Newspaper Page Text
I THE EMPIRE H THE M£Drtm Through which the general public can alwayi here iti vuti enpplied, Cloeinf time for clawiieo •dvcTtinementi: 2 P. M. Cloning time for diiplny sd Tertuemente: 11 A. M. t Ten oentn per line tret in eertiou I Fie# oente for inhw^nent in eertion. Ooud* tve average word* to the line ■ f ..- — FOR SALE FOR SALE—FORI) TOURING CAR With 1923 Body, $250. Chevrolet, Model 1923. This must be sold at once. Geo. R. Marshall. FOR SALE—SIX HOLE MONARCH cook stove for sale chc; p. Phone 143. FOR SALE — SHIPMENT”LATEST Brunswick records. Come In and hear them. Anderson Musi: Shop. Phone 143. FOR SALE—COPEMAN ELECTllb Range, three hole top with shell on back. Includes wiring to meter $60. One baby bed, com plete. 4 ft. 6 In. long, drop sides. H. C. IXHikhart, 102 Gastineau Ave. Phone 3602. FOR SALE—-PIANO, DINING ROOM set, 3 leather chairs, leather dav enport, mahogany bed room s complete, dining room electric light fixtures, library table, coal heater and 2 fine rugs. Phone 394. ( _ t FOR 8ALE—TAILOR SHOP WITH complete equipment. A good bar gain. Phone 394. FOR SALE—FORD TOURING CAR. |325 cash. First class condition, new cord tires, Schebler Carbure tor, oil gage, spot light, auto matic shield wiper and all con veniences. Full set tools. Three extra casings. J. P. Walker, Res. f Phone 184, office 446 . FOR SALE — COMPLETE EQUIP ment shoe repairing machinery comprising Progressive Finisher, Champion Stitcher, Singer Sewing Machine, Sole Cutter and Skiver, with or without other necessary i tools. Part terms to responsible party. Junction Shoe Store. ! FOR SALE—4 ROOM HOUSE AT Tenakee well furnished, big wood shed, good location. Will sell at a reasonable price. Inquire of Mrs. B. Brown, Tenakee, Alaska. FOR SALE—MAXWELL CAR, RE cently overhauled. Also for hlro by day or hour with or without driver. Inquire Imp rial Pool Hall. f THE LATEST BRUNSWICK REC-! ords and Consul Phonographs at' Anderson's Plano Shop. Planor tuned. Phone 143. * —-| WALL BOATtw — Write for earn ft* of Washington plastor wall board; won’t warp, won’t burn. Mfd. by Washington Building Products Oo., *861 E. Marginal Way, Seattle For engraveo or printed calling J cards see The Emplj-e. ■---- -'■ * JUNEAU APARTMENTS Furnished Rooms, Single House keeping Rooms and Suites ! of Rooms. I S. FELDON, Prop. | Phone 286. I •-B * CUFF APARTMENTS 8, 8 and 4 room apartments completely famished H. G. Welch, Prop. PHONE 209. r ____■>.. .mu BOARDING HOUSES 1 *—-■ Home Cooked Meals 2 j or room and board at the Home Boarding House Formerly Oen. Hospital 1PHONE 203 , - - ■■■■■> — 1 ( i i j i 1 — REAL SILK SCARCE. BERLIN, April 2.—Women shop 1 pars aay Teal silk has become very * scarce 4n Germany, chiefly because r Of import reetrlctione. As a conse quence there has developed such an •nonnous demand for artificial silk that wholesalers assert they have f orders on hand from the German ‘i trade alone which will take tbo manufacturers four months to dll. ¥ - POLLY AND HER PALS gy CUFF STERRETT I \ <~«Pyn«lil. W-M, by Na—papa, Featura Sorvitf, ln;.lr».l Bum, npl. WANTED WANTED — POSITION AS COOK7 either in restaurant or camp. Can give good reference. See F. W. Harris 31? Seward St., or Phone 215. WANTED—LADY TO DO HOUSE work. Apply at Leader Store et Phono 157. FOR RENT TOR RENT — CABINS ON WIL loughby Ave. Inquire Juneau Apt: FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM APART ment, furnished, two, bed rooms big dining room and kitchen. ?lf a month. Juneau Apts. FOR RENT—TWO ROOM APART ment with bath and pantry, neai Moose Hall. Furnished. •% 12 pel month. Phone Juneau Apts. FOR RENT—<JlX ROOM UNFURN islied house on DUtln Ave. Allen Sbattuck. FOR RENT—« rionns and nrivat bath, steam heated and elegantly furnished. Inquire Office Wiadao Apts. 'PHONOGRAPH- for rent. Pam 14*. PIANO FOR RENT—Phone 14 3 FURNISHED HOUSES’” MR.i Montgomery Davis. Phone 80ft. MISCELLANEOUS CARD READING *2* West St.t 9t., on Tide Flats. PALMIST—come and h«v. voui fortune told from your hand Work business, marriage and th* fuuir< forstold. 212 Frnnl <4| 'j | MARINE NEWS |V jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM^ I ... A DISTINCTION | Clean and airy rooms at reasonable rates. I This is our boast, and we are proud of it. f r | | GASTINEAU HOTEL | ..... ■.. - ■'■■■ "■ ■ ... ^_•! . (38 WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS 1 1 I- I. “STARR” leaves Seward on the 10th of each month, calling at all points as far west as Unalaska. SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO.t G. C. HENDERSON, Agent, Seward, Alaska. MAIL BOAT for peterseurg and wat ports— rrnorc ID Taku Harbor, Pnettiabam, Speel RlveT, Sum uLUlUit JK. dum, Windham Bay,Gambler Bay.Pybue Bay. Brother Island, Five Finger Station, Fauahaw, Farraarit Bay. Leaves Saturday at noon. Freight received until 10 A. M. Sat urdays at City Wharf. -H. O. Adams, ticket agent, City Whart Phones: Office, 23; res. 4044. Jacob Ottubss, Petersburg, Agt. ramstead transportation CO. ♦ .»_ _ 7- , , . , --^trrz=- : ' ■ -- ■ ■■ll AA ■ —Leaves Monday at 11 p. m. for Hainea, Skag PnmlL BO AlLeave^Thiusdays^t 11 p. m. for Sitka, lap ping at Tenakee Springs and other Way COTCDCTU ,,nris. For information see Dave Bowie), LU I LUL I fl Phone 444. Freight accepted until 12 RMl, day of sailing. - ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .. .I.- —..... in F0B PErNCE rFFFRT, VANCOUVER, lEATTLI' '.CANADIAN? Leave Juneau Southbound— Princess Mary % X/ April 10, 21, May 1, 12, 22. * Through transportation Issued to a It F»»tern point* of United States or Canada. Through Standard S.eepers Vancouver to Chicago and Vancouver to Montreal or Toroo’o. J. L. M'CLO’V'HV. Agt., Junaa-i. ALASKA BRINGS 22 PASSENGERS IN FROM SOUTH Has Big List for Westward Including Crews for Several Canneries. With three days’ mail, 22 cabin passengers and 00 tons of freight, the Alaska S. S. Co’s, liner Alaska, j Capt. Gus N'ord, arrived in port at 12:30 p. m. yesterday from the south ! and sailed for the westward at 5 p. m. The steamer had one of the largest passenger lists of the season and was sqlieduled to make calls at several cannery ports enroute to Seward. Passengers arriving on the Alaska included: Mr. and Mrs. .1. H. Cann, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Carlson, and two : children, Miss E. Gastonguay, M and Mrs. N. F. Oilkey, Mr. and ?,I j Charles Goldstein, Mrs. John Or fie". R F. Helntzelman, L. E. Hendrick son, Miss G. Halm. Flow] Knicker bocker. Thomas Knudson. W. It. Lobe, Haller Rutborfor^, Mrs. T. 15. Slctns, Albina and Dorothy Seims. 1’asscngers leaving for the west were: E. Miller. Grace Miller, Charles Anderson, Mrs. Roberta Harwood, .1. H. England, Charles Stewart, for : Cordova; Gus Gelles, J. J. Delahide, C. M. Sharpp, A. 5>. Nanthrup, Frank j Parrish, E. K. Knott, George Black, Glen Carrington for Seward; Tony Serotlch, E. Ermolin, l^atouclio. *,-----« i STEAMER MOVEMENTS I t - i i i NORTHBOUND i JEFFERSON is due to arrive Friday night or Saturday. | | QUEEN la scheduled to arrive Sunday. SCHEDULED SAILINGS ESTEBETH will sail for Sitka 1 I i and way ports at il o’r.tocl | tomorrow night. ! ALAMEDA scheduled lo sail j from Seattle April 5 at 9 a. j m- ! PRJNUESH MARY scheduled to sail from Vancouver April 5 i at 9 p. m. ADMIRAL WATSON scheduled ! to sail from S atttie April 8 ' at in a. m. | ADMIRAL RGfOERS schedu' > *i sail from Seattle Apr'! 9 a‘ | 10 a. m. | NORTHWESTERN si'nlnN lo sail from Seattle' April 12 at | 9 a. m. M.AT GEORGE JR. sails j " 'o'immii foi Petersburg | n xf Saturday noon. 'ccthroUNO SAILINGS I ALASKA due southbound about | April 8th. ADMIRAL EVANS is scheduled | southbound about April 9. N----1 NORTHWESTERN TAKES OUT BIG FISH SHIPMENT In Port Yesterday from West-; ward with 12 Passengers —Has Good Voyage. With 42 passengers. 12 of whom! were for this port, the steamer North-1 western, Capt. C. A. Glasscock, ar-l rived Rt 3 p. m. yesterday from the I westward and sailed for the south! at 8 p m. She loaded approximate ly 90.000 pounds of fresh fish from lo-at buyers for Seattle delivery. Officers on the steamer reported an unusually smooth voyage both: north and southbound, little wind and | no rough water being encountered,' enabling the vessel to make a quick trip across the Gulf of Alaska and return. Passengers arriving here from the westward were: E. Theissen, Sam Shucklin, R. J. Rogers, N. H. Castle, Julia Wellsant. Albert Norman, Alex Trubrlck, Charles Larson, M. Kries eme, Harry Kimara, C. Hesunga and Sam Guyot. Passengers leaving on the North western included:: Emil Babio, R. R. Young, Airne Beaudoin, G. F. Forrest, John Krogh. for Seattle; Peter Ringdalc, J. M. Sharpies, J. C. Hayes, Roland Noren, Hugh E. Halvorsen for Ketchikan; Mrs. F. E. Desmond for Wrangell. night on the tender Excursion for supplies. He returned to the plant this morning. R. R. Young, local manager for the Pacific Coast Coal Co., left yesterday for a short business trip to Seattle. J. J. Dolaliide, first aid and mine rescue expert of the Federal Bureau of Mines, left here yesterday on the Northwestern for his headquar ters at Anchorage. Ho spent sev eral weeks here and In this vicinity instructing classes In first aid and mine rescue *worlt. O. F. Forrest, former local busi ness man now located in Seattle, left yesterday for his home after a short business visit here. Frank Parrish, Alaska representa tive of Fobr* Electric Co., Seattle, left yesterday on the Alaska for Westward towns. J. M. Sharpies, Federal prohibition agent, left here on tlio Northwestern | for Ketchikan. R. A. Zeller. Supervisor of Ton •gass National Forest, of Ketchikan, j arrived here yesterday on official : business. He Is a guest a.t the j Oastineau. Sam Shucklin, representative of I he Oregon Woolen Mills, returned , iiere yesterday from a business trip | to the westward and interior. Asst. District Forester B. F. Hoint zleman. who -has been on a short visit to Portland. Ore., on official business, returned to his headquar ters here yesterday, arriving on the Alaska. E. Theissan, Alaska representa tive of Ligget & Meyers, has re turned from a business trip to west ward towns. Mrs. E. Gastonguay, who has been visiting in the south for several weeks, arrived yesterday on the Al aska. She will bo a guest at the Gastlneau until Mr. Gastonguay re turns from Seattle. W. R. Lebn, superintendent of the fish reduction plant at Hawk Inlet, arrived yesterday from the south. Walter Gaffney, representative of the Mishakawa Rubber and Woolen Mfg. Co., arrived yesterday from the south. Mrs. B. B. Green and two chil dren left yesterday for Seattle tQ spend a few weeks visiting relatives. R. A. Maurer. Alaska salesman for Schwabaoher Grocery Co., left yesterday on the Admiral Rogers for towns in the southern end of ; the division. i Ernest Kirl>erger, well-known mer chant and fox farmer of Kake, was an outgoing passenger on the Admiral Rogers for Petersburg and will proceed to his home from there. H. B. Carbray, Alaska represen tative of Seattle Hardware Co., left yesterday for Petersburg and other southern towns. FERRY SCHEDULE leave Juneau tor Douglas, Tread well end Thane. Effective Tuesday, Jan. 29, 1924. 1J8:10p.m. •7:10a.m. MiSOp.m. 9:40a.m. 9:16a.m. 9:16a.m.t 6:16p.m. *lt:15p.m d 12 midnight] 12 noon]* 87:30p.m. 8l:00a.m ^]2:00p.m. Leave Douglas i-or Treadwell anc These •7:26a.m. 4:46p.m. t 6:30p.m. |l:lia.m 12:16p.m. 9:66p.m. Leave Treadwell for Thane. 7:30a.m. 12:20p.m.t 4:60p.m.1 Leave Thane for Treadwell, Dougin: and Juneau. 8:10a.m. 12:36p.m.t 6:06p.m.1 Leave Treadwell for Douglas acc Juneau. 8:21a.m. 6:20pm.t 6:36p.m. |l:20a.m 12:60p.m. 10:00p.m. Leave Douglas for Juneau. 3:26p.m. 8:30a.m. 6:26p.m.f 10:06pm 9:30a.m.t 6:40p.m. >ll:30p.m 12:55p.m. 87:46p.m. 81:"5a.m 2:16p.m. •—Thane. t—Freight will be accept**, 3J—Douglas only, j 8—Saturdays only. T—Except Saturday night. +—Schedule leaving 11:16 p. m ! Juneau, will start Monday, Feb. 4. Juneau Ferry & Navigatioi Company I -•-— ■ FIRE ALARM CALLS 1- 3 Third and FrankUa. j 1-4 Front and Franklin. j 1-6 Front, near Ferry Way. 1 1-6 Front, opp. Film Bxohanga. j 1-7 Front, opp. City Wharf. | 1-8 Front, near Saw Mill, j 2-1 Home Grocery. 2- 3 WUlougrfcby, opp. Ool* Ran. 2»4 Front and Seward, 2-6 Front and Main. 2-6 Seoond and Malm. 2- 7 Fifth and Seward. J-9 Fir* Hall. ! 3-2 Gaatlneau and Raws W^> | 3-4 Seoond and Gold. ! 3-6 Fourth and Harris. I 3-6 Fifth and Gold. 8-7 Fifth and Bast. 1-8 Seventh and Gold. 3- 9 Fifth and Kennedy. 4- 1 Ninth, hack of power house 4-2 Calhoun, opp. Juneau Apta. 4-3 D1»tin Ave., and Indian St. 4-6 Ninth and Calhoun. 4-6 Seventh and Mala. 4-T Twelfth, *t Northern L’diy 4-8 Twelfth and Willoughby. ROGERS LEAVES WITH BIG LIST Takes Out 33 Passengers Southbound Yesterday— Many for Local Ports. With 33 passengers from this port, the steamer Admiral Rogers, Capt. Landstrom, sailed for Seattle at 5:30 p. m. yesterday via Petersburg, Wrangell and Ketchikan. The steam er returned to port at 4:45 p. m. from calls at Sitka, hunter Bay and Chatham. Passengers leaving on the Adlmral Rogers were: for Ketchikan, If. R. Thompson, Miss Anna Alford, A. E. Liljestrand, O. H. Whitney, John Newmarker, R. A. Maurer; for Pet ersburg, Rev. S. Hall Young, Rev. George J. Beck. Rev. David Waggon er, Mrs. Johnson, Bill Norris, E. E. Bromley, Joseph Kelly, Rev. George G. Bruce, H. B. Carbray, Ernest Kirbcrger, Vem Roden, Andrew Wan amaker. Willie Williams; for Wran gell. C. A. Johnson. George Willis, Jimmy Willis. Harry Sunderson; for Seattle, Mabel Knowlton, Leo DeMytt W. W Casey, Jr., H. L. Faulkner, Mrs. R. B. Green, Tom Cary, A. Jeffries; for Los Angeles, C. H. Helgeson, Mrs. C. H. Helgeson. Old papers for sale at ®raplr« t-*\ JAMES T. CUNLIFFE j . i Plumbing and Heating | Job Work Neatly Done I Alaskan Hotel Bldg. Phone Single 0 - —— ! RELIABLE TRANSFER ! ' Phone 149, Rea. 14S { Courtesy and Good Service ^_Oar Motto. • MANY HALIBUT BOATS SELL FARES LOCALLY; NEW BOATS IN FLEET Approximately 75.000 pounds of | halibut were sold on the local mar i kot yesterday by boats of the local j fishing fleet bringing 10 and five j cents. The sales were divided be tween the Juneau Cold Storage Co., Sant Morris and E. M. Basse. The fish were unloaded in record time, packed and shippet) south yes terday oil the steamer Northwestern. Boats arriving from the banks in I eluded: Margaret T„ Emma, Dixon, Ocean, Snipe, Olga, Dagnv, Diana, Aniarta. Henry Lipseth, of Prince Ru | pert. Fern and Tagon. Three new vessels were added to the fleet tills week, two leaving on initial trips and the third preparing to leave. The new boats are: Clara. Jens Hansen, master; Lou Ilellen, Capt. Knute Hildre: and Ina J., Capt. . John Jackson. EXPLORER IN PORT The Coast and Geodetic Survey vessel Explorer arrived in port at 10 p. m. yesterday. She will re main here until Friday before be ginning her season's work in this II vicinity. 1 i WHO'S WHO ! I AND WHERE | j g—-—-• C. M. Sharpe, representative for Scliwabaeher Hwd. Co., Seattle, was ! a passenger from this port on the Alaska enroute to towns in west ern Alaska. Capt. George Black, of Fairbanks who has been here for the past week after a visit at Skagway, lefl yesterday for Seward enroute to his home. Glenn Carrington, local merchan dise broker, left yesterday for Sew ard and interior points. Hp will be absent about three weeks. C. C. Lewis, interior agent foi the Hammon Consolidated interests who went to Sail Francisco recentl) on business. Is a passenger on the Alaska for Seward enroute to Fair banks. Ho visited local'friends while the steamer was in port. J. C. Hayes, local business man was a Northwestern passenger foi Ketchikan on a business trip. H. L. Faulkner, prominent local attorney, left yesterday on the Ad j miral Rogers for Seattle. He will return to Ketchikan to attend court ; in about two weeks. Hans Floe, cannery superintend J eat, arrived from Hawk Inlet last ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMP ANT SAFETY — SERVICE - SPZXB SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 1924 leave DUE AT JUNEAU STEAMER Seattle North South NORTHWESTERN .Mar. 1 Mar. 4 Mar! l| ALASKA .Mar. 8 Mar. 11 Mar! IS ALAMEDA .Mar. 15 Mar. 18 Mar. SS NORTHWESTERN .Mar. 22 Mar. 25 April 5 ALASKA .Mar. 29 April 1 April 2 W. E. ROWELL. Agent. Junean: Phone 2. L. W. KILBURR. Agent. Donglaa: Phone Dowlas 48. , 1 "" 1 •——- » . .. - --- .. __ * A —' <* t ■ Due Du# Lr. Seattle Juneau NB Juneau mi QUBBN .-.April 2 April 6 * April H ROGERS .April 9 April 13 fAprll 1* QUEEN ..April 16 April 20 {April 21 ROGERS .April 23 April 27 fAprll 27 QUEEN .April 30 May 4 {May 6 WATSON .April 8 April 11W.B. April 21 *—Due Sitka April 7th. t—Sails south via Sitka not calling Skagway. {—Not calling Sitka. J. H. SURE, Agent GUY L. SMITH, Agent Phone 4 Phone IS Donglaa, A leak a. Pacific Coastwise Service »ADMIRAL UNE ■"■MaHHrALKXANDWR. PRESIDENT^BBMlBBMt ALASKA MEAT COMPANY' Wholesale and Retad Batchers I, PHOEE 3{f SEWARD STREET