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THE EMPIRE If TEE MEDIUM Through which the general public can alwuy* bar* ita want* supplied. Closing time for claaailsd advertisement*: 2 P. M. Closing time for display ad vertiaement*: 11 A. M. Ten oenta per line irvt bi ■ertica Five oenta for subaeguemi In sertion. Conn* Ive average word* to the line ___ FOR SALE for SALE — DEAGAN MARINBA xylophone 3 Vx octaves. See Low enstein at Coliseum. FOR SALE—2 BY 4 AND 2 BY 8 inches second-hand lumber. Room 1 First National Bank Building. FOR SALE—CHOKERS AND OTM eT nicely made up turs. We give special attention to making up, > altering and remodeling furs. Sat isfaction guaranteed. Room 1 First National Bank Building. FOR SALE—GASBOAT PHEASANT, $2,000. 48 ft. long, 25 h. p. At-, las. Recently overhauled. Phone! 4002, Box 851. FOR SALE—REASONABLE. 7 PAS songerr Studebaker touring car. See Tom Hanson, 12th and Wil loughby Ave or Phone 4503. FOR SALE—NASH SPORT MODEL, 6 passenger, less than 1 year old. Inquire Wide Awake Shoe Shop, j FOR SALE — SHIPMENT LATEST Brunswick records. Come in and hear them. Anderson Music] Shop. Phone 143. FOR SALE—4 ROOM HOUSE AT, Tenakee well furnished, big wood shed, good location. Will sell at a reasonable price. Inquire oi Mrs. B. Brown, Tenakee, Alaska.] FOR SALE—MAXWELL CAR, RE cently overhauled. Also for hire by day or hour with or without driver. Inquire Imperial Pool Hall. THE LATEST BRUNSWICK KEC ords and Consul Phonographs at Anderson's Piano Shop. Piano* tuned. Phone 143. V WALL BOATtw — Write for sain pi. of Washington plaster wall board; won't warp, won’t burn. Mfd. by Washington Building Product* 9o^ 8881 K. Marginal Way, Seattle - ...— FOR RENT FOR RENT — LARGE 4 ~ROOM apartment. Newly kalsomined and renovated. Call 231, Marshall Apts. FOR RENT—7 ROOM HOUSE WITH bath. Inquire Nugget Shop. FOR RENT—4 ROOM FURNISHED House. Apply 403 Franklin. FOR RENT — HOUSEKEEPING apartment with bath. Corner 3rd and Gold St. Phone 136. FOR RENT — CABINS ON WIL loughby Ave. Inquire Juneau Apts FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM APART ment, furnished, two bed rooms, big dining room and kitchen. $16 a month. Juneau Apts. FOR RENT—Six. ROOM UNFURN latied house on Dlstin Ave. Allen Shattuck. FOR RENT—4 rooms and prlvat bath, steam heated and elegantly tarnished. Inquire OSice Windso Apts. PHONOGRAPH for rent. Faun i 141. PIANO FOR RENT—Phone 148. FURNISHED HOUSES — MRS Montgomery Davis. Phone 308. WANTED WANTED—TWO YOUNG LADIES want employment, one is exper ienced stenographer, other exper ienced bookkeeper but will take work of any nature. Inquire Flmplre 232D. WANTED—WOMAN WANTS Posi tion as cook in small camp or cannery. Inquire No. 2309 Empire. MISCELLANEOUS CARD READING u ID Wwt Itb 0t.p on Tide Flats. PALMIST—couie and bare your Jortune told from your hand. Work, buelneae, marriage and the future foretold. 211 Front St. ■.- - Home Cooked Meals or room and board at the Home Boarding House Formerly Gen. Hospital | 1 PHONE 293 I m---* *- 'UNUStO" ASSETS—that typewriter, musical Instrument, fur niture, office flxture or appliance— nlSffT*"T* columns of The Empire am markotabls, for oaah, through POLLY AND HER PALS ht i . ..- . ^..—. i mbs 1 *■ '■a*r ^ By CLIFF STERRETT * . ' : •' ;■ , ' .*» -A" . I .W ' o . . r . . .• 2 >■>>■ V • »* . J ’ } I 4PWI4-I6 ----~---— , 1 ■ Canadian Coal KInes are not de velopinp Alaska. Evan Jones art doing: their bit. adv REMEMBER We will meet all cut prices, or specials at all times AND THEN SOME BEST BUTTER. 50c a pound. GOOD WINESAP APPLES. Wrapped, $2 per box. DRIED PRUNES. FRESH STOCK 10, 15 and 20 cents a pound, j HOME GROCERY i .fu PHONE; 138. I ' * I ,-, JUNEAU APARTMENTS - | Furnished Rooms, Single House keeping Rooms and Suites | ef Rotfms. S. FELDON, Prop. | Phone 286. I CUFF APARTMENTS 2, 3 and 4 room apartments completely furnished H. G. Welch,1 Prop. PHONE 2C9. FERRY SCHEDULE '--uve Juneau tor Douglas, Tread well p-d Thane Effective Tuesday, Jan. 29, 1924. 5(3:10p.m. •7:10a.m. •4:30p.m. 9:40a.m 9:16a.m. 9:16a.m.f 6:16p.m. ♦ll:16p.m 512 midnight! 12 noonf* 87:30p.m. SltOOa.m ([2:00p.m. Leave Douglas lor Treadwell anti Thane •7:25a.m. 4:46p.m.t 6:30p.m. 8l:lia.m 12:16p.m. 9:66p.m. Leave Treadwell for Thane. 7:30a.m. 12:20f>.m.f 4:80p.m.} Leave Thane for Treadwell, Donglat and Juneau. 8:10a.m. 12:36p.m.t 6:06p.m.1 Leavs Treadwell for Douglas ant Juneau. S.’ZIgjn. 6:20pm.f 6:36p.m. |l:30a.m. 12:60p.m. 10:00p.m. Leave Douglas for Junean. 3:26p.m. 8:S0a.m. 6:25p.m.f 10:06p.m, 9:30a.m.f 6:40p.m. 'll:30p.m 12:55p.m. 87:46p.m. 81:26a.m 2:16p.m. •—Than*. t—Freight will b« accepted. —Douglas only. —Saturdays only. X—Except Saturday night. *—Schedule leaving 11:16 p. m Juneau, will start Monday, Feb. 4. Juneau Ferry & Navigatioi Company ■ ^ FIRE ALARM CALLS 1-3 Third and Franklin, 1-4 Front and Franklin. 1-4 Front, near Ferry Way. 1-6 Front, opp. Film Bxchaay* 1-7 Front, opp. City Wharf. 1- 8 Front, near Saw Mill. 2- 1 *1 ora*. Grocery. 2-3 Willoughby, opp. Ool* Ban, 2-4 Frofit and Seward. 2-5 Front and Mata. 2-6 Second and Mala. 2-7 Fifth and Saward 2- 9 Firo Hall. 3- 2 Gastlnisau and Raw* War 3-4 Secoud and Gold. 3-6 Fourth and Harris. 3-6 Fifth and Gold. 3-7 Fifth and East 1-8 Seventh and Gold. 3- 9 Fifth and Kennedy. 4- 1 Ninth, hack of power houaa 4-2 Calhoun, opp. Juneau Apia. 4-3 Dlet^a Ave., and Indian Bt. 4-6 Ninth and Oalhoun 4-6 Seventh and Main. 4-1 Twelfth, at Northm L'rtry 4-3 Twelfth and Willoughby. Sunday services will ns neld at 11 a. m. In the Church of Chris tian Science Society of Juneau on Fifth Street between Main and Sew ard Streets. The subject will be: ] "Doctrine of Atonement.” Sunday School at 12:16 o’clock. Wednesday, 8:16 — Testimonial meeting. Christian Science Heading Room in church building. This room is open to the public Wednesdays and Saturday afternoons from 2:30 to 4. The public is cordially Invited to attend these services and visit the reading room U NORTHERN LIGHT PBfS- I BYTERIAN CHURCH ■a-c Rev. George G. Iiruce. D. D., Pastor. Bible School at Thane 0:45. Morning Worship at 11:00. Sub let, ' Continuous Dawn.” Bible School at 12:15. , An Easter cantata will be pre ‘ Hid by the choir at the evening j hour of 8 o’clock. g-»2 CATHOLIC CHURCH “ 3-E Fifth ana Goid Streets. Easter Sunday. 6:00 a. m.—Holy Mass in the Sisters’ Chapel. 8:00 a. m.—Pontifical High Mass with general Communion of all the Parish and sermon by The Rt. Rev. Bishop Crimont. D. I). 10:30 a. m.—Parish Mass, Sermon and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. No Sunday School or evening' Devotions. |*| HOLY TRINITY CATHEDRAL j l --——--u! Charles E. Rice. uean. rnone 603 Easter Sunday: Holy Communion 8:00 a. m. Choral Eucharis and sermon at I 11:00 a. m. Sunday School at 12:30. No evening service. !jj_| PRESBYTERIAN NATIVE | j I CHURCH (Rev. Davia waggoner, pastor.) 10:30 a. m.—Morning Service. 11:30 a. m.—Bible School. 7:30 u. m.—Special Easter Serv ice. The sermon of the evening will be preached by Dr. S. Hall Young. Dr. Young expects to sail for the States during the week to meet , several speaking engagements before the meeting of the General Assem-i I bly In Grand Rapids, Michigan. An invitation is extended to ell to hear Dr. Young. There will bo special Easter music. 7:00 p. m.—Wednesday — Mid-1 week prayer service. A cordial welcome Is given to alk | to attend these services. ja-ZH-„-J [ ASSEMBLY OF GOD MISSION ] "---G (Bethel Penecostal Mission) Chas. C. Personeus, Leader. Meetings Sunday, Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday nights at 7:30. » Sunday School 12:30 p. m. Come and enjoy the spiritual feast. 13 ——- ■■■■-—e BETHEL BEACH HOME 1 f L. .3- .-G Gospel service* on tirst Thursday of each month. Auto leaves Bur i ford's Corner at 7:46 P. M. Friends ■-—-IB Furnished Rooms and BOARD at the Rockland House Opposite Palace Theatre. Phone 236. r——-——■ I STEAMER MOVEMENTS ,l - northbound I PRINCESS MARY due to arrive tonight at 9 o’clock. QUEEN due to arrive Sunday at midnight. ALASKA Jue to arrive Tues ! day. SCHEDULED SAILINGS | ESTERETH sails for Skagway end way ports at 11 o'clock Monday night. | ADMIRAL EVANS scheduled to ’ [ sail from Seattle April 22 at 10 a. m. | ADMIRAL ROGERS scheduled to sail from Seattle April 23 at | 10 a. m. | JEFFERSON scheduled to sail from Seattle April 25 at 9 a. | m. ALAMEDA scheduled to saii from | Seattle April 26 at 9 a. m. j MAIL BOAT GEORGE JR., sails j from Juneau for Petersburg next Satu~day r.oon. SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS I ADMIR U, WATSON due soutfe | bound April 25. NORTHWESTERN due south ! bound about April 23. !i-1 Tide* Tomorrow High tide 1:02 a. m. 19.1 Low tide 1:41 a. m.—4.0 High tide 1:41 p. in. 17.9 Low tide 7:38 p. m.—1.1 TIDES MONDAY. High tide 1:40 a. m.19.5 Low tide 8:08 a. m....—4.1 High tide 2:27 p. m.17.3 Low tide 8:20 p. m.—0.2 and neighbors Invited. Mrs. H. M Krogh In charge. :j-.---e METHODIST EPISCOPAL | I CHURCH .1-----E Richard D. Decker, Minister. Sunday Services: Morning worship and preaching service at 11 a. m. Sunday School, Wallis George, Su perintendent, 12:16 p. m. Evening sorvice at 8 p. m. Prayer and Praise Service, Wed' nesday evening at 8 p. m. We will be glad to meet you ai these services. SALVATION ARMY f a- : Sunday meetings: 11 a. m.—Sun day School; 8 p. m. — Salvatiot meeting. Week nights: Tuesday 7 p. m.— V. P. meeting; Thursday, 8 p. m.— public meeting. All are welcome. -» ♦ ♦ -- Freeh killed chickens for Ea&ter Alaska Meat Go. —adv THE FISHING SEASON ■' IS ABOUT TO OPEN ✓ We have a complete new stock of Snell Hooks, Flies, Lines, Poles, and Creels. Also Pete’s Salmon Eggs in Singles and Clusters, in fact every thing for the followers of Isaac Walton. LET US CATER TO YOUR WANTS “Yours for Service” •_ i C. W. Young Co. JEFFERSON GOES SOUTH THIS A.M. -__ lakes Out 18 Passengers from Here and Loads Small Amount Fish. After a call at Hawk Inlet yes j terday, the Alaska S. S. Co.'s steam 1 er Jefferson, Capt. Jock Livingston ! arrived in port about 8 a. m. today and sailed for the south at 10 a, m. The steamer loaded fi3h here for j Seattle. Passengers leaving here for south ern points were:: : J. L. Cavanaugh, frank Fr,•'mining, I. Emmanual, Joe Carrasco, for Ketchikan; L. M. Car rigan, E. Ireland, Wrangell; John Wise. Mrs. John Wise, Mrs. Carl Rogers and two children, John Ad ams, Mrs. Maggie Adams. A. Smith, C. R. Trlfton, Frank Parrish, S. Stomates, John Broles, for Peters t burg; George Haln for Seattle. NINE FISHING BOATS SELL FARES LOCALLY Nine boats of the local fishing I fleet arrived in port yesterday with I fares aggregating approximately 35. I 000 pounds of halibut. Local buyers * look the fares, prices being paid be , ing !) and 5 and 9 ami fi cents The fish were unloaded last night and shipped south on the steamer Jefferson this morning. Boats arriving were: Olga, Juno Emma, Fern, Lou Helen, Ina J., Ta | gon, Daisy and Alpha. CURACAO SAILS FROM SEATTLE;HEAVY CARGO The steamer Curacao, of the Ad I miral line, sailed from Seattle yes terday morning for Southeastern Ai aska points with a cargo of 1,350 I tons. She will probably arrive here Wednesday or Thursday. The Curacao has calls scheduled at Hidden Inlet, Ketchikan, Rose In let. Waterfall, Heceta, Karheen, New Port Walter, Pillar Bay, Hood Bay Sitka, Port Althorp and Juneau. QUEEN SCHEDULED TO ARRIVE HERE SUNDAY Tlie Admiral Line steamer Queen, Capt, Enquist, is expected to arrive in port about midnight Sunday, ac I eonjing to advices received at loca! • company offices today. She sailed from Ketchikan northbound at 8 a. m. today. She is scheduled to call at Union Ray, Wrangell and Petersburg en route here. She has 775 tons o' freight for this port. -♦ ♦ + Evan Jones Matanuska Coal. Al aska’s own nrodact adv 'i lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllltliilliMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir Mrs. Housewife: f Eliminate that holiday dinner drudgery. Let ? us plan your Easter Dinner or select from our Dollar | Plate Dinner Special Menu. I t j GASTINEAU CAFE 5 • *■ 3 ! in»)i{i>i;)iiitnii'iiiini<iniiiiuniiint»;mininiiiiniiiiijimiimmimi,m(n,iinr • FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS i. B. “STARR” leaves Reward on the 10th of each month. ! Ailing at ail point* u far wwt as Unalask*. ' ' ' i SAM JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO., G. C. HEUDEESON, Agent, Seward, Alaska. MAIL BOAT for Petersburg and way forte— fFfVP/''C ID Taku Harbor, Snettlshp.m, 8peel River, Bum liLtrftljE Jl\. dum, Windham Bay,Gambler Bay.Pybus Bay. Brother Island, Five Finger Citation, FanBhaw, Farragut B»v. Leaves Saturday at noon. Freight received until 10 A. M. Sat urdays at City Wharf. H. O. Adams, ticket agent. City Wbarl Phones: Office, 23; res. 4044. Jacob Ottuesa. reteraburg, Alt. - RAMSTEAB TRANSPORTATION CO. , ■ . I . —. ■ I I I II — a ■ ■ ■ II HA i —T'eaves Monday at 11 p. m. for Hainea, Skag MAIL BOATt^veaThuiudays «t 11 p. m. fojtSitkft,stop ping at Tenakee Springs and other w%J COTCDCTU wrts. For information see Dave Houaal, CdlEDEin Fhone 444. Freight accepted until 12 uoof, day of sailing. ^ .1 ' ■; . fFOB PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER, SEATTLE Leave Juneau Southbound Princess Mary April 10, 21, May 1,12, 22. ^ Through transportation Issued to alt Eastern points of UnBs4 States or Canada. Through Standard Sleepers Vancouver to Chicago and Vancouver to Montreal or J. L. M’CLOSKEV, Agt.. Jureau. ' - , .... H ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY SAFETY - SERVICE - IFIX1 . f J SCHEDULE FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY, 19*4 jo, LEAVE DUB AT JUNEAU STEAMER Seattle North South ALASKA . April k JEFFERSON .APRIL 1 April 5 Afrll'H ALAMEDA* .April 5 April 8 April It NORTHWESTERN .April 12 April 15 April « JEFFERSON .April 13 April 17 April IT ALASKA .April 19 April 22 April 23 ALAMEDA* .April 26 April 29 May 0 *—Calls at Petersburg and Wrangell both ways. W. E. NOWELL. Agent. Juneau: Phone 8. 1 | L. W. KILBURN. Agent. Louglaa: Phone DohsIm 48. 1 ir* _y ' "W si' r Due Dae Lv.Seattle Juneau NB Juneau SB tROGERS .April 9 April 13 April IS WATSON .April 8 April 1J April 25 •QUEEN .April 16 April 20 APTll 22 EVANS ....April 22 April 25 May I tROGERS .April 23 April 27 April 29 -QUEEN .April 30 May 4 May 5 WATSON .May 6 May 9 May 23 •—Not calling Sitka, t—Not calling Skagway. Evans W.R. April 25th; Watson W.B. May 9th. C. C. NICHOLS, Agent BUY L. SMITH, Agent Phone 4 Pkonp 1( I Douglas, Alaska. Pacific Coastwise Jcrvioe ^ADMIRAL LINE nHHIHrALEXANDER. RRESIDENTMHHBMMHf