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POU-Y^AND HER PALS - ~ " By CUFF STERRElj T ' % " I '/Dll <k . a_i . "" i i i ■ - _ _~ m--1 THE EMPIRE n TEE MEDIUM Through which the general public can alwayi hare it* want* inpplied. Clod nr time for elaiailed advertuementi: 2 P M. Cloting time for diiplay ad rertiiementa: 11 A. M. Ten oente per line frit I* •ertica Five oent* for inbiegnent In section. Conn* lve average worai to the line •---■ FOR SALE _ KOU SAIj:—BUICK 4, 1918. EX rollout condition, 4 good tires $;;D(*. See car at Connors, KXm SALE — VICTROLA AN! ct: nd, 22 automatic pistol an< • et.rtriAges, and ono electric waffl and hot cake iron. See Andorsoi tl.e 2nd hand man. FOR SALE 2 'A CARAT DIAMON1 ring. See John Reck personally First National Rank. FOR SALE — SEVEN-PASSENGE1 car, in first class condition. Fo quick sale, $450. Juneau Moto Co. __ FOR SALE—fiOCKEYE GILL NET! loads and corks. Henry Roden. FOll SALE — ALASKA YELLOV Cedar Poles for telephone and el ectric power lines. Have now oi hand 400 from 25 to 80 feet it length, tops 5 to 12 Inches. Othc dimensions cut to order. Als. Yellow Cedar logs for sale. Wi cut to order Yellow Cedar Float! for Floating Traps. Prices F. O D. Ship's tackle. Petersburg. Capi Fansliaw. or at Logging Oamp i miles East of Cape Fanshaw Chrlstoe & Ramstead, Juneau Alaska. FOR SALE — SHIPMENT LATE81 Brunswick records. Come In ant hear them. Anderson Mush Shop. Phone 143. FOR SALE—MAXWELL CAR, RE cently overhauled. Also for hlrt by day or hour with or without driver. Inquire imperial Pool Hall. THE LATEST bRUNBWlCK. RPC ords and Consul Phonographs at Anderson's Plano Shop. Plano) tuned. Phone 143. WALL boarh — trnie ror earn ft. of Washington plaster wall board; won't warp, won't burn. Mfd. by Washington Building Product* *o., 8861 E. Marginal Way. Beattie ‘ FOR RENT FOR RENT — FURNISHED 4 room flat. Block from Gastineau Hotel. Phone 221. FOR RENT—2. 3 AND 4 ROOM apts. fully furnished, light and water. Juneau Apartments. FOR RENT—4 ROOM UNFURN IS li ed house. Telephone 30. FOR RENT—3 ROOM FURNISHED Apt. Phone 2004 421M, B. 7th St. FOR RENT — FURNISHED ROOM. Call 115 West 6th St. or Phone 330. 6 ROOM UNFURNISHED PLAST erod house. Newly renovated. Phone 300. FOR RENT — HO U 8 EK E E PIN O apartment with hath. Corner 3rd » and Gold St. Phone 136. FOR RENT—sia ROOM UNFURN tubed bouse on Dtstln Ave. Allen Hhattuck. FOR KENT—«< rooms and prlvat bath, steam heated and elegantly furnished. Inquire Office Wlndeo AptA ." PHONOGRAPH for rent. Pnon 141. PIANO FOR RENT—Phone 141. MISCELLANEOUS CARO HEADING av *21 *v m *10 M., on Tide Flat*. PALM 1ST—Oouie and have foul fortune told from your hand. Work, business, marriage and the future foretold. 396 Front St. WANTED WANTED — YOUNG WIDOW wants cooking at Mine Boardinj House Phone or write Empire Office. WANTED—TO RENT PIANO. MI ST be in first class condition. Pliont 282. LOST AND FOUND LOST — BLUE SILK BELT ANE Cameo Pin. Reward. Finder picas* return to Empire Office. FOR CHARTER Launch “Earl M” Freight and Passengers. Call Quality Store or see boat at City Float. fiiiRL m Art LEY. jikgtcr, ^ i CURACAO DUE IN PORT WITH CARGO OF COAL; CALLS AT MANY PORTS ! The Admiral Line strainer Cnra I ran, Capt. C. W. Call, is new en route here via the West Coast from n Seattle with a local cargo of 460 ! tons of coal and a small quantity of .) miscellaneous freight. It. sailed from > Seattle last Thursday with ten calls . ■ scheduled enroute here and is ex | pected to arrive within the next day ■ I or so. l| Northbound the steamer was tc r call at Hidden Inlet, Hyder, Water ' fall, Noyes Island, Heceta, Kar Iheen. Port Armstrong, New Port ' ! Walter, Pillar Pay, Fnnter Bay am: ’, thence here. .| Southbound Hip Curacao will in 'litinte its seasonal service to sail -! cries, reduction plants, etc. It was i1 expected that initial small shipments [ Would be available at herring plants • j south of here with some movement . j of fish oil and meal from reduction > works. Southbound calls will in II elude Red Bluff Bay, Washington j Bay, Big Port Walter, New Pork : | Walter, Little Port Walter, Port Conclusion. Port Armstrong, Moun , | tain Point, Wrangell, Union Bay and i Ketchikan, thence to Seattle. SAYS RED PEPPER HEAT STOPS PAIN IN FEW MINUTES ■ i Rheumatism, vumbago, neuritis, backache, stiff neck, sore muscles, |strains, sprains, aching joints. When i you are suffering so you can hardly jgot around, Just try Red Pepper ! Rub. i Nothing has such concentrated, j penetrating lieat as red peppers, and when heat penetrates right down into pain and congestion relief comes at once. Just as soon as you apply Red Pepper Rub you feel the tingling heat. In three minutes the sore spot is warmed through and through and the torture is gone. Rowles Red Pepper Rub, made! from red peppers, cost little at any! drug store. Get a jar at once. Be i sure to get the genuine, with the! ! name Rowles on every package. !=========! ADM.ROGERS IN PORT AND GOES SOOTH LAST PH I Has 80 Tourists Aboard Mak ing Roundtnp — Takes Out 40 Passengers. Returning from Its regular trl over the triangle route, calling a Skyway, Haines, Sitka and wa; ports, the Admiral Rogers, Captaii I I .angstrom, arrived in port at 5:1: p. m. yesterday, with 95 passenger aboard and sailed south at 6:30 p m. There were 80 tourists on boan making the round trip who madi I the trip oil the White Pass & Yukot j to the Summit while the steame j was in port at Skagway. The following passengers arrivet in Juneau: Evelyn Burman, Vivlat Talbot, Mrs. I.. Talbot, Oeo. Ander son, Annie Johnson, J. W. Reivers Mrs. J. W. Reivers, Bessie Coates O P. Flynn. Passengers leafing for the soutl Included the foliow'ng: for Peters burg, Daniel Jo eph, Jessie Joseph Willie Joseph, I.ouis Joseph, Susie James and baby, John James. Re h a James, Mary James, .Thllil Juntos. Jennie James, Paddy Tracy and wife. Jack Tracy, Robert N. I Rogers, Henry A. Each and wifi ! James H. Wheeler. For Wrangell—Nona Saory, Mr. E. C. Sacry, Mrs. A. Dubko, Alir Skasnes, Mrs. James Wheeler, 1 F. Eskrigge, Peter JolHch. Roy Cai rigan, Jos. Flores. for Ketchlkat U. A. Maurer, Chas. K. Loux, J. f i;Caro, Leonn Graber, A Cole, I; Dowling; for Seattle, H. D. Crary A. G. Means, R. S. Graves, Nea VanderVate. j; - - I STEAMER MOVEMENTS . l - NORTHBOUND QUEEN due to arrive Sunday. , JEFFERSON due to arrive Mon , | day. SCHEDULED SAILINGS | ESTEP.ETH will sail for Sitka and way ports at 11 o'clo. k I tonight. NORTHWESTERN s. VMiiled to ! | sail from Seattle June II at I . j 9 a. m. Al.AMED-' s< hednied to sail from | S' till' Jur.e 1.3 at 9 a. in. ADMIRAL EVANS scheduled to | sail from Seattle Jane 17 at 1 | 10 a. m. | ADMIRAL ROGERS scheduled to sail from Seattle June 18 at | | 10 a. m. j | MAIL BOAT GEORGE JR , sails j | from Juneau for Petersburg I | next Saturday noon. SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS ! ALASKA scheduled southbound 1 tonight at 6 o’clock. 1 PRINCESS ALICE scheduled to sail south tomorrow' morning | at 8 o’clock. YUKON scheduled southbound | about June 18./ ADMIRAL WATSON scheduled j southbound about June 23. _ I | ■ ___ ^ __ m HAINES NEWS NOTES. I HAINES, June in. — Walter N j father !fnd mother of Miss How* : father and mohter of Miss Howe who has had a position at the na tive children's home, left for home I on the Alameda after spending j ! week here visiting with their daugn I ter. Mr. Howe Is a newspaper man and will ’undoubtedly give a write up in his paper on his trip tc Alaska. Mrs. William Hoskins left on the Alameda for Southern California where it is said she may make hei future home. Mrs. Hoskins h*f been a resident of Haines for about three years and during that tlmt she has made nutny friedds. Hcv. Bromley preached a sermon | oil Sunday evening in the Presby terian Church for the Boy Scoutt who'came up from Juneau and art quartered at Chllkoot Barracks. Work dn the new school house is progressing nicely under the Miperintendoncy of Joseph II. Chisel t’encrete is being poured and thf vails are going up rapidly. ' I For Good Service (10 TO Sanitary Barber Shop 1 Kxpert in Ladies' Hair Bobbing and Shingling. Wenzel Leonhard 342 S. Front St. m-——-■ S CUFF APARTMENTS 2, 3 and 4 room apartment* com Diet el v furnJshed H. G. Welch. Prop. PHONX 209 r---- v I. J. SHAR1CK Jeweler and Optician Watches, Diamonds, S?£%L Silverware % Jewelr; I ! .MB Ju8t follOW my Directions Fuller dealers take a real interest in giving helpful advice to paint customers; telling them what product is the most suitable; carefully cxplainingsurface prep aration; what kind of brush to use and just how to apply the paint, varnish, enamel or stain. • Take advantage of the knowledgeand experience of the Fuller dealer. He will be glad to help you. Ask or send for our Free book “Home Painting.” It’s your painting guide. FOR ANY FULLER PRODUCT CONSULT THE NEAREST FULLER DEALER: I C. W. Young Co. W. P. FULLPR St CO. 30J Million Street, San Francisco 21 tranche* in Pacific Coast Cities JLER PAINTS VARNISHES PIONfIMVHITC KAO F«1 |»| MARINE NEWS [v~| Tide* Tomorrow B * Low Tide 2:36 a. in. 1.2 High Title 9:45 a. ni. 13.4 ' Low Title .3:10 p. ni. ... 2.3 | High Tide 9:51 p. in..16.8 -- I * I1 FISHING BOATS SELL With fares aggregating about 25, | 000 pounds of halibut, three vessels | of the local halibut fleet arrived i in port yesterday and today aftor ! trips to nearby banks. Boats ar riving were: Lou Helen, ( apt. Knute Htldre; Fern, Cop!. John Lowell; | Thelma, Capt. Bert Olstad. Sales j were mode to local buyers at nine i and five cents. _ , . . _ CARS WASHED. That's my specialty. At Bttick . Service Station at Connors. See 1 mo—Wyatt. —adv. Dry seasoned mill wood, ltJ inch ] length. Juneau Transfer. adv. For a quick hot fire Evan Jones ! the coal. —adv. A Home Product of Real Merit $C ifl* CONFECTIONS and ICE CREAM j Are Home Products that all Juneauites are proud of. SOMEONE HAS A BIRTHDAY TODAY We carry a Complete Stock of BIRTHDAY CARDS CANDLES and CANDLE HOLDERS i I \t *v /NOME; OF- OUR BUNCH VJ0OULU \ RF- Found DE/ID A~K -* AMV*rHiAa<i, so p^sst AS A ’PETTiNg V* i‘‘ A* i *■!<;,; - . _ I *#®»_ jvitniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii|1||||||||||||||||||||||,|umM>9r | When it is your turn to invite guests, |, 5 And you think about preparing this . I 2 And that and find that you haven't 5 Got just what you want to serve them S Then you wonder what to do next— 5 3 Think—Here it is— • § ? “Let Us Serve Your Guest” I 3 • 1 GASTINEAU CAFE s i • ,. ... FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS _ “ITAIJ" leaves Seward on the 10th of seek meats nailing at all point* as far west as UnaJaaka. SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACIUNG COM G. C. HENDERSON, Agent, Sewari, Alaska ■ " I MAIL BOAT for Petersburg aub way poitr rmorc ID 'rak,> Harbor, SnettUham, 8 pee I Rtvsr, Sow lihl/IUiC JK. durn, Windham Bay,Gambler Bay.Pybus Bay. Brother Island, Five Finger Station, Fanshaw, Farragut Bay. Leaves Saturday at noon. Freight received until 10 A. M. Sat urdays at City Wharf. H. O. Adame, ticket agent. City Wbert < Phones: Office, 23; rea. 404 4. Jacob Ottness. retereburg. Agt RAMSTEAD TRAHSPORTATIOB GO. j - - - 1 il k- \ t "» . /- -. ’ ‘ - ■ --" 11 ■ Bill has —U«nves Monday at 11 p. m. for Haines. Stag MAIL BOATi£A3£?ii p ». mm* ping at Tenakee Springs and other wap COTEDCTII ,nrf«. For information see Bive Hon set Lw I LUL I II Fhone 444. Freight accepted until 12 neott, day of sailing. . ~ " . tFOR PR IN Cl RUPERT, VANCOUTE1, lEATTLf Leave Juneau Southbound— PRINCESS ALICE—JUNE 13. 24. July 4. M, 23. ’ FRINCESS LOUfSE—June 20, July 1, 11, 22, August 1. Summer Tourist Tickets to all Eastern destinations '■fTeetlt* for sale May 22nd to September 15th Inc1usi,*r with final retnm limit October 31st. BEGIN YOUR SUMMER TOlll'FROM JUNEAU J. L. MCLOSK Rv, Art.. Jiinesn. □ALASKA ifEAMSHIP COMPANY AFBTT - IIRV1C1 ittH . . LEAVE DtJB AtjiUN&Atr * Seattle North South ... May 31 June 3 June 14 JEFFEHSON * . June 1 June 5 . June 5 ALAMEDA* .June 5 June 8 June 10 YUKON .June 7 June 10 June 18 JEFFERSON* .June 12 June 16 June 18 NORTHWESTERN .June 14 June 17 June 26 ALAMEDA* .June 15 June 18 June 21 ALASKA .June 21 June 24 July 2 JEFFERSON* .June 26 June 30 July 2 YUKON . June 28 July 1 July 9 ALAMEDA* . June 29 July 2 July t *—Galls Petersburg both ways. W. E. NOWELL, AGENT JUNEAU. PHONE 2. L. W. KILBURN. AGENT DOUGLAS, PHONE 433. ■■ in i . . * • ». * Duo DUO Lv.Seattle Juneau NB Juneau £B EVANS .. June t tWATSON .June 3 June 6 June 21 •ROGERS ............... June 4 June 8 Jude 14 'QUEEN __June 11 June 15 June 18 •ROGERS ..June 18 June 22 June 2t tEVANS .June 17 June 22 July > •QUEEN .June 25 June 29 July * tWATSON .July 1 July 4 July 18 t—Calling Seward, Anchorage and way ports West. *—Calling Haines, Skagway and Sitka, returning to Juneau south bound. C. C. NICHOLS, Agent GUY, L. SMITH. AMtt Phone 4 Phone If _ • Douglen, Alaska. PaciAe Coastwise JervioA J \ ADMIRAL LINE ■■■■■■■■■ H.F. ALEXANDER, PRESIDENT