Newspaper Page Text
I ■_I THE EMPIRE 18 THT HUDITM Thro ugh which the rsnsral publio caa always hav« iti want* supplied. dosing time for elassiled advertisements: 8 P. M. Closing time for display ad vertisements: 11 A. M. Ten oents per line trst 1« •ertim Flv# oen*x for gnbtofim 1» tortira. Conn* ire average words to the line •--- -a PERSONAE Relatives alarmed for m-fety of Cole Costello. Reward for reliable information. M. E. Costello, jnSMiinr, Montana. ' FOR SAL1 FOR SAI.K pull blood Toggenberg milch goat, now fresh. Perfectly gentle. $50.00. Inquire. Empire, Office. FOR SAI.K Best revenue producing property in Juneau. Very reason able terms. Inquire 2540 Empire. FOR SAKE - "-Passenger Hudson car in first class condition for quick sale, $125. See Juneau Motor Co. FOR SAKE Renovatory full sit cleaning and pressing machinery and four reblocking lints. Phone 394. | FOR SAKE - Finest quality Alaskan Blue Foxes from Coughian Island Fur Farm available for delivery now. Come and choose your; Breeding Stock. We take you out and bring you back. For appoint ment address Box 267, or call at 417 Franklin St. after 6 p. m. FOR SAKE—800 M-. STEF.K HYD raulic pipe 16 and 18 Inches diameter. Also one small 28" odger and one open deck scow 2" by 7b. W. P. I^ass. FOR SAKE RKASONABKE, OAV-! import, almost new. Keather off ering. can be seen at 322 12th St. TOl'MNO CARS ANii TRUCKS AT NloCaul'n. FOR SAKE MAXWK1.K CAR. RE- j cently overhauled. Also for hire by day or hour with or without driver. Inquire Imperial Pool ( Hall. ~~ ~~_£=_ FOK RENT FOR RENT 1. L’. and 1 rmim ( npta , fully furnished, light, and i water. Feldon Apartments, form I erly Juneau Apt '.. FOR RUNT Four room house with bath. Turn (shod. See Fred B .rri. , Oastinoau Hotel. FOR RENT Steam heated furnish- ' ed room. 340 Franklin. Phone 287. FOR RENT—2, 3 AMI) 4 ROOM apts. fully furnished, light and water. Juneau Apartments. , --! I ROOM UNFURNISHED BLAST ered house. Newly renovated Phone 308. r-iioNOli KAlJl I or lent. Puon 141. PIANO FOK KENT—Phone 14*. ___ ___ _ t | WANTED ! WANT HI) - Steady work on fox i ranch by man 35. some exper-j lence. Address 2535 Empire. Ju-j nrau. MISCELLANEOUS I CARD READING) a\ *22 Weet »«- j St., on Tide Flata. --I PALMIST—coioa and Dave yoni fortune told from your baad. Work, hualneae, marriage and tba fmture foretold 808 Front St. - - FIRE ALARM CALLS | l-S Third and Franklin, 1-4 Front and FraakUn. 1-4 Front, near Ferry Way. 1-8 Front, opp. Film Bxehamm 1-7 Front, opp. Olty Wharf. 1- 8 Front, near Saw Mill. 2- 1 Home Grocery. 2-8 Willoughby, opp. ©ole Bam. ! 2-4 Front and Seward. 2-4 Froet and Main. 2-6 Second and Main. 2- 7 Fifth nnd Saward. S-9 Fire Hall. 3- 2 Qaetlneau and Sawn We*. 3-4 Second and Gold. 3-6 Fourth and Harris. 3- 6 Fifth and Gold »-7 Fifth and Bant. >-8 Seventh and Gold. 8-9 Fifth and Kennedy. 4- 1 Ninth, hnck of power ho nee 4-2 Cnlhoun, opp. Junean Apia. 4-1 Dledn Are., and Indian St. 4-1 Ninth nnd Calhoun 4-t Seventh and Mam. 4-1 Twelfth, at Northern L’drp 4-1 Twelfth and Wll long a ay. i Study Hie store ads — that you -nay lc*»n of whatever special econ ■ • - — -- » ” * -- ** *3 1 *•*••••• —w • —- —•»*• •«* • can offer to you. POLLY AND HER PALS / V^HO'G THAT \ y.__ BIRD Wt^TH ) L I I3U/0/sIoTN. “OL.LV, S THEV \ AGh3 J / CALLS HIM \ l X3UMB XMCKIE.! j I By CUFF STERRCT : CLiHV Stereo fc’Trr /h/6-3o I Used to Re Real Count; Now He’s Caddy. i__ UTA-D- VtA T3 I 7, >J A rv~ I i-'-i-.. ■ '■■* When Czar Nicholas resigned Wolf Alexis Dimitri Starizna was a Count, whose family was rich. Now he is in Chicago, with an incoma (' several million rubles monthly, but at the present rate (Jf exchange they won't buy a toothpick a month. That's the reason he is earning his living as a caddy in the Windy City. Geneva Gives Public Welcome to Herriol GENEVA, Kept. 1 The public of Geneva. uccustcracrt a-, it is to great' men coming within its borders, rare ly gets excited over distinguished visitors but la t night the citizens Him ;, reserve aside and gave Pre 111/ier Tlerrin', one of the most oti thminstlc groctiner in history. The disarmament pact was r drafted by a wniniiitee and the new l"Xt was presented to Herriol. Study the store a tvs -and learn tibout those new things wliich ars shown fot the first time today. i= t j Home Cooked Meals | I cr room and board at tkst j Home Boarding House ! Formerly Gen. Hospital I PHONE 2D3 I I CUFF APARTMENTS 2, 3 and 4 room Apartment* completely furnished H. *j, Welch, Prop. PHONE 209. AUTOS FOR HIRE i " 7 ~ ? Nick’s Taxi SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT Experienced and Expert Driv ers. We pleaRe at all times. 1 Stands—OLD GROTTO, Rhone j 197; U & 1 Cafe, Phone 64. ■ ' -L BERRY’S TAXI Careful and Efficient Service I PHONE 199 Office Next to Gastlneau Hotel. | BERRY’S TAXI j j. — ■ Carlson’s Taxi Stand—Alaskan Hotel PHONE SINGLE 0 Day and Night Service. la-i-—-B ■ -—--■ ! I i Jack McDonald TAXI SERVICE ! STAND—VAN ATTA BARBER 1 j I SHOP—PHONE 416. . B ■-------■ Covich Auto Service Juneau, Alaska Day and Night Service. | PHONE 444. j Stand in Front of Arctic I | JOHN 00VICH, Prop. j •— --— -■ . < ii I MARINE NEWS V ^ • | YUKON ARRIVES WITH BIG LIST AND GOES WEST _ I Brings 36 Passengers Here from South — Has Little Freight, Small Mail. With "G passengers TO tons of freight anil a single day's mail, the Alaska Line steamer Yukon, ('apt. (’. A. Olusscoc k, arrived in port at T p. in. yesterday, it departed for Seward and wayports at 9:30 o'clock. Passengers arriving from Seattle were: Mrs. \Y E. Hankie. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Ericson and two daugh ters. Lorraine and Lucille, Blanche Jeffrl, - John W. Kelllher, Mrs. J. j VY Kelllher. Noruh Mattson, A. B. Marlin, Mrs. A. li. Martin, Helen Martin, \ ('.. Mosier, S. It. Raymond.. Marion B. Stout, Alice M. Wagner! and two steerage. Local passengers were: M. Gross and wit ■. Alb rt Gate1. Edward Sparks, Mrs. S. F. Starr. Gust Strain, E. L. Hunter, ,!r Grover C. Winn, W. W BuLhdl-r. William Young. Albert Smith, ('apt. ] H. M Pet ergon, A. Bourke, W. .1 Wheeler, Otto Dahl. W A. Duffel), Fred N'ei on and G. Hedin. Pa isengcrs leaving for the west; were: for Cordova M a j. Lunsford K Oliver. Mrs. J. France, Mrs. D M. Wheeler, W. K. Wheeler. Barney! Snyder. Mrs Louise Steele, Miss J. Beyer; for Valdez—H. S. Andrews. M. If. Sides; for Seward Miss Viv ian Bettanini, Miss Hazel Matthews. Miss Ruth Eeeles, Frank A. Boyle, I Herbert (5. .Messer and Mrs. H. G. Messer. The Yukon had 1.800 tons of freigli' j leaving Seattle, about 1.500 tons of ■ which was for western Alaska. p. - ; i STEAMER MOVEMENTS 11 I: I NORTHBOUND ALAMEDA is due Saturday. QUEEN is due Sunday. SCHEDULED SAiuiNGii ESTEBETH will sail for Sitka and way ports at II o'clock | tonight. NORTH WESTERN scheduled* to sail from Seattle September 8 at 5 p. ni. JEFFERSON is si heduled to sail from Seattle September !) at | 0 a. m. I ; ADMIRAL EVANS schedul 'd to sail front Seattle September 9 at 10 a m. ADMIRAL, ROGER t a ' dal d to sail from s'«■ >• 11 ■ September la. MAIL novi r;t,t,i|tiR ,ir sails | from Inn -an for Petersburg | | »"<t *pvi e-ts at midnight | next Saitirduy. c ''•1 r H 3OUN D SAILINGS ALASKA due southbound tomor row night. PRINCESS ALICE due south at 7 o’clock tomorrow morning. ! YUKON da southbound about September 11. ADMIRAL WATSON due south- | bound about September 12. »--«; QUEEN ON WAY NORTH SEATTLE. Sept. 4. Steamer Queen sailed at 10 o’clock this morning for Soot hens ter n Alaskan ports with lifi I passengers, Max Rosen and George Buford being passengers ior Juneau ..... ■ : r~--— ; ( i ... «j h They find lost articles, efficient help, or ■r..r; S desired positions. Classified ads sell any thing from baby carriages to automobiles —including livestock, lots and houles. ri “-f ',. . ;; For a sixty horsepower pull on opportun ity telehone your want ads to The Em .''£3 d pile. 374. ALASKA HEAT COHPANt * V , _. it. Wholesale and Retail Butchers h raoHi xb hwabd sraxrr r -- -— ■ < ■ i Hi ^ ij Modern Conveniences Comfortable Rooms HOTEL ZYNDA LOCK IE M’KnreoU, Proprietor. Elevator Service Reasonable Rates j jt-*-J I Tides Tomorrow ---—-i High Tide 4:57 a. m. .. H.2 ' Low Tide 10:57 a. ni. 2.7 High Tide 5:0.'J p. m. Id.0 Low Tide 11:47 p. m.. 0.9 ROGERSTN PORT FROM NORTH AND DEPARTS SOOTH Arrives with 2! Local Pas-| senders—; Takes Out 32 for Various Ports. — , With 21 passengers for Juneau and about 19.D for Seattle, the Admiral Line steamer Admiral Rogers, Capt.|, Landstrom, ariived In port at 1:30 a. m. today and sailed for the south I at 3:30 a. m. She took aboard 32 j passengers and loaded a quantity of I fish at the Juneau Cold Storage while in port. Passengers arriving on the steamer included: H. Killas, J. W. Richter. L. L. Simpson, J. Fargher, J. Sisul, Eddie Sultan. Joe Meherin. Clara Keough, Mrs. M. E. Conway, Miss Dorothy Goddard. Arnie Vesoja, Dr. F. I,. Goddard. Thomas Matthews. Emma Matthews, Mrs. McRoherts. Jennie McRoherts, Miss M. Harford. R. M. Holly, Phyllis Bayers, Mrs. Henson, Miss Henson. Passengers leaving for the south were: for Seattle—H. A. Graves, Mrs. If. A. Graves, R. A. Maurer. Mrs. R. A. Maurer, Svenne Olson. Christ. Erickson. D. Jnrho, Ed Wil liams, F. E. Wcllever, H. C. Whitney. Tom Klmhall, E. R. Jaeger: for Ketchikan Henry Roden, J. W. Ke hoe, Mrs. J. W. Kehoe. W. H. Kin niard, I,. Regan, C. W. Felch; for Wrangell—L. M. Carrigan, W. J. Car ruthers, W. H. Spaulding; for Pet ersburg—V. D. Harrison. E. Th les sen, Sam Shucklin, Mike Gavil, Annie Johnson, Walter Martin. Mrs. Jessie Martin and btrby, Mamie Martin, Al. Dahl, F. Zitz, Steve Sorokoff. DIXON SELLS HERE The halibut boat Dixon. Capt. Emil Simelson, arrived in port yesterday from the fishing banks with 4.000 pounds of fish. She sold to the Ju- ] neau Cold Storage Co., for 12 and_7 | cents and unloaded yesterday. -- I ; ALTAR SOCIETY MEETING. j A meeting of the Ladies' Altar I Society will be held Friday after-, j noon at 2 o’clock in Parish llall. j A full attendance of members 1? i requested. j FERRYSCHEDULE‘ 1 Leave Juneau lor Dougina, Tread „ wall erd Thant Effective Tuesday, Jan. 29. 1924. t»:lOp.m. •7:10a.m. *4:IOp.m. 9:40a.m. 9:16s.m. »: 16a.m.f 6:16p.m. •11:16p.m. .112 midnight! 12 noont* 17:80p.m. 11:00a.m. 1JS :0.0p.m. Leave Doi<las fpr Treadwell and •7:26a.m. ?M6p.m.f 6:80p.m. |1:18a.m. 12:16p.m. 9:66p.m. Leave Treadwell (or Thane. 7:80a.m. 12:20p.m. t 4:60p.m.t Leave Thane for Treadwell, Dougina end Juneau. 8:10a.m. 12:2> 6:06p.m.t Leava Treadwell for Dougina and Juneau.. »:«»«. 6:86p.m. 11:80a.m. 12:60p.m. 10:00p.m. leave Dougina for Junoaa. J :20p.m. • 8:80a.m. 6:S6p.m.t 10:00p.m. 9:30a.'m.t 0:40p.m. >11:80p.m. | 12:66 p.m. |7:46p.m. 61:26a.m. ’•—Thai*#. t—rrelght wm ie aaaeple*. —»*o*pt Saturday nlkht •>—Schadnre Isa vine 11:11 |. m, Juneau, will steft Holiday. Fab. 4. 1 Juneau ferry & Navigation j Company. | THE YACHT EUHUS ( 1 FOR CHARTER 1 I 1 ™ To anywhere In Alaskan waters—By far the moat seaworthy, 3 5 Atrongly built and beat equipped boat of her class In Alaska. 5 S 60 h.p. Diesel engine. Bleeps six with comfort. Radio•wfttlpped. S 5 i 3 ~ PAUL KEGEL, Master—Phone Douglas 40. '5 ..IIHIniimiHUlllHMIllllllUIUIItllllUUUHHHUIItnii FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS *• "fTAll" leave* Istti on th* 10th of a*«h menu ealUni at all poifeta u far vaat at Unalukm. t . ... SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO., f « 1 0. C. HENDERSON, Agent, SewmttJ, Alaska j MAIL BOAT top pETfflWBimo and way foPt*~ j ffODFC ID Tafcu Harbor, Anettlshem, Spool Rirer, »unv liCURliC. Jl\ lum, Windham Bay.Gambler Bay.Prbne Bay. I Brother Island, Five Finger Station. Fanehaw. Ferment Her. , Leaves Saturday midnight Freight received until 10 A. K. Sal urdays at City Wharf. <; KAMITEAD TRANIFORTATIOI CO. { i > ' 1 )' ■ ■ ' <• • ?»■” =3——•■ i DA D ■■ rai —Leave* Monday at 11 p. m. for Haine*, Shag* MAIL B0ATm:s.^„ p. **. — ping at Tenakee Spring* and other way COTCDCTU mB. For information lee Dave Honant, LU I LOL III Fhone 444. Freight accepted until 12 noon, day of aailing. _ FOX F1IHCE RUPERT, TAECOTTTEE. SEATTIP Lcdtc Janeaa Soulhboard—* PRINCESS ALICE—Sept. 5th, 15t.h, C5th, Oct. 6th RRINCESS MARY—October 16, 27th, Nov, 6th Summer Tourist Tickets to all Eastern destinations effective lor •ale May 22nd to September 15th Inclusive with fln»l return limit October 31*t. BEGIN YOl’R SUMMER TOI'lt FROM JUNEAU J. L. M’CLOAK E Act., Junes it. **' ■ »! ..J ' ' '■ ALASKA STEAMSHIP company unn — imyici — imv LRAVR DUB ATJUNRAU 8TBAMER SMttU North South ALASKA .Aug 23 Aug. 26 Sept. 3 YUKON . .Aug. 31 Sept. 3 Sept. 11 * tJEFFERSON .Sept, ft Sept. 13 Sept. 13 •ALaMEDA ...Sopt. 3 Sept. 6 Sept. 7 NORTH WESTERN .Sept, g Sept. 12 Sept. 19 ALASKA .Sept. 13 Sept. 16 Sept. 24 •ALAMEDA .J^ept. 16 Sept. 19 Sept. 20 YUKON .Sept. 20 Sept. 23 Sept. 30 NORTHWESTERN . Sept.i27 Sept. 30 Oct. g •—Calls at Petersburg north and south bound, t—-South from Juneau. W. E. HOWELL, AGENT JUNEAU. PHONE S. L W. CLBU1H. AGENT DOUGLAS, PHONE 453. mBfflg Due DM jBB&SB Lr.SMttla Juneau NB Junahu SB ■ 1 ‘QUEEN .Aug. 20 Aug. 24 Auf. 27 1 WATSON .Aug. 26 Aug. 29 Sept. 12 ftHIKLL. ‘ROGERS . Aug. 27 Aug. 31 Bept. tEVANS . Aug. 29 a/SSmi -5* - •QUHEBJN ..-Sept. .3 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 ■ nVIliV T J tEVANS . Sept. 9 Sept. 12 Sept. 23 ‘ROGERS .Sapt. 10 Sep* 14 Sept. It * ^Calling Haines. Skagway and Sitka, returning to Juneau South Bound. t—ICalling Cordova, Seward. Anchorage and Way Pcr,s WBst- Evans rails Takutat both ways °>?1o“0.“' *•“ «Y !^B9s , Douglaa, AImUL , Pacific Coastwise Jcrviee ^ADMIRAL ONE ■BBMHBBiltR AUIXANDHR, PRC6IDGMTBBBBMM \