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THE NEWLYWEDS HV.___ By CHARLES McMANUS I ;-v 0 . wHaVi. , j fWTfcU ,r>Y? | =4 •fj uyyii 1924-by Kirn SyndioU. It.«- CtKt-McMVl'JS. | DOUGLAS ISLAND NEWS i .... .. - - ' FINAL INTERSCHOOL BASKETBALL BEFORE TOURNAMENT WEDNESDAY The third in the series of basket ball double headers which is on be tween the Juneau and Douglas High Schools will be played in the Nat Wednesday evening when the Ju neau High School will send its two hoop quintets over to play the D. H. S. fives. The second team players will take the floor at 7:30 when the light, but fast local team will make a des perate attempt- to take their only one of the three games from their heavier opponents. The second and feature game of the evening between the two first teams will be the last one for the home team prior to the big tourna ment which will start next week, and It will also end their strenuous training period. Coach F. K. Foster has been bringing Ills men in such a way as to develop the speed iest and moat accurate machines possible and Wednesday night will see them at their best. The Juneau team will also be In Its top form on this occasion, and Spectators should see their best games of the present season. I Mean You) __ , t . -.- .. , -.J Are You Well Informed? * WHEN YOU ARE AT A GATHERING Of FTOi'LE DO YOU FIND YOUR SELF OUT OF THE CONVERSATION ? IF YOU DO IT IS BECAUSE YOU I DO NOT READ THE ALASKA DAILY EMPIRE! • IN IT YOU WILL FIND ALL THE LATEST NEWS OF THE WORLD, AL ASKA AND JUNEAU. “ AFTER READING THE EMPIRE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CONVERSE FREEr || LY UPON NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL TOPICS OF THE DAY. |]| mm -m 1 ^■i 1 SUBSCRIBE TODAY BY CALLING 374 |; Empire Printing Go. | PHONE 374 * • 1 ... EACK TO SCHOOL DAYS _ Something new and different in] school affairs for Douglas parents is being arranged by Supt. F. K. Foster to take place in the Douglas school house next Friday evening. At a given hour when the school bell will ring the parents of the community are to be in their seats in their respective rooms to answe'. roll call and hear certain portions of the work that is given to their children, gone over. The teachers will demonstrate their methods of presenting the subjects they teach and explain the course of study pursued. After the class room sessions are finished all will gather in the as sembly room where a program will be given and refreshments will be served. -» - HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. William Spain and infant son returned to their home in Treadwell from St. Ann's Hospital yesterday afternoon. -»♦» O. L. Grimes, merchant at Ouz inkie, to the Westward, is a pas senger on the Admiral Watson after a business trip to Seattle. NEWSPAPERS THPIVE UPON POLITICS IN CUBAN CAPIAL I HAVANA. Cuba, Jn:i. 21.—Havana with a population or more than 8G4. 000 boasts 22 drily newspapers, prob ably more th > any other ritv of its size in th world. Most of them circulate chic flv in Havana and its suburbs, for every city of any size in Cuba has on or more dailies of its own. Three of the Havana dailies are published in English and the other 10 In Spanish. Also there are a score nr more >f weekly and month ly publication ' f various kinds, in eluding two in t ee Chinese language El Dlario do la Marina, founded in 1S32. is th- oldest of the Ha vana publleat: ms and El Heraido established last month, is th" young eat. With Pres’dnritial elections coming on next year, several more dailie will blossom forth if precedent i. followed. ■ ■ ■■—SI • YUKON TERRITORY TN THROES OF STAMFELE Dawson nnd other Yukon Terri tory points arj in the throes of an other goldrsilve: rush. At the head of the Beaver River fifty miles west of Keno 11 i 1 * a silver and gold dir eovery of gigantic proportions is re ported. It is mid that official ar says reveal pay dirt running 1,100 ounces of silver to the ton. There is also gold in the district. ' SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION. No. 2384-A. In the District Court for the Terri tory of Alaska. Division Numbe One. at Juneau. MAISEL K NOYV1-TON, Plaintiff v; WII.TjIAM Aj|T(4l’R KNOWLTON, Defendant, The President ot tne United State of America, to the above name defendant, Greeting: You are hereby required to b md appear in the District Court for he Territory of Alaska, Divlsloi Number One, at Juneau, Alaska within thirty duys after the la: 'bliention of this .summons, name /. within thirty days after the 18t lay of February 1 924 In ease thi 'immons is published, or withii rty days after the date of its rerv ■ o upon you personally, and answe: h? complaint of the above name laintlff on file in the said court it >e aliove entitled action. The re :ief prayed for in the gaid complain the dirsolution of the bonds o ■•atrimony now existing betwee laintlff and defendant The order for the publication o 1 lis summons ami for service b publication was made by "the Cou: n the 18tli day of January 1924. '■.Ttnees the Honorable Thomas M eed. Judge of said Court and th jal of said court hereto affixed thi 8th day of January 1924 JOHN H. DUNN, I Court Seal) Clerk. First publication, Jan. 21, 1924. hast publication, Feb. 18th, 1924. Weather Conditions As Recorded by the U. S. Weather Bureau. '- ‘ i Forecast for Juneau and vicinity ior 24 hours boginning 8 p. m. today: Fair anil colder tonight and Tuesday; moderate northerly winds. ' LOCAL DATA Barom. Temp. Humidity Wind Velocity Weather 8 p. m. yest'y . 29.88 32 77 HE 1 Snow 8 a. m. today 29.87 29 90 . S 1 Snow 12 noon today 29.89 30 78 S 1 Snow CABLE AND RADIO REPORTS YESTERDAY 100AY Highest 8 p.m. Stations— temp. t«mp. lowest 8 a.i**. ** a m. Mnp. 8 n.m. temp. temp. Velocity 24 hra. Weather] Fort Yukon . - 8 -10 Noorvik .v -It — Nome . -28 -28 Bethel . -24 -28 Tunana . -24 -36 Ragle . -18 32 Fairbanks . -20 -20 1 McKinley Park.... — 8 -14 Anchorage . 6 — 2 St. Paul . 16 16 Dutch Harbor .... 28 28 Kodiak . 20 18 Cordova . 24 18 Juneau . 34 32 Sitka . 36 32 Vldmonton ... . 32 24 . Soattle ..42 4 2 Portland . 40 38 ’ San Francisco .... 62 60 —10 —8 — 0 Cldy -24 -22 —- 0 Clear -30 -26 * 0 Clear -38 -36 • 0 Pt. Cldy -46 -46 — .01 Clear -12-12 - • 0 Pt. Cldy -34 -30 —- 0 Clear -34 -3 4 0 Clear -12-4 * 0 Foggy' 12 14 — .02 Snow! 24 28 — — Cldy : 18 18 — — Clear I 4 6 4 .20 Clear i 2ft* 29 I .24 Snow 28 28 .26 Snow 22 28 0 Cldy I 38 40 * 0 Cldyi 32 34 0 Cldy' 44 44 * 0 Clear •—Less Ilian 10 miles. NOTE/. Observations at Prince Rupert, Edmonton., Seattle, Portland and San Francisco are made at 4 a.a. and 4 p. m., Juioau time. The pressure has risen in all portions of the Territory except the southeast. Barometer readings above 30.50 are general in the north ern portion, Noorvlk reporting a pressure of 30.74 Inches this morn- ( ing. The pressure is below 30.00 inches on Prince 'William Sound and i southeastward to Canada. Snow was general but light in the Interior! Saturday and Sunday and lias been followed by dear weather and I much lower temperatures. I^ow temperatures prevail also on the coast except in Southeastern Alaska. MERCHANT OF HAINES GOES TO WASHINGTON HAIN’Kr!. J.m. I.".—X. Cl. Hanson ; will soon Irav- Alaska for Contralla, j Washington, where he will go Into \ business, Mr. Hanson was a hard i ware merchant of Haines for a nunt : her of years and until li v as burned | out. He made many friends hero ' who regret very much to sen him 1 leave. It. J. Shepard left on the Admiral Rogers for a short visit In Juneau where Mrs. Shepard Is visiting with friends, 't'li v will soon return to Haines where they will occupy the residence which they purchased from Mr. Frank Saucier. The water main which tarries wa-j ter to Haines and Chtlkoot Barracks has been repaired, and both the Barracks and Haines now have wa-l tor again and in consequence people! , are happier. j Harry Jones, commonly called Casey Jones, who lins been at the Tenakee Hot Springs, returned to his home In Haines on the Admiral Rogers. The Haines Masonic Club has ar rangements all made for Its annual anniversary which will be held Fri day evening .Jnnuary 18th. The com mittee on arrangements have issued invitations and expect about one i hundred to attend. ___ WOMEN OF MOOSEHEAET LEGION TO INITIATE I There will be a meeting of the) Mooeeheart Legion Tuesday evening for the purpose of initiation. Aftrr : the initiation ceremonies there will 1 be a tasty lunch served. All mem | bers of the degree team are request ed to be present at 7:30 Tuesday evening In order that they muy practice. The Preaching Mission being held in Holy Trinity Cathedral will con tinue for two nights more, tonight and Wednesday night. On Tuesday night Father Bush will gfve an ad dress In St. Luke's Church, Douglas. Tho Mission has been well at tended, and tho message of the Mis rioncr on live topics of tho religious world has aroused a great deal of interest. . ^ .» Jt’a all In knowing; HOW to do * Brat-claw? clean, n? and dyeing ( ' CAPITA! DYE WORKS j j C. Ueldner, Frcineeioual Dyer i j and Cleaner. Phone 177 ■ -j ■—- B . HIGH CLASS GROCERIES i Will always be available at G10VANETTTS j GROCERY | i i p-—— - . • • I I ■--■ IT IS EASY TO REACH US When you rant your clothe* cleaned, pressed or repaired Phone 894 The Renovatory We buy second hand clothes. -—- — ■ For engraved or printed calling cards see Tho Qmplro. FRAMING We have the most up-to date assortment of picture mouldings obtainable. Bring in your Christmas pictures to be framed. See our Art Corner Frames for Portraits. + ♦ ♦ WINTER & POND CO. 'mmmmmamm' " BEAUTY CULTURE t Thursday, Friday, Saturday j Residential Calls j Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday | Appointments at Parlors. ' Special appointments made (or j I Sundays and evenings. j Violet TTYerrell I j Formerly with Mrs. Fry. f | Cliff Apt. No. 4. Phone 427 j i-t f-~T ! RELIABLE TRANSFER ) Phone 149. Res. 148 { Courtesy and Good Seivice Our Motto. i J- ■ L i USED FURNITURE Bought, Sold and Exchanged N. ROCOV1CH 211 Seward Street. | Telephone 441. P. O. Box 211.' ■---—— t i j - - — 1 1 T Let’s Go I to “Bingo's” for a real hair cut and shave at the 0. K. Barber Shop o- i A Home Product of Real Merit £.&3F. CONFECTIONS and ICE CREAM Are Home Products th^t all Juneauites are proud of.’ J . ' 1 1 IIS..i i '..'K -. —■ ' ■ — • -m i G. E. Krause CONTRACTOR Concrete, Plasterer and Masonry. Former Estes Cannery Site Willoughby Ave. Phone 4S9. « —.. "H * All Alaskan Trails End at HOTEL ATWOOD First Ave. and Pine St., Seattle Popular Prices—Nearest to Everything. TED TAYLOR, Prop. 9-..— ■ — -P — Dr. M. P. Stanley Physician and Surgeon 1 308-10 Haight Building, Sec 1 ond Avenue and Pine Street, Seattle, Wash. Electronic Reactions of Dr. Albert Abrams. Diagnosis Treatment | ■.