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Newspaper Page Text
Ec nomy Week I I his week means a series of opportunities m thrifty purchasing which E will save you dollars. I he qualities are as big a feature in value offering as Ej the prices are phenomenal in their low figures. • Ph.D.s and M.A.s _ ^ _ Breaking into Vaudeville ''imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiimiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiniiiitnuH^ CARBONVOID | PUTS THE GO IN GASOLINE I The Best Carbon Remover. S The Best Carbon Preventive. f PRICE $1.00 A TUBE | JUNEAU HARDWARE CO. | Agents for Dupont Powder Co. £ ■ - - - ■ ------ ■ . « UOill — THE HOME UNDERTAKING PARLORS Embalming and Professional Services. Special Attention to 0*t of Town and Home Funerals. H. V. SULLY Phone 138. EUlngcn Bldg., Th rd and Gold Street* i ■■■-1 1 ■■■'-' — -——■■■ ■ ■ ■■■ nv r >m lllllllllllllilllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilitlllllMf SACRIFICE SALE! On All Makes of f 1 TYPEWRITERS | Beginning Monday, Feb. 11 2 J. B. BCRFORD 8 CO. I iniiiinnnininniiiiiiiimmiiiinniniiiiiiiiiiiininnininiinHiiiiiini»riiwmiwinnn ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimnimimnimiiimiiimiimiimiiiiniimiiiifiiniiiiiiuik If you would have a servant that you like, ® -- Serve thyself. —Ben Franklin I z No dutic of ye Housewife doth come before her dutie to keep’s z well, that site may li#> a playmate with her Offspring, and a com- jl : rude to her Spouse. Comfort bringetli this reward. She useth 3 ■ an electric Flatiron and is freed with hours of standing by the 3 z hot and weary Stove. Thus Electrlcitie doth serve her well. S' —Spirit of Franklin. 9 | Alaska Electric Light 8 Power Co. 1 | OPERATING STATION KFIU 1 SiiiiiniiiininniiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiinniiiifiiiniiimiiimnniiniimnnnHnninmimyJ| i g TERRY TOWELS =— Towels of the tliirs ~ ty kind that drink up =E moisture instantly. — Plain white. J|| 3 for $1.00. *■) HUCK TOWELS | Extra fine weave EE with effective pink or blue borders. EE A very good look- =j I i ing hand towel. EE ^ 3 for $1.00. | §§ CORSETS TABLE DAMASK COTTON VESTS | ^ Fine quality linen fin- Good cotton vests. E II Worth much more ish damask, assorted de- . . ... . = summer weight. All sizes, e | than sale price but be- S1.00 , yard. 3 for $1.00. 1 EE cause o( broken sizes and ----= I discontinued styles we FLANNELETTE BLOOMERS | n offer them at Pretty patterns in Jersey knit bloomers | fi; striped flannelette. in pink or white. ~ $1.00 a pair. 5 yards for $1.00. $1.00 a pair. 1 1 MEN’S HOSIERY | EE HOSIERY Stock up with several pairs of these i Ccttcn Hosiery in 3 pair for $1.00. E g brown and purple. MEN’S TIES | Hj A good selection of $1.25 and 2 §f 3 nair for $1.00. $!.5° ties for ^ ^ 1 CANVAS GLOVES SUSPENDERS HANDKERCHIEFS | EE Gauntlet canvas $1.25 Suspenders Fine quality, 40 cent I gloves. for Handkerchiefs. I E= 5 pair for $1.00. $1.00. 3 for $1.00. § | B. M. Befirends Go., Inc. | , » I ; JANE- and GINGER- RODGER.S E “You really can't utilize your col-! S iege education unit - you so on the1 B|etage," declare Jane and Ging?i i : Rodgers, pretty young graduates or I the University of Missouri who to l!tho amazement of their highbrov : friends, including their Kappa Kap •pa Gamma sorority sisters, have just; ;i betaken themselves and their two = masters’ degrees to vaudeville. g| They got the deg re s while train-1 sling to heroine professors of Latin,! S i but between lessons went in forj E amatcaur theatricals and thougli E they led their Latin classes, this E never brought them as much fame E on the campus us Jane's ability to E write snappy lines and Ginger's E cleverness at putting them over. I E "We got a lot of offers in tho| E Lr.tin field" said Jane, who lias ir-| S resistible red curl;:, “and really \vc I E had to worm our way into valid: 3 vtlle. but I am convinced we’ve ; chosen well. With our college dc • — -. ______ in we pot so much that we could ( never use ur Latin teachers—poise, [he ability to make friends and a enatn knowledge of life that would imply be lost if we became 'profs.' "fiesides. Ginger and I have a theory about taming jazz that we want to try out. We believe that i college degtee decorated with com mon sense is gfoing to make a lot of money for those owning them by proving to Intellectuals that jazz 13 the most moving, stirring music in the world. “Take this melody from 'No, No, Nora,’ the new fox trot: “It’s certainly got more ’kick' that Latin or Greek ever had." I'liiiiiiiiMitniiimiiuiiiiimimitiiimmiiiHiimiiiiiJiiiiiiitiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig | WHERE ARE YOU GOING | | ON YOUR VACATION TRIP THIS YEAR’ WHY NOT SEE | I ALASKA FIRST? MAKE A TRIP TO THE WEST- f E WARD AND INTERIOR OVER f I THE ALASKA RAILROAD 1 1 “M’KINLEY PARK ROUTE” ! 5 It takes you Into the heart of scenic grandeur In the valleys and 3 3 hills heyoud the coast mountain range. 3 3 The first tour over the “Only All-American Route" to the Land 3 3 of the Midnight Sun at Tanana, will be made from Nenuna to 3 3 Tanana and return, June 19-22, on the new river steamer 3 3 "Midnight Sun." 2 3 Trains make three round trips weekly from Reward to Fairbanks. 3 3 For further information inquire local steamship agents or write 3 3 General Manager, Alaska Railroad. Anchorage, Alaska. E 3 3 'iiimmiiiimtmiiiiiHimiMiiimiimmimiiimiiimmumiimmiimmiiiiimiiimin . ■ 1 1 • '• - 1 ■ 1 T ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiu 1 YOU NEED A CHANGE •S * E Not necessary to go below lo live in hotels. Just move to the : | QASTINEAU. | 3 It'll seem like a trip. It'll be a change and it won’t cost much. : £ We make special low rates to local people for January and February r I GASTINEAU HOTEL £ i niiiiitiiiiiiiitiitiiiiiimitiiiuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiifmiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiittiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiii: .■ “"WHOS WHO 1 i AND WHERE | •-» L. M. Carrigan. salesman for Ar mour & Co., returned yesterday on the steamer Curacao from a busi ness trip to towns in the southern lend of the division. .1. E. Chovln, District Deputy Ex alted Ruler H. H. o. Elks, who lias 1 been paying an official visit to the | Elks Lodge, loft yesterday for Skag way on the Curacao to vtsit the lodge there. „ j Mrs. Henry Roden returned vpi;- i terday from a short trip to Seattle, j 1). M. Bothwell. local merchandise broker, returned home yesterday from a short business trip to Seattle. Malcom S. Wilson, representative of the American Paper Company. Seattle wholesalers, returned to the local headquarters yesterday after a business visit to Petersburg, Ketchi kan anil Wrangell. Misses Cnlta and Rose McLaughlin. ! who have been spending their an nual vacations In Seattle visiting relatives, returned yesterday on the Curacao after 30 daya* absence. T. F. Chamberlin, salesman for the Whiton Hardware Co., and Pacific Net & Twine Co., Seattle, wholesale era, arrived yesterday ou the Cur acao and is a guest at the Gastin eau. G. L. Rich, Alaska representative tor lack Manufacturing Company, arrived yesterday and la calling on local ny?rehants. E. ,T. O'Brien, San Francisco trav elin salesman representing Baker Hamilton Co., is a recent arrival at tlie Oastineau and is calling on local trade. Gaatineau J. Keller, U. S. 8. Unalga: J. S. Huntley, San Francisco; John F Chamberlin, Seattle; A. J. O'BritiJi.j San Francisco; G. L. Rich, Seattle; N. Martin, Wrangell; Mr. and Mrs.' Peter Kostrometlnoff. Sitka; Miss Celia McLaughlin. Mls9 Rose Mi' i Laughlin, City; Walter 8. Simpson. 'Gus Rennan. Alaskan Hotel William Bragg. Seattle; J. J. Ken nedy, Mike Koskey. Ed Steers. Mike Christ, C. Martin. Jack Jones, C. E. Shaffer and wite. Hotel 2ynda Lieut. Clayton Blssell. Air 8or vice, U. S. Army,; Albert E. Ward. Phoenix, Aria., L. M. Carrigan, Se-. atttle; E. Epeseh. _ u w. “Stop, Look, Listen ” Signs Obeyed by 97 Per Cent of Auto Drivers CHICAGO —,Kinety-seven per cent of the r.a'.tbn’s automobilists uae reasonable care in approaching railway grade crossings, according to Richard E. Kropf, supreme re gent of the Rojyal Arcanum, who ritad figures compiled by one of the great railway systems in an ad dress on safety here. “Grade crossings annually exact a ghastly toll of motorists, yet on ly a small dart of the total num ber using the crossings are care less or reckless,”, said Mr. Kropf, who as head of the safety move ln#nt °f the Royal Arcanum is preaching caution to the members of the 1800 councils of that order In the United States and Canada. Careful checking of selected crossings during June, July and August of last year, When traffic is always heaviest, found only 3 per cent of all the motorists under ob servation obviously careless or j; reckless. I: “In thirteen states, the careless 15 3 percent numbered 7,566 car drlv- i ers who by their failure to obey ; signals or slow down, not only : jeopardized their own lives, but : the. lives of all the occupants of " their cars. Speeding over cross ings was the chief fault found by the inspectors. Railroad compan ies have done their part In pro- 1 viding proper markings and In I: signalling the approach of trains 11 in advance. In practically every | > grade crossing fatality, it is tho j > motorist who is to blame. Most of ! t them might be avoided.” The Royal Arcanum, numbering ': 125,000 members, bns taken n de- j* finite stand in the movement to ! conserve life through the prewn- i | tion of accidents in all walks of (t life. “This is a public ns well as t a fraternal duty,” the supreme re- i s gent stated. _I8 HAREM MUST CO OR TURKEY WILL FACE SCARCITY OF WOMEN, CLAM! (Continued rrv;~ faire One.) whom tour wives, which is ihe maxi mum number allowed by the Prophet Mohairitned, may lie often a source of wealth because they are all forced to work on the farm. - I The modern Turk of the city finds it Impossible to maintain such a c harem because he has learned that " Turkish women of the better class u are fond of expensive dresses and a j pretty things. Silk stockings for three or four wives cost a lot of P jtllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS The Fireman’s 1 Ball BECAUSE IT WILL BE THE i Event of the f Winter Season I - •• : •* s WE HAVE PREPARED FOR A | { BIG TURN-OUT AND | TOMORROW NIGHT IS THE DATE 1 OF OUR ’ | EIGHTEENTH ANNIVERSARY | Celebrate with Vi\ § [ A. B. Hall Adn. $1.00 | Special 1:30 Ferry to Douglas. § uoney. He has also found that it i man takes more than one wife, re must take three. Two are impos ible, he says, because they quarrel j .11 the time and the husband is ound to be unhappy, each will ask im to take her side and there will e no peace In the home. But with three wives. It is ex plained, there is harmony because he' wives keep their quarreling to hemselvea, and if one becomes too trong the other two will unite gainst her. * Again, it is asserted, the modern 'urk of education is very little nfluenced by the religion of his fore athers. Priding himself on his restern ideas and education, he is ontent to leafe his wavering belief 1 the laws of the Koran to the un itorcd masses and the pheasants. Finally, there has been a great hange in the status of Turkish omen since Mustpha Kemal built 1 p the new Turkey. They now go i jont uuveiled, speak to foreigners, ■ de on street cars and appear at 1 ibile dances. Most of them are well I . :f'p.j vs i;r educated and r*ead' American and French newels. Only recently a young Turkish priest named Ibra him EffencH was arrested for p :.b lishlug a pamphlet against the eman cipation of women and the abaiiUOii of the harem. The ptfbltc prosed tor dcmadded that he be sentenc'd to two years’ imprisonment tor ob structing the applicatiob ot literal laws. »»• i NO COPYRIGHT OK TGMttTOkES LONDON. Feb. 11.—‘TfieShe hi ho copyright for tombstone designs In England, and Cbarlds Rdf 9#t»oS tead lost his claim SAlhSt £ Atm >f sculptors for iDtrlntdfsfeat of a tombstone design which K4 brefetod n a cemetery. '' __ ’ The design was ot pectrffar stfle, ind soon after the srectloh of the otnbstone another appeared alffibst ike it. the sculptors laid la ctokrt here was nothing a boat B#tfcntdt(d*s tone to indicate that it had Men ■opyrlghted, and the jsdgs iiplwd hem.