of the law's validity in a test case which Is already pending. If there should be cases in which no demurrers arc filed, these will be carried forward to trial, said Mr. Shoup. The list of Informations brought today includes: two against thr A & P Products Corporation, five counts each: one against the same company and the Deep Sea Salmon Co., jointly, five counts each: Alaska Consolidated Canneries and Ike Bu ren, one count; Alaska Consolidated Canneries, two counts; Alaska Fish Company, one count; Alaska Herring ft Sardine Company, two counts; twr against the Alaska Pacific Fisheries one for six and the other fifteen counts; Alaska Packers’ Ass'n, ten counts; Astoria & Pnget Sound Can ring Co., five counts: F. S. Barnes, two counts: Joe Baranovich, one count; Beegle Packing Co., one count; Burnett Inlet Packing Co. six counts; Booth Fisheries, thirteen counts; Carlson Bros., Inc., four counts; Dpc-p Sea Salmon Co., 11 counts; Fidalgo Island Pkg. Co., om count: P. R. Harris ft Co. two counts Jack Hanseth and Martin Klldall. one count: Hidden Inlet Canning Co. two counts; G. W. Hume ft Co. and A. ft P. Products Corporation one count; Ifoonah Tkg. Co., 1C counts; P. E. Jenklng, one count: Karhccn Pkg Co., four counts; Keller Trap Co., ono count; Lawrence Kub ley and Clarence Payne, one count; Libby, McNeil & Libby, seven counts: Charles Loveless, one count; E. F Moore, one count; George T. Myers & Co., three counts; North America Trading ft Pkg. Co., three counts: Pacific American Fisheries, nine counts; Petersburg Pkg. Corporation 10 counts; Pyramid Pkg. Co., two counts; Sanborn Cutting Co., four counts; Sea Coaal Pkg. Co, ten counts; A1 Simons, R. C. Barnes and F. C. Barnes & Co., jointly, om count; J. L Smiley ft Co, two counts; ATTENTION—MASONS! There will be a Spceial-Masonic Bocial Session, under auspices of (lie Scottish Rite Bodies, compli mentary to Masons of all degrees Monday evening, December 3. In Odd Fellows Hall, beginning !i o'clock and continuing until mid night. Music and refreshments. A matter of vital Importance, of especial interest to all Masons, will be presented during the evening-— a special-extraordinary feature. Members of Mount Juneau Lodge Onstlneau Lodge, and visiting Ma-j nits of all degrees are cordiallyj Invited to attend this session. The heads of the Four Scottish Rltcj Bodies earnestly request the pres-j enco of every member. W. B. HEIS15L, — adv. Secretary, Scottish Rite. ._ . I . YOU CAN FIND WHAT YOU , WANT IN CHRISTMAS CARDS AND ■ mmmM §B J ; i AT THE BUTLER-MAURO DRUG CO. Sub-Station Post Office No. 1. ....— BEAUTY CULTURE Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday | Residential Calls Thursday, Friday. Saturday | Appointments at Parlors. ! Special appointments made for | ! Sundays and evenings. I ^ j Violet L Terrell IJ I Formerly with Mrs. Fry. > I j Cliff .Apt- No. 4.. Phone 427 j | •—rj-..,-:; -M ' ;t • • \r ONLY tr$ 20 MORE SHOPPING DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS v Southern Alaska Canning Co., seven counts; Superior Fisheries, one count; Sunrise Pkg. Co., five counts: Starr FJollinson Co., two counts; Thlinget F*kg. Co., 10 counts; Wilson Fisheries 'ive counts. rHREE ARE SENTENCED BY JUDGE REED THIS MORNING Yee Yet, Chinese, indicted recently or possession of narcotics in viola ion of Federal anti-dope laws, rep •esented by R. E. Robertson, today appeared before Judge Reed in the District Court, was arraigned, en tered a pica of guilty, and was fined $300 and sent to the local Federal | jail for 30 days. Fd Welle, who recently plead! rullty to possession of intoxicating iquor, was fined $500 and costs, j FTe was represented by Henry Ro ; ien. Richard Johnson,' herring fish j trtnan, indicted for illegal fishing mining in a restricted area, reprr mnted by R. E. Robertson, entered i plea of guilty and was fined $50 ind costs. Trial of P. E. Harris & Co., charg •ul with illegal trap fishing, was re mimed in th" District Court this morning. At that time the defense, represented by Hellenthal & Hellen ;hal, began introduction of testi mony. It was expected that thf ■ase would occupy all of today. Petit, lurors not engaged in trial of this! ase was excused by Judge Reed jr.til next Monday when the trial >f William Lott, indicted for the tilling of William F. Prentice, is scheduled to be taken up. Nervous Feeling Due to Gas on Stomach Pressure oi gas on ncart and other irgans often causes a restless, ner tous feeling. Simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adlerika, i-xpelS gas and relieves pressure am nervousness almost INSTANTLY Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel. Adlerika removes matter you never thought was in your system .vhieli poisoned stomach, causing gas ind nervousness. EXCELLENT to niard against appendicitis. Butler,I daunt Drug t o. (advertisement.)1 BONE PROCLAIMS MEMORIAL WEEK, DECEMBER 9 TO II Urges Participation in Hard ing Memorial Week—G. C. Hazelet, Chairman. (Continued rrom page One.) I Ohio on October 2nd last and the Incorporators Include President Cal vln Coolidge and all the members of his Cabinet. Mr. Coolidge i; Honorary President of the Associa tion; Joseph S. Frelingliuysen. o New Jersey, Acting President; George IT. Christian Jr„ Secretary and An drew W. Mellon, Treasurer. At executive committee Is headed be Dr. Charles E. Sawyer, with D Richard Crissinger, late Comptrollei of the Currency, in charge of or sanitation. The Governor of each State and Territory Is honorary -hairman of his respective State or Territory and was asked by Presi dent Coolidge, on dehalf of the TIarding Memorial Association, to Issue a suitable proclamation for the* observance of Harding Memorial Week and secure the acceptance of an available man in his State or Territory to serve as active chair man. Hazelet Is Chairman “Complying with the request, 1 have asked George C. Hazelet, of Cordova, to become the active Chair man for Alaska and he has accepted the position and will at once organ ize the Territory and direct the raising of Alaska’s quota of the sum desired for the permanent national memorial. “The purpose is (first) to erect and maintain in perpetuity, at Mar ion. Ohio, a mausoleum wherein to place the remains of the late Presi dent Harding and of Florence Kling TIarding, his widow, -when she shall have passed away; (second) to ac quire the home of the late President in the city of Marion and such other property as is deemed necessary fo conversion into a shrine in which all personal effects, books, publira ttnns. mementos, and belongings of the late Pr"sident may be preserved In pffectionate memory and under standing and to which all people mnv go for inspiration; (third) to en daw a Warren Gamaliel Harding Chair of Diplomacy and Funeions -T Government in connection with some existing university, and (fourth) ‘n bold p-operty real and personal for the purpose of perpetuating said places and memorials. A specia fire-proof building will be erected in connection with the residence o, the late President in which will bi housed the many interesting mamen »os and souvenirs presented to him including those received on his mem orable journey to Alaska. In con nection with the endowment of a chair in an existing university, an arrangement will be made whereby scholarships, opportunity for stud' and more extensive understanding oi the affairs of Government—national state and local—may be brought about. It is the aim of the Harding Memorial Association to raise a fund of $3,000,000. one-half of which will be used for the erection of a mausoleum and creation of a shrine and $1,000,000 Invested in govern inent bonds for sustaining in per petuity the mausoleum and shrine and the remaining $500,000 to be used In the endowment of the university chair.” 30B TURNER’S AUTO SERVICE Phone 257. Popular Prices. Sov n Passenger Car. Office neixt to Boston Store. 7j ELKS' MEMORIAL EXERCISES i At Elks' Hall Sunday, December 2, at 2:15 P. M. ALL ELKS EXPECTED TO ATTEND The Public is cordially invited. . I1 CHRISTMAS CARDS It i* now time to pick your choice for mailing or have your name printed or engraved on them. We have a beautiful assortment. Also Christmas Oifts Dressings. BRITT'S PHARMACY THE REXALL STORE ___‘ _ ~". # ' ’ * ' *" ’. ' ’. RALLY TONIGHT I AT ELKS' HALT H . -; I Interesting Meeting Is Sched uled to Be Conducted by Capt. Dancey Tonight. Plans are now complete for th< big Americanization Rally in the Elks Hall, this evening at 8 o'clock The Alford John Bradford Post ol the American Legion, undor whose auspices the Juneau program it being staged, has organized an inter esting evening. The Novelty Four will have charge of the music and there will he r number of vocal and Instrumental selections. Capt. Dancey will be the principal speaker and his talk will cover conditions at home and abroad, problems of intense interest to loyal Americans. Following his address, there will be an open forum question period. This question period has aroused unusual Interest throughout Alaska. It gives an opportunity to the audience to discuss present day topics In a free, frank manner. Les ter D. Henderson, Commissioner oi Education, has been asked to he one of the speakers and will give a brief talk. Wednesday night's audience at the Palace was somewhat larger than the previous night. "The Man Without a Country" was given a fine recep tion. Capt. Dancey in his introduc tory words, again emphasized the seriousness of coiulitions in the world today and iflfsrefl the citizens of Juneau to participate In the Americanization program. "The eyes of all /Tasks are fixed SiiiiliTimMiiiiritiiiii'iiiiil jon Juneau,” he told his audience.) i “Every other community has gone j over the top. If Juneau docs the| same, it means that Alaska scores i ' the highest of any part of the Na-; pltion. If Juneau fails, it means Al 1 aska’s failure." Capt. Dancey echoed the words of . thanks of Capt. J. P. Walker to The j Empire. The Empire Is always ready j and willing to support everything of ; a patriotic order," Capt. Dancey ! said, “and I want its editor to know that the Legion appreciates this mark of patriotism on his part and that the whole of the American peo ple, who are behind this program, i will hack me when I say that It is support of this character that makes 1 Americanization the force for good j that it is throughout the land.” JOHNSON-SUNDQUIST John T. Johnson and Miss Annie E. Sundqulst, both residents of Ju neau, were married at 4 p. m. Wed ! nesday in the office of U. S. Com-1 missioner, Judge V. A. Paine offic- j [lnting. Attendants were Pete Ham-i mer and E. L. Alstrnm. The newly j i married couple will continue to re- j I side in this community -— ; SOCIAL EVENING FOR AUXILIARY AND LEGIONNAIRES. There will bo a social rally at I Elks' Hall Saturday evening at 8:30 ' o’clock given by the Auxiliary of ! Alford John Bradford Po-^t for the ' families of the Legion and the Aux iliary. There will be refreshments and a general good time. Captain Dancy has an important message to | deliver to the members of the cr j ganization. Members and families I urged to attend. MRS. R. C. M. SHEPARD, —adv. Secretary. 1 Old papers for sale at The Empire. 8 MAH JONG J "Mah Jong"—“Jong Mali”— K "Enter brothers, approach the fA .Itar and salute the Potcn- M Not the pas3 word of a -adgo but the new game that H is displacing bridge for the f® social battle. jfj We have them at prices K J? I j THE NUGGET SHOP \ 1 BRING THE CHILDREN TO OUR TOY TOWN ON THE BALCONY S g Now is the time to make your selections in order to save DISAP- £§ H POINTMENT, WORRY and the RUSH. We have suitable gifts for every mem- §g§ ber of the family. iS = We will securely wrap your packages for mailing free of charge and '=[§ supply holly boxes when purchases are made at this store. Make use of our rest room on your shopping days; it is for your con H venience. • H| This store opens at 9 A. M., doses at 6 P. M. ^ Goldstein’s Emporium I ** JUNEAU’S STYLE CENTER 35 / . * * «r4 ' UlllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll jfhtftt' A ■ '.'5:4' «♦» if ; a ' ■. ft £!