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BRINGING UP FATHER By GEORGE McMANUS i HOTEL SEATTLE “ I - .»/ "Home of Alaska.n*’’ 1 Pricee reasonable. Europe** 1 plan. Seattle, Wash. 4---i -_ _— — Juneau Electric Co. ELECTRICAL, SUPPLIES I Radio Supplies. Repairing and | jobbing. Phone 125. 210 Front Street. P. O. Ilox 517. i---M p---m Senate Rooms 1 Clean, Reasonable. Rooms by the Day, Week < | | or Month. Telephone 323. ' | m-a YOUR “UNUSED" ASSET9—thfc" typewriter, musical instrument, fur niture, office fixture or appliance-r are marketable, for cash, through he classified column, of The Empire,. Permanent W. make and keep * large i stock for Immediate delivery, me old reliable standard | duuble-lock FIREPROOF con crete chimney block, without I n fault. Concrete Product* I Mfg. Co. Near Ball Park, Ju- t | neau, Alaska. Established » | Twenty Years PHONE 83. j | CONCRETE PRODUCTS IIFU. | COMPANY | -- . m JUNEAU TRANSFER COMPANY Move-., Packs ard Stores Frelgh* and Baggage. '»* V, . HOMER BRINGS IN THREE RUNS Seattle Takes Doubleheadei from Portland,Both Being Hitting Contest. SEATTLE, May 12. — The Tlrsl contest yesterday afternoon was free hitting affair with the Indium well in the lead at all stages. In the second game, Portland wa; leading 6 to 4 in the eighth who Rchwcr knocked the pill out of tin lot scoring three raft* for Seattle. The batteries wer'e: First Game: Seattle—Bagby, YV11 Hams and Tobin; Portland- -Eckert Gardner and Cochrane. Second Game: Sentile— Jones and Baldwin; Portland —- Pillette and Daly. SUNDAY GAMES. Pacific Coast League. Seattle 15, 7; Portland 8, 6. Los Angeles 6, 12; Oakland 8, 11. Salt Lake 14, 15; Sacraento 10, 18. San Francisco 13, 7; Vernon, 2 6. National League. St. Louis 3; New York 2. Chicago 5; Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati 0; Philadelphia 2. American League. Cleveland 8; Philadelphia 5. New York-Chicago, postponed on ac ; count of wet ground . Washington-Dctrcit, postponed on | account of rain. , PORTLAND WON SATURDAY. i SEATTLE. May 12. — Portland 'grt hbed a six run lead in the lirst inning last Saturday afternoon. I Erazlill knot ked two Uoers. Seattle ■ rept closer in the sevenht and | eighth innings with one in each frame but Portland pulled out in the lead and the game ended with the score, Seattle 6; Portland 12. The batteries were: Seattle—St u el a ml, Dell and Tobin, E. Baldwin. Portland — Raclmc, Bedlent and Query. SATURDAY GAMES. Pacific Coast League. Salt Lake 6, 4; Sacraento 9, 12. San Francisco 7; Vernon 5. Seattle 6; Portland 12. Los Angeles 8; Oakland 2. National League. Chicago 7; Brooklyn 5. St. Louis 5; New York 3. Pittsburgh 0; Boston 2. Other game post p ined on account of rain. American League. Washington 3; Detroit 2. Philadelphia 0; Cleveland G. New York 2; Chicago 1, ten in nings. Other game postponed on account of rain. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. (Corrected Standings.) Pacific Coast League. w. L. Pet. Sail Francisco .. .24 11 .68G Vernon . 2o’ 15 .571 ‘-’alt Lake 18 15 .545 Oakland . 17 18 .486 Portland . 1« 18 .471 Seattle . 15 18 .455 Los Angelos . 14 21 .400 Sacramento . 13 21 .382 National League. w. L. Pet. New York . 14 7 .667 Cincinnati . 13 7 .650 | Chicago . 11 10 .573 Boston . 8 9 .471 i Brooklyn . 9 11 .450 I Pittsburgh . 10 13 .409 I Philadelphia 6 11 .353 St. Louis . 7 13 .350 American League. W? L. Pet New York .14 6 .700 Detroit . 11 8 .579 i Boston .11 8 .579 St. Louis . 10 10 .500 Chicago . 9 10 .4 74 Washington . tit 12 .45' | Cleveland . 9 11 .45C Philadelphia . 6 15 ,28( I Can “Tiny” Hartranft t Turn the Trick? ' | ij I NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT. In the Commissioner's Court for the Territory of Alaska Division No. 1 Juneau Precinct. Before V. A. Paine Commissioner, and Ex-Officio Probate Judge, In tho Matter of the Estate OT PETEK CORtJES, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that D. j VV. Iiurridge, administrator of the' estate of Peter Copies, decoasod.l | has filed herein and rendered for I settlement a final account of his j administration ot said state, and. .that a hearing will be had upon 'said final account cn Monday, June 19, 1924. at 10 o'clock a. rtl., before the undersigned, at his office at Juneau, Alaska, at which time and I place any person interested in said j estate may appear und file objec tions in writing to said final ac count and contest the same, j GIVEN under my hand and the 'seal of the Probate Court, this 6th j 'day of April, 1924. (Seal) V. A. PAINE, Commissioner and Ex-Officio Probate Judge. 'First publication April 7, 1924. ' Dast publication May 12, 1924. -I I | Sco Sully's Carpenter Shop for : Jobbing end Cabinet work. Phone I 136. —adv. A Home Product of Real Merit CONFECTIONS and ICE CREAM Are Home Products that all Juneauites are proud of. \1-:_ •-• i i Visit | I SITKA HOT SPRINGS | I Rates $3.00 Per Day and Dp ^ Dr. F. L. Goddard, Prop. ^ j The Renovatory i - | CLEANING AND PRESSING OF Men’s and Women's Apparel PHONE 394 ■ .-...■ • --f | JUNEAU APARTMENTS I - I Furnished Room*, Single Honse I keeping Room* and Snitea i <*f Room*. S. FELDON, Prop. Phone 286. 4 • • -m ELKS DEFEAT AMERICAN LEGION AND ALASKA JUNEAU WIN FROM MOOSE; LEAGUE SEASON IS OPEN i ------ Sabin, 3b. 4 0 0 2 2 1 Rose, rf. 1 0 0 0 0 0 •Alexander, if... 2 1 0 0 0 0 Totals . 20 6 8 18 5 0 *—Alexander substituted fer Rosa in third Inning. I Summary: Two base hits—Thom as and Fry; first on balls, off O'Nejll 4, off Curzon 4; struck out, by O'Neill 6, by Curzon 7; wild pitcher, O'Neill 1, Curzon 2; passed ballr, Thomas 2; bit by pitcher, ■ Watts by O'Neill. Umpires, Buzzell and Grubey. ANDREWS TOO MUCH FOR MOOSE; TWIRLS GOOD BAIL Andrews was tro much for the Moose outfit. Coats, who started for he champions, got by in line shape for three innings and had his sup port not waibbled in the fourth, might have held the Miners in check. However, after his backing weakened and the base.’ were popu lated on the fourth, the Miners’ tickers got to him and clouted out enough hits to win almost any aver age game. Andrews yielded but five hits, struck out nine men and walked hut two. He was given fine support and his team won under wraps. _ Play Good Ball._ (Continued on Page Eight.) TRACK MEETS LAST SATURDAY The following are points made in various track meets held last Satur j day afternoon in various parts of the states: | » At Eugene—Washington 73 2-3; [ Oregon 37 1-3. At Chicago—Iowa 98; Chirago 37. At Spokane—Whitman 68; Gon saga 63. At Cambridge—Harvard 150 1-2; Massachusetts Tech. 73 12. At La Fayette—Northwestern 78 11-3; Purdue 57 2-3. Annapolis—Penn State 75 2-3; Na vy 50 1-3. At Ann Arbor—Michigan 75 1-3; Ohio State 59 2-3. The lid of the second season of the City Baseball League was tilted yesterday afternoon at City Park when the Elks noeed out on tlie American Legion 7 to 6, and the Alaska Juneau trimmed the cham pion Moose aggregation 17 to 3. Owing to the unfavorable weather conditions, the parade was not stag ed but t'he other ceremonies at the park were carried out. At 1:30 p. m. the four clubs, league officials and headed by Sur veyor General Karl Thiele and May ot I. Goldstein, marched across the park to the flagpole where the Am erican flag and under it the Moose pennant for last season were hoisted. Mayor Opens Game. In the warming up, just before the opening game was scheduled to be called. Martin Gallwaa, the Elks' speedy shortstop, was hit in the face by a thrown bull and knocked unconscious. He was revived and carried off the field and rushed to ^ physician. His injuries were re ported to be painful but not serious. It was thought last night lie would be able to reappear in the lineup in the next game. . The season was ushered in by Mr. Thiele and Mayor Goldstein, the latter on the mound delivering the bai*'in big league style while the Surveyor General in mask, protector and shin guards, put most big leag uers to shame. Legion Scores First. The ex-soldiers slipped a run across in the opening frame. Hanna, Icaidoff man, slammed out a neat single over second. Wharf filed out to Davis at second who threw wild in. an effort to double Hanna at flrBt and the latter went to second. Nelson let Watts' hot grounder get by him and Hanna scored. Curzon went out Fry to Nelson and Wood ard lined (flit to Nelson. The Elks had a man at third in their 'half but he died there. Hen ning walked, first up, took second on a passed ball and third on a wild pitch. Fry fouled out, Heron whiffed and Coughlin, after sending one over the right field fence foul by inches, ftied out to Watts at first. Neither team could score in the second. Thomas, the Legion back stop, who looks like a hitter, clam med out a single. He was caught napping by a quick throw, O’Neill 1o Nelson. Barragar singled and worked his way to third when Davis muffed a throw to head him at mid way station. He died there when Sabin and Rose fanned. Curzon had the Elks batting order looking like toe dancers in the second. He fanned Ryan.Messerschmidt and Nel son, not even a foul being made off Jiis delivery. Elks Tie Score. The Legionnaires had a man at Second in the third but that wa dll. Hanna fanned. Wharf singled and took second on a wild pitch. Watts was hit by a batted ball and Curzon went out Henning to Nelson. O'Neill singled for the Elks after Davlis filed to Hanna. He stole second but overdid the theft gag and went out Thomas to Sabin at tempting t^SrAl larceny at third. Henning walked and stole second and came fi&mu .when Fry ring led to deep lefLifleW. the latter going to second tMr the throw-ln. Fry went to third when Thomas dropped a pitched ball. Heron fanned for the third out. But four men faced O'Neill in the fourth, filth and sitxh innings. But one liit and net a run was yielded in them. In the fourth the Elks reared three, one in the fifth and two in the sixth. C'cuglhlin, first up In the foutrh, flied to Hanna. Ryan and Messer schmidt. worked Curzon for free transportation and pulled off a double steal. Nelson fanned. Davit did the Casey at the bat stunt, singling cleanly to loft centerfleld and :coring Ryan and Mess, r schmidt. O'Nei’.l grounded to short and was safe on Barragar’s fumble. Ho went to second on a wild pitcli and took third when Wharf over ran Henning's fly to loft, the latter going to second. Fry hit to Sabin and was cut at first. In the fifth, after iHcrcn went out Sabin to Watts, Coughlin singled and took second on Want's error on Ryan's grounder. Messorsohmidt singled scoring Coughlin. Ryan was caught at third and Nelson fanned. In tho nixth, Davis dumped a roller to Sabin who sat down to think it over, Davis being safe at first. O'Neill hit to Sabin and was safe at first, Davis being forced at. soc ond. Henning fliod to Hanna. Fry d; ublcd sending O'Neill to third. Heron hit to Barragar who let the hall get through, O'Neill and Fry scoring. Coughlin went out, Bar ragar to Watts. Five in Seventh. Tho ex-oootie chasers mado a met ry-go-round of the pat Its in the seventh, scoring five runs, lacking one of tying the score. Nelson let Alexander’s grounder get away from him. Hanna walkod. Wharf singled scoring Alexander but Han na was run down between second and third. Watts singled and Wharf went to third. Curzon walked, filling the bags again. Woodard hit to short and Henning fumbled, Wharf scoring and all runners be ing safe. Thomas singled, getting his third hit of the game, scoring Watts and Curzon, Woodard taking eoccnd. Barragar hit to Fry and tho latter shut Woodard off at third, Henning making tho putout. Thoma took second on the play and stole third, scoring when Fry let Cough lin's throw to catch him get away, Barragar going to second. Sabin fanned for tho third out ensling the scoring and game. Lineup and Summary. ELKS AB R 11 PO A E Henning, ss. 2 1 0 2 3 1 Fry, 3h. 4 1 2 2 3 2 Horon. if. 4 0 0 0 0 0 Cough H n, c. 4 1 1 7 1 1 Ryan, cf. 2 1 0 1 0 0 M'rchmidt. rf. ..21100 0 Nelson, lb. 2 1 1 o 0 0 Nelson, lb. 3 0 0 6 0 2 Davie, 2 b.3 112 12 O'Neill, p.3 1112 0 Totals .27 7 6 21 10 8 AMERICAN LEGION. AB R H PO A E Hanna, 2b. 2 114 10 Wharf. If. 4 1 2 0 0 1 Watts, lb.3 114 0 1 Cutzen, p. . 3 . 1 0 0 0 o Woodard, cf. 4 0 0 0 0 0 ' Thomas, c. 4 13 8 11 Barragar, ss. 3 0 10 12 , HELL IS PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS GOOD PLUMBING. GOOD SHEET METAL WORK. ARE NOT GOOD JUST BY ACCIDENT. EVERY CUSTOMER OF OURS IS A POTENTIAL BOOSTER. WE KNOW THIS AND SO DO YOU. WE ACCOMPLISH THIS IN TWO WAYS: HONEST PRICES—GOOD WORKMANSHIP WOODARD & NEWMAN PLUMBING SOUTH FRONT ST. SHEET METAL WORK Phone 373 Roe. Phones 1401, 1203 - - ^ - • . . _ ■*»« i w • u < .) L4 & WASHINGTON GOLFERS ARE LOSERS, HOQUIAM HOQUIAM, Wash., May 12.—The University nf Washington golfers were defeated here last Saturday afternoon on the local course by a I score of 11 to 9. ---- COLLEGE GAMES. The following are scores of Col | lege baseball games played Satur day: Whitman 3. Gonzaga 5. Illinois (5. Ohio Slate fi. called at end of sixth frame on account of rain. New York 6, Army 1. Oregon 4. Washington State 1. Navy 7, Pittsburgh 1. California shut out the Meijl Uni versity nine, 6 to 0. HUSKIE NET MEN 1 WIN FROM AGGIES i _ SEATTLE, May 12.—'"Vhc Huskies tennis players won five singles and | two doubles straight from the net , men of the Oregon Aggies last Sat . unlay afternoon on the local court. TENNIS PLAYERS OF WHITMAN BEAT W. S. WALLA WALLA. Wash., May 12 : —The Whitman College players won three singles and three doubles from "Washington State College players ; last Saturday in play here. ZEV IS DEFEATED FOR SECOND TIME NEW YORK. May 12—Zev last Saturday afternoon sustained the sec ond de'feat this season, running third in the Excelsior handicap, the .lam aica feature. fil/ENKT *TIMY J-IARTIgANTy" Glenn (‘'Tiny") Hartranft, Stan ford University, Cal., athlete, Is cer tain of a place on the American Olympic team In the discus and 16 pound shot-put events. He recent ly made a heave of 60 feet 11V4 inches, only inch short of Ralph Hose’s world’s record. Hartranft Is bn all-around athlete, doing the 100 yards In 10 seconds flat BASEBALL ON BOSPHOROUS CONSTANTINOPLE, May 12. — A baseball league Is being organized by 'he Americans of Constantinople. II will be a four team league from the i employes of the American Express . Company. Standard Oil Company, ! Robert College and ilie U. S. Station i ship Scorpion. Seven nationalities are represented in the Robert College team. Seo Sully's Carpenter Shop for Mobbing and Cabinet work. Phone [136. —adv. "tRy'oUR ? Merchants Lunch 45 Cents Arcade Cafe ^ MARY YOUNG, Proprietor. | ' I r ” i H. C. HANNA COMPANY __ AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND ACCESSORIES 1 ► ' “ *|t i •»! • n h'» i ■*». I AGENTS FOR STUDEBAKER CARS AND FEDERAL TIRES ••• * * -■ * PHONE 35 ... VJ; OLD G. &|B.;MOTOR CO. A - HERE YOU HAVE IT ALL YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR Fine view. Choice neighborhood. Southern exposure. A large lot. Room for a garage. $3,000. Too High? Ask your Contractor. ALLEN SHATTUCK _INSURANCE REAL ESTATE_; SHEET METAL WORKS ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK DONE TO YOUR COM PLETE SATISFACTION W. C. JENSEN WINTER & POND BUILDING Phones—Res. 4042, Shop 34. Prompt Delivery at LADYSMITH COAX Phoue 48. - —— -.. * r—1-1 | It's all to knowing HOW to do | irst-class cleaning and dyeing. I CAPITAL DYE WORK! ] C. Meldner, Professional Dyer | and Cleaner. Phone ITT. " JAPANESlfTOY SHOP ] H. B. MAXIMO f ' Front Street ^ P. 0. Box 218 for Mail Ordera 1 —• ... » Watch Him Go After It Let liiih drink aii i.e waota. It 1 will do him good as our milk la absolutely pure and fresh. There is nothing better for children or grown-ups either, ft-r that mat ter. Let us leave you a quart or two each morning. Our cows hare beer free from tuberculosle tor four yoare. Juneau Dairy PHONE 146. V. - —.- .. ,J PROSPERITY IS HERE Help Make Alaska Grow Own a Home—Build Now Spruce Lenient Hemlock Brick Hi Hre Clay Iron Bark Lime Oak Hay Shingles Grain Boat Lumber JUNEAU LUMBER MILLS ♦ >