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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
THE NEWLYWEDS By CHARLES McMANUS i ;| ; i ;l I; • ] DOUGLAS ISLAND NEWS ; » "• Tr Former douglas girl WINNER POPULARITY CONTEST • Miss Ruth Wilson who formerly resided on the Island with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson, •was declared the winner in a popu larity contest which was recently staged by the Elks Lodge -in Pe Eli. ‘■Washington, according to information Just received here. Miss Wilson won over her nearest competitor by a margin of over two hundred votes. The prize for the contest wa3 a diamond ring. PRIZE STORY CONTEST DECIDED WITH ISSUE OF GASTINEAU BREEZE Prizes for the best Christmas stor ies to be published in the Gastineau Breeze which appeared in the third issue here yesterday were awarded to Elsie Edmiston, first; and Rita McCormick second. The first prize story is entitled: “The Spirit of Christmas,” and the second, "The Sunflower of Christ mas.” Both are well deserving of their grade. * The Breeze with each forthcoming Issue Is becoming better and better and evinces greater interest on the part of the students and advisory staff than ever before. Six pages headed with a cut of Douglas and Gastineau Channel are amongst the features of the present issue. Old papers for sale at The Empire. FIRE DEPT. MEETING Companies One and Two of the Douglas Fire Department will hold a special meeting tonight in the Fire Hall to consider several matters of importance. All members are; urged to be on hand. I WITH ALASKA JUNEAU Felix Gray went to work for the Alaska Juneau Company the first of the week after several weeks' va cation. At the present time he is engaged in taking a stock inventory at Treadwell. "COLLEGE DAYS" ENJOYED , Another contingent of Islanders at-1 tended the second performance of] “College Days” at the Coliseum in Juneau last night and report it a fast performance. The local parti cipants, Thelma Wiitanen and Mar garet Cashel, received special men tion for their work. TO TELEPHONE PATRONS. A new telephone directory is now n course of preparation. Patrons contemplating change of address or persons who wish to have telephones installed are requested to notify 1 the Telehone Company, Phone 420. ] before December 25th. —adv. Alaskan for Alaskans. Evan Jones coal is Alaskan coal. Use It. 1 Old papers for Bale at The Empire. ^ i * t HAT the LANGWOOD " | Family Range .for wood I only, will burn twice as I ____o with one-half the wood re- | quired by any other range on the I market — if properly installed— 2 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. I Although we have installed many^- I LANGWOODS — not one owner || has been dissatisfied. . ^ 9 The LANGWOOD is on display at our store call and let us show you its many superior points. It is designed especially to meet Western conditions. Ita fea tures are all exclusively LANG’S. LANG stoves are strict ly Northwest Products and consequently we are in a position to render yon the best yf service and immediate delivery. 38J LANG fililSTOVES W. YOUNG CO. V JUNEAU, ALASKA. r WE SHIP ANYWHERE!!! Oat of town orders solicited. Orders are promptly filled for choicest groceries in any "mr- quantity. We can fill any order to your satisfaction. ~ *” ' AMERICAN BAKERY AND GROCERY '.. ■ > *Tbe Baker Wbo Bake** wi BzzifiB non m Santa Claus Is Approaching Nearer to Juneau Santa Claus Is In Spokane, Wash., according to the following cablegram to Bill Fry received today: “Dear Bill: “I am getting nearer Juneau every day and I have everything fixed now so that I will sure bn there on thr 26th at Elks Hall. I have a present for every youngster that <omps to ,see me. I want all the khls on Gastlneau Channel there on that night. “I am getting all exritnd over see ing the Juneau children again. How are they all getting along? ITow is Tom Tatters. Jimmie, Sonny Gray, Arthur, Chuckle, Seymour, Weston, Branch and Duncan? if there5 are any' I have not named It is because I have run out of ink, arm will get -j JUNEAU TRANSFER COMPANY Move*. Packs and Stores Freight and Baggage. Prompt Delivery of LADYSMITH COAL Phone 48. some more tomorrow. Don't forgot,! the 2Gth; Whoop-ee! “Yours, "SANTA CLAUS.” R. O. Datson, wife and daughter left on the Chlchagoff last night for the mine. Mr. Datson will tv the bookkeeper for the new company at Chichagof. - CARD OF THANKS. We wish to thank our kind irlenda and the members of the 'ourth grade for their sympathy Tnd the beautiful flowers given in the bereavement of our beloved von and brother James. (Signed) MR. AND MRS. W. F MATTHEWS AND FAMILY. ad - I FULL LINE OF , Denniron’s Crepe Paper Napkins and Festoons \ for Christmas Andrews’ and Davis’ Pictures jj in colors and plain. Frames made to order. Visit our store before buying anc. ‘ look at our stock. Full line of Native and Oriental Baskets — ' I OLD POST OFFICE j ^ STORE SPECIAL TO YOU! OREGON CITY WOOLEN MILLS OVERCOATS Reg. Price $33.50, Now $22.50 Reg. Price $22.50, Now $18.00 ONLY A FEW LEFT *" F. A. J. GALWASS DRY GOODS NOTIONS Phone Donglu 17 DOUGLAS ^*1111111111111 inn i ■iiiiriiiiiiaiiiaiialaiaaraiaMaiaiiMiiaaaaMaiiaiiTafaiaaaTaMiiiiriiTiiiiiiiTiTi i ill i CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS j - BOOKS FICTION POEMS BOY'S AND GIRL’S BOOKS LEATHER GOODS PURSES, BRIDGE SETS, TOURIST TABLETS, TOILET CASES PYRALIN IVORY 3 TO 20 FIECE SETS MANICURE SETS , PERFUME BOTTLE HOLDERS CUT GLASS, SILVERWARE COMMUNITY WARE SERVING TRAYS H. r. CHINA VASES CANDLESTICKS ASH TRAYS NOVELTY PIECES STATIONERY PERFUME SETS CLARIDGE SHOP GIFTS TOYS FOR KIDDIES A REGULAR TOYLAND FOR CHILDREN Visit the Toy Department GUY’S DRUG STORE DOUGLAS asset—If you use The Empire classi fied. You can rent It to a desirable tenant at a good price, thus lessen ing your own rent-burden. n hThh m mil i ■iiimi iTTimii n minim mil I Christmas Hints I | \> a . g 1 INVEST YOUR CHRISTMAS MONEY INTO SOMETHING USEFUL | § Our prices are fair and our goods open to your inspection. g § FOR MEN FOR LADIES | = Men's Silk Hose Ladies' Dresses and Waists 2 E Men's Fancy Ties Ladies’ Fancy Belts 5 = Men’s Fancy Am Bands T Hayser Pure SilkHose g = wi-n— - — - Ladies’ Eve reen Silk and Wool Hose s r Men s P0"^ Handkerchiefs - Ladies’ Slippers and Shoes = Men’s Dress Slippers and Shoes Ladies' Wool Winter Gloves g E Men’s All-Leather Pocket Books Ladies’ Bathrobes • | = Men’s Dress Caps ? Ladies’ Fancy Rubber Aprons ~ ~~ Men’s Dress and Wool Shirts Ladies’ Fancy Scarfs E E Men's Pipes Silk, Cr iton, Crepe and Wool = 5 Men’s Oregon City Wool Overcoats Goods for Dresses § 2 1 2 B ZZ •“ I -\ ' I 1 1 S mm E = E 2 i F. A. J. GALLWAS ] I Douglm. Alaska | !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiimiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR ' - , —■— I ———— MADE RIGHT, Rigb* is Jno<Mi *. & 3. CONFECTIONS •nd ICE CREAM Buy home products—in thif casr a pleasure as well »«• >!ufv I ___I KODAKS FOR CHRISTMAS Good morning Madam, to Eve said Adam Good morning Adam to Adam said Madam “Oh for a Kodak,” said Adam and Madam, But neither knew that Winter & Pond had ’em. SEE US FOR KODAKS Phone 47 WINTER & POND CO. i ' Old papers for sale at me Empire. -- *-ter / <♦ 3$ Watches and Jewelry STERLING SILVER ELECTRO PLATE CUT GLASS and ; FINE CHINA | HARICK I JEWELER and I OPTICIAN — ■--• WINTER COMING Be Prepared Have your chimney fire safe. G. E. Krause Contractors and Manufacturers of Concrete Units. Former Cates Cannery Bite, Willoughby Are. Phene 4>S •-« *-------a Christmas Suggestions I SOCIETY CANDY In % lb. to 8 lb. boxes EULK CANDY Pipes, Ciagarette Holders sad cases. Cigars—26 and 60 i In a box. | We make our own Ice Cream. I j Juneau Billiard Parlors ) ■-• a---a Arctic Bath House ; Side entrance, ring bell. I Turkish Paths 8 p. m. to 1 s. m. Private rooms and a foot : specialist. 227 Front St. ! Phone 414. 1 CUAS. J. WYATT, Manager u--—-—>—a Old bundles of newspapers at The Empire, 25 cents. SHEET METAL WORKS ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAI WORK DONE TO YOUR COM PLETE SATISFACTION W. C. JENSEN FORREST BUILDING Phones—Res. 4042, Shop 456 . .— | NOTICE! E | i to holders of g | FIRST TERRITORIAL BANK OF | I ALASKA SAVINGS BOOKS | | On and after January 1st, 1924 1 | your interest will be added by § | THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK | | OF JUNEAU I ! who will pay you | | INTEREST i I I COMPOUNDED I | SEMI-ANNUALLY 8 The same as has been paid by * ; | THE I !| First Territorial I Bank I | OF ALASKA 8 ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiuiNiiiiiiiiiJj