Newspaper Page Text
—- -p THE EMPIRE H TEE EEDITTM Through which the general pnblio can always have its wsnts supplied. i Closing time for classiled advertisements: 2 P. M. Closing Has for display ad vertuements: 11 L. M. Ten cents per line trst in •ertiea Five oenti for subsequent In sertion. Conn* ive average words to the Use * FOR SALE _ FOR SALE—-PIANO AND HOUSE-j hold goods. Upstairs 116 Second, Street^ __ _I FOR SA1.E — ALASKA YELLOW Cedar Foies for telephone end el- j ectrle power lines. Have now on j hand 460 from 25 to 80 feet In; length, tops 6 to 12 inches. Other, rr dimensions cut to order. Ajso^ Ydlow Cedar logs for sale. We' cut to order Yellow Cedar Floats for Floating Traps. Prices F. O. B. Ship'S tackle, Petersburg, Cope Fanshaw, or at Logging Camp 5 mile* East of Cape Fanshaw. Christoe & Ramstead, Juneau, Alaska. ____ V FOR SALE—4 ROOM WELL FITRN Ished house, with bwth. Majestic range, Btrawberry bed and garden r jflot Price $600 cash. Call after 6 pm. Mrs. S. L. Burton, 629 Park Ave., 1 block above Ken nedy. L — FOR 8ALE — ELECTRIC RANGE, R<*11 Top Desk, vacuum clean er. Heater with coils, laundry stove. Kitchen Queen, dining set, phonograph, beds, chiffonier, rugs, rooking chairs. garbage can. Phone 266. 366. „ _ ■ — FOR SALE — CHILD’S BED AND Springs, drop rides, 4 ft. by 6 ip. long, $6. Drop head Singer Sew ing machine, good working Order,; $15. Baby buggy, $5. Inquire. 102 Gastlneau Ave. FOR SALE — KINDLING WOOD Phone 143. _ FOR SALE — SAVAGE 303 WITH reloading outfit cheap. Phono 352. FOR SALE — SMALL CANNERY. Make inquiry at Empire 2380. jfor sale—Singer sewing ma chine. Good condition. Phone 1704. FOR SALE—OASBOAT PHEASANT. $2,000. 4 8 ft. long, 26 b. p. At- ' las. Recently overhauled. Phone i 4002, Box 851. FOR SALE — SHIPMENT LATEST Brunswick records. Come in and hear them. Anderson Music. Shop. Phone 143. FOR SALE—MAXWELL CAR, RE cently overhauled. Also for hire, by day or hour with or without i driver. Inquire Imperial Pool! Hall. .---! THE LATEST BRUNSWICK REC orda and Consul Phonographs at : Andereon's Plano Shop. Pianos tuned. Phone 143. *. _ _ __ £ WALL BOAlCfcr — write Tor sam ps. Ot Washington plaster wall boortl won’t warp, won’t burn. Mfd. by Washington Building Products CA. $111 K. Marginal Way, BeatUe LOST AND FOUND _ I _ ,,| | V j a FOUND—KODAK IN CEMETERY' Owner pay for ad and inquire; *?• Mr*. Fred Peterson. FOR RENT t _____ • FOR RENT—3 ROOM FURNISHED Afpt. Phone 2004 421% E. 7th St. ! FOR rent~'furnished room. Call 115 Wert 6th St. or Phone 810. f __Ji : FOR RENT—4 ROOM FURNISHED apartment. Phone 221. \ 6 ROOM UNFURNISHED PLAST . ered house. Newly renovated. ; Phone 306. 1 FOR RENT OR SALE — MODERN cottage. P. 0. Box 966. ; FOR RENT—7 ROOM HOUSE WITH bath. Inquire Nugget Shop. FOR RENT — HOUSEKEEPING apartment with bath. Corner-3rd and Gold St. Phone 136. * iroR RENT — CABINS ON WIL lOughby Are. Inquire J.uneau Apt* *? i_ \ FOR RENT—FOUR ROOM APART ' f tnent, furnished, two bed rooms t big dining room and kitchen. |16 V. a month. Juneau Apts. FOR RENT—<S1A ROOM UNFURN I iahad bouse on Distin Are. Allen Shattnck. ~Vo* RENT—« room* and privat i bath, ataam heated and elegantly tarnished. Inquire Office Wlndao ^PHONOGRAPH for rent, ^hon * PIANO FOR RENT—Phone 141. j POLLY AM) HER PALS Bj7 cypp STERRETT * n * • . •- •* :■ .* * : • • i ' _MISCELLANEOUS CARD READING at III West Ith I | Xt., on Tide Flats. PALMIST—u<u)e and nave your fortune told from your band. Work, truelneae, marriage and tbe future foretold. 306 Front St. WANTED ! WANTED — TO RENT, 4 OR 5 j room furnished house. Inquire | Montgomery, Empire. ; l WANTED — WOMAN OR SCHOOL girl for general housework. In quire Leader Dept. Store or Phone I 454. For engraven ot printed calling cards see The Empire. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE •Anchorage, Alaska April 4, 1924. Notice is hereby given that Henry Shirt tuck, a citizen of the United istiateo, through John F. Mullen, his attorney in fact, has filed appllca ! lion, Serial No. 05949, for a paten; | under and by virtue of Sections I 2306 and 2307, Revised Siatutes of I the United\ Stafgs, aa -assignee ofj Sanford L. Kent, for a tract of land! jin Survey 149?" Situated approxi :mn!01y one mile northwest of the, Town of Juneau, Alaska, in lati tude 5,8’ 18' 31" north, and long!-, tude 124°-26' 17" west, described: us . follow*: Beginning at corner No. 1, , approximately one mile north west of Juneau, Alaska, whence U. S. L. M. No. 3 bears S. 46 25' 40" F. 49.22 Chains; thence j | N. along line 4-3 of Survey N). j 1453, S. A. II. claim of J. F. Mullen; 6.78 chains to corner | No. 2; thence W. 3.03 chains j to corner No. 3, identical with I corner No. 2 of Survey No. j 593, S. A. II. claim of L. B. AdSlt; thence S. on W. boundary along line 2-1 of Survey No. 593, S. A. H. claim of L. B. Adsit, 6.78 chains to corner No. 4 to the center of a sidewalk four feet wide; thence from corner No. 4, 3.03 chains E. to corner No. 1, the place of be ginning, containing 2.055 acres. Variation 32° 30' East. This tract is bounded on the East by U. S. Survey No. 1453, S. A. H. claim of J. F. Mullen; on the West by United States Survoy No. 593, S. A. H. claim of L. B. Adsit, and on the North and South by un survoyed lands. Any and all persons claiming ad versely any of the above land should file their adverse claimi with the! Register of the United States Land Office at Andhorage, Alaska, within the period of publication, or thirty ’ays thereafter, or they will he barred by the provisions of the statute. FRANK A. BOYLE, Register. First publication: May 14, 1924. Last publication: July 16, 1924. T-' I HOME COOKED MEALS | BANQUETS AND LUNCHEONS DINNER PARTIES ) By Appointment. ROCKLAND HOUSE Oppoelte Palace Theatre. PHONE 236. ■ .—- -§ FIRE ALARM CALLS 1-8 Third and FrantMn. 1-4 Front and FrankUa. l-d Front, near Ferry Way. 1-6 Front, opp. Film Exchaaga. 1-7 Front, opp. Otty Wharf. 1- 8 Front, near Saw Mill. 2- 1 'tome Grocery. 2-3 Willoughby, opp. Dole Da—. 2-4 Front and Seward. 2-6 Front and Mala. 2-6 Second and Main. 2-7 Fifth and Seward. 2- 9 Fire Hell. 3- 2 Gastlaean end ltawn 3-4 Second and Gold. 3-6 Fourth and Harrta. 3-6 Fifth and Gold. 3-7 Fifth and East. 1-8 Seventh and Gold. 3- 9 Fifth and Kennedy. 4- 1 Ninth, back of power bourn 4-2 Calhoun, opp. Juneau Asha 4-8 Dletln Are., and Indian ML 4-6 Ninth and Calhoun. 4-6 Seventh and Mata. 4-1 Twelfth, at Northern I/dry 4-1 (Twelfth apd Willoughby. mnemrmmuhmammwmmmmMmmmMmmwaMmmmw 1 MARINE NEWS |V FILIPINO LABOR IN HAWAII MAY SOON BECOME A MENACE a--—*-- —w ' STEAMER MOVEMENTS | I - i NORTHBOUND QUEEN due to arrive at 7 a. m. | Sunday. ALAMEDA due to arrive at 8:30 | a. in. Tuesday according to a ' j cable received by Agent Now I ell. May be a mistake and 1 mean Sunday. ; YUKON due to arrive next Tues- | j day. | SCHEDULED SAILINGS | ! ESTEBET1I will sail for Skag- j | way and wayports at 11 p, m. j | Monday. PrtTNCESS ROYAL scheduled to | sail from Vancouver tonight at | !•;, 9jMK:k- 1 p JllfWflftSON scheduled to sail i | from Seattle May 20 at 9 a. I | m. j | ADMIRAL EVANS scheduled lo i j sail from Sea'tle May 20 ar 10 i a. m. 1 | ADMIRAL ROGERS scheduled !; | | to sail from Scattlf May 21 at I | 10 a. m. | NORTHWESTERN scheduled to [ ! sail from Seattle May 21. at I ; 9 a. m. MAIL BOAT GEORGE JR., sails from Juneau for Petersburg next Saturday noon. SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS I i ALASKA scheduled southbound ! i | about May 20. | ADMIRAL WATSON is due ! j | south about May 24. *-—-■ DEAN RICE IN SKAGWAY. There will he no services at Trin ity Cathedral in Juneau tomorrow, nor St. Luke’s Church in Douglas, as Dean C. E. Rice is absent in Skagway holding services in that city. He is expected to return to Juneau on the Alameda. HASTINGS, Neb.—Half an hour after a stormy congregational meet-j ing to discuss the allowing a Klan ( lecturer to conduct revivals, the First Baptist Church was burned to the! ground last night. Incendarism is! suspected. BERRY’S TAXI SERVICE. Ride in ease and comfort with Berry in his fine big Cadillac. Will take you any place you want to go. Phone 199. Stand next door to Gastlncuu Hotel. —adv. ALL ABOARD | FOR WHITEHORSE j VIA SKAGWAY “ALMA” Leaves Juneau 7 A. M. Friday, May 23, 1924. Adults Round Trip Tickets $15. Children under 12 years, $7.50. I Juneau to Whitehorse and return. Phone 6 for reservations 1 * now. Juneau Ferry & Navigation Co. HONOLULU, May 17. — Unless means are devised to instruct Fili pinos, a large numiber of whom have been brought to Hawaii by the sugar planters' association, in Am erican standards and customs, tlie Territory will face a menace such; as no ofher community has encount-j cred, H. \V. Mo:calf, Superintend* nt ( of the Filipino center of the Ha-1 wailan Board of Missions, has toll the Oliam'bor of Commerce litre. Failure to take action previously along those lines is the direct cause of the present strike of seine Fili pino plantation laborers, Mr. Met calf said. Tlie only way to cont .1 tiho large Filipino population w ulJ | be largely through Filipino 1 idcr >hi.p, and FHtoifjot: should b.* train ed for tints •, he ( iitinued. FIMpinto <p*mi to H wail with no conoo. * ion of the value of money, and 1 k hpiii work as punishment I and ’i)t n« a necessity to sustain i lift, the pcakt r continued. He ad-1 vac. *1 the employment of 20 Fili pinos uy leading commercial con-j corns co tliat they might be train ed. and In turn train tdicir country-1 men later. He said they should bo started in the lowest positions at small pay and be permitted to do-' volop gradually. “In this way it would be pos-l ible Ito produce Filipino leaders! who would understand the customs,: ideals and practices of the country,, in which they live. When it is con-! sidcred that tho life of Filipinos in! their homeland is entirely different! in every respect from their exist-; ence here, it is a marevl to me thai j those men have adopted themselves j to local conditions as well as they, have.” Mr. Metcalf said that the F*i 1 i-, piuos now comprise the second larg-] edt racial group In the Territory,; being led only by the Japanese. j S. B. HULLS MAY BE MADE INTO CANNERIES SEATTLE, May 17.—It is announc-1 ed that 20 former Shipping Board hulls In Lako Union sold to Capt. J. C. Brownsfield, of Seattle, and associates, by the Equitable Trans portation Co., of San Francisco, may be converted into floating salmon canneries. TO THE GENTLEMEN WHO STOLE MY MONEY YESTERDAY When you get broke come back I again, and you do not need to sneak : in the back door and steal from i me. If you ask me like a man for I help and I can possibly do so with out taking the last crusit of bread from my own children, you or any one else can be assured of help. My happiness is the happiness of others. Your respectfully, adv. F. W. HARRIS. , STANLEY FOUR-SQUARE Household Tools Choose the tools you need for use about the home from our full line of Stanley Four-Square Household Tools. 32 tools in all—made especially for your everyday use in doing the many jobs that must be done. INDIVIDUALLY BOXED AND TAGGED AT POPULAR PRICES. COMPLETE STOCKS IN ALL LINES ARE CARRIED BY C. W. YOUNG CO. l Tides Tomorrow *--4 Low tide 6:26 a. m..—3.9 I High tide 12:44 p. m.17.2 Low tide 6:34 p. m.—0.3 — TIDES MONDAY. High tide 0:39 a. ra.19 7 Low tide 7:11 a. m. —4.7 High tide 1:31 p. m.17.4 I Lod tide 7:19 p. m..—0.1 --- MRS LESLIE EXTENDS THANKS FOR BETHEL BEACH HOME FUND JUNEAU, May 16.—To the Editor — I would like to express ray appre ciation to th tr ends who so gener ously cnp*rlhn*' d toward the Bethel B' trh Horae Fund through the peti t'on r<- ulated before my departure lest fall. 1 also thank those who circulated the petition. The amount; realized for the first payment was $299.50. Of this $254 was paid on' the first payment of $400 in October. There is $53 on deposit in the First National Bank to be used toward the second payment now due. The Bethel Beach Homo will be a town home belonging to Juneau. Thanking all in behalf of the Bethel Beach Horae, MRS. M. O. LESLIE. OFFICIAL DROPS DEAD. According to advices received at Anchorage, Deputy Marshal ,T. L. Her on of Bethel, on the Kuskokwln riv er, dropped dead recently, his sudden demise being attributed to heart disease. A. J. SPRAGUE IS DEPARTMENT EDITOR FOR OUTDOOR LIFE A. J. Sprague, well known fish culturalist of Juneau, has been ap pointed fish culture department edi tor by the Outdoor Life magazine, of Denver, to succeed S. E. Land, recent ly deceased. All querie.s concerning j fish culture to be received by Out-| door Life will be referred to Mr. | Sprague, as its authority on the sub-; ject, for answer. Just received a shipment of I Queen Quality Shoes. Goldstein’s! Emporium. —adv. J Auk Bay Stage ; | Make trip anytime, 3 passen- j > gers or more. No Regular Trip Yet Round Trip $2.50. Phone 64 | I STAND U & I CAFE ■-■] P n i± ^luauiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmii'. S' •» 5 When it is your turn to invite guests, 5 - And you think about preparing this 1 And that and find that you haven’t s t Got just what you want to serve them £ 3 Then you wonder what to do next— ; S Think—Here it is— 2 = 2 £ “Let Us Serve Your Guest” | GASTINEAUCAFE I 3 3 m rnniiinimiuiiniiimiminiiiiiinitniiiiiiiiniiiiiuiiiuinijniniinmmuiHiiniH„r.^ FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS! 3 «J *W I. I. “ITAIR” leaves Seward on the 10th of ee*k monts ■filing at all points as far west as Un&laska. % SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO., 0. C. FENDERSON, Agent, Seward, Alaska ' i MAIL BOAT foh Petersburg and way portv rCADPC ID I’aku Harbor, Snettlshani, Speel River, Baas- j liLUftliJ, JK. dum, Windham Bay,Gambler Bay.Pybua Bay, i Brother island. Five Finger Station, Fanahaw, Warragut Bay. I Leaves Saturday at noon. Freight received until 18 JL X. Sab- ‘ urdayg at City Wharf. H. 0. Adams, ticket agent. City Wbns* 1 Phones: Office, 23; res. 4044. Jacob Ottnesa. Teteraburg, Agt. RAMSTEAF TRANSPORTATION CO. i * —m ■ ■ — ;i ... — t— ~ --— ■ ■' 1 *~“***\ _ _ Leaves Monday at 11 p. m. for Haines^ Skag* • MAIL BuATs.r^:x^u P»**. _ ping at Tenakee Springs and other Way EOTCDCTU ',°rts. For information see Dave HotuMl, LU I LDL I II P^10116 444. Freight accepted until 18 noon, day of sailing. *- - - - - O. ..J . •" OR PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER, IRATTLX Leave Juneau Southbound— PRINCESS ROYAL - W May 12-22-June 2 Tickets to all Eastern destination} <'ff-vtlre f«*r sale May 22nd to September 15th inclusive with final return limit October 31st. BEGIN YOUR SUMMER TOUR I ROM JUNEAU. J. L. M’CLOSKKY, Agt., Jureau. P“ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMPANY I API TV - IERVICR — SPXD LEAV B DUB AT JUNKAO STEAMER Seattle North Booth •alameda ... May k NORTHWESTERN .May 3 May 0 May II JEFFERSON .May 8 May 12 May IV ALASKA . :.May 10 May 13 May 20 •ALAMEDA .May 15 May 18 May V« YUKON .May 17 May 20 May W NORTHWESTERN .May 24 May 27 Ju«a t •ALAMEDA .-...May 25 May 28 May 0*1 *—Calls Petersburg botli ways. W. E. NOWELL. AGENT JUNEAU. PHONE 2. L. W. KILBURN, AGENT DOUGLAS, PHONE 453. " ■ ..r* 1,11 — ■ -» .— to*, „■ ,j I * Due Du® Lv.Seattle Juneau NB Juneau £B EVANS ...— May f •WATSON .May 6 May 9 May 84 tROGERS .May 7 May 11 May 14 1 QUEEN .May 14 May 18 May 3k tROGERS .May 21 May 25 May 81 •EVANS ..-May 20 May 23 June 7 1QUEEN .-.May 28 June 1 Jan* 4 t—Calling Skagway and Sitka, returning td Juneau. •—Calling Seward and Anchorage and fray point went C. C. NICHOLS, Agent OUT L. SMITH, Agent Phone 4 Phone IS 1 Douglas, Alaska. Pacific Coastwise Jerviec »ADMIRAL LINE ■■■■■■■■■ H.K ALEXANDER. RRESIDENTMBHBMBM#