Newspaper Page Text
THE EMPIRE II TFl MEDIUM Through which the reneml public oaa nlwnye here ita wants supplied. niodnr time for olaaniled udvertiaements: 8 F. M. Ctf/einp’ time for Hieplay n4 rertitements: 11 A. M. Tm oenta per line tret in sertion Five oente for mbee^nent In sertion. Conn* tve nrernfe wor4i te the line • FOR SALE von SALE 800 FT. STEEL HYD rur.lic pipe 16 and 18 inches diameter. Alsp one small 2.! edgcr and one open deck scow 20 by 70. W. P. Lass. FOR SALE—2 MONTH OLD PIGS. A. II. Stoncy. FOR SALE—REASONABLE, DAV enport, almost new. Leather cov ering. ran be seen at 322 12th St. FOR SALE- -BVICK SIX TOURING Excellent condition. $300.00 Plione Juneau Motor Co. TOURING CARS AND TRUCKS AT McCaul’s. FOR SALE — ALASKA YELLOW Cedar Poles for telephone and el ectric power linee. Have now on hand 400 from 26 to 80 feet In length, tpps 6 to 12 inchee. Other dimensions cut to order Als>. Yellow Gedar logs for sale. We cut to o^der Yellow Cedar Floats for Floating Traps. Prices F. 0. B. Ship's tackle, Petersburg, Cape Fanshaw, or at Logging Camp 5 miles East of Cape Fanshaw. Chrlstoe & Ramstead, Jundau, Alaska. FOR SALE—MAXWELL CAR. RE cently overhauled. Also for hire by day or hour with or without driver. Inquire Imperial Pool Hall. _ WALL BOAlh* — Write for earn Pt. of Washington plaster wail board) won’t warp, won’t burn. Mfd by Washington Building Produnfj ©o„ 68(1 E. Marginal Way, Seattle WANTED \V \ NT El i YOUNG MAN WANT. work .it’ any kind. Inquire 247 6 Empire. tv ANTED — IRE H TV I*H W R IT Elt good condition, reasonable price. Inquire 2477 Einfire. YvXNTED BY KOREAN. A COOK, experience 24 years, wants a jot) Address Empire. FOR REN l NICE QUIET ROOMS TO RENT 403 Franklin St. FOR RENT—2. 3 AND 4 ROOM npts. fully furnished, light and water. Juneau Apartments. FOR RENT — 3 AND 4 ROOM furnished apt. Phono 2004. 421 % E. 7th St. 6 ROOM UNFURNISHED PLAST ered bouee. Newly renovated Phone 306. > FOR RENT-— HOUSEKEEPING apartment with bath. Corner 3rd and Gold St. Phone 136. FOR KENT—-SLA ROOM UNFIJRN lahed house on Distln Ave. Allen Shattuck. FOR RENT—« rooms and prtvat bath, steam heated and elegantly furnished. Inquire Office Wladeo Apta PHONOGRAPH for rent. Phon 141. PIANO FOR RENT—Phone 141. MISCELLANEOUS CARD RBADTNO hi 131 Wam Ith At., on Tide Flats. PALMIST—couie and have your iortune told from your hand. Work, huatneee, marriage and the future foretold. D08 Dront St. TO THE PUBLIC: The Juneau Taxicab Associa tion was formed for the following purposes: 1. To suppress reckless driving. 2. To regulate prices and pre vent exorbitant charges. 3. To assist each other if In difficulties while carrying passengers. 4. To provide generally for tho comfort and safety of tho traveling public. Kach member of the Associa tion carries a printed rate card on windshield. Do not pay more than called for on this card. Report ,any violation of this or other rules to the officers of the Association. The following are members of the Aseoclatoin: Miller's Taxi, Carlson's, Nick LaJlich, Collins, Covleh, Berry, Haller, Hermit and MacDonald. I ! I POLLY AND HER PALS gr CUFF STERRKTT . . _ ■ * 1 ' • Li • - s I l~,.r»mlil I1.’4 I|> Mr-iMt i German Crusaders Unite To End Use of Tobacco InBIPSIC, Germany, July 14.—An : jinti-lobiceo movement has been (launched here and, say Hie promot ers, an anti-strong drink campaign i 'will soon follow. j The Unloir of Enemies of To 1 bacco, in session here recently con sidered the question if smoking among German women which, it was contended, was spreading at an alarming rate. Speakers estimated j that many thousands of girls and I women, from 15 to 50 years old, had taken to the cigarette within i the last few years. ; It is proposed, by law or iutlier ' wise, to make cigarette smoking less popular among the women anil after [ this move has met with success, 1 then to begin on the men users of ; tobacco. Nic itinole; ; cigar's and I cigarettes have appealed recently in j Germany, but the Union of Enemies jof Tobacco say their members have ! no interest in these brands, and that I their purpose in life is to abolisa ! tobacco smoking altogether. S. R. Bartlos, N. P, official, 1 is an excursionist on the Queen to | Sitka and return. AUTOS FOk HIRE \m---——-■ Nick’s Taxi SERVICE HAY AND NIGHT i Experienced and Expert Driv I | err. Wo pieiiho at all times. | Stands 01,1) GROTTO, Phone 19?; C & I Cafe, Phone G4. i I i m..- -» if-~ BERRY’S TAXI 1 ] Careful and Efficient Service I I I I 1 PHONE 199. I I I Office Next to Gastinenu Hotel. | I . BERRY’S TAXI [ r Jack McDonald TAXI SERVICE STAND—VAN ATTA BARBER SHOP—PHONE 416. i«-~ - —. ■ - ---■ •----a Covich Auto Service Juneau, Alaska Day and Night Service. PHONE 444. Stand in Front of Arctic j JOHN COVICH, Prop. FERRY SCHEDULE Leave Junean lor Douglas, Tread well eid Thane Effective Tuesday, Jan. 29. 1924. ffJ:10p.m. •7:10a.m. *4:30p.n»i 9:40a.m. 9:16a.m. 9:16a.m.f 6:16p.m. 411:15p.m. 112 midnight! 12 noont* (7:30p.m. |l:00a.m. fl2:00p.m. Leave Douglas for Treadwell and nuue •7:26a.m. 4:46p.m.t 6:30p.m. |l:16a.m. 12:16pm. 9:66p.m. Leave Treadwell for Thane. | 7:80a.m. 12:20p.m.t 4:60p.m.t Leave Thane for Treadwell, Donflai and Junean. , 8:10a.m. 12:36p.m.f 6:06p.m.t Leave Treadwell for Douglas and Junean. 8:26ajn. 6:20pm.f 6:36pm. |l:'20a.m ; 12:60p.m. Leave Doi 1:26p.m. 8:30a.m. 6:26p.m.t 10:06p.m. 9:30a.m.t 6:40p.m. >ll:30p.m |l2:66p.m. 17:46p.m. jl:t6a.m I 2:11p.m. I •—1Thane. t—Freight will be Seeeptea, K—Douglas only. I—Saturdays only. X—Except Saturday night 4—Schedule leaving 11:16 p. m ; Juneau, will start Monday, Fib. 4. Juneau Ferry & Navigatior Company. I 4 | MARINE NEWS IV j 23 FOR JUNEAU | ABOARD QUEEN! - ' | Admiral Liner Arrives from South Sunday—Will Re turn on Wednesday. i ; I The steamer Queen, Capt. Kn- j i qulst, strived in port about 9:30 [o'clock yesterday meriting. She) had 45 tons of freight for Juneau j and five tons for Douglas. Tlie Queen has 180 passengers | 'aboard, 23 of whom wore for Ju neau, among them being the follow ing: From Seattle—Mrs. M. C. Lcho. Henry O’Malley. W. II. Spaulding,| A. F. Wctther J. G. Jaegar, F. j ID. SilloWay, A. C. Hunter and wife.! Robert Orme, Mrs. A. J. Brown,! S. Stanwqrih and wife, Marian St in - worth, Mrs. Anna Holleln and three; steerage; from way ports—S Hel-; knthal. L. A. Cummings, C. J.| .V iris, John James, Kdna Miller, i M. W. Goldstein, V. Folliones. A. r.ahl and K. I>. Potcrson. Tlie Queen sailed for Sitka and i way points at 2 o'clock yesterday i afternoon and will return sout’a j bound eomrtime Wednesday. VARY TOURISTS ON PRINCESS ALICE IN PORT ON SATURDAY Tlie Pricoss Alire, Capt. S. H.‘ lOrmiston, arrived in pert Saturday, I night about 7 o’clock with 236 p i - • rlingers on board, mostly tourist*;,! I mly two of whom were for Juneau. I .The Alice brought three days’ mail! | for this port. Tlie Alice had nine tons of: j freight for Juneau and four tons i for Skagway. Those who arrived here from the! Sou til wore P. D. Derinoily and Mrs. I ill. J. Iiomwily. Tlie Alice sailed at 11 o’clock I lor Skagway and will return here ' southibound early tomorrow morn & \ • - -* Tides Tomorrow m---* How Tide 5:58 a. m. . 3.0 High 'Tide 12:21 p. m. 16.0 How Tide 6:04 p. m. 1.6! I -I How to Strengthen Eyes In'll surprising short time simple camphor, witchhazel, hydrastis etc, as mixed In Havoptik eye wash, strengthens eye so you can read or I work more. One small bottle shows results. Aluminum eye cup free. Butler. Mauro & Co., Druggists. Paid in Douglas by Guy’s Drug [store, —adv. — ■ JLOK Hririf IFnl I n ki I. a r 1 L J k B «-—---r-• I STEAMER MOVEMENTS j l - i f NORTHBOUND JEFFERSON is dun to arrive j in tile morning at 1 o'clock ALAMEDA is in port and sails at midnight for Skagway and Sitka. , ALASKA is due to arrive tomor row at noon. SCHEDULED sailings ESTEBBTH will sail for Skag way and wajrports at 1J o’clock | tonight. ADMIRAL EVANS scheduled to i sail from Seattle tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. AjDMIIlAL ROGERS scheduled to sail from Seattle July 16 at ' | 10 a. m. | PRINCESS LOUISE scheduled t" 1 sail from Vam Oliver July 16 | at 9 p. m. YUKON scheduled to .<i!l trotp Seattle July 19 at 9 a. m | MAIL BOAT <!r:i>Ht!K .ft sail* | I ( ■ *(.r PhlHtaburg ' j | ncyt Snltj"Hav noon. SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS PFWNCESS ALICE due south bound at 7 o'clock tomoirow morning. QUEEN dm; southbound some time late Wednesday. NORTHWESTERN due south- | I bound about July 18. I ADMIRAL WATSON due south- j bound about Caiy 22. I »-—^ . —--r NAVAL CUTTER TURNS TURTLE; FIVE DROWNED VICTORIA, R.. C., July 14.— Lieut. Ronald C. Watson with ’its wife and three sailors from the naval barracks at Esquimau lost their lives last nigJit while sailing on 9 pleasure cruise. Their naval cutter overturned off Ross Bay. The b idy of Mrs. Watson lias been re covered. The bodies of tile others have not yet been found. BOAT WRECKED; CREW IS LOST CORK, July 14.—The new steamer Lisemore was wrecked off the Wex ford Coast last Friday and it is be lieved the entire crew of 19 per ished. FERN IN PORT The Fern, Capt. J. Lowell, arrived in port this morning with 7,000 pounds of halibut and sold to the Juneau Cold Storage Co. Daily Sentence Sermon It takes a man with backbone to put up a god front. Illlllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. JlllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllillllllllllllllltllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIb | ARRIVED | THE NEW STANDARD KEYBOARD CORONA 1 SEE IT IN OUR WINDOW 1 J. B. Burford I I 8 Co. I ^'l||||!lll!l!lllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!IIIIIIUIIIII!llllllll!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ ALAMEDA HERE I TOURIST RUN | The steamer Alameda, Capt. Julius - Johansen, arrived in port at noon to day with 260 Knights of Columbus of the LaSalle General Assembly, of Chicago on hoard. This party is under the direction of Conductor John F. Maloney, assisted by Win. J. Darrell. Conductor Maloney has been christ ened the "Faithful Captain” by mem bers of the party because of his faithfulness in "conduction and gen erallng” them nrortnd to places of i-tercst and In leading them through • h ■ safe--* s’>ots. In spite of tho cloudy and damp weather the party has been reported to bo a jolly crowd. Among the party are several talented musicians «■ and every night of the trip to. Ju- „ neau thorn has been entertainment and concerts. The Alameda brought 22 tons of freight for this port and has 200 tons for way points. The following passengers arrived here: James M. McCio.skey, J. C. Rcadman and Melville Leak. The AUmeda will lpave shortly af ter midnight for Kkagway, Haines and Sitka. MORGAN ON ALAMEDA; ; “POP” ABOARD ALASKA Eddie E. Morgan, former purser on the Alameda has Keen transferred to the steamer Alameda and “Pop" Oeiser, formerly on the Alameda Is now on the Alaska, which Is due to I arrive hero sometime tomorrow after noon. STEAMER ALASKA IS DUE TOMORROW NOON « Steamer Alaska is due to arrive at noon tomorrow according to ad vices received by Agent Willis E. Nowell. The steamer has 156 tons of local freight. ESTEBETH FROM SITKA The E3tebeth, Capt. aPt Davis, arrived In port this noon from Sitka . and way points with the following _ passengers: From Sitka, Prof. • C. C. Georgpson: from Tenakee, U. Olson, Mrs. Olson, Miss H. Olson, Mrs. Hart, C. Erickson and J. R. Reynolds. From Hawk Inlet, John Svenson, A. Demars and E. Mohammed. The Estebeth sails at 11 o'clock tonight for Skagway and Haines. FLEET GOES AFTER TUNA FISH. SAN PEDRO, Cal., July 14.— Eight hundred boats, the largest fleet in the history of the local Industry, will work out of this port during t.he tuna Ashing season, which started in June and con tinues until September. ; During May 13.014 pounds of tuna, of the yfcllowfln and yellow tail varieties, were brought in. Ap proximately 2,000,000 pounds of Ash of all kinds were delivered to -the ' market here during tl^e month. CUFF APARTMENTS ‘K*ger' .—~ FOR CHARtCR Lunch “Eui M" Freight and Paaeengere. Call Quality Store or in boat at City Float. ^ £A1L HAHLET, Umar. f ■ — - : For Good Sorrico GO TO , Sanitary Barber Shop Export la Ladles' Hair Bobbing and SHipgtfxg. Wenzel Leonhard J4I B. Front St. a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiMiiiiMuimiiiimiiNiitiiiitiiHimimimrHiiiin THE YACHT EUROS I FOR CHARTER | To anywhere in Alaskan waters—By far the most seaworthy, S strongly built and beet equipped boat of her class In AHtaka. 5 60 h.p. Diesel engine. Bleeps six with comfort. Radio equipped, g PAUL KECEL, Master—Phone Douglas 40. ' «> : ..llHilnillllllH|||||HHHIHtllUllimimi|)IHH(|UH|tg V, FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS * t. ■, "STAll” leaves Seward on the 10th of atuth anti •wiling at all point* aa far waat aa Unalaskn. - • SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO.. 0. C. FENDER SON, Agent, Seward, AlaikA " ‘ 11 '"■ 1 ■* ■ ■■—«■■■— ■ .. ■ —■■■ i i |*a 11 M.—WI MAIL BOAT fob Petersburg and waT poite /’CftD/'C ID Tahu Harbor. Rnettlshaai. 8peal Rl*st, f*W ULUKut JK. dum, Wtndham Bay.Gambler Bsy.rybua Iff. Brother Island. Fire Finger Station, Fanahaw, Farragnt Nan, Leave* Saturday at noon. Freight received until 10 Ai ML SnU urdaya at City Wharf. v } IAMSTEAD TIANSPOBTATION CO. .i : - ' ■■, - ... ^M —Leave* Monday at 11 p. at. fer;H*|i«». Shnr MAIL BOATs™', * ■.*& ** ping at Ten/kae Spripg* and fthff VM COTCDCTU wt*. For information Me Dave Normal, CO I lDl I II Fhone 444. Freight ace*pWd until 1$ noon, day of niling. 11 1 " mi .ii.i.- i i m. i i I I. I I^ai\» til □ FOB PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER, SEATTLE Leave Juneau Southbound— PRINCESS ALICE—JUNE 13, 24, }hly 4,*i|, 23. PRINCESS LOUISE—June 20, July 1, II, 22, * . ■ t * p' ■' , *■ . .* ‘ , Summer Tourist Tickets to nil Eastern destinations eSjotlt* jthr eaie May 22nd to September 15th Inclusive 11 with final rat Oft limit October 31st. BEGIN YOUR SUMMER TOUll FROM JUNBAU. J. L. M'CLOSK E Y. Agt.. Junmu. -—in.. '-i v—iw.s jMja SfEAMSHIt JWWigS-V iafitt - iixTtn - irdl HAV« J>UU AT JUMftAt) STEAMER Seattle - North » HAILING SCHEDULES FOR JULT : NORTHWESTERN .July 5 July J July 17 JHF'FERSON* . July 10 July 14 July 45 ALAMEDA* . July 11 July }4 *v J*ly-if ALASKA .July 12 July 15 .July^tJ YUKON .July 19 July *2 - ..July J® ALAMEDA* .. July 23— July .** J ?• Jujy ift ' JEFFERSON* .July 24 July 28/ . V July 3h NORTHWESTERN .July 25 July 2ft Atig.' 7 •—Calls Petersburg .bath wai’s. w * . •, v' * j \ _ * “ ~ rT,A‘*Wi; ? ; W. E. HOWELL, AGI .. l. w. etlbubn, agi J * ~ t1 -■ —- - >m* ! ^I ^MU W M Wp