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fl B | I^^BbhShbBB^ STARTING SUNDAY MATINEE, SUNDAY NIGHT _ AND MONDAY _CONCERT—NOVELTY FOUR—7-7:30 REVIEW AND TOPICS MOLLY MALONE and RICHARD DIX in “Not Guilty” Adapted from the story "PARROT & CO." by Harold McGrath A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION ALSO CENTURY COMEDY _“KID-LOVE” Last Two Times Tonight “WHEN THE DESERT CALLS” r f AND “THIRD ROUND OF LEATHER PUSHERS” Which Is Worth the Price Alone Two Shows—10-25-40-Loges 50 cents > _ « Attractions at Theaters attractions tonight COLISEUM—“Queen of the Turf” and special Vaudeville program by Sherwood Sisters and Compa-/. PALACE—Violet Heming in “When ,!.the Desert Calls.” ^ ! i _____ COMINU ATTRACTIONS.. PPLISEUM — "The Broadway Mai donna” Sherwood Sisters and Com-i pany In farewell vaudeville acts. PALACE—“Not Guilty.” — VAUDEVILLE CLOSES ^HGA1G^MJENT MONDAY J The Sherwood Sisters and Com tiroy will present their final program (faring the next three nights at the Coliseum Theatro ending a two week Btomessful engagement. . Tonight a special program is giv ett and tomorrow and Monday night the farewell acts will be presented. ^)th tonight and the closing nights Special attention will be given to late songs and novelty specialties. — Racing feature at COLISEUM TONIGHT "Queen o’ the Turf" at the Coli seum toniht is a romance of the lice course, full of human interest from start to finish. On her birth day she Is given Alert, a wonder horse, .by a neighbor who Is ir. love With her. He also helped her broth er with money. Alert Is entered j lh the big race and the crook is ] Attempting to frame the event against | the great horse. Dick discovers j tiro plot, calls his sister, who tskes! Use place of the pockey and rides | home - a winner. Denny O'Hara. I the weighty and jovial lover who gave “Bobbie" the greatest tboi | oughbred and helped her brother, i abandons his love for the gh ’ so | that she can marry a younger man j for whom she has great affectb n A specially arranged vaud vil'c the Sherwood Sisters and erm-j pa'ny Is also presented tonight ••WHEN THE DESERT CALLS” CLOSES AT PALACE TONIGHT When Is a wife Justified In leav ing her husband? This Is the burn ing question In the minds of many wives enduring real or fancied Wrongs, and an answer ha3 been given In many photoplays. It is safe to say, however, that, the sub ject has never been treated as in ••When the Desert Calls,” the new pyramid Picture at the Palace thea tre for the last time tonight. Dt tppted by Ray C. Smallwood, the (feet features Violet Heming. and the l|atter of a- wife’s deserting her husband jeomes early in the dramatic etory. The reason for her decision Is SULPHUR CLEARS A PIMPLY SKIN i t Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin Break* Out Any breaking out of the skin on faee, neck, arms or body Is over come quickest by applying Mentho ffalphur. The pimples seem to dry right up and go away, declares a noted skin specialist. Nothing has ever been found to tat* the place of sulphur as a pirn pie remover. It is harmless and in «gpensive. Just ask any druggist for a small jar of Rowles Mentho Sulphur and use it like cold cream, (advertisement.) | not the usual one. Her husband’s love is shared by no other woman, i nor does she suspect that it is. 1 The third round of "The Leather Pushers" is also shown. “THE BROADWAY MADONNA” AT COLISEUM SUNDAY -Do-othy Sovicrs, Juanita Hanson an! ,'irk Connolly are the featured p'ayevs In "The Broadway Madonna” the attraction at the Coliseum Sun diy and Monday nights. The synop sis of the feature move is as fol lows: Vivian Bradshaw, a beautiful young woman, is dominated by the superior will of her husband, who assumes the name of Dr. Kremer. The Pseudo physician intrigues against a wealthy and Impression able young man named Tom Orad shaw and persuades his wife to help him in Ills plot. The wife, who is also a dancer in a Broadway! cabaret, admires the young man j against whom her husband has plot-1 ted but is so rmpletely dominatedt by the latter that she weakly lends! Jiersplf. to his scheme. The victim j of the Intrigue responds to the wife's i advances. Unaware of her part in; the plot and of her marriage to the | physician, he seeks to make hor: his wife. She goes to his home and is presented by Bradshaw to his par-j ents. His father dislikes her but; his sweet old mother takes her to her bosom. The physician, intent upon carrying out his plan to force money from the wealthy Bradshaws, frames Tom in a monstrous plot, the nature of which Is best with held owing to its Importance in the development of the mystery ele ment of the story. Subsequently events are replete with stunning drama. Another round of "Fighting Blood” will also be shown. “NOT GUILTY” OPENS AT PALACE TOMORROW Just suppose you hart a twin brother. That while you were boys playing with firearms you accident ally shot your own twin in the head and that the surgeon said the wound had affected his sense of right and wrong, and later he shot a man, would you change Identities with him and become an outcast espec ially when you, wern in love with the “only” girl in the world? Perhaps you would and then again you might not. Anyhow you cannot help following the sacrifice and sub sequent thrilling adventures of Rich ard Dix, who plays the part of the noble brother, with breathless inten est. "Not Guilty” the feature whlcl opens at the Palace Theatre Sun day matinee, is a Sidney A. Frank lin production, presented by Albert A. Kaufman and released by Asso ciated First National Pictures, Inc. .... V ATTENTION AUTOMOBILE OWNERS. In accordance with the provisions of Chapter 101, Territorial Session Ij&ws oif 1923. ALL licenses are due and payaihle January first of each year and are delinquent, January fifteenth. Any person operating an automobile after January fifteenth of any year without first obtaining a lfcenso to do so, does so in violation of the law. and beginning M'arlh 18th, 1924 this section will be rigidly enforced. E. M. POL. LEY, —adv. Territorial Tax Collector furniture moved and stored. Heavy hauling done. Phone 48. Juneau Transfer. —adv. Furnished Rooms and BOARD at the Rockland House Opposite Palace Theatre. Phone 236. t-a-;—a I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE H CHURCH | B™ ■- ■ . - - Sunday services wilt oe held at 11 a. m. In the Church of Chris tian Science Society of Juneau on I Fifth Street between Main and Sew : ard Streeu. The subject will be: "Substance." Sunday school at 12:16 o’clock. Wednesday, 8:16 — Testimonial meeting. Christian Science Reading Boom In church building. This room is open to the public Wednesdays and Saturday afternoons from 2:30 to 4. The public is cordially Invited to attend these services and vlalt the : reading room. B-—-S5 CATHOLIC CHURCH | 3-B Fifth ana Gold Streets. Second Sunday In Lent. (i:00 a. m.—'Holy Mass In the Sisters' Chapel. 8:00 a. m.—dloly Mass and Gen eral Communion of the Children of Mary. 10:30 a. m.—High Mass and Sor mon 1:30 p. m.— Sunday School and Bible Class. 7:30 p. m.—Rosary, Instruction and BenedlcMon of the Blessed Sac rament. Monday—Feapt of St. Patrick and Wednesday, Feast of St. Joseph, | Mass at 8 o'clock In the church. Lenten Devotions on Wednesday and Friday evening at 7:30. °i NORTHERN LIGHT RRE«- ” BYTERIAN CHURCH | a---j' Rev. George O. Bruce, D. D., Pastor. Bible School at Thane 9:46. Morning worship at 11:00. The subjeot will be "Man God's Prop erty." Sermonette for the Juniors. Bible School at 12:15. The rooms in the manse used for class pur poses baa greatly reduced the con gested condition of the school. Evening worship at 8:00. Sub ject "The Magnetism of ith« Cross." The annual drive for the church funds for ftoth local expenses and benevolences will be held on March 23. !g—-- . -»» | | | ASSEMBLY OF QOO MISSION , ;;-;; -• I (Bethel Penoeostal Mission) Chas. C. Porconcus. Leader. Meetings Sunday, Tuesday, Wed-I r.psday, Thursday and Friday nights | at 7:30. Sunday School 12:30 p. nt. Come and enjoy the spiritual! feast. _____ ■■j-—— BETHEL BEACH HOME 3-—-M Gospel servlcfes on first Thursday1 of each month. Auto loaves Bur ford's Corner at 7:46 P. M. Friends! and neighbors Invited. Mrs H. M. j Krogh In charge. - , a I HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL I - I s-,-«-es| - •; Charles E. Hlce. Dean, mono 603 ' Sunday services: Holy Communion 8:00 a. tn. Morning Prayer and Sernurii at i 11:00 a. m. Sunday School at 12:30. No evening eervice. Special Lenten services: Wednes days, 8 p. m. u- -e; | METHODI3T EPISCOPAL CHURCH Richard D. Decaer, Minister. Sunday Services: Morning worship nnd preaching sorvlce at 11 a. m. Sunday School, Wallis George, Su perintendent, 12:16 p. m. Evening service at 8 p. m. Prayer and Praise Service, Wed-I nesday evening at 8 p. m. We will be glad to meet you at these services. SALVATION ARMY V Sunday meetings: 11 a. m.—Sun- < day School; 8 p. tn. — Salvation < meeting. ' ] Week nights: Tuesday 7 p. m.— Y. P. meeting; Thursday, 8 p. m.— | public meeting. All are welcome. PRESBYTERIAN NATIVE CHURCH . -G1 (Rev. Davia waggoner, pasior.) 10:30 a. m.-—Morning Service. 11:30 a. m.—Bible School. 7:30—Evening Service 7:00 p. m.—Wednesday — Mid-| week prayer service. A cordial welcome la given to al! lo attend these services. Woman Explorer Wants to Fly to Africa. tie? FrA.ii k, Slutldc ill i Mrs. French Sheldon, of San Francisco, first woman admitted to fellowship in the British Royal Geographical Society, famous woman explorer who penetrated the heart of Africa, Is seeking to celebrate her 78th birthday by going through the Congo by air p'ane. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The Marshall * No men < ' : •otired from business. All lu© this concern arc 1 mce. Any bills tills coni”any n v • dense mail Immediately. arlv. Evnn Jones Boat r„ pl,;t. m latisfaction to consumers i . ' " 7ou'’!hs A?V Eilhiirn v I Attention Republicans | H • w p lhe undersigned, having filed for the nomination on the |§ Republican ticket at the April primaries, have united; and have V decided to stand together on the following platform: (1) For stricter economy in administration =f of Government, wi>h fewer laws and ' |p better enforcement of those now on the statute books; and for repeal of all use- == less laws of which there are many. HE (2) For a law to prevent the mass voting of EH illiterate Indians, while at the same pp time we favor education and all possible aid to make the Indians eventually in tel- EE ligent and useful citizens and voters. || (3) For full and complete Territorial con trol of the Alaska Fisheries. (4) For the division of the Territory into EE two administrative units so that the First Division may have its own Legislature = and be permitted to expend its own EE taxes for its own development. EE §1 (5) For a continuation of all possible |p aid to aged and deserving pioneers and a maintenance of the present efficient administration of the Pioneers’ Home at (6) For the First Division and not the Sec ond and Fourth at the expense of the p Believing in these principles, we respectfully solicit the p votes of all Republicans who believe likewise; and urge that they p S§ vote this whole ticket, for one man can do nothing ui the Legis = lature alone, and union and co-operation are necessary. =£ 1 =E 1 J. H. DAVIES, of Ketchikan p = For Senator. = 33 == = H. R. SHEPARD of Juneau = 1 HOWARD ASHLEY of Skagway 1 A. E. GURR of Wrangell .ffl i For Representatives. p 1 ONE FOR ALL—ALL FOR ONE § TONIGHT CIG.Y-;.CNE SHOW AT 8 O’CLOCK I THE L G RACING FEATURE j ,1 -nr* ' i.lueen o me iurr Mult and J.ffCr nedy and “Branded Four” Vaudeville i\c-: *c* * • rwoc-d Sisters and Company 1 Vocal, Solo By Jcc Margie 2. Clarinet S, 'j. .By Les Randall ; ... .Male Tiio 4. ‘,B«by Si'Uv Bin >" ..Sherwood Sisters li. Saxaphon., Banjo .did Ooii-ar Trio, 0. “Ci E.v V Ey Winnifircd Shsrwood 7. "S’-oi: Pi'd I " By Margie Trio 8. F;'.ftuiir; Jiut’A 24 .. c-.;A in ‘Ji kie C n.'' 0. • Ewr.-lulu Blj: _,.. 4 Vy Entire Ccnrpany ADMISSION ’C •' > SO CENTS 4 ' - 60 CENTS ' SUNDAY AND MONDAY BIG DOUBLE DAZZLING PROGRAM " hr “ SEovie Feature and Vaudeville AND MOTHER ROUND OR “FIGHfll G BLOOD” _ _ ^ J _- ___ . . FAREWELL PROGRAM OF SHERWOOD SrST*. RS AND LGMPANY OF ENTERTAINEI i 1 “Hawaiian: Mom" Jiy S'. TrJn 2. “CrtHMf; or -WO’ Mins'. . • ni lU^i. a. “II: it Bid Itm 1 GTfrXrr_ ..7.7* By Leu iht.v >:l 4. In..;•uinent.rl . By Jc:: M*:;ie anti ■ Bandall 5. “No, Ha, Non’.” .. . ‘ By Sbcrw^si Brt n 0. Hath Msrji? in hr own conception of XKE WAli'lKI BEACH, DAKpE ' 71.J•& 1 • '-w , ■, ... _ 7. Vccal Sob -.. By Winiufrcd Sherwood 8. Hilo Up nil wit h tolls and chimes, also trick playing on * !■ / .1 Gait By Joe Margie 9. “Far'well' Finale by Entire Company REMEMBER ONLY ONE SHOW—Orchestra concert from 7 1c 8 o’clock. Movie feat s next, closing with the farewell vaudevilb picgrrm c. 'lie Shervcci Sisters engagement. ADMISSION 10-2.0,50- CENTS, LOSES CO CENTS