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BARNEY GOOGLE AND SPARK PLUG rmrr'~—:-—-: - X Registered C. S. Patent Office , By BILLY DE BECK | MlSTAH GCOfetE. AR M f OR lOUls/AMA * AH • PSPUH'ENTS Tmf chompaii OF WMMiwsf .] «Co"io Vo OU Puu. off That race of spark/ ■ *| PuiO AMP IhaT RUSSIAN horse DOUIM our ) \ VUAV 4 Into MAKE AM (NOOCtM^AST. SUH. f 1 1 j i i M NATCHITOCHES!!^! "^NATCHITOCHES!!! ) _ DOUGLAS ISLAND NEWS STARS ENTERTAINING The’ members of the Douglas Chap ter of Ihe Eastern Star are planning a card party for tomorrow evening in the Odd Kellows Hall to which the public is invited. The play be gins about 8:30 o’clock. RUSSELL HERE Charles Russell, who resided at Treadwell for several years as pur chasing agent for the Treadwell Company arrived on the Channel for a business visit from Wrangell, where he Is in the general merchan dising business. MACHINIST RETURNS Jack Johnson, former machinist of Treadwell, and lately of Ketchikan, returned here on the Admiral Rog ers yesterday with the expectation of relocating on the Channel. FISHING PARTY O. Swanson, Alox Morgan Sr.. Ed Asplund and Alex Morgan Jr. made up a fishing party to Falls Creek yesterday where good sport was en joyed. FISHERMEN DISAPPOINTED A party composed of Joe Redi, Arne Shudshlft, Dick Schmidt and J. G. Zimmerman spent the day yes terday angling for trout at Auk Cove. The fish did not geeui to be hungry in the least and none were, caught. " CHIEF GEOLOGIST OF ALASKA DIVISION IS HERE ON SHORT VISIT Dr. Alfred H. Brooks, Chief Al askan geologist anil head of the Al aska Division of the U. S. Geological | Survey, arrived yesterday for a short i stop here. He Is on a general visit j In the Territory looking over the, work being done this season by the Bureau and making plans for future activities. Dr. Brooks is accompanied by A. F, Buddington and W. B. Jewell, both of his division of the survey. Mr. Buddington is head of one of the Bureau's field parties and has been making a geological survey in the vicinity of Wrangell. The party are stopping at the Gastineau dur is stopping at the Gastineau dur ARE MARRIED HERE James Foley and Jeanette Curran of Cordova were issued a marriege j license and married hy Commis-i sioner V. A. Paine at his office this morning. SOMMERS RETURNS R. J. Sommers, Territorial High-' way engineer, returned yesterday from a week’s visit to Skagway and Haines. He left here last Tuesday with Secretary Karl Thiele and par ty whom he accompanied to Skag way, going over the route of the1 road being built up Skagway River valley. Darter^ tie went to Haines and went over the Haines-Pleasant Camp road to Pleasant Camp and also made a trip up the Porcupine. PORT O’ MISSING MEN An inquiry is being made by Mrs. Emma Newbald for her brother Richard Raker, who was last heard from ten years ago in this city. Any one knowing of his where abouts is asked to notify Mrs. Newbald, 625 Seldon Ave., Detroit, S Mich. A girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Berry on the river j steamer General Davis between Hot ( Springs and Nenana recently. No doctor was aboard and Mrs. A. Haarbei, passenger, cared for the mother and babe. The Fairbanks Fire Department has 'broken a record with not a run in 68 days. WSSEBS | Norwegian Lutherans Plan Drive in Missionary Field KAROO, N. D.. August 18.—Efforts to create a more extensive interest in the establishment of missions in 'll in a and Madagascar, and the sub sequent intensive religious and moral training of 10.000,000 heathen, will constitute tLe main cork and aim of the General Mis sel! Conference of the Norwgeian Lutheran Church of America, at its fall national convention here. Fifteen internationally prominent missionaries and religious workers will speak. The convention is ex pected to launch a drive throughout t lie nation for more and better equipped Lutheran missions. All meetings will be held under the auspices of the Foreign Mis sion Board of which the Rev. Gull ixson, of Minot, North Dakota, is chairman. Tho Lutherans, according to the Rev. J. D. Runsvold of Fargo, sec retary of tho Mission Board, expend $3 25,000 each year alone for its missions. One hundred and fifty miusionaries are already in the field, he rtates, and are accomplishing ex ceptional results. English Won’t Put Up With Poor Speakers LONDON, August 1,-. The art of elocution and voice production has been tx> neglected in the training of young clergymen, that com plaints have been made to the authorites on the subject. As a re sult, it is plinned to give those ycung men training in good speak ing. Tlie Archbishops of York and Canterbury,* in commending the scheme, say it is intolerable that those who are to lead the worship of the. congregation, and to road and preach, should be unable to i peak with clearness, sympathy and revt rence. WHY BE A WALL FLOWER? Learn the latest dance steps at Sherwood Studio. Appointments made by calling 209, Apt. 7. STAGE AND CLASSIC DANCING I TAUGHT. —adv. FIRE ALARM CALLS 1-3 Third and Franklin. 1-4 Front and Franklin. 14 Front, near Ferry Way 1-8 Front, opp. Film ■xehangs 1-7 Front, opp. City Wharf. 1- 8 Front, near Saw lflll. 2- 1 ’lame Grocery. 2-3 Willoughby, opp. Bole Been. 2-4 Front and Seward, 2-8 Front and Mala. 2-8 Seoond and Main. 2- 7 Fifth and Seward. 3- 9 Fire HalL 2- 2 Oaetineau and Hawn Wap 3- 4 Second and Gold. 3-6 Fourth and Harris. 8-6 Fifth and Gold. 8-7 Fifth sad Bast. 1-3 Seventh and Gold. 3- 9 Fifth end Kenaedy. 4- 1 Ninth, baek of power hone* 4-3 Calhoun, opp. Juneau Apte 1 4-3 Die tin Ave., end Indian at. 4-6 Ninth and Calhoun. 4-4 Seventh and Mam. 4-1 Twelfth, at Northern i/ery 4-1 Twelfth and Willoughby. - — -- " BARGAIN! 1 2-room cabin and lot on 7th St. $75.00. 1 1-room dliack and lot on 9 th St. 1 | Deposit money at First Na | tional Bank and we mail you 1 H opt) ( ^ KARL DRLICA_^ a -•* - vr = ;.••• | • | * B^pp ”S" H ■ ■ I | ■ B ■ - : I wm v ' v*/w- ^ .A -n r- :* * 4 SHEET METAL WORKS ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK DONE TO YOUR COM PLETE SATISFACTION , i W. C. JENSEN ! I WINTER & POND BUILDING Phones—Rea. 4042, Shop 34. wu»stvu« Miss Helen doff is making the triangle tour on the Admiral Rogers, to Sitka and Skagway. Miss Emma Reese is an excur sionist to Sitka and Skagway on the Admiral Rogers. Mr. and Mis. (Iny S. Smith of Douglas who have been south for some time arrived here yesterday on the Admiral Rogers. Sam Ciiivot. local traveling man. returned from a short trip in tile south on the Admiral Rogers yes terday. A. Van Mavem, representative of the West Coast Grocery Co., was a passenger through to Skagway orr the Admiral Rogers. \ Miss Alta Bland was ati arrival I here yesterday from the south on the steamer Admiral Rogers. Zynda Hotel Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gamble, Chi-j chagof; F. T, Kroh, Cordova: Mrs. Bertha G. Cary. San Francisco. Gastloeau Hotel Mr. and Mis. H. Olson.‘Tee liar- j Vior: A. Anderson; F. R. Nantjirnp.' Seatttle; Cap. T. ,T. Reynolds. Wran gell; C. W. Russell, Wrangell; ,T , E. Rnnning. .Wrangell; John W. j Troy, Juneau; Dr. and Mrs. R \ Thomas. I’hiladelphin: Alfred Brooks. I Chas and wit . A. Buddington: U. S. Geogogleal Survey: W R. | Jewell. Rrinci ton. N J : E. D. I.m k man, Seattle: G E. Carlson, Spo kane; H. H. McAvoy. Mr. and Mrs. | IT. C. Davis; R. J. Sommers, City: Mrs Olaf Person. Alaskan Arthur Holman. Portland: D Dan llovkfli, Keiinoi'i ltt: T. Anderson.1 Kennecott: R. N. Ruth. Kennecott. Frank Murphy. Tenakeo: Mrs. B. M.: Martin. Cordova: M. Krant. Auk I Bay: Peter Pa voile h. Chichagof: J. •T. Henry. Hawk Inlet; G. McClnro.j Hawk Inlet; K. Makes, Haines: Ben j Nelson. Hawk Inlet; W. G. Whart C. Reyes: .Tan I.aaoper; Pedro Hln . dat: R. C. Munson, Hawk Inlet. Miss Mary Kelly, a popular young j business woman of Seattle, is a round j trip passenger on the Admiral Rog-1 ers. 0. A. Carlson, connected with the] Seims & Carlson is a rec ent arrival, in Juneau and Is registered at the j Gastineau Jlotel. E. T,. Nanthrop. representative ofi the Rrlle-Rarnes Co., dry goods, ar rived here on the Admiral Rogers j and is a guest at the Gastineau] Jlotel. F. . D. I.ockman. of the Seattle National Cash Register Co., arrived on the Admiral Rogers and will re main in this vicinity for a short time. M. H. Sides, Deputy Collector of THE JUNEAU LAUNDRY 1 Ft»r*JL» »tr**t. k*Swe« Front mo **>«*cii *i * * * __' ' A BARGAIN ON MEN'S OVERCOATS Regular Price—$33.50, Now $24.50 Regular Price— 22.00, Now 17.25 F. A. J. GALLWAS DRY GOODS NOTIONS none Dongle* 17 OOUGLAB 1 ■ J Customs, returned 0,1 the Admiral Watson from u tour to the westward on official business. He was absent about three and one-half months. Geo. C. Burford. local salesman, j left on the Admiral Brans for Cor i dova and will he absent on business about a month. Charles Scanlon. Secretary of the j Presbyterian Board of Temperance and Moral Welfare, ■ is a round-trip | pet- from here on the Admiral Rog | ers. ft'-v. Philip Guiles, accompanied i by his sister. Miss Marian Guile and friend Florence TTlfer. were pas sengers from this port for Haines. MINE TRAIN STRIKES TRACKMAN SATURDAY; INJURIES ARE FATAL i,, _,_ Dan Kelly, aged 70 years, a track | man at the Alaska Juneau was struck and fatally Injured by an ore train at the mine Saturday afternoon and died a short time afterwards at St. Ann hospital. Ho died without having regained consciousness. Kelly was an olltimcr in this dis trict and had been employed by th Alaska Juneau since 1011. IPs family is said to reside pt Port Angeles. Wash. A telegram has been sent there advising them of th" accident and asking for instructions for the disposition of the body, which is at Young's Undertaking Parlors. Xo reply had been received late today Details of the accident are scanty. At the company's offices today it was said that a rail projecting from one of the cars on (lie train hit Kelly, who was standing beside the : track, it knocked hint against some side timbers crushing him some and rendering him unconscious. 11 is moans were heard by another em ployee who Investigated and discov ered him. He was rushed to the I hospital where everything possible. | was done. MINK SHUTDOWN CAUSED BY TRANSFORMER BLAZE ■ ! A broken down transformer on the] power circuit of tiro Alaska Juneau j mine forced a temporary suspension i of mining there beginning yesterday] afternoon and ending early this morn ing. It also set fire to some sheds at the tunnel entrance, causing a small amount of damage. The accident accurred about 2 p m. yesterday. The shed fire was put out by a bucket brigade. Work was resumed in the mine at 9 a. m. today. -♦ ♦ ♦ Frank Brock, well known ildtime Dawponita, died at Dawson recently of heart failure. Weather Conditions As Recorded by the U. S. Weather Bureau. Forecast for Juneau and vicinity for 24 hours hetriuninv 8 p. m. today: I Rain tonight and Tuesday; fri. Ii southerly winds, LOCAL DATA Bsrorn. Tentit. Hnniidiiv Wind Velocity Weather 8 p, m. today 29.82 54 56 NE 5 Clear 8 a. m. today .29.82 52 59 S 4 Ft. Cl iy 12 ncr.ii today 29.80 54 64 SE 5 Rain CABLE ANT) EAOTO REPORTS YRSTERDAY | lOllAY Hlghnat g p. m. ♦•imp »*mr> L'lWt-Jl ft ft hn « H..IU. ft |k.|t temp V**loWtv *4 hn» " N mo . 50 4 8 Bethel . 60 54 Tar. ana . 5 2 4 4 Eagle . 58 50 Fair-banka . 56 52 Anchorage . 56 52 st. Paul . 50 46 Dutch lfr.rbor . 66 ‘*112 Kodiak .. 68 5 8 Cordova . . 64 64 Juneau Gti 54 Sitka . 74 56 Prince Rupert .... 64 60 Edmonton ...._ 66 62 Si \ttlr . 60 58 Portland 66 62 San Francisco .... 66 62 *— '..CSC 10 miles. 4 6 48 8 .30 Clily 44 48 8 .16 Pi, C'lly 42 44 —» .40 Rain 4 2 46 — o Halil 44 24 — .18 Rain 60 62 4 .4 4 Haiti 4 4 14 — .01 Clily 64 — .— Clour 62 64 — — Clily 50 4 .14 43 52 4 0 Pt. C’ lv 54 66 — I) Cidy 48 5o • 0 Foaay 5o 50 4 .02 Pt Cldy i 58 58 6 .26 Rain ! 58 r.0 8 .26 Hi in 58 68 * o Cl«lV I The barometric pressure has f lien in till parts of Alaska except he Aleutian Islands where it is a ,.in nrurly normal. \ low pi.. • area moved eastward from Siberia lining the [vast hours and ' ■ en :al this morning in the lower Yukon Valley. Clear wmithi » t general in the Intrior Saturday night with freezin g temper:1'ur - in Ik upper Tanana and uppor Yuk.n Valleys Sunday morn inn. < mud w ithet has extended eastward fol'owed by rain in nearly all p i ' r! the Territory, Minimum temperatures were higher in Lie Tan in • Valley till is morning. i’lliiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimii'iimiiiiiiiiiii.iiM.miiiiiiinriroiiii!. I START A ►AYIHGS ACCOUNT | V.'E PAY UL y0 INIKHKST | THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK I OF JUNEAU ''■imiiiiiiiiimjiimiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiHttiiimiiiiiiimi]HHmiiiiiitiiiiii£ jiiimmiiimiimiiiiiiiiMiiimiimiimimmiimmiiimimiiiimiiiifmiiMiiMiimiiiiJ | HOW ABOUT A HEATER I 1 TO TAKE THE CHILL OFF THESE l 1 COOL MORNiNGS? i Yes, we have them in all sizes and prices. We shall he glad to show them to you. E - E 1 4laska Electric Light S Power Co. 1 E Home of Regular, Reliable, Rugged EDISON Mazda Lamp*, r Phone 6 Juneau Alaska Ej *ii I niHlii i mi nun l III 11III in 11 it 11 in i i i f a i it 11 ii : i n I ii 11111 n I ii : 11 ii: i ai i: n i ii 11 mi: i lit: c x GASTINEAU CAFE jj For unequalled Cafe Service tiy our 50-cent s plate luncheon served from 11a. m. to, 2 p. m. i One Dollar plate dinner served from 5 p. m. to = 8 p. m. Continuous A la Carte service from s 7 a. in. to 1 a. m. GASTiNEAB CAFE 5 NORTH TRANSFER P. BATTELLO, Prop. Coal and Uaggage, Moving- Storage. STAND: Alaska Furniture Store 211 Seward Street. Phone 441. P. 0. Box 896, Juneau, Alaska. No Waiting ! Prompt and Agreeable Service PHONE 169 0. K. Barber Shop w-fa i»—---- ■ USED FURNITURE » Bought, Sold and Exchanged I N, R0C0V1CH | 211 Seward Street. I I Telephone 441. P. O. Box 211. 4 »---• 7 Visit I SITKA HOT SPRINGS Rates $3.00 Per Day and Up Dr. F. L. Goddard, Prop. I a- - r RELIABLE transfer-] I Phone 149. Res 148 { Courtesy and Good Servioe I ^_Oar Motto. ^ 7 f RUSSIAN STEAM BATHS f I Open Wednesdays and Saturdays I 1 P. M. to 12 Midnight I GASTINEAU AVENUE ?---" ' f Dr. M, P. Stanley f Physician and Surgeon | | 308-10 Haight Building, Seo- 1 | ond Avenue and Pins Street, Seattle, Wash. Electronic Reactions of I Dr. Albert Abrams. 1 l » | Diagnosis Treatment f 1 ... - - -.» EASTMAN The Dependable Film Be assured of your Kodak nurtures always being good by using Eastman Dependable Films. WINTER & POND I a . n TRY OUR Merchants Lunch 45 Cent* Arcade Cafe MARY YOUNG, Proprietor. ■ — a----4k | Juneau Public Library and Free Reading Room City Hall, Second Floor Main Street at 4th Readlag Room Open From 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Circulation Room Open from ; 1 to 6:30 p. m.—7:00 p. m. to 8:30 p. m. Current Magazines, Newspaper*, Reference Books, Eto., 1 FREE TO ALL « All Alaekan Trails End at * HOTEL ATWOOD First Ave. and Pine 8t., Seattle Popular Prices—Nearest to Everything. | TED TAYLOR. Prop. * youh "uni'sk:;- ashe*. s—the. typewriter, musical Instrument, fur. nlture, « appliance—■ are marker*;,:^, f.->r cash, throutb he classified columns of Jha fcmffc