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BRINGING UP FATHER By GEORGE McMANUS I'VE ‘bCfrr FOR Av COUPLE OF <5>TE!HOGRA\PHER.c3 J tor OUR office • ^—5" V YESTERDAY’S GAMES. Pacific Coast League. Vornon 9; Seattle 1. Oakland 1; Portland 3. Salt Lake 3; San Francisco 8. Sacramjsnto 2; Los Angeles 6. The following homers were made yesterday: Menosky, of Vernon; Hood of Los Angeles! Kelly, Ellison, and Mulligan of San Francisco; | Koehler of Sacramento and LaFay-j ette of Oakland. National League. St. Louis 8; Boston 5. Chicago 8; Philadelphia 6. Pittsburgh 8; New York 10. Cincinnati 2; Brooklyn 9. The following homers were made yesterday In the National League: Moran of Philadelphia; Cruse of Boston and Terry of New York. American League. Boston 5; Detroit 4. Other games were postponed on ac count of rain. College Games. Michigan Aggies 1; Michigan 3. Delaware 2; Army 3. Iowa 8; Meljl 2. Idaho 16; Oregon 0. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Pacific Coast League. w. L. Pet. San Francisco . 29 15 .659 Salt Lake . 23 19 .548 Vernon . 24 20 .545 Seattle .„. '21 21 .500 Portland . 20 23 .465 Oakland . 19 25 .432 Los Angeles . 19 25 .432 Eoc'ramento . 18 25 .419 National League. w. L. Pet. Cincinnati . 16 11 .5931 Chicago . 19 14 .576] New York _ 16 13 .5521 Boston .... 11 12 .4 78 1 Brooklyn __ 13 13 .500 j Pittsburgh . 14 16 .467! St. Louis ..._. 1 1 15 .423] Philadelphia . 9 16 .360 American League. W. L. Pet New York . 16 9 .640 Boston .. 17 10 .630 St.-vLouis .„. 14 11 .560 Dotroit . 14 13 .519 CMjoago . 11 12 .4 78 Cleveland . 12 13 .480 j Washington . 12 15 .4 4 4 Philadelphia . 8 19 .296 ] “STRANGLER” DEFENDS HIS WRESTLING TITLE PHILADELPHIA, May 22.— | •‘Strangler” Ed Lewis successfully j defended his world’s heavyweight; wrestling championship title last night against Renato Gardins, Ital ian claimant. NOTICE. Boats are warned not to enter or ite at anchor in Tee Harbor on aooount of blasting on road. —adv. SIEMS & CARLSON. I Four-Months-Old Boy I an Acrobat. f I — ! 1 K H KU?a | ffcgj | Mr*. Milton H. King, t>f Dallas, Tex., has no fears regarding the future of her son, who already I shows tremendous strength for a four-months-old child. Here's one of the Btunt she performs. BRITISH NET ASSOC. IS AGAINST WRITERS LONDON. May 22.—The Counci’ of the Lawn Tennis Association to day resolved against players in in ternational matches writing for th( press regarding those contests. NO INTERFERENCE OF FISTIC AFFAIF INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., May 22 Gov. Branch gave assurance then will be no interference in the Gib bons-Carpentier match at Michigar City on May 31. COLORADO* TO PLAY HAWAII UNIVERSITY HONOLULU, May 22.—The Uni versity of Colorado, Boulder, has accepted the invitation of the How ail University to send a football team here in the fall to play two games. ■-1 TRY OUR Merchants Lunch 45 Cent* 1 Arcade Cafe ! I ' MARY YOUNG, Proprietor. | f SAME POSTPONED OWINE TO SAIN Tonight’s League Game Call ed Off—Sunday’s Game Is Also Postponed. Owing to the rain whieli started last night and was continuing stead ily this afternoon, the game sched uled between the Alaska Juneau and American Legion teams for this even ings was postponed. It will probably be played of. next Wednesday even ing, according to President J. L. Gray, of the City League. The postponed game of last Tues day between the Elks and Alaska Juneau clubs set for next Sunday af ternoon, has been called off. It will be played Monday evening, it was said. League officials said a number of players are making the trip to Whitehorse and would not be present Sunday. The American Legion Post, also, is to conduct the funeral of one of the mine accident victims Sunday afternoon. For these reasons, it was decided to call off the game set for that time. OLYMPIC SWIMMING POOL IS LARGEST ONE IN THE WORLD PARIS, May 23 The Olympic swimming pool at the Porte des Lilas, across the cify of Paris from the Athletic Stadium of Colombes, is practically completed. Long delays in construction and the immense < ost, for the pool will stand the City of Paris 10,000,000 francs when completed, have caused to flow as much ink as would fill it; but the Olympic officials are sanguine that no further criticism will be forthcoming, and they are already claiming the distinction of having ‘‘the greaterit swimming pool in the world.” # The pool itself -Is 50 yards in length by 18 wide and five deep at the deeper ohd.n' Accommodation for 10,000 people is provided in the' Stadium cfhich j surrounds the pool and 40 dressing j rooms are distributed underneath the stands. They comprise 750 sep | unite cabins, permitting that num | her of athletes to dress at the ! same time. The French realize that they have j spent a lot of money in this af-j fair, but the stadium was only the! [pretext; the swimming pool was the j object. They say they have built I i a solid monument to water sports which will stand lonp after the 1024 Olympic Games any forgotten. VANCOUVER CREW TO ROW IN PARIS! VANCOUVER, R C„ May 22. - The Vancouver Rowing Club’s sen ior four, winners of the Pacific Coast championship for the past two seasons, will be sent to the Olympic, games in Paris to compete for the world’s title. This was de cided today by the rowing club; members. Seo Sully s Carpenter Shop forj lobbing and Cabinet work. Phone I 136. —aflv. I ED HEARNE ENTERS 250 -MILE MOTOR RACE AT ALTOONA I - | ALTOONA. Pa., May 22— Cham j pion Eddie Heanle, the biggest ; figure in the year’s racing, has I signed for the 250 inile International ! classic to be held on the great speedway here Saturday, June 14. With Ilearne entered, the "big four” of the sport— Hearne, Milton, Mut'-i phy and Fengler—top the list of | those who will face the starter’s j fl8K' , ' j KINSEY BROTHERS TO DEFEND NET TITLES ST. LOUIS, May 22—Robert and Howard Kinsey of San Francisco, It was announced will defend their national clay court tennis double* championship title In the tourna ment starting here July 5. See Sully’* Carpenter Shop for i Jobbing nnd Cabinet work. Phon* I ISC. ■ ' ' —afly. t * l 1 - . S - . W~ " ■ J-. .V ' ' .. -■ H .i ■ > ■ , I__I ■ Cutting the Cost of a Basic Necessity Standard Oil Service in Alaskan ter ritory, operating throughout eight dis tributing stations (shown on the map) and our two motor ships, “Standard Service” and “Alaska Standard,” is de livering petroleum products of depend able quality at points where they were formerly unobtainable. Many Custom ers are installing tanks and other stor age facilities enabling them to receive deliveries in bulk to their own storage at a considerable saving over the cost of commercial transportation in drums. The “Standard Service” and “Alaska / • • Standard,” built especially for the Alaskan service, are making regular visits to over a hundred ports of call. The assurance of a dependable service of petroleum products at reasonable prices has stimulated commercial de velopment in many lines and in many regions. Write our office in the Alaska Build ing, Seattle, Washington, or the near est Standard Oil Station (shown on the map) for details concerning Standard Oil Service in Alaskan territory. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) --r-.-..' -■ . r...— ■-1 | HOTEL SEATTLE / I "Home of Alaskans" t Prlcee reasonable. Europe** ( plan. Seattle, Wash, . -1 «---■ Juneau Electric Co. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Radio Supplies. Repairing and I jobbing. Phone 126. 210 Front , Street. P. O. Box $V7. v--—— -a -;.n" ■ Senate Rooms Clean, Reasonable. Rooms by the Day, Week or Month. Telephone 323. ■ _- to YOUR 'UNUSED- ASSETS—tha typewriter, musical Instrument, fur* nlture, office fixture or appliance— ire marketable, for cash, through he classified columns of The Empire. T Permanent j W. make and keep a large I stock for immediate delivery, I (he old reliable standard ! double-lock FIREPROOF con ! crete chimney block, without ! a fault. Concrete Product* , Mfg. Co. Near Ball Park, Jn | neau, Alaska. Established Twenty Years. PHONE 81. CONCRETE PRODUCTS MFQ. COMPANY JUNEAU TRANSFER COMPANY Move-., Packs aad Store* Freight and Baggage. Prompt Delivery of LADYSMITH COAL Phoue 48. ■--l i T | It’* all in knowing HOW to do | tr*t-claa* cleaning and dyeing. I CAPITAL DYE WORK! j 0. Meidner, Proleeelonal Dyer and Cleaner. Phone ITT. \ I; Watch Him Go After It I Let bim drink aii ne wants. It 1 will do him good aa oar milk la absolutely pure and fresh. Thera la nothlug better for children or grown-ups either, for that mat ter. Let us leave you a quart Or two each morning. Our cows have beer free from tuberculosis for four years. Juneau Dairy PHONE 14C. V - ' ■ ' l t f PROSPERITY IS HERE Own a Home—Build Now Help Make Alaska Grew >f> H M- ’ Spruce Cement Hemlock Brick Fn Fire Gay Iron Bark Lima i Oak Hay 4 Shingles Grain Boat Lumber j JUNEAU LUMBER MILLS