Newspaper Page Text
THE fcMPIRE H TEE KSDIT V Through which the general publio can always have it» wants supplied. , .. . Closing time for ciat iled advertisements: 2 P. M. Hosing time for display ad vertisements: 11 A. M. Ten oents per line tr»« i» eeruca Five oente for tnbeegnen* in sertion. Conn* ire average worn to i | the line FOR SALE _j 1X>K SAI.E-—WOODEN BAli BED. . Phone 122. „ ! hVK SALE—LOT a. BL( . Hi. 50x100. One of the fin at lots for a home In the city. A bar gain. Allen Shattuck. THE LATEST BRUNSWICK REC ' ords and Consul Phonoti -nh- at : Anderson's Plano Shop TlauoK * tuned. Phone 143. FOB SALE—WB HAVE S> ERA I need cars, newly enune" no in first class condition Lci-t 1' gains ever offered at quick sales Alaska Auto & Supply Co. WALL BOAltw ter t,. of Washington pin- r board: won't warp, won't t . by Washincton Bulkl i . J Oo., 6851 E Marginal W ,J■*' * ‘~Evan Jones Ct quires no screening. _~"uaY, WANTED "WANTED 1 ’ Inet 42’ - : 1 •: ill' U' ; i li. .ii ili' is viremi n1. o- I: ■ v- PH “not he 1 : lit. > 1 ■re 3-2. WANTED t... -ii '’C ,jaC K* smit.i for sharpen Inn »>am ' nier steel. Inquire Sion A Carl * son. LOST AND FOUND ■ liosr — l'ATrir who t<">t vm bclla by ml ; 1 n ■ i.thal Tea plea:, cxchnn^ Mr your own. Room 4-U Goldstein Hlu.^ FOUND - ('. HNTLEMUN S KING near Power House. Owner .an • ; have same by proving prop rty. “FOiTrEM FOR" RENT — 4-ROOM t OUTAGE furnished. Inquire 340 Kranklin J Phone 287. _ i : FOR RENT—SIX TlOOM L N'FURN lahed house on DUtin Avc. Allen , | Shattuck. I ■ FOR RENT—* rjoins me iiiivst bath, steam heated aDd elegantly furnished. Inquire Office w indao l i Apt*. ___ PHONOGRAPH for rent. Phon ; : MS.___ PIANO FOR RENT—Phone 141. ’ FURNISHED HOUSES — MRS ■ j Montgomery Davis. Phone 30#. H| SEAVIEW Apartments ——— Furnished 1 an<| 2-ro* nied Apartments From $5.00 to $10.00 a month. Apply Office Juneau Apartments ■-■ T—-T JUNEAU APARTMI NTS 1 Furnished Rooms, Single House keeping Rooms and Suites of Rooms. S. FELDON, Prop Phone 286. i -- —« CLIFF APARTMENTS 2, 3 and 4 room apartments completely furnished H. G. Welch, Prop. PHONE 209._ MISCELLANEOUS CARD READING i\ 3SZ W eat Btl St., on Tide Plats. ‘'PALMIST—and have you fortune to*d from your hand. Work buslnes.*, marilaye and lh* futun foretold. 212 Front St. BOARDING HOUSES ■ ,, ---■ Home Cooked Meals or room and board at the I Home Eoardinff House Formerly Gen Hospital PHONE 293 .; 4 . -- - -a J* \ Lost aomrtblng? You can Ret It B 'back by using the "Loat and Found” ? «liu «C Tbe tattf* POLLY AND HER PALS By CUFF STERRETT i ■ MR \ 'I a-* Tides Tomorrow ■---« Low Tide 3:27 a. m. i t High Tide 9:36 a. m. 13.3 Low Tide 4:21 p. m.0.0 j High Tide 10:49 p. m. 14.41 __ ♦_ CUTTER SMITH ARRIVES The U. S. Coast Guard Cutter I Smith, stationed at Ketchikan, Capt. j Albert Nelson, arrived in port last j night, making the trip here on of ficial business, it was stated. It will leave tonight on its return to headquarters. Artistic Photographs Exhibited in Stockholm STOCKHOLM. E.b. 29.—Stod; ; holm today is witnessing an ia;.r csting international exposition o photographic art in the Ar; ■Galleries. According to the review-; , rs, American and English • xhihi tors are well in the load, and com-; pets for first place as regards 1 di ; niral merit and high artlsiic <r- lily. The consensus of opinion •-■> fir i seems to lie that England wTl rank j ' third. Th - general impre. sion of th • ex ! position is that th- world's am ; artists are showing a gr 'f v t (;* | of artistic c oncept cm and so: p i ;1ng excellence in e.\- cuffbn. ACCEPT'; GRAIN Ac TAX PAYMENTS, THEN EPORT I r WARSAW. Eeh. 29. The govern ment of Poland Is preparing an i ; sue of special bonds to faellltat the payment of taxis. Pending th passage of the act the governrr-d' • is accepting payments of tax s in | kind ami farmers have be n inform-.1 1 that the capital 1< vy will i > a ! cepted in grain ! The grain is turned over to a ; special government office charged ! with its exportation. The sum r.3 < elved is turned over to tile financ > , ministry and the taxpayers credited ■ with the amount of their contribu tion in gold francs. Furniture moved and stored , ! Heavy hauling done. Phone 48 i ! Juneau Transfer —adv Good Wlnesap Apples, wrapped. ‘12.00 a boa. Home Grocery. Phone 1138. —adr. Bargain hunters always read The Empire'* classified columns. ROOMING HOUSES Senate Rooms Under New Management. Cosy Renovated Rooms. Rates $3 and up. MARIAN ENGLAND, Prop. •---—■ |--■ Neptune Rooms I W*ll tuiutshod room*, abov* City Cafe , Phone 131. «----* i__—-- — FERRY SCHEDULE Leave Juneau for Douglas, Tread well and Thane ! Effective Tuesday, Jan. 29, 1924. « I*7:l0a.m. »4:30p.m. 9:40a.m. | 9:16a.m. I 9:16a.m.t 6:16p.m. ♦ll:15p.m 1)12 midnight! 1 ■ 12 noont* 87:30p.m. 81:00a.m., jli2:00p.m i Leave Douglas lor Treadwell and Thane .•7:26a.m. 4:46p.m. t 6:S0p.m 81:16a.m. 12:15p.m. 9:55p.m. Leave Treadwell for Thane 7:30a.m. 12:20p.m.t 4:60p.m.+ Leave Thane for Treadwell, Dougin* and Juneau. J, 8:10a.m. 12:35p.m.t 6:05p.m.t Leave Treadwell for Douglas and • ! Juneau, r! 8:I6s m. 5:20p m.f | 6:36p.m. 81:20a.m. e{ 12:50p.m. 10:00p.m. Leave Douglas for Juneaa. 3:26p.m. I 8:30a.m. 6:26p.m.t 10:06p.m. : 9:30a.m.f vil:30p.m. *j 12:65p.m. 57:46p.m. 81:86a.m. : 2:16p.m. •—Thane. t—Freight will be accepted, fj— Douglas only. k—Saturday* only, t—Except Saturday night. I ♦—Schedule leaving 11:16 p. m, Juneau, will start Monday, Fsb. 4. Juneaa Ferry k Navigation C«w , - akKMMMCW* . * II ’—■ *» Wt»l» n>— f»;-‘ ■**»•** »«|I»1»W*#^«II « «<W«IMIMIMMMMMantW j MARINE NEWS ""■ .. n.nnir bii -■ » an iri ■«•< i- — i-irkr- -mn~( • i.VT's <■'■ >i»‘.*v <»•*» ,%a - <j*« '•* ■ • - »«t• * • »»■ .. , v»« - • »*w .-<*4 I U. S, FLEET IS NOW FOE SHE WASHINGTON, Feb. 29. — Tho Emergency Fleet Corporation Is call ing for bids for the entire Ship ping lloard'ii Fie ' of l.b'SB vessel. The bid will bo r> lived until March 1 4. r. NORTHBOUND I : No steamers northbound, SCHEDULED SAILINGS ' ESTEBBTH will sail for Skag way and way ports at 11 o' clock Monday night. I NORTHWESTERN scheduled to sal! from Seattle tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock. 1 ADMIRAL EVANS scheduled to ' sail from Seattle March 5 at i 10 a. m. PRINCESS MART scheduled to ' | i sail from Vancouver March 5 at 9 p. in. ALASKA sehedul d to sn!1 f < i Scat He March 8 ,rf 9 a r.i. | ADMIRAL WATSON - h tilled j | to sail from Sr a Rio Mar '.i It at 10 nm MAIL I'.OVT GEORGE ,1R. sails I f Junesn fm Petersburg j { l tomorrow noon. SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS ALAMEDA Is scheduled to sail southbound about March 4 a-ei ESTEBETH LEAVES FOR SITKA, 12 PASSENGERS "With 12 passengers aboard, tin mailboat Estebeth, ('apt. James Y j Davis, left port at 11 p. m. yester j day for Sitka and way ports. She | Is due to return here next Monday morning. Passengers leaving Included I. D. Horton and Fred Melline, Sitka Joe Meherin, A. A. Humfrey, W. V. Blackwell, Sitka and return; Mr. V. A. Dickey, Mrs. Lpulse LeBeau. Hoonah; Rev. David Waggoner, Kil lisnoo; Gus Baekalie, F. K. Lloyd. Nick Canoff for Tenaken. Coin Collector Will Bid On Robber Baron’s Loot HALLE, Germany, Feb. 29.—Back in 1701 a certain German baron whose principal vocation was the robbery of passing travelers, secret ed some of his loot in the caslle walls, and then died before he had a chance to spend it. Thus it was that one Wilhelm Kraaz, of this generation, is today the owner of a fine collection of old coins. He he came possessed of the castle which is near Eberbach, and discovered t lie baron's hoard. The collection is really Interesting and valuable and consists of 1,150 specimens. Mr Kraaz Is going to sell them all nt auction, and expects coin collector - from all over Europe to attend the j sale. i Evnn Jones the washed Alaska ; Bituminous coal —act j FIRE ALARM, CALLS,! -— 13 Third and FranHU, 1-4 Front and Franklin. 1 5 Front, near Ferry Way 1-6 Front, opp. Film Exchange. : 1-7 Front, opp City Wharf. 1- 8 Front, near Saw Mill. ' 2-1 "tome Grocery. .'-3 vrilloughby, opp. Cole Bars j ! .’-4 Front and Seward. 2- 5 Front and Main. 2-6 Second and Malm. 2-7 Fifth and Seward. 2- 9 Fire Hall. j 3-2 Gastineau and Raw# Way. j 3-4 Second and Gold. 3- 5 Fourth and Harris, 3 6 Fifth and Gold. j 3-7 Fifth and Bast. ! 1-8 Seventh and Geld. t-9 Fifth and Kennedy. 4- 1 Ninth, back of power hotuw 4-2 Calhoun, opp. Juneau Apts. 4-3 Dlstln Are., and India# Bt. 4-6 Ninth and Calhoun 4-6 Seventh and Main. 4-T Twelfth, at Norther# L'dry 4-1 Twelfth a#d Willoughby. SEA CAPTAIN MAKES LIVING WITH WIND. ■ — . ' ... . 1 : « * ■ .-V' , 1 vow j.y Uv*. ^ ...mujaiana—— iitti —-n-— Louts li rotten, aged 86, an old time sea captain, now living at Farm Cay 1 land, near Alameda, Cal., sets hi* windmill sails when thero Is a still breeze and makes them run a saw that cut* wood lor him, earning his living by this means. I — 1 PENZANCE, Pel). 2D. — After lin ing nn. ror.ncd in the i^ongships Lighthouse at Land's End at t lie entance to the English Channel for 17 weeks, tho lighthousekeeper and his two assistants have been rcs < tied and bought to land. The men, lad been cut off from land by; jibe storms which have raged off ! l and's End since early in Septem 1 her. All previous attempts to reach them failed and they were rescued It'S their supplies of canned beef and] ] biscuits were about exhausted. Tho men wero taken to a hos-| I Hal for an extended rest after tho' .nervous strain of having waves,! often ino feet high, breaking con-] tinuously over the lighthouse. BELGALESE STUDENTS TURN I FROM “NATIONAL” SCHOOLS CALCUTTA, Feb. 29.—Nearly half' of the 55,000 students who deserted | government and mission schools in i Bengal during the strike of 1920 ■ have now returned, according to ti-| gores printed in a government re-j port on the progress of education iu Bengal. The student strike wasj a result of political agitation, and. was followed by the establishment, of “national” schools by means of; which the non-cooperators sought to boycott all government and govern ment aided institutions. Lvt-n Jones Coal—It’s clean, re* quirr3 no screening._—adv _ _ ! TEA! TEA! TEA! PHONE 393 Rickshaw Ceylon Tea, V2 lb. package ...-.35 cents Rogers, black and green tea, y2 lb. package.40 cents Hilvilla, black and green tea, i/alb, package.40 cents | English Breakfast Tea, Valb. package ...-.30 cents | AMERICAN BAKERY AND GROCERY “The Baker Wno Bakea” i WE DELIVER PHONE 393 How to Save Money I] i BOTH FOR YOURSELF AND THE CITY j Clean out your chimney with CONSUMIT, a per fect soot destroyer. No danger, no trouble, and lit tle expense. Price twenty-five cents. [| ' “ C. W. Young Co. I , iW . f h i FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS i. I. ‘■TARS” leave* Seward on the 10th at each moh^i. •Hung *t all point* a* far west u Un slash a i ^ : » s ' SAN JUAN FISHING AND FACING CO.. * i G. C H ERXEESSH, Agent, Sewaid, Alaska. MAIL BOAT FOE PETERSBURG AKD WAY PORT*- i ri'rtOFF to Taku Harbor, Hnettlsham, Speef River, Buts •*i Jti. dtim, Windham Bay,Gambler Bay.Pybue Bay. Brother Island, Five Finger Station, Fanshaw, karragut Bay. Loaves Saturday nt noon Freiaht received until 10 A. M. Bet urc'.aya at City Wharf. H. O. Adams, ticket agent, City Wharf Phones: Office, 23; res. 404 1. Jacob Ottnbsa. retersburg, Agt. EAMSTEA13 TRAHSPORTATIGH CO ,-----:-> _T eaves Monday at 11 p. m. for Haines. Skag Pf] A | vay and way ports. ,, wUr» ! heaves Thursdays at 11 p. m. for Sitka, stop ping at Tenakee Springs and other way FOTCBFTll •'arts. For information see Dave Housel, 1 lBL S M pi’orip ‘>‘14 Freight accepted until 12 noon, " J day of sailing. ' •'1 v _ - ■ ■ ■ - ■——— ■ ■ i. -- i .-I"" »■ -w t"»y - - - - - ----— tFOS PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER, IXATTLR Leave Juneau Southbound**-? -» ~ February 28, March 10, 20, 31 Through transportation Issued to all Eastern point# of Unite# Statee or Canada. Through Standard Sleepere VaneoUTSf l£ Chicago and Vancouver to Montreal or Toronto. J. L. MCL08KEY, Agt., Juneau. ■" ■■■ .-i ' ■ u i.i I ALASKA”! SfEAMSHIP COMPANY * | •AFETY _ SERVICE — IfTll | SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY. 1924 LEA VK DUE AT JUNEAU STEAMER S'»itt!>» Vrth South ALAMEDA ..Ksb. _•:! r-b. 25 Mar. i NORTHWESTERN .'Mi r. 1 Mhr. '4 Mar. J2 ALASKA . Mnr. V Mar. 11 Mar.T* ALAMEDA .Mar. 15 Mar. 18 Mar. 23 JEFFERSON .Mar. 2«» Mar. 2 4 Mar. 24 NORTHWESTERN . Mar. 22 Mar. 25 April 2 ALASKA .Mar. 22 April 1 April 8 W. E. NOWELL. Agent. Juneau: Phone 2. L. W. KILBUEN. Agent. Douglas: Phone Douglas 48. ;. i - | _ i W uv - *m wM gA ~ i J^^Hfa jg a^gg g W'.m* MH flfP^: f% - ' *~ml~!ta/ SK. 9a^Hg 1^/** #K* a*IaMaW^^ai&XXfo'I Du* Dm J.v. jjesltlo Juneau NB Juneau on Curacao . _..Feb. 6 Feb. 10 Fib. 13 Scheduled Sitka. Watson .Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Fob. 33 Curacao .Feb. 20 Feb. 24 Feb. li J. H. KLINE. Agent GUY L. SHJTH. Age*! Phone 4 Phone lb Douglas, Alaik*. Pacific Coastwise Jerviee “ADMIRAL LINE l ■——■M.F.AUtXARPKR. RRCSIPENT—■■yR||||j|iia I If you want to be warm and comfy, Hi Loekie. If you live here or come from the State*— And you want a room that’s cozy, See Loekie, You’ll be pleased at his winter rate*. SEE LOCEE UacEOnroir, Prep. * | HOTEL ZYNDA V : |l... .■.• '