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BRINGING UP FATHER JObT Look at 'foofi ii or XOO'RE EETT'NC; WTl P EVERT DAT- I WAN T TOO TO GALLON DR JONfo HE LL. TELL TOO HOW V_TO REDUCE; r'Nil jV'” cT" 'LL DO (JJ aJl ' I I I» HOPE THE III i HACVE. TH»*b PftF'bCR'OT'OtH *— L FIH-EIO AsMD THE. TH/MN THIHC< g 1‘bTOOOALOTOFWALKIHC, 1 riFT^r DOLuAR<b PLFAbE I /fOM(Mri’tlleo . JJeli ■ HUSKY STABS i PREPARE FOR GRID SEASON Many Veterans Working at Various I asks to Keep in Condition. SEATTLE, Sept. 6. With sixl -m letter men eligible ahd cage, fm the l!t21 gridiron ,va on to start, Coach Enoeli Hagsliaw, I'ntv ; Ity el Washington eoaclt ami "Tubby' Graves, assistant eo«e|i, me l .ing plans tor what may It Washington s' greate i in,rt bail yea Eight nnn Ipvc bt'eti lust' 1.1 tie squad by graduation but twenty freshmen and lecoitd si. ing tie n will be on hand to give lit - sixte n leiie.-., men a fight for i >.tliiyn when ;v.. I tlee starts Sqpt- 15. i Candidates have condition! d them selves dmiug the aumue t ;yt all sj>i of work from ikk king tee to .wiling automobiles. Some have been sur-j veylng, others logging, while George Wilson wonder back, has become a: student of the wholesale drygoods! business. Kuhn Ice Man Ed Kuhn, captain, veteran pt t,\v>> years, is lift ing ice ns a conditioner, i Chalnter Waiter . another two year veteran, is in the ice game aim. Hoy Petrie, one of the powerful linemen is a Seattle park keeper while Fred Westront, end. is working in a lum ber mill at Everettt, and Ken l)n Bois, another end, is logging at Van couver. Wash. Karl Marsh, a warded I an honor W. last year, is with l>u-i Hois in the logging game. Johnny Cole, flashy end. went iej Alaska to find good cnmiiiioning la bor. Roy Siegers, alsou an end. thought the lime and cement bn-m e took off summer fat and found that j it was so. Jack Lillis is . urveying nt Wenatchee. Veterans Working Other veterans who are working j at various tasks arc: luoslio S1i.tni.iii. Waldon Erickson, Bill Beck, Alik j Hanley, Elmer Tesreuu and Ed Mr Rae. The men lord to the squad are:' Ray ilill, hdlfback: Beonanl Ziel. j halfback. Janu s Bryan, all-roasi j guard:'Amos Christie, tackle; Ck.irlo* j Smith, hack; Wayne Hall. 1 flit:; cup | tain; II.,m (iree:i, hack, ami Ala , Wilson, hack. Second string men and freshmen! eligible lor the team follow: Ray | Rice, Wriden Beckett. Hugh Beckett.! Egbert Brix, Grant Shager, Otfai Tur tier, Toby Listtr, I.yi Co- . Ed I.a.... Frank Haggerty, Norman McC'im moil. Don Dougin'. I> in Boyle, J i h Cutting, Erick Mitchell, Kirk, Tom ] Etherington. Hans .Inrobson, Eugeni I’armeter and Paul Delaney. MAKE THREESOME RUNS ONE INNING PHtLcAI KU IISA. 8<qit. fi Harp r, Wrib'c'lhione and Wit n made lime homers yesteiday in one inning off Baldwin pitching lor the New York Giants. NOTICE. Fire Alarm Boxes will In- t"sted Sundav morning. _adv. J. Ij. GRAY, Chief. WHERE QUALITY PREDOMINATES Competent plumbing and sheet metal work is a profitable in vestment. We know this and so do you. Therefore it is incumbent upon us to see that you become satisfied. When buying or having repairs mRde by us we accomplish this in two ways. HONEST PRICES—HONEST MERCHANDISE WOODARD & NEWMAN PLUMBING SOUTH FRONT ST SHEET METAL WORK Phone 373 Res Phones 1401. 1203 AUSTRALIA LEADS OVER FRENCH FOR U. S. CHALLENGERS liUO.OKIilNii a it. G. Wood.", and | Patterson }• icnlay niti : nan de-j l'-Miiil Pacuste mid Ijrougon in tin tenuis double , i i.'li-t ml C A giving Australia a it ad. over Kiame io chnl-i lei.41 ■ it,- i nitrd States for tin Da vie (’up. 1 SEATTLE. S(‘l>t. «. it \vna a ■lose -dltie yesterday nfternm>ii till II the ciyht tmHiig. The Oiks ■Ori l nil three rum'; in the i i'-lith on ,i;: liJtr. Seattle only got loir hits diirin ■; I he game. The lint! erles were: ?.i it He 'Plummer and K. Dalil rwa ri. / Oakland Mails and Raker. GAMES YESTERDAY. Pacific Coast League. Boa td I 0: Oak la nd d I on Angelos X; Sail Lake Pot' land 15; Vernon id. iSnu Frunci'< 1 1 It; Sicrameii i *» S. Nations] League. Philadelphia 5; d; New York G. 15 1 Second game culled at end of .■ '.Vi nth on account et rain. P.o <m 0; Hrooklyn 4. (nr.i fin n tt d: Chicago 1'. Other ignnn; postponed on : <■" nmi of rain. American league. Detroit 7. tin; Ok vclai.d d. i. Chiea o t: St. Dual 1. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Pacific Coast League. W. l,. Pet R:ui Francisco 80 08 .558! Scat tlo . 84 7 1 .5 4:5 1 Oakland . 80 70 .5141 Vernon 71) 70 .51<>! Sacramonin . 7 1 78 .487» 1/ Anai-lcy .. .74 8.5 .4 41) | l\>r!land . 7:» 8jf .-171! Rail Lake . 7J Sr- .457 National League. w. l. Pet New York . SI 51 .611 Biooklyn ... 8n 51 .597 Pittrliuryh . 75 53 .586 Clijca t: "0 tin .538 t' i n tin li n 71 fie .530 Si. I ami* _ 55 77 .416 Philadelphia ... 5<i 82 .B7*.* I>oi ion . Hi 38 .34 3 American League. vV. I-. Pet Wellington . 77 55 .485 Now York . 74 57 .5*15 ! I lei 11. ii . . 7 2 63 .53 7 | St. ! ins ... 7<* 6 1 .523 i < !(. vt Id p*i .61 75 . W8 l! lit .... 60 7.1 .452 j Philadelphia - . 59 72 .451 ■t ion: i. 58 73 .443 ATTENTION MASONS. ~A :■ iaied comniuiireatlon of .Ml. .) 11 11 *: 1 11 I/ill 31 No. 117, I*'. th: \. M-. will lie held Monday oven in:: in Odd Krilov ' I lull, a'f 7:30 n’elot k.‘Work in Ho I-'. ('. negro*;. Vi.-dtin, Brethren cordially invited. By order .if the VV. M. OH AS. E. N.UMIEI..' - :idv. Secretary. See Solly's Carpenter Snop for I [..iiliJng and Cabinet work. Phone ] 136. —adv. HOMERS MADE FRIDAY GAMES The f .llowiir;* humors worn made in :;amt ( yesterd ly: Pacific Const League. Warn n and Menu ky of Vernon; Cox of Portland; Ellison of San Francisco. National League. .1. Wilson, Wright si one. Harper, IP nline of Phil;delphtfa; V Ming, | .Inek rn and Kelly of New York. American Lcagu#, None. GEPMAN BOYS PLAY FOOTBALL ATI, THROUGH SUMMER MONTHS PKRUN. Sip!. 6. The hoys and' (••ii;- men of Germany are lnien-j Iv il voted to I 'othall. Wherej e on’" I ■ "hall cltlh tell' , athere arc 15 today. The i i] pin \ thrmyh t he entire lunirr and well into the cold of winter. , Ed rat ora* nre of differing eplti ; •, ■ as ;o the value of sports, foot - hall tennis and hockey, to the oil Ii i t : lie laud. Some find a ntlency to overdo the matter, and Indus tire sniftering; in eonse :|tu tu e, but : i general thing phy • : l development is regarded as n■ r o ' as training of the mind. GERMANS STUDY METHODS 10 INCREASE AUTO DRIVING IP.'llldN, Sept. Ii. In all of Ger many, which is somewhat largor than the Stale of Oalifonias there i" lull I tingle parking space for automobiles. This fact canto to light a;: a result if an investigation to Id inline Hie condition of tire up.tor industry in the country. Bo le regulations do not permit auto mobiles Lo stand in Live streets mi ll u Unified by tile driver, and v n then for only a short time. In order lo popularise locally -the .p i American pastime of driving oh 1 i \vn car a movement has been In' d in Merlin and some of tiic . I her cities io set tip autom ibilo [inks within the city centers. FIVE CONVICTED FOR POSSESSING WHISKEY IN INTERIOR TOWNS Fallowing raids by special dry •g. lit' and Federal reputles la Fair h.mkt and at McKinley Mark, five cruviction:- were obtained In cases in t . S. Commissioner's Court at those points, uecordiug to informa tion n reived by Acting Director A. Cl. Means. At Fail hanks I). J. McDermott, a men Inti)! I hero, was fined $5110 and on!enced to five months’ imprison ment, II was also boil ad over to the grand jury on a charge of do- j stradion of evidence, the same. I'lai Alex Husak was fined $200 and sen I i*n i d to 2o days, and Charles lie.- .lardieiis, a Tatiana Valley farm i', was sentenced to two months', imprisonment and to pay a tine ol , ' $2bo. At McKinley Dark Mary Thompson j i was fined $500 and George Smith! j $50 for the possession e of alcholie ! liquors RUSSIAN HOUSE SERVANTS FARE BEST AMONG WORKERS MOSCOW, Sept. 6. — American j u >e ewivos who think their servant problem a difficult one should turn j to Bolshevist Russia, whore house maids, cooks and pantry workers dr mand many more privileges than do servants In the United Stator. in addition to an eight-hour day and one day iff each week, servants here have a month's vacation during the year, full Insurance, the rtglii to attend trade meetings whenever they desire, and other liberties. In Moscow employers must sup ply their domestic with two dresses a year, two pair of shoes, four pain of stackings, half a dozen aprons! and numerous other articles. PIGEONS STEER STRAIGHT COURSE THROUGH THE HEAVY SWISS FOGS, _ BERNE, Switzerland, Sept. ti. An interesting test of (he reliability of pigeons us message bearers was recently made by the Swiss tlcnora! Staff. Twenty doves were taken toj the highest accessible point of t.hej "Jungfrau" and released. The day! was cloudless in the upper regions of the Alps, Imt nil the cities ami valleys were screened from view by a thick layer of log. Seventeen doves started in a straight 'lino for Berne. Two start nd in the wrong direction, and u third became lord for a while in ihe valley. But the entire 20 (in ! ally Toadied t.hoir destination. Thei throe erring doves were only ten! minutes behind the leaders In get ! ting home. FIND STUTTERING CURABLE. VIENNA, Sept. 6. Nearly all children affected with the habit of .stuttering may be cured if the pa tients are given proper care in time. This was (he consensus of ( pinion exreescd by experts at the first congress ever held on the con tinent to diiHcuss improvement of the power of speech and the voice among youngsters. rise »uliy s Carpenter Shop for Jobbing and Cabinet work. Rhone 136. —adv. Home matje pastry to order. !Tor cet-Mo-Not Tea Room. adv. !Buick Bodies and. Buick Chassis are designedas a i single unit. is whyBuick cars are so roomy and: comfortable. '' • CONNORS MOTOR CO. ‘ 1. J. CONNORS, Prop. When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them 1 S . ; FLR£ ALARM CALLS 1-5 Third and Franklin. 1-4 From and Franklla. 1-* Front, naar Ferry Way, 1-6 Front, opp. Flint Kxchanam 1-7 Front, opp City Wharf. 1- 8 From, near Haw Mill. 2- 1 'tome Grocery. 2-3 Willoughby, opp. fVtla Ultra 2-4 From and Howard. 2-6 From and Main* 2-6 Second aitd Mata 2-7 Fifth and S«w*rA. 2- 9 83 re Hall. 3- 2 Uuallneau and Rawi Way. 3-4 Second and Gold 3-6 Fourth and Harrte. 3-6 89flh and Gold 2- 7 Fifth and Bait. 1-8 Seventh aj^d Gold. 3- 9 Fifth and Kennedy. 4- 1 Ninth, bach of power honae 4-2 Calhoun, opp Juneau Apt*. 4-3 PUtin Ave., and ladlaa At. 4-6 Ninth and Calhoun. 4-6 Seventh and Mala. 4 1 Twelfth, at Northern 1/iry ♦-» Tweifui »»* Wtllo«a’l>»g4 _ • | DEPARTMENT OF THli itiTfcfrloft' UNITED S I A ii.o ..AND OFFICE | nnchurv-K'-, Alaska. July 10. 11121. Notice Ik hereby given that Henry | Hondrickson, of Juneau, Alaska, lias submitted Final Proof on hi* homestead entry, Serial (Ml46, II. 1 E. Survey lit Now Scries No. ,12X7, covering; lands situate!} in tin j Tongass National llorest,, on Dot Ij j Island, Alaska, together wifh hi | witnesses. John Torvinen, and Oimv ler ('. Winn, nil of Judean, Alaska. Any and all persons claiming ad | vcrsely the above described lands | arc required to file their adverse claims with tit o Itogtetor of tbo United States Land Office, .within i Hie period of • pu'hPcutlou, or thirty .days thereafter. J. LINDLEY OltEFN, Itcgistor. Fir i publication Aug. 26, 1921. j Last, publication Oel. .26, 1921. SERVICE QUALITY VALUE PACIFIC COAST COAL CO' ’ • . o.l ! .... HARRY G. WALMSLEY, Agent. Phone 412 or Your Transfer. I 3zzznzmzzzzzzzzzz .. j r j[ H. C. HANNA COMPANY AUTOMOBILEfREPA I RING AND ACCESSORIES. . AGENTS FOR STUDEBAKEREC \RS jj/By AND FEDERAL TIRES PHONE 35 ... OLD G. & B. MOTOR CO. , < i<»#i i I - - --- ■■■■ —^ DRY AS BONE COMMON SENSE AUTO POLISH THE GREASELESS CLEANER THAT’S THE NAME TO REMEMBER! Leaves a clean surface, smooth as glass, and its a wonder. CALL IN AND GET YOUR BOTTLE JUNEAU MOTOR COMPANY j Service with a Smile. >, i T BARGAIN! 1 2*ronm cabin ami lot on I . Till St .*75.00. J f I 1 - room shack and lot on | T 9tji St, ‘ t Hep.i :t money at First Na- j t tlOPn! Rank and wo mail you | ! deed*. | KARL DRLICA U-;---—-*-9 K- • Juneau Electric Co. \ feLBCTrtTCAL SlIPPUES Radio Supplies. Repairing and I jobbfn ;. Phone 125. 210 Front ' 'Street.- p. o. no* 517. i{----■ B-~"-1 "I ■ The^Uenovatory 4 CI.KANINO AND PRESSING OF I Men’s nnd Women’s Apparel Reblocking of Hats, j PHONE 384 71 ---- 9 - ~X- --* < PERMANENT ! ^rWAVIth tile Trucson Rull.ling | Jfc.) Pi'n-dircta in conjunction witli I ut ,tW.’ Cement Molds rj'rono ■ can build any kind of ■.-*■** ruetures. Fire-proof, Clieap *1 ..oaf. Lest and most perfoot 1 method known to the building I world. Investigate now. 1 - Concrete Products Mfj». Co. i Juneau, Alaska. U—1-LU---a JUNEAU TRANSFER i , COMPANY Move-, Tacks bp3 Stores Freiph< flnd Karaite. I Prompt Pslivery of LADYSMITH COAL Phone 48. -k I*'« all In knowing MOW to do ; Brut clem) cleaning and dyalaf. CAPITAL DYE WORXB C. Molilner, Profeeelonal lift Cleaner. Phone ITT. b -—--b TTapaneseToy SHOP l i* :• - » H B. MAHJNO . L, Front Street i P. 0. Box 218 for Mm1 Oideri ) u- --m » ll, ij WalcK Hin Go Alter It J l,et him drink an no want*. It will do him good as our milk l« *ftl{solgtely puro and fresh. Thor* Is' tiotiii n.-t hotter for children or grown-ups either, fer that mat- 1 ter. Hot h i I avi you a quart or iwo each t: irniiis'. Otir cows hare liter free from tuberculosis for four years. Juneau Dairy PHONE Hb. ‘--l, PROSPERITY IS HER! o as « ft. ■ ; f 'i " v;^,- £ I I v'f r F i J §> [| S —5 r t *•' : Spruce Lenient Hemlock Brick Kir Fire Clay Iron Bark Lime Oak Hay Shingles Grain Boat Lumber JUNEAU LUMBER MILLS Study the utoro ads—ana learn about those new things which are : .,, n Mf ' ‘ '• Umo today. I