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THE NEWLYWEDS By CHARLES McMANUS —• t ■ \ t 1 • I .) . J NOW IF I CAN JUST GET THEM TIED ON THIS STICK. iTLEOE FINE AND CANDY. _ Eop»>.fkl, I92f by K,„. Feature* <*n(br... I " DOUGLAS ISLAND * NEWS | ■—14-•--■ EAGLES PLAN SOCIAL the •octal committee of the Eagles Lodge Is planning an evening’s en tertainment for the members of the order and their ladies to take place in the Lodge rooms immediately fol lowing the meeting next Monday J— M— \ - i DignT. -—— O. M. CO. STOCKHOLDERS HOLD MEETING TONIGHT The stockholders of the Douglas Mining Company will hold their ahnnal meeting this evening at 8 o’clock sharp in the offices of the Chrlatoe Building on Front St. Each one of the stockholders Is urged to be present. MRS. FEUSl TO ENTERTAIN Next Tuesday nfternon from 2 la 5 o’clock the St. Luke's Guild wBI serve tea at the home of Mrs. John Feusl, hostess. All the ladles nH the Island are cordially invited tdj attend. ROBERTSON IN KETCHIKAN William Robertson of the Douglas Transfer Co., left early this week for a brief business visit to Ket chikan. MRS. FOSTER RECOVERED After a week's illness from the rorapltcations following a bad cold, Mf*. F. K. Foster was able to leave the hospital yesterday for the flfst time, almost entirely recovered. r HAVE BABY BOY If - A Sdn was borp Wednesday this wSek to Mr. and*1 Mrs. Frank Hub bard. In the Native village. i -- - COFFEE HOU8E PLANNED . • —1 '■ Mrs. R, Schwartzenberg recently purchased from the City the Alex Nelson- house which she plans to fdtndd'el this summer Into a French Coffeo House. The Nelson house is adjacent to; the ball grounds. BTORY OF STAGE LIFE AT LIBERTY SUNDAY 1 __ Tomorrow night Billy Dove and! Billy Quirk will be featured In j “At the Stage Door” said to be One of the most interesting stories df life back of the scenes that has been filmed In recent years. The Screen version Is taken from maga zine story which was read and ap proved with Interest and approved by thousands. There Is plenty of thrills and comedy to make a fis-, planting screen production. The second round of "Fighting Blood” will also be shown. - -- I Not the least exciting part of | the "Fighting Blood" picture* is the thrilling prize fight that takes place in every “round." These have been staged with real pugilists occupy ing the opposite corner to George O’Hara in the crowded fight arena, and for realism and thrill have never been equalled. • * DOUGLAS CHURCH * * .♦ SERVICES * t?-Si | DOUGLAS PRESBYTERIAN j NATIVE MISSION I a-?: DAVID WAGGONER, Pastor. 2:3o p. n..—ATternoon service. 7:00 p. m.—Thursday — Mid week prayer service. All are cordially welcome at thesi services. I | DOUGLAS CATHOLIC 1CHURCH No mass in this church. Parish ioners aro invited to Juneau. 1:00 p. m.—Sunday School. --f ST. LUKE’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH 1 3-1. Evening Prayer and Sermon a> 7:30 p. m. | CONGREGATION At. COMMUN- ] ITY CHURCH j *3-1! O. A. STILLMAN, Pastor. Sunday School—10:30 a. m. Junior Endeavor—6;30 p. m. in the League room. Senior Y. P. S. C. E. in the large room the same hour. Evening service 7:30 p. m. Sub ject, “God’s Care For Us.’’ THIS SCHEME IS RIDICULED I^ONDON, March 1.—The scheme ! to erect a cenotaph at a cost of j $10,000 to the memory of animals,) i birds, and fish killed in battle or) j during research work during the | war, is meeting with much criticism jand ridicule, and many protests j from animal lovers are reaching the j papers. Some protest against the waste of so much money, which if in vested, would have the lives of thousands of dogs every year. Others I take a sarcastic tone and inquire if | the promoters anticipate a yearly pilgrimage of representatives of all the birds, beasts and' fishes lost in the war. -- l Dressmaking, Plain and Fancj I Sewing. Mrs. Stella Young, 421 East 7th St. Phone 2003. —adv 1 Weather Conditions As Recorded by the U. S. | ^ Weather Bureau. VonoMt for Juneau and vicinity for 24 houri beginning 8 p. m. today: Rain tonight and Sunday; moderate southeasterly winds. P'i LOCil DATA Barom. Temn. Humidity Wind Velocity Weather • p. m. yeat’y .....'.. 29.80 38 90 SE 11 Cldy B a. m. today -30.01 38 70 S 5 Cldy 12 noon today..30.00 40 51 SE 12 Lt. Snow CABLE AHD RADIO REPORTS_ . ■ TteTBRDAV | TODAY Hilfceit 8 P.m. | Loweat 8 a m. « A.m. Jvecip. 8 a.m. Wtmtlon®—_ twnp. temp. | temp. temp. Velocity 24 hr®. Weather Fwt Yukon ..’. 20 18 -12 - 8 — 0 Pt. Cldy Noorvlk . -12 -16 -28 -26 — 0 Clear Nome .. - 2 -12 -20 -18 • 0 Clear Bethel . 12 0 - 4 4 • 0 Pt. Cldy TananA . 20 8 -18 -18 — 0 Clear .-. 26 26 12 16 — 0 Clear Fairbanks . 32 14 0 6 — 0 Cldy McKinley Park ... 8 8 8 24 • 0 Clear Anchorage . 32 40 20 20 • 0 Clear St.-Paul . 10 10 8 12 — .08 Cldy Dutch Harbor .... 28 26 26 32 — — Clear Kodiak . 38 38 32 34 — — Rain Cordova .. 40 36 36 40 24 .14 Cldy Jnnaan .— 42 38 36 38 5 .14 Cldy Sitka . 42 38 34 40 — .16 Cldy Prince Rupert .... 44 42 36 38 20 .78 Cldy Edmonton . 38 34 26 28 6 .01 Cldy Seattle ..._. 60 60 38 40 6 .18 Clear Portland . 60 50 38 40 10 .08 Cldy San Francisco .... 70 66 | 62 62 * 0 Clear ; _ * I.— than ie miles. MOTS; Observations at Prince Rupert, Edmonton, Seattle, Portland aad Ban Fiaaefaeo are made at 4 a.m. and 4 p. m., Juneau time. The baromettric pressure la falfaling rapidly in the Aleutians and In southern Bering Sea and falling moderately northward to Norton Sound. The pressure Is rising in other portions of the Territory and falling In the Pacific States. The lowest preasure is reported from I Dutch Harbor and the highest from Seattle. Precipitation has been fcencral but light from Kodiak Island to British Columbia. Light fnow has also fallen at St. Paul Idand. It is colder near Seward Peninsula and at Tanana, and warmer at Dutch Harbor, Cordova, MVKittley Park and Eagle, 1 ' \ PURGE LOS ANGELES’ CHINATOWN OF EVIL : . -- .... I M All evil has oeen driven out ui Chinatown In l.os Angeles, accord ing to the Chinese residents. Its parting was accompanied by the heat ing of tom toms, thousands of firecrackers and the contribution of much money, The occasion as ihe annual dance of the Sacred I.ion. RELIEF ASKED FOR REFUGEES The Near East Relief organiza tion is making another appeal to Alaska for funds for the refugees; in Athens. The reserve funds have; heen exhausted and there ii an lm-| j mediate need of money for food and! [medical supplies. Dr. George G.l Bruce has been asked to place the matter of the appeal before the poo-! pie of Alaska. All the towns avail-1 able have been notified. Haines lias already sent in over $50 and $2.85 of this amount was given by j the Presbyterian orphans there. The ministers of Juneau have been asked to solicit from the con-1 gr&gations, as the Community Che 11 recently raised cannot be us d ex-j coj t for local needs, and the can van era promised that there would be no more drives for another year. In the Presbyterian Chuch on Sunday opportunity will be given for those who with to assist in this worthy cause, :o;d ,1. F. Mullen ha: consented to the nee cf the I!. M. Behrends Bank as a depository to those who may thus care to give. One week will he offered to the people to rc-pond. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH MUSIC PROGRAM WILL BE GIVEN TOMORROW Tomorrow moraine at the services at thu Presbyterian Church, Jack Fargher will give a baritone solo "Behold, I Stand at the Door," by Jude. At the evening service the choir will give the adthem "Jesus, Thy I Name I Dove,” by Adam3. SUNDAY NIGHT ONLY ; HERE IS THE BIG STORY OF THE STAGE BILLIE DOVE ^ and ' ' billie mm IN “AT THE STAGE D0ORM Also Another Round oi “FIGHTING BLOOD” Both of These Features Are Sure Knockouts. UNPACKING A shipment of Soisette Dress Goods and figured voile for ladies’ dresses. F. A. J. GALWASS DRY GOODS NOTIONS Phone Douglae 17 DOUGLAS i HOTEL BUTLER 1 SEATTLE, WASH, Comfortable commodious rooms, | conveniently located to commer cial centers and theatres. Special weekly rates to Alaskans. BUTLER CAFE Where Alaskans eat, dance and enjoy a wonderful orchestra and entertainment. JOHN E. SAVAGE I’rosldont and Generul Manager 1 I Dr. M. P. Stanley Physician and Surgeon 308-10 Haight Building, Sec ond Avenue and Pine Street, Seattle, Wash. Electronic Reactions of Dr, Albert Abrams. Diagnosis Treatment I *• • a-- ■ YOUK ••UNUStSD" ASSETS j ypewrltor, musical Instrument, fur niture, office fixture or appliance— he classified columns of The Empire are marketable, for cash, through' a-9 i RELIABLE TRANSFER i Phone 149. Ef*. 113 i Courtesy and Good Sonrice Our Motto. 1 1 «---s YOU It "UNUSED" ASSETS—that typewriter, hiub:c.! Instrument, fur ilture, office fixture or appliance— are marketable, for cash, through •he classified colon ’n of Empire G. £. Krause j CONTRACTOR t I Concrete, Plasterer and Masonry. i Former Estes Cannery Site | Willoughby Ave. Phone 4.19. j ft—--——-- - m All Alaskan Trails End at j HOTEL ATWOOD First Ave. and Pine St.. Soattle | Popular Price?—Nearest to Everything. TED TAYLOR, Prop CAREFUL FINISHING PROTECTS YOUR NEGATIVES We feel a certain responsibility for films left with us for develop it. Negatives cannot be re placed, hence in our darkrooms, uc make it a point to carefully handle your work. Our methods of finishing are the latest and your inspection of our darkrooms is invited. * * ♦ WINTER Sc POND CO. <3-! | TRY OUR Merchants Lunch 45 Cents Arcade Cafe MARY YOUNG, Proprietor. [_ . . , f-N JAMES T. CUNL1FFE Plumbing and Heating Job Work Neatly Done Alaskan Hotel Bldg. Phone Single 0 --- .-J Old papers lor sals at Empire I Printing Company. ALASKA MEAT COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Butchers PHONE 16 SEWARD STREET 1 •' 1 I S More and more people in Juneau are realizing the value of the classified columns of the EMPIRE. If you have anything to sell, and want to do it quickly, use our CLASSIFIED COLUMNS 1 They bring RESULTS almost immediately. Remember we also print letterheads, billheads, state ments, envelopes, calling cards, business cards, pamphlets, or in fact any kind of job work. i I Empire Printing Go. PHONE 374 -=-, „ =:■■■' Jj