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1 I 1 TUESDAY—WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY | Continuous from 7 to 11 o’clock = 10-25-40; Loges 50 cents — ■■■ ■ ■' Coming Friday—“ONE CLEAR CALL” and “LEATHER PUSHERS” i Attractions \ f at Theaters _.____ i ————a—w—— ■■ ■ mm - «mrrr% ATTRACTIONS TONIGHT pOLISEUM — Max Linder in “The Thtee Must-Cet-Theres." PALACE—Norma Talmadge in “Her Own Way." COMING ATTRACTIONS. COLISEUM—Mabel Normand in “Sy zanna." PALACE—Milton Sills in “One Clear Call" and “The Leather Pushers." MAX LINDER IN COMEDY AT COLISEUM There are casts, imi casta and fcll-Btar casts, anil then there are Screen comedy casts so good that each plaVcv brings a laugh to the Spectator in everything that he does —and that is the kind of cast there Is in Max Linder’s latest five reel rtwnedy, “The Three Must-Get-Theres” a most laughable kind of a burlesque ftn Dumas’ great romance, “The Three Musketeers." Of course Max Linder is the in ternational comedy favorite, maker Of cinema comedies that, for years have been making movie fans of all countries laugh, and “Tire Three Must Get There's" is his first feature production for Allied Producers and Distributors Corporation, which tins been booked by tbe management of the Coliseum for tonight and tomor row. Of course. Max Liniler plays the leading role of D’Artagnan—or Dnrt lu-Again — with Jack Richardson, Charles Metzetti and Clarence Werpz Appearingas “Walrus,” “Octopus ' and •‘Porpoise.” better known to the lov •ers of “The Three Musketeers” as Athos, Araniis and Porthos. Frank Cooke is seen in the role of King f^ouis XITI.. with Bull Montana cast as tbe Duke of Richelieu under the burlesque title of tbe Duke, of Ricb Dou". Catherin _Rankin appears as "Connie” the Queen’s seamstress with whom Dart-ln-Agaln falls madly in love with. Fred Cravens t;ik( tlio holo of Bernajoux with Harr Mann ns "Bunkumin.'' ♦Cvery member of the east is laughmak n' from the very first flicl er of the film till the very las and all of them are well known t movie comedy fans. NF.W POLICY FOR PALACE FOR NEXT THREE NIGHTS For the next three nights at 111 Palace theatre during the double bl Norma Talmadge in “Her Only Waj and Charles Murray and Ford Ster ing in “Love, Honor and Behave there will he a continuous perforr anee from 7 to 11 o’clock. The con • dy, "Love. Honor and Behave” wi he given twice and "Her Only Waj will be sandwiched In between an only presented once each evening. The story of “Her Only Way” just as new as it was a liundre years ago—for then and now tt course of true love is often damns by money; true hearts are still ke] apart because of poverty or the shr lowness of class demands. The stoi of “H-* Only Way” is a story i every-day humanity; the events i the life of those who live, now umh Hie rigid exactions of custom ar decent living. Mack Bennett's latest big plctnr “Love, Honor and Behave,” is sai to have qualities that will appeal I every type of picture patron, duality not usually associated wit Bennett comedies is that of sentimei which abounds in this new plr It is not held up for smiles < ! hearty laughs, but is Injected wil sincerity and emotional offectlvenes It will be on tonight at the Paiai Theatre. Marie Prevost appears as a your bride. The bridegroom is Geori O’Hara, and the tangle that is w yen In their domestic affairs pr vides this picture with Its plot. T1 bridegroom is held in the mesh circumstantial evidence and the brii is too willing to bolievo the wort They take their ease to tho Judfi whose nature partakes of the wisdo of Solomon ami the wit of Port! He setttles their differences, order to do this "Judge” Mum tells the pair a story purporting I be the narrative of his own expor - iences when be ten was a hride z groom ami his brldi was likewise z jealous of him. z Tlie value of circumstantial evi 5 deuce is g.v n a reasoning waiioji! E in til1 p!| !: She credibility of an 5 supported, testimony and the veracity I E of coincidence are challenged by tin. I E jurist until Marie Is p . ■ muled that ! E like tlie Judge, her husband Inis E been the victim of cm 1 circumstanc E es. - “Judge” Murray's story provide s j? i the episodes et til picture. Bum Z tiful Phyllis Haver. :is lendlug wo man in the Judge's story, Is revealed 5! as a bride whose experiences par ■Sjallol those of the piquant Marie. = ; It is said by those who have seen SI this picture that the injection of a S real purpose, the development of an E authentic plot and the projection of, Eja sound moral do not interfere at E all with the hilarious movement o'' E!a typical Sonnett story. E COMEDY APLENTY in E “SUZANNA." NEW FILM E Mabel Normand. in “Susanna,” A!-: E lied Producers and Distributors Cor Eiporation release, coming to the Coli-; E settin Thursday and Friday, will linve si a role in which not only the merry, j s! elfin quality of her exquisite nit ~ will he given delightful play, but Z in which she will be able lo reveal i = lliose deeper and finer elements of z her acting which have till now. n v. rj z been fully disclosed. S' This Sennott feature production, di-l s reeled by F. Richard Jones, has be u z called a comedy drama, and that z is jast what it is. Miss Normand' z will bo seen in plenty of comedy epi ; sodes, Her childish pranks are life ; in the picture and the bane of George: 5 Nlchol’s existence. Miss Normand I » will also be seen in episodes at I z poignant interest and tragic suspense.! -♦ ♦ ■ E NOTICE TO ELKS. ; There will lie balloting on candi z dates Wednesday night, Jan. 30,! = 1924. —adv. | Women Need Swamp-Root E Thousands or women have kidney z and bladder trouble and never sus-! ; pect it. ■j Women's complaints often prove z to be nothing else but kidney E trouble, or the result of kidner or E bladder disease. : If the kidneys are not in a * healtliy condition, they may cause - the other organs to become diseased E Pain in tlie back, headache, loss E of ambition, nervousness, are often : times symptoms of kidney trouble :l Don’t delay starting treatment. I Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, a physl ; cian’s prescription, obtained at any E drug store, may be Just the remedy : needed to overcome such conditions. Z Get a medium or large size bottle z immediately from any drug store. - However, if you wish first to test E this great preparation send ten E cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng E hamton. N. Y., for a sample bottle : When writing be sur.e and mention : this paper. (advertisement.) LEAVES STAGE TO BE WITH MOTHER, ? _Coxian- JgtV nufthav.'/^. | j Harry Coleman, vaudeville actor of note, lias retired from the stage «nd will practice law In San Francisco so lie may bo constantly with bis mother, who was his companion 011 the road, but who wishes now to make a nBm>»m>nt home. _„__ ! CROWDED HOUSE AT OPENING OF B.B,TOURNAMENT Douglas and Wrangell lake l ead — Second Double Header This Evening. (Continued from Page One.) Douglas schools were massed on op sosite sides of the Mg hall, and. led hy their cheer leaders, enliv ened the wait before the game start ed with school yells which, although it n-ost times unintelligible to the [initiated, set (he walls of the hulki ng to vibrating hy their volume. As a result of last night's results, nost of the fans, particularly men if basketball experience, are pick ing Douglas to clean up in the tour iey. And with the possible exception if a single weak spot, the Islanders oek to have the Wrangell team ■lightly outmatched. A minority of fans, however, see In the greater weight of the Wrifhgol! five and Its undoubtedly clever passing a graver hreat to Douglas’ chances than it lias yet faced this season. Those ivlio are Inclined to favor Wrangell is the winner believe that the red md white jerseyed team will be tble to concentrate sufficient brawn to throw Douglas’ great scoring trio. Gam, .Manning and Cashen, out of gear. Nor Is Juneau entirely out of the I running. Coach Baker’s somewhat1 inexperienced squad made a surpris-; ■iglv strong showing against tho Is-1 landers last night. It exhibited * defense which Douglas was unable* to penetrate for closeup shots and most of the latter’s points were made j ;on long distance heaves. The Hill j lAAMM. A A A .AAA „|tl„ Un,„l.ll.nn ' I wants to bo sure of getting that trip j to Seattle and play Puget Sound | schools as the representative of : Southeastern Alaska. A complete j account of last night’s games will j lie found in the sporting section. HOLBROOKS RETURN AFTER VACATION IN THE STATES Mr. and Mrs. Wellman Holbrook,' who have been in the States for several weeks on vacation, returned lo their homo, here today. Mr. Hol brook is Hand Classification man ln the Forest Service In tho Territory. WOMEN’C^LUB MEETING. j Tho Women's Club will hold o 1 meeting forhorrew atternoAh at the 1 City Hall at 2:30 o'clock. A full j attendance of members is requested. NOTICE TO ELKS. There will be balloting on Candi da tea Wednesday night, Jan. 30. 1924. —ndv. I 1 Big Game Hunters Bag Enormous Grizzly Bears and I 1 Lordly Moose in the Wilds of British Columbia : \ i y --- >r n P(2ED '[ MANSELL’S &l<3 GBjZZlY ^ British Columbia, according to 11 experienced hunters, is the most it wonderful big game country In t. North America. Grizzlies of enor ir tnous size, black and brown bear, v, | moose with 60 and 62 inch ''spreads.” mule and white-tailed deer, elk, mountain goats and 0 (beep, caribou, timber wolvea and mountain lions are numerous, and k there is a wide variety of smaller ;e nr nearing animals and geese, n. tucks, grouse and ptarmigan. Re n eently Fred Manaell, of North Van couver, killed a big grizzly which lf' eras 11 -ft and 2 inches long from ir the tip of Its nose to the bate of le the tall. A few years ago Mansell, t. who has been a guide since early c, manhood, bagged another monster silver tip grizzly 11 ft and 6 inches „ long. These bears weighed about 1M0 lbs. each. Mansell declares n that there are more bears within r MO mfles of Vancouver than in the COLUMBIA \ CABlBOU remainder of the whole province, r They are plentiful along the Brit- j ish Columbia coast inlets, attracted j by the salmon which ascend the rivers to spawn. The grizzly is a clever fisherman and wades into the stream to catch his salmon. The coast hunting grounds are reached by launch or steamer and are about 126 miles north of Van couver. Spring hunting is good from April 16 to June 16. Fall hunting begins about Sept. 1 and lasts until tne bears retire to their dens for the winter. The Caribou and Lillooet districts attract many huhters who secure splendid tro Shiet. The Caribou is reached via shcroft, B. C., headquarters of E. 8. Knight who has outfitted many hunting parties and supplied ex pert guides who know tne wilder ness well. Motor cars help tie sportsmen on their way after the Canadian Pacific Railway !^ left I behind. Seven und eigfit pound silver and rainbow trout are com mon in the Caribou, and Dol*} Varden, char and lake trout run a.1, high as 30 pounds. Mansell, a companion and guide's dog found the huge traces of the 11 ft. 2 inch grizzly and f.ii lowed the trail. “Suddenly," sayt Mansell, “I sighted the big fellr« digging for dead salmon in the old river bed 300 yards distant. I knar Bob couldn’t hold the dog, so v.« tied him up for {ear he woitj-i spoil my rnot. Alohe I crawled ahead another 100 yards. The bepr was up the valley and the was down so that he didn’t seen* me. I took careful aim and puli*<l Up he jumped, growling, ana wen down; then up again. I put two more shots in at my first choiv> and there was my bear, as large as arry two then jyould wish to TONIGHT AND WEDNESDAY—2 Shows Each Night THE INTERNATIONAL COMEDY FAVORITE Max Linder «ti nri Ihe ihree Must-get’-theres” 183 LAUGHS FOR ONE TICKET Famous characters in history and drama burlesqued by an equally famous r:rccn ccmrdian. 'The Three Muckcteers,” is a Twentieth Century comedy fern. A smile in every flicker of the film and action in every scene with thrills enough tor all. Forget your worries, if you have any and see this big feature comedy. ADMISSION—10-20-40 cents, loges 50 cents. SEE WHAT IS COMING THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MABEL NORMAND IN “SUZANNA” CARD PARTY REFRESHMENTS PRIZES Given by the Members of Mocseheart Legion MOOSE HALL, TUESDAY EVENING. JAN. 29. Admission, 35 cents. Come Out. Have a Good Time , -rr siir i - am n . . . „ —■ . ■.- i ■nn———* THE HOME UNDk STAKING PARLORS Embalming and Pi'otevstonai F e if. Special Attention to Out of Town and lome Funerals. H. V. SULLY Phone tre. Eillngcn Bldg, Third and Gold Street* BnifiiiMMiiiiiiMiiiiiiiii'iiiiitiuiiuiiiiio'MiiiimiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiuminimiiP YOU NEED A CHANGE f Not necessaiy to go below to live in hotels. Just move to the GASTINEAU. | It’ll seem like a trip. It’ll be a change and it won’t cost much, h We make special low rates to local people for January and February 2 GASTINEAU HOTEL 1 s s ItllllllllllllllllllHmilllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItItItllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHV The Nation’s I Finest Cigars) iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiminiiiiiiiiiniiimmiiuiHiniiiiMii' 1 WEBSTERS I CARABANAS | SAY-SO I FLOR DE MOSS | MARK HOPKINS 1 All shapes and style of packages. ALL DEALERS!