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Newspaper Page Text
gllllllllllillillllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllliC 1 June Sale of White 1 zz: ~ MUSLIN, SILK AND FILIPINO UNDERWEAR Filipino Lingerie— f Envelope Chemises and gowns fin ished with fine Scalloped edges and beautiful embroidery. $4.00 to $5.00. Crepe Gowns— Crepe Gowns of the finest qualities in novelty styles. _ $2.25 to $3.75. == Silk Lingerie— ff Gowns and Chemises of Crepe do §| Chine in a good quality. I $5.50 to $16.00. Bloomers— Bloomers of Crepe, flat knit, Ponge to the best quality silk. * $1.00 to $5.00 ft pair. -..—.» i- —■■—1 LADIES’ SLIPPERS A new shipment of ladies black suede slippers. $9.75 a pair. MEN’S HATS Broken lines up to $6.00‘ for $2.95. •.-, s TABLE LINEN, TOWELS AND I TOWELING t Tabic Cloths— I; Mercerized cloths, finished, size 3 64x64. 1 $2.50 to $6.50. i 3 Table Damask by the Yard— § Mercerized Table Damask. Many 3 floral coventional and satin stripe 3 dcsigllS. . 2 $1.00 to $2.50 a yard. § 1 All Linen Damask 5' 2 $3.75 and $5.00 a yard. 1 Turkish Towels— 2 18x36 good terry towels. 2 3 for $1.00. 3 ;-;--1 Toweling— 5 Linen Finished Cotton 5 25 and 35 cents a yard. 2 All Linen—IB-inch. § 40 cents a yard. 2 -- I June 15th is § FATHER’S DAY 1 A new and most complete g line of neckties have just 3 5 conic in. 2 75c, $1.25 to $2.75 each. § £- Don't Forget Fire-Boys’ Bimetal) Pitt are at Snickctt’s Palace on S ££ Thursday. Friday and Saturday. S | B. Go., Inc. | * ».*• 5 ramiiiiitiiitiiiiiiliiiilHllilllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllUtilliilllllillllllllllllllillll liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiii ”• ■ n r\ ■' -n Tt t ry ~ NEW CONTRASTS AT REPUBLICAN NATLJESSIM Former Powerful Influence Removed — Science Is Taking Part Now. ECi'otlnuefl iron Page Ona.T tions.1 (ampaign manager—ami C Jiaseoii Slcmp. Virginia, the Chic Kiecnt ire's prlvinte secretary. Bet are of the CoolMgo type -calm an reticle'll politital leaders. New Convention Feature Science's contribution provtd big convention feature. By tlio us of radio in broadcasting conVeutttr proceedings throughout the comitr for the first tim*. 2d.Ono.ono peopl in the United States will be cnnbioi to "listen In-’ through 14 station reached by telephone from toe eon ventlon. In addition, approximate!; 60,000 Clevelanders may hear Ihmugl U>iid-n|ieflhcrs ontside the Conventioi Hall. The merest sdAlUNo devcjopm m but recently successfully tested Ik tween Cleveland and Sew York i lolrpfthnc photography, by whV photographs can be transmitted ove an ordinary tslephone wire In les fh*p Die mfnutos. Through the ct operation of engineer* of the Amer1 can Telephone and Telegraph Com paiiv, it is planned to transmit nf , flc-lnl c (invention pic ture-* Iiv iclo. I ptioii" to New York paper, in fiv-' mimiios. . FOUR TOURISTS FROM LOS ANGELES ARE TO \ SPEND SUMMER HERE Among (Ip- tourfsU to arrive- at s|.fnn«au on the Admiral Royers wore I Prof, ami Mrs. Elinor K. Cary and | Will f. Counter of Eos Any -lev | They e xpect to spend the mftcimeri hero, and have rentrd tile Spin**! j renfdcnce on Dixeu SNc-cct whic h will' : he their honec while in the City. ! Prof. Cary ,i» a lecturer on food i ('and dlc'tec-tlcs. and tbetr relation to’, j health. He will probably deliver a! I course of lectures' here. Prof. Cary and party ara delighted | with t-e ii p'talfty shown thorn by! ii the p •' [ Ii ' .Tii- an >nil -it look .just an hour for Robert Hlmpionl , BUd Mrs. Harry E Hronu to com) , yirice them tluif (hod- ought to spend I lire summer in d lined 11. , i ■ Russians Attempt to Snub American Fliers, J; SEWARIT.' Turn f<.—(’»rl fy\.. A , ! .lobnnaan. .master of the mall stc-am-i j or Starr.' --brought A .story here of . the snubbing of the American fliers ,'hy the nnaainns at >Jik»l*al Hay. 1 which whs received ftom Ciipt Reck of the Eider. The Elder wedt to Nikolsal Hav ahead of the fliers and intruded to remain iintll tile flier* had de parted. The Elder asked permission 0 Jf't fresh water and the Russian mid it won hi take hours. Th Wanes arrived under cover of a stori iml anchored before the Russian iaw them. The aviators spent tli night in comfort aboard the Bldt mi! in the morning which was brigi and dear, the planes left. The Rldr Picked up the buoys and hurried o as no water was needed. The Hu slans appeared convinced the stori forced the planes to light. ■ ANNO UNCEMENT OF CANDIDACY in vtow rtf the fact that I bav : helved numerous letters from pet - it thronchowt. the Territory asi n' If 1 1*1 i candidate for th [.■ ; ids fit re, 1 wish to announce tha 1 am a candidal e rimnltgg on th Independent Ticket. THOMAS B. BOVD. ^ ( adv'trftsemeut. 1 - l „| NOTICE. Moats aro wanted not to entf >i lie at anchor in Tee Harbor o iccount of blasting on road, -adwp ^*lBMBsfc^JA*fcSa*I.^ • . CEO. B. MCE PLUMBING—HEATING—ROOFING—OIL BURNERS Phone Shop 34—“Phone Hone 343 “Shop Brought to Your A' Door in a ForA” Winter & Pond, Bldg. * ‘7 Love You” Three Most Important Wordsj • i • _ r el 7-~t i l love you, I Editor "Love Story Maga zine’’ Aids Scientists in Search for Domi el nant Trio | -- New York City.—Ruth Agnes J Abeling, editor of Love Story J Magazine, apropos of the recent - effort of prominent scientists and : others to pick, the most impor »l taut words in the English Ian ! guage, nominates three—“I,” l “love,” “yon.’' . ' "It does not matter,” says Miss *■ Abeling, “whether it is a play, or [ '!Ui I MOTHER SURPRISES HER || SON; COMES FOR VISIT : Thtre war an Impromptu surprise parly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j 3. c. MViHrWe yvftcrday morning When Mrs. -Clara (Cross, mother ol l Col. SlcBrlde arrtrrd on ihc Ad (mtral Rogers from her home in | Berkeley, C'nl., for a rummer rise. | No intimation of the visit, was made i and Mr-. Cross Jnrt "dropped in" w ithout any word. Mrs. Crocs i - j well known hero from previous I visits to her rc i, the last made jcfxntt five years ago, HEMM1NGER FUNERAL TO BE HELD TOMORROW P.M. I Funeral services for the late fieri i Hemmlnger, old-timer of Alaska who died here last Friday night, will be held at 2 p. m. tomorrow In the chap el of C. \V. Young Co's. Undertaking Parlors, according to an announce I ou,” 15 all that I say_. a book, or a song, or a painting, if it does not tell the story ‘I love you’ it cannot mean much to the public. "Anything of sentiment to be important, must have that confes sion mixed up in it.” Miss Abeling adds lhat the popular song “I Love You” tells the whole love story in its sim plest form. “And in its haunt ing musical setting," she said, “ ‘I Love You’ is the world’s perfect love letter, more useful to the love-lorn young man than any letter writing guide ever com posed.” j ment made today. Interment will lie I made In Evergreen cemetery. Hemminger’s death was caused by I tuberculosis from which he had suf ! fered some time. He came north ill 1901 and was widely known. He had resided at various times in Daw son, Fairbanks and other northern gold camps. He came to Juneau In 1918 and had lived here since that time. DOUGLAS MAN PLEADS GUILTY; GIVEN FINE j Sante Degan this morning appear ! ed before U. S. Commissioner Gray. | of Douglas, and pleaded guilty to a I charges of possessing intoxicating l liquor in violation of the Alaska Bone Dry Law. He was fined $-150 and coats hv Judge Gray. The charge grew out of a raid oil ; the Butte I’ool Room, ill Douglas. | Saturday night by Prphibitlon Direc tor A. G. Means and Officer Sharpies > in which part of a bottle of whis key was spited. i . p i 9 P r t r n *• n I r: I r 3 J _ - __— ——i——. —.—-— .. —_ _—__ -_ ■.-1 I I , . . __ it ' jtiitKiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiinaiiiiiiiiiitniiiiMiiaifintttvftHMfv^ STARRETT TOOLS | WE HAVE JUST ADDED A FULL LINE 1 OF STARRETT TOOLS TO OUR STOCK. 1 = s | Drop in and look them over. ^ JUNEAU HARDWARE CU. j AGENTS FOR DUPONT POWDER CO. E Den t Forget Firc-Bovs' Baseball Picture at Spickctt's Palace on 5 Thursday. Friday and Saturday. 1 ( . i ~ TAILOR CUSTOMER When you have tried everybody else, come back to Woltand'i and get a good HOME MADE suit of clothes. We give you the best, both — F Wi ■' ,ty^e' <)Ua^ty an^ value- : ( F. WOLLAND, Merchant Tailor. i i " - -- ■■■'1 ■ ■ — ■ .— ■ i*i is a- j " T-- " "S ALASKA MEAT COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Batchers FHOME to SEWARD STREET *■ ■ . ■ —I I .. I , ■ ■■—■ — I I j i.» Jwl •|||l !—■. ' ■ - ■ - * *---- - ■ ■ ■■-'■ ■ — ■ i | TREASURES OF THE NORTH I TTie storehouse of Alaska’s wealth has opened | 1 to more wonders and now we have a joy to the sum* | | mer vacationist. 1 Four glorious trips in the interior land, via TTfli | I ALASKA RAILROAD, ‘‘McKinley Park Route,” are | | offered. § i 1—Reward to Fairbanks—through a land of contrast*, beauty 5 ~ and charm. S S 2—McKinley National Park—3,000 square miles of fascia? £ 5 atlng grandeur. Comfortable camps, saddle horses and guides g ■S insure constant enjoyment. is S 3—Ncnana to Holy Cross—1,460 miles round trip b/ steamer a a on the mighty Yukon River. ‘ £, 3 4—The New Golden Belt Line Tour—a trip made by three 5 = modes of travel, steamer, train and automobile through 121 mllea £ a in the interior over TIIE ALASKA RAILROAD, Richardson ffigh* £ X way and Coppor River and Northwestern Railroad. 8: £ For farther information inquire local steamship agents or | = write General Manager, The Alaska Railroad, Anohoraga, Alaska. 1 1 THE ALASKA RAILROAD j YOUR BIN SHOULD HE FULL OF FEMMER’S COAL . r - The Right Coal. The Right Price, Best Delivery Service In Town. We also carry a full line Of Feed, Live Chickens. We dress them and deliver at your door on short notice: D. E.~FEMMER J PHONE 114 - .j ______ - - -- MILLER’S TAXI PHONE 183 PACKARD, STUDEBAKER AND ESSEX CARS WITH EFFICIENT DRIVERS AT YOUR SERVICE \ « AT ALL HOURS. SERVICE—COMFORT—SAFETY 5-Passenger Car for Hire Without Driver, If Desired. * ■ ■ 1 ■ ■' "i i ■ i ■ ..... .. ■ — / !*■ .. . ■ *■■■■■ '.'.i1*'1 Modern Conveniences Comfortable Ream ■; HO TEL ZYNDA LOCKIE M'KINNON, Proprietor. . ■, >>> , Elevator Service Reasonable Rati* t- ■■ ... . WHOLESOME BREAD ELECTRICALLY COOKED—3 LOAVES FOR 25 CENTS Beit Kind of Pastriea, Cookies, Doughnuts, Rolls, Etc. .. THE AMERICAN WAY” t AMERICAN BAKERY AND GROCERY "The Raker »m Bakca” WE DELTVKR ■ - - - . ■ THE JUNEAU i fraiklla Stmt Mtrm Proul and leoei! it —s <