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“BRINGING UP FATHER- By GEORGE McMANUS ■- - — - -—.- - - r ...—— —• -- —— ■. V ' ‘ ' •' r ^ ‘ • ' " - - • ' “ • “--“-“ --- . ■ ■ .. ■ - ' ■ .. * i * 4 i l , -, SCHOOL HOOPERS ARE VICTORIOUS IN DOUBLE BILL Hilltoppers Beat Hot Shots— Islanders S mother Thinglet A. C. .Five. Both Channel mgn schools turned In victories last night in the double bill of basketball put on in the Juneau High School gym. The local five defeated the Hot Shots, an In dian five, by a score of 28 to 8, while the Douglas school squad smothered the Thlinget Athletic club 38 to 4. The latter contest opened the double bill. The high school lads from the Island were too fast and clever for the Indians and scored almost at will. Poor sho<- ing by Manning, Oarn and Cashen kep- the score from being more lopsided than it was. The game was rough. Korn, one of the T. A. C. forwards, was ordered from the floor at one time by Referee Baker, hut was allowed to resume playing owing to no sub stitute being available. Garn led the Islanders in scoring with 16 points, Manning being second with 9, and Cashen runnerup with R. Vesoja, substituting at guard for T. Cashen in the last half scored 5. The game was called a few minutes short of the regulation 40 minute period owing to an injury to Manning, who was knocked against a piano and was unconscious for several minutes. He was dazed for sometime after the accident. The local school squad showed marked improvement last night over the game Saturday night against Douglas. It passed infinitely better, was able to hold onto the ball more successfully and its team play was greatly improved. On shooting from the field, it was still weak, however. Campen, lengthy center for the Hilltoppers, starred for the locals. He played the best game he lias shown so far and led in the scoring with 16 points, seven from field goals. Garnick, standing guard, was a stumbling block to the Hot Shot forwards that they were unable to evade. He passed well, recovered funtbles of his opponents in fine style and offended less in fumbling than any of his teammates. Gould, who replaced him in the final five minutes of play, also played a good game. Albert White, while markedly weak on shooting, played some real basketball at times. He is a scrappy little guard who has the scoring am I bition of a forward and covers the i floor like a rug. Hunter and Halm worked willingly but their game was marred by frequent fumbles. Both were weak on shooting. I’eterson, who relieved Halm near the end of the final period, was apparently a better shot than either of the other two forwards but he was weak on I both passing and was unable to hold ' on to the ball. The game was clean and fast. The , Hot Shots were held hard in check by the locals and had few opportuni i ties at close range, most of their i shots being distant. Fivb personal 1 fouls were called on them and none ( against the Hilltoppers. Coach Baker used Hunter. Halm j and Peterson at forward; Campen, center; White, Garnick and Gould. I guards. The Hot Shots lined up as I follows: Watson, Rudolph, forwards; | R. Smith, center; Mike and A. Smith, ! guards. Douglas used Gam and L. Cashen. forwards; Manning, center; T. Cash en, Graves and Vesoja, guards. The Thlinglet A. C. had Kern and Young. ; forwards; Martin, center; Johnson j and Wilson, guards. Baker, of Juneau, refereed the I opening game and Foster, of Douglas, I the second match. -«. ♦ - WISCONSIN TACKLE IS REINSTATED IN BIG TEN FOOTBALL — I CHICAGO, Dec. 20.—Before the I Big Ten athletic officials after ad journing from their recent meet ling announced the reinstatement of (Tackle Harry Gerber of Wisconsin, who was declared ineligible just prior to the Illinois game on No vember 10". Dean Small, of Chicago, moved Gerber, though technically wrong, had been sufficiently punished for his alleged misdeeds and should be again ^reinstated, the suggestion met ! with the unanimous approval of the officials. University of Chicago has been awarded the indoor swimming meet March 13 and 14 and the indoor track meet, March 14 and 15, given to Northwestern University. The conference tennis tournament is scheduled for May 22 at the Uni versity of Chicago. Home Made Pies, Doughnuts, Bread and Baked Beans, Fresh every day. Order your Cake, etc., from us. Home Made Christmas Fruit Cake on sale now. Garnick’s Gro cery, Phone 174. —adv. To insure delivery of fresh killed TURKEYS and CHICKENS for Christmas orders must be phoned in not later than Satnrday night Dec., 22. D. B. FEMMER, Phone 114. i 1 adv— 1 ....mimimi........■■■". I TOYS I | TOYS I j TOYS | ALL KINDS OF TOYS, GAMES AND NOVELTIES | We also have a very complete line of | Christmas Tree Decorations El? • S i --— - e 1 THE VARIETY STORE I II.B. MAKINO | ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH? WASHINGTON TEAM DRAWS $70,000 IN YEAR JUST ENDED SEATTLE, Dec. 2Q.—Washington’s total football receipts for the sea son just over, amount to $70,000 in round numbers. The amount taken in last year totaled $82,000. The decrease in total receipts is due to the fact that the California game, last year, was the biggest game, from a turnstile standpoint, that has ever been staged in the local Stadium. The big game of this season was the University of Southern Cali fornia tussle, Oc.t. 20. The gate for the Trojan game amounted to 326, 000. The two other big games, netted as follows: W. S. C.— $11,000 and Oregon—$5,500. Last season netted a clear profit of $24,000 as compared to $13,000 for the present Beacon. This last figure, however, is without the California game at Berkeley, which should be something over $10,000. The Whitman and Willamette games of this season, run in as sandwich contests between the scraps of major importance lost money for the University. _, , ,_ CHRISTMAS EXERCISES AT PRES. CHURCH ARE TO BE ON TWO NIGHTS There will be a special Christmas service at the Presbyterian Church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock to which all are cordially Invited. In the evening a Christmas cantata will he offered by the choir under the direction of Miss Ruth Mitchell. Several singers from the Island will nssist in this service. The full pro gram and announcement will appear in a later edition of The Empire. On Monday evening the children! will gather for their annual Christ mas exercises and tree. They are] planning to attend this service In, the spirit of giving and will take something that may later be dis-1 trlbnted among those who might not ] otherwise have so cheery a yuletide.! The Sunday School at Thane will ] have exercises In the school house this evening where they are accuq-! tomed to meet. The public is in-1 vited to be present and enjoy all \ theRe services. ' PUBLIC NOTICE. In case of fire unless you are a fireman do not call Central for at | least ten minutes after the alarm,! as Central will be busy notifying members of tho Fire Department. JUNEAU & DOUGLAS TELEPHONE CO. adv. H. F. Preston, representing th< National Grocery Company of Seattle, is in the city for a few days on business. He is registered at the Gastineau. PLUMBING SHOP BROUGHT TO YOUR DOOR I am outfitting a Ford with a complete set of tools, pipe and fitting. Will bring the shop to your door. No going back after a wrench. I hope to save you both time and mgney. I thanjt you. GEO. B. RICE Forrcrt Boildiac Heating Plants Oil Burners Plumbing Phone 34, Res. 343. j ■ -~~ ■ —- O BEAUTY CULTURE ! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday I Residential Calls ’ Thursday, Friday, Saturday | Appointments at Parlors. ; I Special appointments made for , Sundays and evenings. • | Violet L Terrell j Formerly with Mrs. Fry. I ( ] Cliff Apt. No. 4. Phone 427 | t ■ -■ I • 1 WILLIE HOPPE STILL CHAMP CHICAGO, Dec, 20. Willie Hoppe, of New York, retained the world's championship of 18,2 balk-line bil liards In a play-off of the tie In the international tournament at New York, by last night defeating Wel ker Cochran, of Hollywopd in the third and last game. The final score was: Hoppe, 1.500 and Cochran 1,161. OREGON AGGIES AND NEBRASKA UNIV. TO MEET UPON GRIDIRON CORVALIS Ore., Dec. 20. — The Oregon Aggies griddets will play the University of Nebraska in the new stadium on . Thanksgiving Day next year. This was the announce ment made here today. BASK ETBLL GMMES The following basketball scores of games played in the States last night were bulletined by the Asso ciated Preas today: Harvard 39; Middlqb.ury 17. Notre Dame 25; Northwestern 16. Idaho 66; Lewiston State 0. _ _ • _ .nun iMiimiiiiiiiicifiimmimiii mi mn iii RUB RHEUMATISM PAIN FROM SORE, ACHING JOINTS What Is rheumjitsm? Pain only. It. Jacobs Oil will' stop any pain so luit drugging. Not one case in iifty requires In ternal treatment. Kuh soothing, penetrating St. Jacobs 6il directly upon the tender spot and relief comes instantly. St. Jacobs Oil Is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica liniment, which never disappoints and can not burn the skin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from your druggist, and in just a moment you'll be free from rheumatic and sciatic pain, soreness, stiffness and swelling. Don’t suffer! Relief awaits you. Old, honest St. Jacobs Oil has cured millions of rheumatism suf ferers in the last half century, and Is Just a3 good for sciatica, neural gia, lumbago, backache, sprains and swellings. (advertisement) Former United States Marshal and Mrs. .1. M. Tanner will reside in Tacoma during the remainder of the winter, at least, where their address will be at 721 North Sheridan Ave. nuc. They were passengers on the Princess Mary, which was in port yesterday morning. Fumituie moved and stored. Heavy hauling done. Phone 48. Juneau Transfer. —adv. Demand Evan-Jones Alaskan Coal Ilot Stuff, Hiyu heat. —a a v. GIVE THEM PLENTY OF GOOD, RICH MILK Our Motto la “Absolute Cleanliness” JUNEAU DAIRY PHONE 143 mini mi iiiiiiinmii mini minim imiiiii' • { Make This an | Electrical Christmas I E = 1 We Have on Display i Toasters, Waffle Irons, 1 | Percolators; Irons, | flj E Carling Irons, Table Stoves, Hot Plates, Coffee Urns, Heaters, E §. etc. Call and make yonr choice. We will deliver day before = a Christmas. We also have Radio Seta and parts. What pleasure E 3 could a boy have than building his own? E 1 -*- 1 «c- Zm ] Juneau Electric Co. E Phone 125 210 Front St. E ^iiiiiimimiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiliiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? THE JUNEAU LAUNDRY fP*# .. 4 ftaakUa IunJ. brtaeti fruat ana a«uoa* ki Tk«a« B«t . I i MIXED NUTS 25 CENTS PER LB. Cluster Raisins, Jap and Val | i ntia Changes, Appls, Grapes | and Christmas Candies cf all : I kinds. • HOME GROCERY Phone 138 — i Alaska Transfer Co. ^ General Hauling, Baggage, i Coal, Contract Hauling. . I j i Main Street. Phone 45 ' M-. - ■ -- •-—--- ; JAPANESE TOY SHOP \ \ H. B. MAKINO Front Street ^P. 0. Box 218 tor Mail Orders ] j I. J. SHARICK 1 Jeweler and Optician Watches, Diamonds j Silverware ^ Jewelry | —.. ■ ■' .. ' -I B--* | 1 I USED FURNITURE Bought, Sold and Exchanged N. ROCOVICH 211 Seward Street, j Telephone 4 4 1. P. 0. Box 251. ' 1-~ HOTEL SEATTLE ' ! | “Home of AlMkana” j Price* reasonable. European I plan Seattle, Wean, j I R li. none;DON. Manafar ' PROSPERITY IS HERE t c* ■ »*v ai j l * HE 5L. 1 . m » T ^ t CU * *;y > K £2 * “ l| ■ '*' _ TdvA o 32 —■»■* t. -1 on e Spruce Cement Hemlock Brick Fit Fire Clay Iron Bark Lime Oak Hay Shingles Grain Boat Lumber j JUNEAU LUMBER MILLS Test ever MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Now offers additional attTactiv Disability Benefit feature*. NONE OTHER 00 LIBERAL ALLEN SHATTUCK INSURANCE REAL ESiAli fcaiitBLISIliui iSWs ■-t SPECIAL | ON | i . JONATHAN APPLES | LOWEST PRICES I > I For Next 8 Day* | | C10VANETTPS GROCERY 1 *-• I I TRY OUR Merchants Lunch 1 45 Centr Arcade Caft MART YuUNli, Proprietor. f f --« Permanent j We make and keep a large | stock tor Immediate delivery, the old reliable standard double-lock FIREPROOF con crete chimney block, without a fault. Concrete Product* XI fg. Co. Near Ball Park, Ju neau, Alaska. Established I Twenty Years. PHONE 32. uiM HKTE PRODUCTS MFG, COMPANY Old bundles of newspapers at I lie Umpire, 20 cents. ALASKA MEAT COMPANY ; Wholesale and Retail Butchers PHONE 3a SEW AND STREET | COOK THE TURKEY with our COAI. and It will be don# to a- turn, that rich golden browu proiluceablo only with a strong oven heat. Better order some right nnw. You’ll need it anyway. Phone us your order for COAI., feed, fresn drossed poultry or transferring Our prices aro right and our servic' u.v excelled. D. B. FEMMER PHONI 111 _ ....... 1 FOR THE WINTER j ! AT WINTER RATES, MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS ; = AT THE CITY’S CENTER OF CONVENIENCE. £ f THE GASTINEAU { 5 AH that means OOOD FOOD § 2 All that means A GOOD REST I y * THE HOME UNDERTAKING PARLORS Embalming anti Professional Ser/tcea. 9i>eclal Attention to Out of Town and Home Euneraia. II. V. SULLY Plioua lUd. Elllnsen DM;, Third and Quid Street*. I -— :