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—__w ... ■ ■ — ■ » i- ' — - —~ni THE EMPIRE U THE MEDIUM Through which the ranaral public can nlwajra have lt» want* vnpplied. Closiar time for rtaeaified erfvevhfiementB: 2 P. M Cloeini? time for display ad vertisement*: 11 A. M. Ten cent* per lin# tret la eertirii Pive oents for *nb*e«|na*t In sertion Conn* five average word* Ur the line ■---■ FOR SALE j.'OH SALE Davenport, library table, chairs, 2 rockers, boil dress er. dining table, oil stove, boater. ' child’s lied, hi gHi chair, sewing machine and canned fruit. Inquire Mrs, S. Simms, Cobh cottage, Dixon Ave. Phono 4010. FOR saEE -Finest quality Alaskan 111 tie Foxes from Coughlan Island Fur Farm available for delivery now. Come and choose your Breeding Stock. We take you out and bring you back. For appoint ment address Box 207. or call at 417 Franklin St. after 6 p. in. FOR SALE—800 FT*. STEEL HYD raulic pipe 16 and 18 inches diameter. Also one small 22" edger and one open deck scow 20 by 70. W. P. Lass._ FOR sale—reasonable, dav enport, almost new. Leather cov ering, can be seen at 32 2 12th St. TOURING CARS AND TRUCKS A'i KxCaul’s. _ rORESALE -MAXWELL CAR. KE eently overhauled. Also for hire by day or hour with or without driver. Inquire Imperial Pool BaR. _____ WALL IsoAnvr — vrrse Tor sam of Washington plaster wail board; won t warp, won't burn. Mfd. by Washington Building Product* to.. *851 K Marginal Way. Seattle “ M1S CL LLAN KOUS CARD HEADING ai *11 '*•« ltb Bt., on Tide Flat*. PALMIST—Louie and have youi fortune told fnv your bin<1 w,,rt buHnee*. marriage and ttte future foretold. 3i>6 Front St^_ FOR RENT KOU RENT Furnished 2-room flat, bath and pantry, near Moose flail, f 12 a month. Phono 2iui. FOR RENT- 2, 3 AND 4 ROOM npts. fully furnished. Ilaht ami water. Juneau Apartments. 6 ROOM UNFURNISHED PLAST ered house Nowly renovated. Phone 3G6. FOR RENT diA KotiM UNF1IUN tailed house otl Dlatlu Ave. Allen Shattuck. 1 FOR RENT -4 rnoma and prtvat bath, •team hented and elarantl? furnlahed. Inquire Office Wladeo Apt*. PHONOGRAPH for rent. PUob 14*. mNO FOR KENT—Phone 14* TO THE PUBLIC: The Juneau Taxicab Associa tion was funned for the following j purposes: 1. To suppress reckless driving. 2. To regulate prices and pre vent exorbitant charges. 3. To assist each other If in difficulties while carrying passengers. . 4. To provide generally for the comfort and safety of the traveling public. Each member of the Associa tion carries a printed rate card on windshield. Do not pay more than called for on this card. Report any violation of this or other rules to the officers of the Association. The following are members of the Associatoin: Miller's Taxi. Carlson’s, Nick Lakich, Collins, Covich, Berry, Haller, Hermit and MacDonald. _ CUFF APARTMENTS 2, 2 and 4 room apartments completely furnished H. li. yvVJch, Prop. PHONI 209. Study the store ads—that voc may know what our merchants havt to offer to you in the w: y of rea! buying opportunities. POLLY AND HER PALS i 9® ,■ v * - • s ; * Traffic Rules for Airplanes to Lessen Chance of Collision LONDON. Aug. Li.—Rules agreed on by the British. Belgian and Dutch governments to minimize risk of collision between aircraft, have been Issued by the air ministry. These provide that every pilot when flying on a compass course shall, whenever It is safe and prac ticable, fly on the right side of the straight line adjoining the point of departure and point, of arrival. When an aircraft is flying beneath clouds, it must keep at a fair distance be low the cloud base in order to see and he seen. When a pilot decides-to follow a route which is officially recognized or consists of a line of ground marks, he should bear in mind that the risk of collision with another air craft following the same route is considerable. Every pilot therefore following such a route shall endeav or to keep it*at least 300 meters| on his left. Every pilot who decided to cross] any route lie is following shall do so at right angles and as high as ciraumstances permit. WHY BE A WAlL FLOWER ? Learn the latest hanec steps at Sherwood Studio. Appointments made by calling 209, Apt. 7. STAGE AND CLASSIC DANCING] TAUGHT. —adv j -----j OH! BOY! | DANCE AT THE YELLOW BALLOON DANCE j at the EAGLES’ HALL, DOUGLAS WEDNESDAY NIGHT ALMA Leaves Juneau 9 o’clock and returns after dance. — / Juneau Ferry & Navigation i Company. i ~ AUTOS FOR HIKt ■* -—-—;—T Nick’s Taxi SERVICE DAY AMI) NIGHT | j Experienced and Expert Driv ers. We please at all times. 1 Stands -OLD GROTTO, Phono j 197; L’ & 1 Cafe, Phone 64. | ;j I I m -■ ' r i ' I I Jack McDonald TAXI SERVICE I 1 S'*1 AND —VAN ATTA BARBER i } | SHOP—PHONE 416. ■---■ -—----■ Covich Auto Service | Juneau, Alaska | Day and Night Service. PHONE 4 44. j Stand !n Front of Arctic | JOHN COVICH, Prop. | ■-1 < V.y.' f . ]}■ / 4 • } |i,^ * | M ARINE NEWS Tv «-*-9 I STEAMER MOVEMENTS | NORTHBOUND ' | YUKON is due toarrive at mill- , night tonight. ADMIRAL EVANS due to arrive Friday. ADMIRAL ROGERS due to ar j rive Sunday. SCHEDULED SAILINGS ESTEBFTTI will sail for Sitka and way ports at 11 o'clock ( tomorrow night. I NORTHWESTERN scheduled to sail from Seattle August 16 I at 9 a. m. PRINCESS LOUISE scheduled to ] sail from Vancouver August 16 at 9 p. m. ALAMED9 scheduled to sail from Seattle August 1 f*\ at i 9 a. m. j MAIL BOAT GEORGE JR. sails | j from Juneau for Petersburg | and wayports at midnight | | next Saturday night. SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS QUEEN southbound tomorrow morning at 3 o'clock. | ALASKA southbound tomorrow or Friday. No word, hovvev from Cordova. JEFFERSON southbound tomor row forenoon. — PRINCESS ALICE southbound I | Friday morning at t o'clock. ADMIRAL WATSON due south- 1 hound about August 15. NOTICE TO MARINERS. Peril Straits— Liernol Shoal Buoy. 3, reported missing August 9. 1924. will he replaced as soon «i3 prac ticable. By direction of the Commissioner -f Lighthouses, \V. C. Dibroll, Su- j perintendent. ' YUKON DUE MIDNIGHT Steamer Yukon, from the south, is due in port at midnight tonight. The steamer has 130 tons of freight on board for Juneau. The Yukon also has one day's mail aboard from the j States. f- -• 1 Fi.-Ift Toroorrow High Tide 0:03 a. m. 1S.1 Low Tide 6:32 a. m. 2.7 j High Tide 12:36 p. m. 16.3 Low Tide 6:43 p. m. 0.7 PklNCESS ALICE IN FROM SOUTH; MANY PASSENGERS The Princess Alice. Pap*. S * 11 Ormiston, arrived in p ir' last night about 6:30 o'flo !> during a d iving; rain and srv hours ahead of her j scheduh ! arriv 1. Tite Alii - ha I r 0 passengers oii^ hoard -I’td 1's tons of freight most j of tih'rh is for Skagway. Hoi nssc of the rainstorm the ma jority of the pi .sengers remained on board ship, instead of making the i trip to the gl.u ler or sightseeing in: the city. The Princes Alice brought six; passengers for this port: Samuel Feldon, W. H. Woodrow. Mary K.j Jones. Sister Mary Bthelin, Sister, Mary Abagail and Sister Mary Lu-' niinda. The Alice sailed for Skagway at 11 o'clock last night and is ached ! tiled to return here Friday morning.! sailing southbound at 4 O'clock in order to make a stop at Taku Glac- ! ier. n,'~ ~ . | -- i * --. ALASKA MEAT COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Butchers PHONE lbSKWABD ITIttI f Modern Conveniences Comfortable Rooms HOTEL ZYNDA LOCKIE MKENNOH, Propriety. Elevator Service Rehsonable Rates ;<•-• ROGERS IS NOW ON WAY NORTH SEATTLE, Aug. 13.- Steamer Ad miral Rogers sailed for Southeastern Alaskan ports at 10 o'clock this morning with 175 passengers. The following are among those for Ju neau: William Vale. Miss A^Ja Bland. Mrs. A. Jones, Guy Smith and wife. J. Tigre. Ur. Thomas and wife and two steerage. STEAMER ALAMEDA IS ON WAY SOUTH TU> steamer Alameda. Capt. Wil liam Jensen, arrived in port this morning at 10 o'clock from Sitka and Skagway. The Alameda loaded ' 270 tons of ore at Skagway and 75 t^ms of fertilizer at Hawk Inlet. , The Alameda loaded 7fi boxes of frozen fish and 12 boxes of fresh fish from the Juneau Cold Storage Co. Passengers arriving here from the north were: Leonora Gooze. S. O. Whitcomb, and wife. Cecelia Mc Laughlin. Mike Christ. Ethel Davis, Wm. Garster. Mr. and Mrs. Heiien thal and two .hildren and Jeanette Stewart. The Alameda sailed south at 11 o’clock this forenoon with 26 pasHen gors from Juneau Including the fol lowing: For Petersburg. Miss E Brown, G. R. Skinner. E. Colehurn. and V. R. Cline: For Wrangell J. W Kehoo: For Ketchikan, H. Wll liamson. B. F. Davis. Pete McCann; For Seattle, O' Rose. Miss Etta Brown. Mrs. L. Bez Mrs. M Doro tlch If. Ahrenstcad, Claude Erlcson. Mrs. L. Erlcson. Lorraine Erlcson. Lucille Erlcson, C. T. Swift. Mrs. B. C. Delzelle, Mrs. C K Hanson and 13 steerage , __— __ ESTEBETH FROM SKAGWAY The mail steamer Estebeth Capt Pat Davis, arrived in port this morn ing from Haines and Skagway with the following passengers: O. E. Walker, W. A, Phillip and Esther Liggett. The Estebeth wltl leave tomorrow night at 11 o'clock for Sitka and way ports. -♦ ♦ ♦.— Declares Washington Women Are “Slacktrs” SEATTLE. Aog. 13.—The ninen | viters of Washington are "slack ers, quitters and disappointing to j choir .best friends." declared Mrs. I Prances C. Axtel. acting leader of II lie La Folletto movement. She de clared that all should join the call for a progressive party in this State and join the La Fofllntte cause. Albania Renames Port In Honor of Wilson _ POSTON. Aug. J 3.—Thij^port of San Giovanni de Medua, one of the four harbors of Albania, has been rebaptir.od "Wilson" by order of the Alhnian Government in honor of j Woodrow "Wilson. FIRE ALARM CALLS i ■ _____ l-S Third and FraaMla. | 1-4 Front And rnnklli. | l-S Front, near Farr? Way. l-S Front, opp. Film Gaahaaaa 1-7 Front, opp. Olty Wharf. 1- S Front, near Saw MB1, 2*1 loai Grocery. 2- 3 Willoughby, opp. Polo Bam. 2-4 Front And BPPavd. 2- 1 Front and Mala. !j 2-6 Seoond and Mala. 3- 7 Fifth and toward. 1-9 Flip Hall. 3-2 Gantlnwn and BnWa tip. 3-4 8«oocd and Gold. 3-6 Fourth aa4 Harrta. k 3-6 Fifth and Gold. t.T Fifth and Gnat I 1-8 Seventh and Gold, j s-9 Fifth and Kanaady. I 4-1 Ninth, bank of poww hoaaa | 4-1 * Calhoun, opp. Juneau Apta ; 4-1 Dlntln Ay#., and Indian It ; 4-6 Ninth and Calhoun. ' 4-6 B#rnnth and Mala, i 4-1 Twalfth, at Northern L'try I 4-1 Twelfth aad Wlltoagtny. \ jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimi. I THE YACHT EURUS ( | FOR CHARTER | v:: To anywhera In Alaiksn.wat.rb—By far tbe moat acawortBy, * ~ strongly built and best equipped bpat of her class In Alaska. 3 S 60 h.p. Diesel engine. Sleeps six with comfort. Radio equipped. 2 3 § ~ PAUL KEGEL, Master—Phone Douglas 40. = 3 ~.<niiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiniiiuiniimiuiumumii>? f MAIL BOAT Petersburg and way forte rvnorv ID t**u Harbor. Snettlsbam. Bpeel River. Bum ViEUKviL JK. dum, Windham Bay,Gambler Bay.Pybu* Rsy. Brother Island. Five Finger Station. Fanshaw, Fatragut Rav leaves Saturday midnight. Freight received until B P. M. Sat urday* at Cfty Wharf. EAMITXAD TRANIPORTATIOB CO /' 1 • _____ __ _ _ —Leave* Monday at 11 p. m. for HaJne*. Ska* MAIL BO ATS™ p i.- — ping at Tenakee Spring* and other waj COTCDCTU tntM. For information *ee Dave Eon»ei, LU I LUL I II Fhone **4- Freight accepted nntil 12 noon. _day of Bailing.__ . □ FOR PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER. lEATTI.F Leave Juneau Southbound— PRINCESS ALICE—July 25, Aug. 5. 15, 28. PRINCESS LOUISE—August 1. 12, 22. Sept. 2 8ummer Tourist Tickets to all Eastern destinations effective !<>■ eale May 22nd to September lBth Inclusive with A"*! return limit October 31*t. BEGIN YOUR SUMMER TOUR FROM JUNEAU J. L. M'CLOAK E * . Agt.. Juneau. - _ •___I_.a p——■—— II I . II ■ — - ALASKA SfEAMSHIP COMP ANT SAFETY — IXRVIC1 _ IftSB LBAVB DCTB AT JUNBAU STEAMER Seattle North South SAILING SCHEDULES FOR AUGUST NORTHWESTERN .July 28 July 29 Aug. 7 ALASKA .Aug. 2 Aug. 5 Aug. 13 •ALAMEDA . Aug. 3 Aug. 6 Aug. 9 •JEFFERSON .Aug. 7 Aug. 11 Aug. 13 YUKON . Aug. 9 Aug. 12 Aug. 2'» •ALAMEDA . Aug. 14 Aug. 17 Aug. 29 NORTHWESTERN .Aug. 16 Aug. 19 Aug. 28 •JEFFERSONt .....-Aug. 21 Aug. 25 Aug. 25 •—Calls at Petersburg north and sound bound. W. E. NOWELL. AGENT JUNEAU. PHONE 2. L W. ELBURH. AGENT DOUGLAS. PHONE 408. I,, ^ ■ rDue Da* Lt.Seattle Juneau NB Juneau SB •QUEEN .July 23 July 27 July 30 tWATSOS ..July 29 Aug. 1 Aug. IB 'ROGERS .July 30 Aug. 3 Aug. 6 tUi tEVANS . ( Aug. 1 'QUEEN .Aug. 6 Aug. 10 Aug. 1$ tEVANS ...Aug. la Aug. 15 Aug. 29 •ROGERS .Aug. 13 Aug. 17 Aug. 20 *—Calling Haines, Skagway and Sitka, returnint to Juneau southbound. —tCalling Cordova, Seward, Anchorage and vi* ports west. Evans calls Yakatat both way*. • C J?ICH0.L8, **«l OUT L SMITH. AftBt - Fhane 4 Phone id Douglae, Alaaka. Pacific Coastwise «5crvioe ^ADMIRAL LINE MHHMBBMBILr.AUEXANDItR. PRE6IOCMTBMMMMBMM