Newspaper Page Text
LAST TIME TONIGHT REVIEW—TOPICS COMEDY ! -.JL__ ! ' j I Attractions ! at Theatets \---1 ATTRACTIONS TONIGHT COLISEUM—Jane Novak in “Thel ma.” PALACE—"Fools of Fortune.” COMING ATTRACTIONS. COLISEUM — Max Linder in “The Three Must-Get Theres.” PALACE—Norma Talmadge in “Her Own Way.” j “FOOLS OF FORTUNE” {UNIQUE COMEDY j Tho day of the hackneyed motion picture plot is passing, according to the critical New Yorw newspaper reviewers. Originality is what is demanded over everything else by present-day audiences; and if the story of a picture does not measure up to that standard tho fact is quickly known to all who follo.w the printed criticisms, if, indeed, it has not already become known through word of mouth. At the Palace Theatre for the last time tonight is a photoplay which lias received high praise on the score of its very uncommon origin , ality of story content. Simple, un 1 preti ntious, with no bizarre costumes (or gilded settings, “Fools of For ! tune” is nevertheless an outstanding ■attraction purely on the strength of I tho originality of its story. To this merit should be added the capital {acting of Marguerite Do La Mode {anil Jack Dill in the principal roles, | with the able assistance of thor-s. ; screen veterans. Tally Marshall, {Frank Brownless and Itusscll Simp son. _____ {“THELMA” IS SPLENDID PICTURE AT COLISEUM The bleak hills of Norway and tho | great halls of ancontral estates iu j old England form a striking back ■ ground for '“Thelma,” Marie Coret I li’s classic romance of the Norse ! hr ' mine to life on the screen and i tv 1 i for the first time yesterday |u< Pi Coliseum, it Is on again to ni. ’i l ■ .i shows. J ■ Yavtilt. as Thelma," the “pale i li ’oki with a crimson heart,” ja "ieves an artistic triumph in a I role which seemingly was fashioned .for her alone. Miss Novak, without | exaggeration, is the prefect embodi ment of Marie Corelli’s fictional hero ■ ino. She outdoes liy far any other | characterization of her career ou 'the screen. i Imagine, for example. Miss Novak ) in some of the tnostr stunning gowns 1 ever created for her on the stage or {screen! Imagine this simple little { Jenny Wren of the great, open North i west suddenly converted into a Mas j ing bird of paradise aAd dominating I London society by tho sheer power {of her beauty and chafm! This character reveals to us a new Jane Novak, a Jane Novak not I 4 | alone of delicate beauty but an ar liste of marvelous facility and whose delineation of a famous character ! of fiction establishes her as one | of the really worth while stars of l the screen. ! DOUBLE BILL AT | PALACE TOMORROW I The attraction announced for ap pearance nt the Palace Theatre on Tuesday brings the popular luvorite, Norma Tnlmadgc, into view for pre sentations of i uii of th photoplays I in which she started her starring career upon the silver sheet. Incl i dentally. Eugene O’Brien, the Selz inick star, was Miss Talmadge's lead jing mail in those earlier days and i there is double assuraiu e of uplon i did entertainment when the star sup | ports star in "Her Only Way." The photoplot depicts the struggli |of Lucille Westbrooke (Miss Tal jmadge) to decide between a marring for love or money. H r true lov I (Eugene O’Brien) taunts her when | he imagin''! the stal.-s are turnlnr i against him and to get even for hi? : suspicions and false ai qusations Lu ! c-.Jlte marries for money. The subse 1 quellt events prove, that, as in rea' 1 life, when a person inayir:! lor mo a ey they earn it. Tho comedy feature will lie "Lov Honor and Behave.” a Mack Bennett comedy. j “Love. Honor and Behave" is noi a loose-jointed assemblage of "gags," “stunts,” and "chases” but a legiti mate story from which arise coinedv situations that crowd and jostle each other, so closely do they follow one ! another. But with the skill of a painter mixing his colors, Mack Sen nett avoids the monotony of mirth by the Injection of legitimate appeal. I human interest and thrills, so that I when the beholdei feels (hat he can laugh no more, he is not sufeitcl With mirth but is given the sobering influence emanating from a real and interesting story. MAX LINDER IS AT COLISEUM TOMORROW In making the announcement that Max Linder, international sereen-com 1 edy favorite, will he seen at the Coliseum Tuesday and Wednesday in tils latest feature, "The Three Must j Clet-Thera's,” the theatre manage , meat also adds the statement the i public will be given an opportunity to see a screen comedy moulded along absolutely different lines than j found In the usual offering of this ; typo. ! "The Three Must Get There’s” Is a dashing, smashing hurlesqup on the famous slory "The Three Mus keteers.’’ Tills, of course. Is indt rated by the title, hut it is stated that the comedy version follows the Dumas story very closely. Even the ! burlesque names of tho various char acters are closely akin to those in i the great romantic story. Max Lin i der lilmself, plays the leading role j of D’Arlagau but calls himself Dart j In-Again. The three Musketeers are known in this fun special as Walrus, Octopus and Porpoise. The picture has a real, connected story, and is not just a succession | of disconnected prot) purposes. There are big and beautiful settings and photography effects. POPULAR ANCHORAOEITES WED. Miss Lee Bartliolf daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bartholf, one of the well known families of An chorage. and A. S. Jones a popular young man of that city, were mar ried nt the railroad town last Sat urday. Furniture moved and stored Heavy hauline done Phone 4P, Juneau Transfer. —adv gr .■■■«.. t MarguerileDcfgMotle in Fools of Fortune “ Tuesday—Double Bill NORMA TALMADGE IN “HER OWN WAY” and Mack Sennett Comedy “LOVE, HONOR AND • BEHAVE” YOUR "UNUSED” ASSETS—that Xypewriter, musical Instrument, fur niture, office fixture or appliance— he classified columns of The Empire ere marketable, for cash, through ii-■ i Juneau Public Library | and Free Reading Room City Hall, Second Floor Main Street at 4th Reading Room Open From 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Circulation lloom Open from l do E>:30 p. pa.— 7:00 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Current Magazines, Newspapers, | Reference Books. Etc., FREE TO ALL I ■- . ..---m NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAXES ON REAL PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF JUNEAU, ALASKA. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Delinquent Tax Roll of Real Property for I ho City of Juneau, Al aska. for the year 1923, has been completed and is now open for public inspection at the office of the City Clerk, and that the same will he presented to the District Court, for the Territory of Alaska, Division Num ber One, at Juneau, on the 11th day of February, 1924. for adjustment and order of sale. .. The following list shows the tracts as shown by the said Delinquent Tax Roll, tho amount of Tax, Penalty and Interest thereon, and to whom assessed: TO WHOM ASSESSED DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY. Tax Penalty Interest Total Airs. MafV Brandt .1-lb Interest in Blk. 14, hot 7, N. W. Vfe Iait & Bldg.$ 9.00 $ .90 $ .01 ? 9.91 Henrietta C. Held .1-3 InteresL in lilk. IS, l.ot 3, hot and Building .. 21.50 2.15 .03 23.68 Airs. M. A. Ferris .Blk. 101. hot 4. lot only .95 .10 .03 1.08 Airs. II. Green .Vfe Interest in Blk 104, hot 8, S. E. Vfe Lot and Bldg. 11.88 1.19 .02 13.09 M. S. Sutton .Blk. lol, hot 1, S. K. part of lot only .... Blk. 101. I/Ot 2, S. E. part of lot and Cabin . 1.90 .19 .07 2.16 Pat J. Lynch .Blk. 114. Ix>t 1. Lot only . 4.75 .4 8 .19 5.42 Isaac R. Clark .Bik. A. 30’ & Cabin & Possession Rights.. 1.90 .19 .07 2.16 Tom Smith ..Blk C. Cabin in rear of Oillen's . .95 .10 .03 1.08 7 Vi «. 57.00 6.70 .09 62.79 J. F. Maloney et al .1-10 Interest in Blk. 1, Iait 4, 5, 6, 7. 8, 9. Gold Belt addition . 21.22 2.12 .02 23.36 J. F. Maloney et al ...1-10 Interest in Blk. 2, I»t 2, 3, 4, Gold Belt Addition . 10.26 1.02 .01 11.29 Mrs. Thos. Ccodwin .Tr. et al.Blk. 209, IxjT 8. W. Vfe of I»t only . 4.75 .47 .19 5.41 Finnish Socialist Club .-Blk. 224, tat 5, Lot only .3.80 .38 .15 4.33 Airs. S. hong & 1. Goldstein.Tide hands Adjoining Casey Sliattuck I Addition, Possession Rights & Foun i dai ion ..— 3.80 .38 .15 4.33 John E. Green ..-.Vi Interest South Side W. 9th St., Foun dation & 2 Bldgs. 7.60 .76 .01 8.37 Ole Johansen .Lot and Cabin South Side lyeist }0tU St... , 1.90 .19 .07 2.16 Ban Rodobaugh .foundation North Side West 10th St. 1.90 .19 .07 2.16 Clay Winterstein & Lester James.,2 Foundations & Cabins North Side West 11th St. . 5.70 .57 .22 6.49 Clay Winterstein & lister James. Foundation & Cabin North Side West 11th St.. 1.90 .19 .07 2.16 Clay Winterstein & hester James. Foundation North Side West 11th St. 1.90 .19 .07 2.16 Chas Sivllai .Found:.t ion & Cabin South Side West 11th St. . 4.75 .48 .19 5.42 C En«e .Foundation & Cabin North Side West . 12th St. 2.85 .28 .11 3.24 John Wahl .Blk.. 3. hot 6, Pacific Coast Addition, part of lot & Bldg.- 7.60 .76 .30 8.66 McMillan Bros.North Side Lower Front St., 25’, hot & Building . 85.50 8.55 3.42 97.47 Geo Jorgenson .Seatter Addition Section 1, hot 6, tat and House . 19.00 1.90 .76 21.66 fiuv Wine .Scatter Addition, Section 3, Lot 1, hot . only .48 .05 .01 .54 M. G. Warner .Bldg. Calhoun Road . 3.80 .38 .15 4.33 C." H. Jefferson .Nelson Park Addition, Blk. 4, hot 3, . tat and Cabin . 2.85 .29 .11 3.25 C. H. Jefferson .!.Nelson Park Addition, Blk. 4, hots 2 & 4. Lots only. 1.43 .14 .05 1.62 Guv Wing .Seatter Addition, Section 2, hot 10, . . Lot & House . 13.30 1.33 .53 35.16 Roy L. & P. J. Berry .Vi Interest In Blk. 14. Lot 1 1-ot & Bldg... 9.50 .95 .01 10.46 Roy h! & P. J. Berry .'i Interest in tat only. Blk. 14, Lot 2. 7.12 .71 .01 7.84 A. Btllodenu .Vfe Interest in House 212 Ferry Way .... 50.00 5.00 1.50 56.56 Mrs J Nellson .Found. Cabin & Shed North Side W. 7th St. 2.36 .24 .11 2.71 Roy L. & I’. J. Berry .Vi Interest In hot only, Blk. 14, Lot 3. 3.30 .33 .01 3.64 TOTAL .*331.42 *33.15 *8.73 *373.30 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affix the official Seal of the City ol Juneau. Alaska. this 10th day of January, 1924. JOHN A. DAVIS, City Clerk. Firs*, Publication Jan. 14, 1924, Last Publication, Feb. 4, 1924. _ ._ __ , _ _ _ ^ t ... . --- AL.)4 .. WOMAN ACCUSED OF HUSBAND’S MURDER [ . fc-cT KkourF .rV/Z. ~ | Mrs. MatUihlu S. Kliouri, of Dorchester, Mass., is sought by the polico on the charge of murdering her husband, Elias .1, Khouri. A former sweetheart ha, confessed that she told him she allot -her husband lo death. At U: t his death was ascribed to suicide. COMPANIES CONSIDER INSURANCE OF YEARLY BONDS FROM INCOME (Continued from Pago One.) issued under the authority of th Federal Fanil Loan Act must he- i eluded. These provisions, it wa pointed out, were made to prevent ai investor submitting only Ills weak investments, for guarantee. The guaranteeing instruments wil' be written for an annual premium of not less than one-half of one per cent, computed on the par valu of all the approved securities be longing to the person or corporation seeking tile guarantee. While the actual operation of the new form of Insurance or surety bond has not yet been entirely worked out. surety companies express tlie belief that advantage will be taken of the guarantee by individuals and corpor ations. that have their reserves in vested In diversified securties, uud by trustees of estates and guar dians of minors. Guarantees may run continuously for the lives of the various onds in eluded under tile surety agrreement. the annual premium to lie computed on the annual average of invest ments held. This provision would nermlt of the replacement of bonds which may mature during the life of the Instrument. Bankers have hesitated to comment on this new form of guarantee, ini' they admit that it may have, a far reaching effect on the field of in vestment banking. It is understood that plans have been discussed by the eurety com panies to extend the guarantee to entire Issues offered the public liv the cornovations. but no definite ac tion has been tuken on that phase of the matter. \ George Sawin, Justice ot the j Peace at Elmhurst, 111., Chicago ■mburb, is 90 years of age. He is known as the "Marrying Justice,” and to live up In his title he has :ust announced his secret wedding in Miss Arlie Dell Mosher, aged 65, at South Rend, Iml He went to | Illinois from ling!on in 1853 and nc ■umuiated a targe fortune. — Radio Manufacturers Cited for Being Monopoly — WASHINGTON, Jan. 28. — The principal corporations engaged in I >io manufacture and distribution of nlio equipment and rondering radio! •vice is charged in a Federal Trade! in ml talon complaint with creating, i'd maintaining a monopoly in j 1 a.dio apparatus and communicaitlom,. J Insist on your teamster delivering' Evan Junes Alaskan Coal. —adv Bargain hunters always read The Empire's classified columns. SUMMONS F0¥ PUBLICATION. No. 2364-A. In the District Court for the Terri tovy cf Alaska. Division Number One, at. Juneau. MABEL KNOWLTON, Plaintiff vs. WILLIAM ARTHUR KNOWLTON, Defendant, The President ot mo United States | of America, to the above named j defendant, Greeting: > You arc hereby required, to bo and appear in the District Court for the Territory of Alaska, Division Number One, at Juneau, Alaska, | within thirty days after tlie last publication of this summons, name ly. within thirty days after the. 18th day of February 1 924 in case'tills summons is published, or within forty days after the date of its serv ice upon you personally, and answer , tho complaint of tW above named plaintiff on file in the said court in .the above entitled action. The re I lief prayed for in tlio said complaint j Is the dissolution of the bonds ot I matrimony now existing between I plaintiff and defendant The order for tho publication ol I; this summons and for service by | publication was made by the Court ■(on the 18th day of January 1924. . . Witness the Honorable Thomas M : Reed, Judge of said Court and the .I seal of said court hereto affixed thii II 18th day of January 1924 JOHN II. DUNN. (Court Seal) Clerk. First publication, Jan. 21, 1924. Last publication, Feb, 18th, 1924, AGRICULTURE IS GOOD ON COAST SAN FRANCISCO. Cal.. Jan. 28. —John Perrin reported to the Fed •ral Reserve Hoard today that agri cultural production on the P c1 Coast District increased substantially in 1923. Perrin said the year was marked by "steady employment for practi cally all kinds of labor and the turnover improved Industrial rela tions." Tho Diroctor of the Mint esti mated the gold and silver produced in tho Twelfth Federal Reserve District increased in 1923 to 11.6 over the production of 1922. FORMER WIFE OF CAPT. WARD, WEDS IN IDAHO on Cards have been received iji Ju noau announcing the marriage of Mrs Elizabeth KeRenbaeh Ward, o£ Lew iston, Idaho, to Samuel Charlet Sktilern of that place, 'January 5 Mrs. Skillern has many friends It: Juneau where she resided for some time when she was the wife of Capt Charles 8. Ward. She was divorcee from Capt. Ward early last year. New Trial (or Slayer Denied; Sentence Passet QOLDEN, Colo., Jan. 28.—Arthu H. Mitchell, convicted slayer of Mrs George Bryan, wife of tho Assist an Denver Fire Chlof, has been sen touted to hung between May 18 am May 25. Tho judge denied a nev trial and passed sentence. 014 papers tor sale at The Umpire ! CUCKOOS TRIM HERONS IN SATURDAY S MATCH The Cuckoos Saturday night ont bowlod the Herons in the Klks' mix 'd tournament for llveplaycr teams, w inning by a score, Including hand! . apu, of 2,801 to 2.697. The win ners took all three games. The score by games follows: | Huons. I McCaul . 174 148 190—512 I Mclsnes . 137 183 137—457 [Mrs; Boyle . 65 83 87—225 I’armakoiT 171 lt>7 157 495 Sweeney 125 130 102—423 Totals .662 717 733 2112! Handicap . . 585 Grand total . 209?! Cuckocs. Fey .187 150 203—540 •McNaughton 187 144 157—488 Kirk 1 97 177 ISO 50o HHcken 177 149 169 (95 Mre, ttuln 120 102 ns :: in Totals.808 722 833 2423 1 Handicap . . 378 Grand totul 2801 : * 'Substituted for Kline. t Substituted for Mrs. llelzclle. Addition to Schedule. Tho following addition to t Ho Klks' bowling tournament schedule were announced today by the House Committee: The following additions to the January 29— Sea Urchins vs. Sand Peepers at 9 p. in. February 9 — Sea Urchins vc. Cuckoos at 9 p. in. Naval Aviators Return from 11,000 Mile Flight SAN DOMINGO CITY, \V. I„ Jan. 28.—What Is thought to bo the longest flight ever undertaken by American avlatore came to a suc cessful close here recently when 'wo navj airplanes alighted at the local aviation field. The machines were piloted by Lieut. Ford O. Flowers and Lieut. Horace D. Palmer. •>f the Marine Corps, with Sergeant penjt'.itiln F. Ttelelier and Sergeant !’P. Toultireiak os moelt nic ' ay had covered 10,953 miles without a forced landing glace Sept. 19 last, when they started on a trip which took them as far as San Francisco. The objective was the Interna tional air meet at St. Louis. The first leg was to Havana. The take off here was at 6; 15 a. m., and the aviators were calling on the Amer ican Ambassador to Cuba at C o'clock of the same day. Washing ton was reached tome 90 hours after the departure from this city. St. ImuiH, El Paso, San Diego and San Francisco were visited on the way out, and tho return trip took in Salt Lako City, Omaha and Washington again. LAST TIME TONIGHT A WONDERFUL FEATURE I Admission—10-20-40, Loges 50 cents. COMING TUESDAY Do Yau Want to Laugh? THEN SEE MAX UNDER “THE THREE MUST - GET THERES” Tuesday and Wednesday CARD PARTY REFRESHMENTS PRIZES Given by the Members of Mooseheart Legion MOOSE HALL, TUESDAY EVENING. JAN. 29. Admission, 35 cents. Come Out, Have a Good Time THE HOME UNDERTAKING PARLORS tCuibalmuia auu ProtfKglonal P . rm-e* special Attention to Out of Town arid ifume Funeral*. H. V. SULLY Phone 134. Klliniren lids; . Third and Gold Strew** • iHHiaiiii«iiiiiiiiminmriiiifHmiHiiiin*i]«iiii<miii!fii<iiiiiMiiiiMiM'iiiM(iiiiUi | YOU NEED A CHANGE 7 = Not necessary to go below to live in hotels. Just move to the : | GASTINEAU. | i It’ll seem like a trip. It'll be a change and it won’t cost much. £ £ We make special low rates to local people for January and February £ | GASTINEAU HOTEL | Mmimimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiii»i£ | The Nation’s | irmest Cigars i | inimiuiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiimmiiiiiiimiiiinii' 1 I WEBSTERS | I CARABANAS I | SAY-SO I | FLOR DE MOSS 1 | MARK HOPKINS | mm | All shapes and styles of packages. | ALL DEALERS!