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BRINGING UP FATHER bt collt - the C,UT THAT INVENTED patent • LEATHER b' lOEb iNObT HAVE I5EEIS THE hieanebt HM'I IN THE t— WOKLD bnO-' vb *Pf- '! - _1- . . - WELL 1 VE COT To take Thetv\ \ Off ■ i c/mtt # WALK AK1 HP j' r^ ^ V'/MTVHER’ !N 'EM.’ ^ —-,-— DAO T nr. <LU't I . THAT INVETATCO . '' TACK'D UMC C-i i e>EEltS Hio SOM ^ * fJ-. M - 1 t * • . » »• .; J_ i [ii? * - • u. ■ "in'. • GREAT THINGS EXPECTED OF USEEIT'S UTILE SON 1J LEXINGTON. Ky , Aug. 2S.- A lit lie mite of horseflesh, rtf lii . mollier dlilc bn E. R. Bradley's Idle llotti. farm here, some day may attraei the attention if lovers of the spoil of kings. Tie is Black Gold’s baby brother, son of Black Toney and Mi little Indian poll} (M i il. Seldom lias it happened that moo Ilian on • member of a family has achieved greatness on the track l>u there arc exceptions. Thin o no ,h|. horses by the same father and moth er were hied by “Hob" And1 r u i oil hts farm near Georgetown, Ky.. some years ago. Those w " i nick Wel les, Ort, Welles and Dick Einntl. h., King Erie from Tea's Over by Map. over. All were great r, . ,1 each sent to tlio tra . k -u-oiei of y. in ning rquiiies. It is not Improbable, Gum, turfnen say, that Black Gold's lil.fl hroj’ai some day .will .rei-eive (he- -plyydit which have greeted tic- older horse this year, and increase the purse of his owner, Mrs. R. M. Hoots, of Tus la. Okla. He Is eligible for the Keijtu k> Derby In llkSfi. Kouled shortly at i Ills brother won the Golden Jiilnl-i Kentucky Derby, this li' eoit Sin: already won praise from :u’fm- :i a promising looking j-miigster. STRSBLINO AND BERLENBAGH 00 6 ROUNDS, DRAW NEW YORK, Aug. 2N. I’.crlenbai li anil Strlbling fought furiously for sin rounds to a draw Iasi night. St rib ling was the aggressor at the iri. Berlenliaeh tiled all tin) land his famous kayo punch. HOMERS MADE ON WEDNESDAY The Pollowing home re -were inad In games yesterday: Pacific Coast League., McAuley of Lie Angel -: W n r of San Francisco. National League. Moore of Cittsbilr"h: Smith <<! St. Lon it . American Lf iguc Hdlmann of Detroit: Boom of Ttostop; Itoniwr of i'h ie:i ",o; I Ian •• of F’hlladlphia. “LEFTY7 BRANDTAGREES TO REPORT TO SEATTLE SPOKANE. Wiish.. An,.' £S. Eff. j “Lefty” Brandt, Spokane pitcher i cently prevented by S attP from ho copting a Boston National oontru t. has arret'd to report to Seattle. Just received a new shipment. of| T.ndiw’ Coats and Drr4 >. B. A! Bchretida Co. adv. MANY WOMEN USE GLYCERINE MIXTURE Women appreciate the quick ac tion of simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed in Adlerikn. Most medicines act only on lower • bowl but Adlerika acts on BOTH tipper and lower bowel, and re moves all gasse3 and poisons. l*x cellent for obstinate constipation and to guard against appendicitis. Helps any case gas on stomach lie TEN minutes. Bntler-Mauro Drue Co., Sold in Douglas at Guy's Drug Store. —adv.i ' ■. . ‘ ‘tft* . JACK DEMPSEY ON VISIT TO MIS DAD AND YOUNG RRIDE SALT LAKE, L’tah. Aug. 2- -.luck ! I) inp.-ay. enroule to N’rv Y: :li. vis ited his father here and tin lattui's ] new 26-year-old bride. SEATTLE LOSES GAMF.T0 VERNON BATTLE, An.','. 28. — Christ! tn hf in Si. atti • to t^atr,' lii In in y i - t [jjliy's same. Vernon mad' li'., run toff of Ita.iby wilts rt 'lied in l ie j.jUitli.. _ ", o liatl riot: wt-V ■: Sennit -Bag'liy, William find E. Baldwin. Vermin Christian and Whitney. GAMES YESTERDAY. Pacific Coast League, o’eaMle l; Vornut 7. hiii Ki uiioLco 3; Stfll l.i'iko 1 . ... An ■ !■ 13 ; Sacra he nto 1. Portland 3; Oakland 0. National League. Chicago 0; St. Louis 3. Pittsburgh f>; Philadelphia 7. American League. Washington. (!; St. Louis 8, eleven inn in us. Men York ft, 6; Cle-olnn•' 1. 4. Iki u -1 6; I let roil u, 3. Phiiaili lphia It, i); Chicago 12, ]. STANDING OIr THE CLUES. Pacific Coast League. W. Li. Pet j Sou BYanciisco 79 64 .555 Seal, tie . 77 fill .559 1 Vernon 7 1 69 .518 j Oakland . 71 69 ,51Hi Sac "Jineiih> 79 75 . Ipqj S:li I, aka o 8 76 .'1721 Port l ine! H6 77 . f62' lv if Arcaele'- 6 V 89 .448' National League. W.‘ G. Pet.; ,\Tc*w York .75 4 6 .62 8 j Pit tsinirgii . 70 50 .585! Brookllyn . 69 51 .56.1 Cliir . 65 -Q 6 .557; Clnein nn Li 65 60 .529 Si. r.onis 55 79 .45 I j Philacl.-lpliiu . 45 7 1 .5781 I'- -ton 44 77 .564 American league. %v. g. Pot. New York . 70 52 .574 Washington . ... 71 64 .568! Detroit 67 56 .515; St. Gcniis . 65 60 .512 ('lev.laud 57 67 .460 !’ :r,n . 55 66 .451! !* ■ ilachIphia . 56 6s *. 1 • Chicago 52 6 s .1:;;, swamp-kootVok KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one metficlne thai really lands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands the highest for the reason that it., has proven to be just the remedy needed in thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quickly because its mild and Immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gen tle, healing vegetable compound. Start, treatment at once. Sold at1 all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, if you wish first to1 test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ring-! hampton. N. Y., for a sample bottle.; When writing be sure and mention, this paper. (advertisement.) | -- 'M l papers /or sale, at Tjje Empire,I i New Girl Swim Chump After l!ecor:lsr tOt* Crrfr* i i. //V TL |j Eleanor Garratll, a 15-year-old Italian girl of San Rafael, Cal., won tli o 50-yard Pacific Coast girls’ championship at Alameda. Cal., In ni'iir record time. Taken in hand by competent tutors. It is believed the girl will make far belter time next season. chinOoniTn BANDIT PUT TO HORRIBLE DEATH Most Bloodthirsty and Notor ious Bandit Has Been Executed in China. (Continued rrom page One.) lug,1 of Ilailihiiiaug when. a home guard c • r villagers, known as the “Dig Knife Society,’ 'apprised of their purpose, attacked them and suffered utter defeat. The villagers were driven back into lialihsiang and the bandits fol lowed tin in. Then the gules of th< village were closed and every inai n is hot down. Sixty women and hlldren then were lined up, and 'Old Mother" Djao was asked what to do with them. Her orders to kill them were all carried out with tlx result that every man, woman and child who was within the walls af ter the gates were closed was slain Even the ijatttle and dogs of hi village suffered the same fate. Llng-che is simply vivisection dom by experts in such a manner tlia‘ the victim survives in a conscious i ile through hours of a terrible or deni. ___ .. __1 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE «nchcrage, Alaska. July 10, 1924. Notice is hereby given that Henry Mendrickson, of Juneau, Alaska, I’.a. submitted Final Proof on hP homestead entry, Serial 04146, H !. Survey 111 Now Series No 1297. covering lands situated in th< 1'on '.is National Forest, on Douglai Island, Alaska, together with hii viine. es, John Torvlnen, and Grov ’r C. Winn, all of Juneau. Alaska Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands 'ro required to file their adverse slaims with the Register of the United States Land Office, within lie period of publication, or thirty lays thereafter. .1. LINDLEY GREEN, Register. First publication Aug. 26, 1924. Last publipiition Oct. ,5ft,. HUl. LEAGUE OF NATIONS AN OLD STORY WITH IROQUOIS INDIANS — (Continued irom rage One.) I Illative ami recall lia<l a place in ills make-up. The Mohawk, the Onondaga, the ; Oneida, Cayuga, and the Seneca, i tribes of Iroquoian blood, established the league, with a mature constitu tion, and planned to hrtng into the I federation, in time, ail, Known tribes of men as allies, Deganawida, the prophet states man of the Iroquois, was its loading spirit. Hiawatha (not the personage of that name' immortaUeed by the poet Longfellow): AtotRpho. a wi zard who at first bitterly opposed the plan, and Pjlgonsasen, a noted chief tainess, urged for peaceful revolu tion. This was the more rental kablej Mr. Hewitt points out, In an age| when fighting was fashionable i The League of ttn^-.Kive Nations i amb historically into, being botween 11550 and 157n. it aimed at stamp-j ing out Hie blood feud system, which j was killing off the bravest Indians of the nations, and what j ever cannibalism existed. So power ! ftil had the League become by 1701 j that It was able to turn nr i, to tie ! King of England in trust a, lerri.ot’ ! SO0 miles long ami 4Q0 miles wide. ; Before asking others to disarm, lie League disarmed Itself. It had ! ly jarred by the War of tot. Uevr- 1 lution, Mr. Hewitt finds, but it Iiuh 1 survived hi a measure until '"'ay The Indian league had Its “World I Court" idea, too, for Mr. Hewitt I points out that "the federal council, sitting as a court without a jury, heard and determined eases In ac cordance with established rules and j principles of procedure, and with] precedent” SPECIAL ELECTION, WRANGELL -- - * Wrangell will have a special eler tinn September 0 for the purpose I of dec iding upon giving Harry W. j Hartley and associates a franchise | to erect and operate an electric i lighting plant to serve (list city. (). C. Palmer, who has conducted the electric lighting plant at Wran gell for the last ten years Is turning over the property and will leave shortly for his old home In Nebras ka. Mrs. Palmer and their two children have already departed for that State. Study tn* store atia— that you nay knew what our merchants Lave o olTer to you in the way of r-al buying opportunities. -♦—I .lust received a new shipment of Lrdies' Coat* 'and Presses. B. M. Teh rends Co. —adv. ITS' Your BUSINESS ' ' i You alone know how much of , hard work, of sacrifice, and of I enthusiasm have gone Into mak ing ft what It in today. You alone have the real vision of its future succors. You alone can realize what It would mean to have to start all I over again. Fire, accident, the forces of na ture, can wipe Out fn a few minutes the work of years. In- j suranee is ‘your one unfailing | protection. Have you enough insurance? Have you the right kind? ALLEN SHATTUCK l.VSI’RANCK REAL ESTATE YUKON PIONEER DIES William Oakden, for many years proprietor of a blacksmith and nia chine shop at Dawson and prominent In tlie Yukon Order of Pioneers, died at. Dawson August 8 of dropsy, aged 58 years. He went to Dawson as a member of the Northwest Mounted Police in 1898, and later secured his discharge and opened his shop. 11n was a native of Ottawa. CAMP FIRE GOODIE SALE The Song Moon Camp Fire Girls will hold a notion and food stile In tho vacant building across from .Nelson’s book store Saturday Aug. 30. Got your nut broad, salads, baked beans and crakes for over Sun day and Habor outings. adv. NOTICE. For your convenience y.-vn may drop in at George Jorgenson's Tailor Shop when you wish to pay your account or leave an order for coal, feed or general transferring, adv. I). B. FEMM Kit. See Sully'* Caipenter Snop foi fobbing and Cabinet work. Phone 138. —adv Helen Wills Again Tennis* Champion. j&igx*fc«ar %nx/i■ rD Mttle Miss deleft Will*, or Call- ' rnla, winner of ihe women* ogles In Iho Olympic gamp* in 1 Paris, Is again (lin America* tennl* i champion, having defeated Mis. | Molla lljnrsteil Mallory In Now , York. Miss Wills won thp cham pionship from Mrs. Mallory lust year. - i WHERE QUALITY PREDOMINATES Competent plumbing and sheet metal work is a profitable in vestment. We know this and so do you. Therefore it is incumbent upon us to see that you become satisfied. When buying or having repairs made by us we accomplish this in two ways. HONEST PRICES-HONEST MERCHANDISE WOODARD & NEWMAN PLUMBING SOUTH FRONT ST. SHEET METAL WORK Phone 373 He*. Phone* 1401, 1203 SERVICE QUALITY VALUE PACIFIC COAST COAL CO* .... HARRY G. WALMSLEY, Agent. Phone 412 or Your Transfer, « I I —_________...________— i l r - r - , H. C. HANNA COMPANY AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND ACCESSORIES C AGENTS FOR STUDEBAKER|'C AKS AND FEDERAL TIRES PHONE 35 - - OLD G. & B. MOTOR CO. j } ' DRY AS BONE COMMON SENSE AUTO POLISH THE GREASELESS CLEANER THAT’S THE NAME TO REMEMBER! Leaves a clean surface, smooth as glass, and its a wonder. CALL IN AND GET YOUR BOTTLE JUNEAU MOTOR COMPANY Service with a Smile. —. ■■■ .—I. ...I .. ... — — -- — ■ ■ — I I BARGAIN! ? L 1 2-room caibin and lot on | j: 7th St. $75.00. I l 1-room shack and lot on ; > 9th St. Deposit money at First Na- [ lional Bank and we mail you | f deed. i KARL DRLICA_^ «-—-■ Juneau Electric Co. ELECTRICAL. SLH’PI.IES i Radio Supplies. Repairing and i jobbing. Phone 125. 210 Front j Street. P. 0. Box 517. i- -fa ■.---■ TheJRenovatory | CLEANING AND PRESSING OF | Men's and Women's Apparel Ileblocklng of Mats. | PHONE 394 ■---—-fa PERMANENT t With the Trucsnn Building | 1 Products in conjunction with I ' the Universal Cement Molds | j one can build any kind of | i structures. Fire-proof, Cheap- i ' I ost, best and most perfect I ; method known to the building | I world. Investigate now. ! - I Concrete Products Mfg. Co. \ Juneau, Alaska. « JUNEAU TRANSFER COMPANY Move-.. Packs a*d Stores Freigh* and Saggage. •sWL Prompt Delivery of LADYSMITH COAL Phone 48. ■-% It’s all In knowing HOW to do ? flrnt-claaa cleaning and dyeing | CAPITAL DYE WORK* €. Meidner, Professional k/er j I and Cleaner. Phone ITT. j * JAPANESE TOY SHOP 7 l , "1 H. B. MARINO | Front Street ( ! P. 0. Box 218 for Mai' Oiden 1 Walch Him Go After It * Let him drink aii no wants ll will do him good as our milk la absolutely pure and fresh. Thar* te nothing better for children or grown-ups either, fpr that mat ter. Let ua leave you a quart or two each morning- Our cows have heer free from tuberculosis for four year*. Juneau Dairy PHONE 14b. I— " ■ ■ ^ 1 ~■9 I Spruce Lemerit Hemlock Brick hit Fire Clay Iron Bark Lime Oak Hay Shingles Grain Boat Lumber | JUNEAU LUMBER MILLS Study the store ads—ana learn about those new things which are shown tor the first time today.