Newspaper Page Text
f-— THE EMPIRE n TEE MEDIUM Through which the general public can alway* hav# it* want* supplied. Cloainr time for claMifec advertisement*: 2 PM Closing: time for difplay ad vertisements : 11 A. M. Tea oent* pet lin* lrrt in •erties Five oent* for rabeegnemt in •artioTL Conn* ive average worn to the line ■*—---* ----— FOR SALE_ FOR SALE—4 ROOM WEI-L FT RN-1 ished house, with ba/th. Majestic range, strawberry bed and garden i plot Price $600 cash. Cali after j 6 pm. Mre. S. L. Burton, 529 Park Ave., 1 block above Ken-, nedy. * —-— 1 FOR SALE — ELECTRIC RANGE, washing machine, vacuum clean er. Heeuter with coils, laundry j stove. Kitchen Queen, dining set,] phonograph, beds, chiffonier, rugs, rocking chairs, garbage can and Book of Knowledge set. Phono I ' 366.__ ; FOR SALE — CHILD'S BED AND. springs, drop aides, 4 ft., by 6 ft. j long, $5. Drop head Singer Sew-1 ing machine, good working order, $15. Inquire 102 O-astineau Are. j FOR SALE~ KINDLING WOOLh Phone 143. j FOR SALE — DODGE TOURING car, $220. Call 364 between four; and six. Frank C. Coggins. t FOR SALE — 'SAVAGE 303 WITH reloading outfit cheap. Phone 352. _v i FOR SALE — SMALL CANNERY I Make inquiry at Empire 2380. j FOR SALE — ALASKA YELLOW Cedar Poles for telephone and electric power lines. Have on hand 400 poles, lengths 25 to 80 ft., tops 5 to 12 Inches. Also Yollotv Cedar timber for sale de livered ships tackle Petersburg, Cape Fanshaw (Cleveland Pass) or at logging camps 6 miles east! of Capo Fanshaw. Chvistoe & Ramstead, Juneau, Alaska. j FOR SALE—SINGER SEWING MA- j chine. Good condition. Phone 1704. j FOR SALE—GASBOAT PHEASANT, j $2,000. 48 ft. long. 25 h. p. At-,; las. Recently overhauled. Phone 4002, Box 851. FOR SALE—REASONABLE. 7 PAS senger Studebaker touring car.' See Tom Hanson, 12th and WU-1 loughby Ave or Phone 4503. FOR SALE — SHIPMENT LATEST Brunswick records. Come in and ! hear them. Anderson Music i Shop. Phone 143. FOR SALE—MAXWELL CAR, RE- ■ cently overhauled. Also for hire j by day or hour with or without, driver. Inquire Imperial Pool Hall. THE LATEST BRUNSWICK REC orda and Consul Phonographs at Anderson's Plano Shop. Pianos tuned. Phone 143. WALL BOAR* — Write for sam •*• of Washington plaster wall board; won't warp, won’t burn. Mfd. by Washington Building Products to*. Nil E. Marginal Way, Seattle FOR RENT FOR RENT—3 ROOM FURNISHED Apt. Phone 2004 421% E. 7th 8t. FOR RENT — FURNISHED ROOM. Call 115 West 6th St. or Phone 330. FOR RENT—4 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Phone 221. S ROOM UNFURNISHED PI ..AST ered house. Newly renovated. Phone 306. FOR RENT OR SALE — MODERN ' cottage. P. O. Box 956. J FOR RENT—7 ROOM HOUSE WITH bath. Inquire Nugget 8bop. FOR RENT — HOUSEKEEPING apartment with bath. Corner 3rd aad Gold St. Phone 136. FOR RENT — CABINS ON Wlb loughby Ave. Inquire Juneau Apts FDR RENT—FOUR ROOM APART ment, furnished, two bed rooms big dining room and kitchen. $16 a month. Juneau Apta FOR RENT—Six ROOM UNFURN lahed houee on Distln Ave. Allen p Shattuck. FOR RENT—« rooms and prlvat hath, steam heated and elegantly furnished. Inquire Office Wlndeo PHONOGRAPH for rent. Pnon I *«*• ’ PIANO FOR RENT-Phone 14S. P Tor a quick hot fire Evan Jones the ooal. —adr. POLLY -AND HER PALS > By qjff STERRETT .. _: :: MOT UnHERESTINAATinS THt < SHCIKS ASILI-ry AS A / ■■ ' KIDNAPER OP EAiF? / JPANASEL-SF=A PERKINS, ' HAS^HEECED THE WRlTlAJS ^ 1 ON THE’WALL, SOTO SPEAK. | » r * ^ wiS Sentiments on THE."' SUBJECT WERE ) ELOQUENTLY EX.PRESSEE , By HIMSELF INJ THE: foluowinS Statement.* p { An <5 IT ER* _____ Copyright 1924 by N*»»pop«t Fwturo Vrvi<« Inc Qtfot BnUitwig1 -*aav- !Q Cjj>-fe-V9Tte.ftafc>n'~'~ M ^ MISCELLANEOUS CARD READING at S22 We*t Ita M., on Tide Flats. F ABM 1ST—v-ouie and have your Jortune told from your band. Work,' business, marriage and the future foretold. 306 Front St. vTanted WANTED—BABY BUGGY. MUST bo In good condition. Phone 3201. WANTED — WOM A N~COOK~FOR Fire Club. Phone 300. Holland’s Queen Cuts Her Allowance. IE EEH When the Dutch Government re duced pay of Government employes Queen'Wilhel'.nlna ordered the Min ister of Finance to cut her own al lowance, exactly as she did a year ago under aimllar circumstance*. Cops Praise Her Rum, But Nab Her in Raid j NEW YORK, May 14.—Mary Mc Manus of Butler, N. J., is said to have brought a formula for making J good Irish whiskey with her when I she came to America twenty years I ago. The Butler police assert that j she has been making tho best quality of moonshine for miles around, and1 that a big price has been offered her! for the recipe. The McManus home was raided! and the policemen say they found two stills, much mash and several gallons of whiskey. Mrs. McManus was held in $1,000 bail. *-ft I HOME COOKED MEALS BANQUETS AND LUNCHEONS DINNER PARTIES By Appointment. ROCKLAND HOUSE 1 Opposite Palace Theatre. | PHONE 235. ■ ■ ■ ■ - - -■ CLIFF APARTMENTS 2, 2 and 4 room apartments completely famished H. G. Welch, Prop. .PHONE 209. f I 'if - ’-■Si, . '■ 'i * ROGERS IN PORT YESTERDAY AND OUT FOR SOUTH j Returns from Sitka and Takes Out 25 Passengers for Southern Towns. : ! Completing the first triangle tour i of the season, the Admiral Line: steamer Admiral Rogers, Capt. Land strom, arrived .here at 2:30 p. m. I [ yesterday from Sitka and sailed for | Seattle at 5:30 p. m. Twenty-five passengers left here on the vessel, Including: tor Seattle, i Lafe Spray, J. C. O’Ncin, Charles I Richardson; for Ketchikan, Thomas. | Leach, B. Loach, John Enge, E. I*.' I Clark. Nick Genoff, P. Lucy, R. A.1 : and Mrs. Maurer. O. .1. Cornwall, An nie Lofton; for Wrangoll, John James ill. L. Morris, Daniel Bean, J. Pag : for Petersburg. H. Berg. Mrs. II Per’ M. H. Sides, L. V. Sparks. E. Th i sen. Paul Barnes, Iljalmer Carson. Among the pa i tg m : riving were: L. O. Wills, n. 1 M -s’er. Mr.j 'and Mrs. W. J. Terry, C. J. Mettior, !v. V. Tarbill. SEVEN PASSENGERS HERE ON ESTEBETH | Seven passengers arrived here this | morning from Lynn Canal ports on j I the mailboat Bsteboth, returning! , from its regular weekly trip north.; ; It sails at 11 p. m. tomorrow for Sit- [ I ka and ports on Chatham Strait. Passengers arriving today were: j ; From Skagwav, Josephine Phil. C. j ! C. Personeus. F. Suffecool, Fred Fon | zo, M. Stindeen, Charles Woods. Tom j Corey and from Haines F. Wilson. PARIS NO LONGER ANGERED BY GERMAN ART AND MUSIC PARIS, May 12.—Germans and i man products are coming hack to ' Paris and France, and their return j causes less fuss and protest as each! step becomes known. German music came first. Within j a year after the armistice Wagner' was played at the Opera and in hig| concerts to occasional stormy scenes i and many cat calls and hisses. Soon i It was accepted without comment. -- »♦♦ Rargaln hunters always read The! ! Empire’s classified columns. _, t ,_ For engraved or printed calling cards see The Empire. # ALL ABOARD FOR WHITEHORSE VIA SKAGWAY Leaves Juneau 7 A. M. Friday, May 23, 1924. Round Trip Tickets $13. Juneau to Whitehorse and return. Phone 6 for reservations now. Juneau Ferry & Navigation Co. JEFFERSON GOES SOUTH AT 10 A.M. Returns from Haines Early Today and Departs for Seattle—Few Aboard. Returning from Haines at 9 a. m. today, the steamer Jefferson. Capt. Jock Livingston, of the Alaska line, sailed for Seattle and wayports at' 10 a, m. From now until the end j of the season In September, this vessel and the Alameda will alto-, nate on the Southeastern Alaska run. on a ten-day schedule. Passengers leaving this morning ri the Jefferson wpro: for K■ \a11’ \ 'O. Willis; for Wrangell, v . \ c ! Lindman: for2 PMftrsh’i-g n >!!: ! Nelson. H. F, Wnja TI. I!. L -F r. <■. PACir>~ ~^y A-'Ss. -.K.RVER rspCRT^ SCARCITY OF OLD FASHIONED THUNDER STORMS SAN FRANCISCO, May 14—A strip of the Paeifie Coast between Brit ish Columbia and Lower California, taking In the cities of Tacoma,! Portland, San Kraneseo. Los Angeles ; and San Diego, has fewer thunder storms than any other section of tiv. United States, according (o official1 of the Weather Bureau. E. A. Beals, United States meteor I ologist hero, pointed out that the rea l son for this, roughly speaking, is that the rains along the roast eom“j mostly in winter, when atmospheric conditions are less favorable for the! generation of cleetrleity. The thun- j der storms of the interior states and i along the Atlantic coast happen! largely in spring and summer, he explained, when there are warm rains. — , » » » Switchmen to Discuss Esch-Cummins Measure — DENVER, May 14.—Revision of I the Esc'h-Cummins transportation! hi 1!, providing for the elimination j of the so-called "politician group,” the representatives of the public cn the hoard, and a general dis cussion of wages and working con ditions as they now affoot the switchmen on the railroads of the ! country, are some of the matters i i o bo touched upon by the dele gates to tho triennial convention of the Swltobmen's Union of North America here this week. No formal program for the con vention has been prepared and none will bo, according to W. J. Trost, Vice-President, who is in Denver assisting in the completion of the arrangements for the entertainment of the 3,000 delegates expected to attend. Old papers lor sale at Empire STANLEY I FOUR-SQUARE Household Tools Choose the tools you need for use about the home from our full line of Stanley Four-Square Household Tools. 32 tools in. all—made especially for your everyday use in doing the many jobs that must be done. INDIVIDUALLY BOXED AND TAGGED AT POPULAR PRICES. COMPLETE STOCKS IN ALL LINES ARE CARRIED BY C. W. YOUNG CO. !____ 7-_-« Tide* Tomorrow a----* Low tide 4:10 a. m... 1.5 High tide 10:14 a. m.14.3 Low tide 4:19 p. in. 1.0 High tide 10:32 p. m. 16.5 • -a ! STEAMER MOVEMENTS | j i —i I NORTHBOUND QUEEN duo to arrive Sunday. | j SCHEDULED SAILINGS ESTEBETH will sail for Sitka | and way ports at 11 o’clock | Thursday night. | ALAMEDA scheduled to sail j t om H a:l! • tomorrow at 9 | I a. m. V 'KoN s In duk'd to sail from | S' ''tic May 17 at 9 a. m. PRINCESS ROYAL scheduled to j sail from Vancouver May 17 at j 9 p. m. JEFFERSON scheduled to sail j from Seattle May 20 at 9 a. j I m. I | ADMIRAL EVANS scheduled to | 1 sail from Seattle May 20 at 10 j I a. m. | ADMIRAL ROGERS scheduled to sail from Seattle May 21 at I 10 a. m. | MAIL BOAT GEORGE JR , sails j I from Juneau for Petersburg | [ next Saturday noon SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS 1 NORTHWESTERN due south- ] hound at 5 o’clock tills after- \ noon. ) ALASKA scheduled southbound j about May 22. | ADMIRAL WATSON is due | south about May 24. • -- ; American Fur Buyers Must Now Go to Moscow MOSCOW, May 14. — American fur buyers who annually purchase a million dollars worth of Russian shins, must hereafter come to Mos cow the Soviet Government has de clared after withdrawing from the Lelipsig market. Just received a shipment of Queen Quality Shoos. Goldstein’s Emporium. —-adv. Auk Bay Stage Make trip anytime, 3 passen- j gers or more. No Regular Trip Yet Round Trip $2.50. Phone 64 i STAND U & I CAFE ■ -—-m ■ - -<-■ Home Cooked Meals I or room and board at the Home Boarding House Formerly Gen. Hospital I PHOHE 293 jmiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiitiiiiiiiii — When it is your turn to invite guests, And you think about preparing this And that and find that you haven’t t Got just what you want to serve them 2 Then you wonder what to do next— 5 Think—Here it is— | “Let Us Serve Your Guest” I 1 GASTINEAU CAFE I FOil WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS' S. I. “WARE” leaves Seward on the 10th of eenk montk calling at all points u far west as Unalaska. _ • A.r , SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO., G. C. FEFDERSON, Agent, Seward, Alaska MAIL BOAT for Petersburg and way port*— rrODf'C ID T«ku Harbor, Bnetttaham, Speel River, Bun* Ijr.UKfjt JK. dutn, Windham Bay.Gambler Bay.Pybua Bay. . Brother Inland, Five Finger Station, Fanshaw, Farragut fl»T. Leaves Saturday at noon. Freight received until 10 A. M, Sat urdays at City Wharf. H. O. Adana, ticket agent. City Wharf Phones: Office, 23; res. 4044. Jacob Ottuen®. T»etershurg, Agt. RAM8TEAD TRANSPORTATION CO. ___ nt% ■ —Leaves Monday at 11 p. m. forHainea, Staff* ^ MAIL BOATS*.,«. .«».*, — ping at Tenakee Springs and other way COTCDCTU ’’°ris. For information see Dave HoUSftl, LO I lDC I II Fhone 444. Freight accepted until 12 noon,, day of sailing. , * |V -- j FOR PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER, SEATTLE | Leave Jonean Southbound— | PRINCESS ROYAL NIT ' Southbound ' May 12-22-June 2 Summer Tourist Tickets to all Eastern destinations "P'dive for sale May 22nd to September 15th inclusive with final return limit October 31st. BEGIN YOL’It SUMMER TOUR FROM JUNEAU. J. L. M’d-OSK^V. Agt., Juneau. , - i .. i i - m i m»i i« ■ ■ LBAVS DUB AT JUNEAU STEAMER Soottlo North South •ALAMEDA . May 8 NORTHWESTERN .May 3 May 8 May 14 JEFFERSON .May 8 May 12 May 12 ALASKA .May 10 May 13 May 21 •ALAMEDA .May 15 May 18 May 20 YUKON .May 17 May 20 May 28 NORTHWESTERN .May 24 May 27 Juno i •ALAMEDA .May 25 May 28 May 3'i W. E. NOWELL. AGENT JUNEAU. PHONE 2. L. W. KILBURN, AGENT DOUGLAS, PHONE 453. ’ 1 » ; J Ml, _ —a a -_ -J Due One Lv.Seattle Juneau NB Juneau SB EVANS .—. May It •WATSON .May 6 May 9 May 24 f ROGERS ..May 7 May 11 May 14 tQUEBN .May 14 May 18 May 21 t ROGERS .May 21 May 25 May 2| •EVANS .May 20 May 23 June 7 1 QUEEN . May 28 June 1 June 4 t—Calling Skagway and Sitka, returning to Juneau. •—Calling Seward and Anchorage and way point west . C. C. NICHOLS, Agent - OUT L. SMITH. Amt Phone 4 Phone 1i Douglas, Alaska. Pacific Coastwise Jerries ‘ADMIRAL LINE ■KnBmMRBR HP. ALEXANDER. FRESIDCNTBEMHBM