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1,550 ATTEND OPENING DAY OF S, E. FAIR Throngs Crowd A. B. Hall Afternoon and Evening—Fine Displays (Continued irora ^age One.) from out of town points arrived during die afternoon and were on display last night. The exhibitors pud members of commit'ttes ap jointed to the various departments were all on the job to sihow the guests through the displays. Tre agrieultural exltibits are from Juneau, SUsvgway. Haines, Tenakee, f.itka, Sjuihn Inland and Strawberry Print. They include potatoes, beets. <: i in' . itirntips, apples, erabapples, i .• oberies. celery, rhubarb, beans, peas, cauliflower, radishes, lettuce, j >: ■ rsley, onions, parsnips and grasses. The floral exhibit rival that of last year and is one of the most attractive pots in the Pair build fug. The flowers and plants are beautiful in site and,eoloring. Then sire several varieties of each, being Hus most of dahlias and sisters in the flowers and begonias ill the plant;. Hie exhibit-.- are from Skaffway and nuirr.ii. Old Curies. There are a number of interesting xhil'i'- in (lie rurfc department. -Vn.iiiitTaJtilc space is given over to hi- prfvati collection of Sitka In dian work donated by Mrs George Peterson of Sitka. Among other ar-j 'licks of special note arc old laces, i silk quilt which is 100 years old. laguerrcotypee made in 1830 andl 1810 and a spread made in 187 4. The animal display now include \ nine fixes from the J. I.. I till farm! m Sullivan Island, four of which j are pen horn and raised: and two, fexis from the Ptaek-Mogrun farm! in Auk Ray; pigeons, exhibited by M. S. Whittier and chickens ex hibited by Allen Shat,tuck. It is ex pected ii : t rabbits owned by Mrs. W. H. Robinson and marten being raised by George Jorgensen will be in exhibition this evening. Baby Show Today. The feature for this afternoon i the lia-by show to he held at 3 o'clock. Rallies up to a year of age vili be entered and will be judged! according to weight. At 7:30 o'clock sharp tonight tlici i-coml eventing of the Fair will be ip nod by a display of fireworks There will be special cn tecta in moot nd dancing on the lirst and third ili.Miv, during the entire evening. The orchestras will be switched from the floor - on which each ap peared last night uml tiler, will be ■ change in the enterlainmont l'ea 'urs in regard to where they will he presented. 'IT ' tlu* Rid Grots rest room . . ••• m "■ M',J* ■wousaBv 1 One-Third Off! I ON ' | I CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS [ NEW SHIPMENT OF ! LADIES' DRESSES AND ! I OVERGOATS | | ON SALE FOR THIS WEEK | | BOSTON STORE I 1 OPEN EVENINGS || '•UMHj!^ gMMgijg?j!&:iii.'&M50MSSfM&mgwaaMUTOBOMUBMSiF j ! i: a splendid tiling for the visitors i at tile Fair was evidenced by the many wilio took advantage of it list levelling. There was a nurse on duty constantly and small children as well as adults were cared for. Mies Marie Fulidline, who is re sponsible for the room Is anxious that «II members who wish to mingle with the crowds feel free to have their children for care and that all adults desiring rest come : 1 its seclusion. This service is free of charge. Tlie awarding of prizes began yesterday afternoon and will he completed Saturday. An additional doOr prize, a bullseye, rolf-focusing flashlight set, complete with batter ies. has been donated by tile Alaska Electric Mght & Power Company to he given Saturday night. PRIZES IN COOKING GIVEN YESTERDAY Women’s Department Mak ing Awards—Art Display Be Judged Today. The first prizes to be awarded at the SoutheaA-ni Alaska Fair were given yosteruay hi lh“ cooking de partment. The sweepstakes prize will lie a rack of Fisher’s Blend flour donated by the Fisher Flouring Mills Co. Prizes were awarded us foil lows: Spice cake—Mrs. Griggs. Fruit Cookies, first—Mrs. PattPrson second, Mrs. Griggs. Angel Food Cake, with egg—Mrs Bradford. Lemon Pie, first—Mrs. E. J. White; second Mrs. Pitshmann. I.oaf Dark Bread, first—Mrs. Mor-1 rison; second, Mr. Bartello. Nut Cookies—Mrs. Whittier. White Fruit Cake, Old English—| Mrs. Hooker. Angel Food Cake—Henrietta Stilly. Sugar Cookies Mrs. Whittier. Nut Bread, first—Mrs. Blomgren; j second. Mrs. Sully; honorable men tion, Mrs Mi tealfe. Gold Klondike Cake—Mrs. Munson. Doughnuts- Mrs. Hooker. Loaf White Bread, first—Mr. Bar lello; second, Mrs. Patterson. Apple Pie-—Mr. Bartello. Sponge Cake first, Mrs. Hooker; honorable mention, Mrs. Pitshmann Dev | Food Cake - first, Mrs. Patter son; Ise.ond. Mrs. Monagle. One1 pound salted butter Mrs. Me Ran. One pound unsulted butter—Mrs. McRae. Cottage Cheese—Mrs. McRae. The judges are awarding prizes llii afternoon in tlte art display, Including while and colored embroid ery and household limn and the educational department. Winners in these deartments and the canning department will be given tomorrow. WONDER MACHINE FALLS ON OWNER PREVENTING DEMONSTRATION TODAY Disappointment met the invited guoste to the scheduled demonstra tion of the "world's wonder" ma chine, claimed to lie a perpetual I motion invention, when they assem bled at the demonstration room in a building at the corner of Main and Third Sit eets Ihis afternoon. The wonder machine was lying on the iloor in a damaged condition and its inventor, C. .1. Dalit, Spuhn Island settler, was in St. Ann Hospital suf fering from an injured hack. Dahl's injury occurred sometime during midnight and :i u. in. today. He had started the machine going and rigged it up with a big turn table all in readiness for today's exhibition. in some manner, pos sibly from too great power for the load it was carrying, the machine got away from the inventor and as he grabbed to prevent the table from overturning, tli outfit tumbled over on him, wrenching his back. The machine was somewhat damaged, the extent of which is not known. Mr. Dahl's injuries are s.aid to be not serious. He was taken to the hospital and his hurts attended to by Dr. L. P. Dawes. The latter said today that Mr. Dahl probably would be out of the hospital in a few days. The machine which is claimed to have solved the problem of perpet ual motion is a simple looking con trivance. It is a circular metal ar rangement io which are attached a series of weights, fastened to the disc by steel springs. The disc and its attachments are mounted on two cast iron pedestals clamped to a common board. It is so arranged that it can be fitted to other ma chines by means of pipes and un ions. Several of the weights were broken loose from the springs in last night's accident and tlie disc slightly battered. LYNN CANAL TOWNS HAVE DEFENSE DAY PROGRAM AND DANCE HAINES, Sept. 16.—The Defense Test Day was duly observed at Chll koot Barracks. Skagway and Haines both Joined in with those at the Barracks to fittingly observe the " - — -- r YES! We opened today to do GENERAL REPAIRING AND WIRING ‘ ALWAYS WITH A SMILE" COATS ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE 24. P. S.—On Sept, iiflt'h we will open our complete sales department. .____ _gej day. Tlie civilians of llaines who enrolled for the day totalled 40, while Skagway’s cpiota was !»0. It stormed lnvegsantly all day, so there was no out-door parade, but there was a parade in the large | hull in tile evening. The men did I not have room enough however to | make a good showing. Skagway, Haines and Chilkoot Bar ! racks all went on record in favor j of preparedness, believing that it is' always better to be prepared In ease of an emergency and while govern ments may enter Into treaties to keep the peace, they remember that- a few years ago, such a treaty was desig nated as just a “scrap of paper.” At 7:30 o’clock in the evening, the following program was given, Com manding officer Major F. M. Mad dox being master of eeremonies. Prayer by Rev. E. E. Bromley. Song, “America," by the Govern ment school, under the supervision of Mrs. Pyne and Miss Jerold, teach ers. "Defense Day" by Capt. Martin of Chilkoot Barracks. The Relation of the Army and Its Benefits to Alaska,” by Judge W. B. Stout. “Relation of the Army to Civil Government," Mayor Mulvihill of Skagway. "The Importance of National De fense in Support of Christianity,” E. E. Bromley. "Star Spangled Banner," by every body. The meeting was brought to a close by a few minutes of silent prayer. After the services the audience in dulged In dancing until 1:30 o’clock. Lunch was served at 11:30 o’clock and ended the Defense Test Day at Chilkoot Barracks. When it comes to patriotism, the head of Lynn Canal can always be depended on, for the people all love their coun try. Mrs. uruce, wife of Rev. G. O. Bruce of Juneau, is in Haines visit ing with her many friends. She Is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. Bromley. Miss Jackson, manager of the Na tive Children’s Home at Haines took | some of the inmates to Sitka, re urn-1 itig home on the Jefferson Sunday | i morning. A. F. McLean in installing > i. < trie lights in his residence. Mrs. Walter Alexander spent few days in Haines last week, an I was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. McLean. Mr. Alexander has a fox ranch a few miles helow Haines on an island in Lynn Canal. A number of soldiers went down to Freshwater Bay last Sunday, t > hunt and exp. ct to be gone a bin' ten days. One of Erik Oslunda’s teams in dulged In a runaway last Friday, and ran into the unto truck ot K. A. Adams. The team did quite a little damage to the truck. R. M. Odeli has put a new foun dation under his store building. Mrs. Theo Kettleson of Sitka and her guest Mrs. H. I*, ( slick of Boi jt Idaho, arrived in Juneau last night on the Admiral Rogers. Mrs. Click I continued south on the Rogers and | Mrs. Kettleson will visit with .In 1 neau friends. BEHRENDS STORE TO GIVE FASHION SHOW AT FAIR The B. M. ■ ehrends fashion show j will be given at ft o’clock tonight at the Southeastern Alaska Fail . in A. B. Hall. Milady will lie shown the new and charming styles for| fall and winter and will have upper tunity to view gowns, wrap-, hats, footwear and sports doth. which; are now being shown In the east.. The show will be on tb* first floor at the hall. Music will be. featured ns a background to the display. Tomorraw night at !) o’clock a fashion show will he- given by Hold stein’s Emporium which promise t a delight to the feminine eye of tin', spectators. I I / Our Reputation is a Guarantee of Care and Exactness in Compounding al} Pre scriptions. This Is FAIR WEEK Learn of ALASKA’S RESOURCES by attending The Fair BUTLER MAURO DRUG COMPANY 96 Front St. Sibstation Post Office No. 1 STAY AT HOME, iP.iSH ARE TOLD DUBLIN'. Sept. 18.—There are ur gent appeals In the Dublin press against the renewal of emigration to America. The Independent says: “We were frequently assured in the past that had Ireland control of her own affairs emigration would cease. But though the British have depart ed the country is still being drained i f its young non and women.” In the last two months, the Amer ican consul lias received 8.00U ap plications for (migration vislus, and the Free State quota soon will he exhausted. The applicants are most ly from the country districts. Judge Cohalan of New York, who has lately been in Ireland, has ad vise! young Irishmen and women to seek a career in their own coun try rather than go to the United Slates or Canada. It is pointed out that, large num bers of skilled British artisans, fall ing to get employment In America, ii returning to {treat Britain in a steady stream, and that the pros pects for Irish unskilled laborers are extremely unfavorable. MOUNT VKKN’ON- Rev. Lawrence M. High, of Ida, lias been arrested charged with poisoning his wife who died uddeiily last Friday. A chem ist. said poison found in the woman’s tomuch caused death. THE KUCGET SHOP A MOST COMPLETE COLLECTION OF Alaskan Baskets, Ivory, Totem Poles, Moccasins, Nupget Jewelry and Curios of the North. Many distinguished visitors assure us that our shop is one of the show places of Alaska. Visilors welcome. THE NUGGETSHOP ROBERT SIMPSON __ I 4 -_a l» ii ]■ SPORT HATS—Good assortment of Felt Hats, also The Little Bobby Hat made of wool cloth. $3.00 to $9.75. 4 t DRESS COATS—Hart Schaffner & Marx, Betty Wales and others. Ihe right styles at the right prices. $18.75 to $110.00. SWEATERS—Beautiful Sweaters for women and misses. Brushed wool and silk and w'ool in all the new wonderful colorings. $3.50 to $17.75. Always Something New Here Latest Arrivals / .. ' MEET US AT THE FAIR Our Booth will display and sample DEL MONTE CANNED GOODS OF QUALITY __—— -' Goldstein’s Emporium “JUNEAU’S STYLE CENTER” • ‘ / — --—*5 RIBBON NOVELTIES—Their beauty cannot be described here. Come in and see. Just the thing to brighten up a costume or for a gift to a friend. Make our Dry Goods Department a visit now and see all the new TABLE LINENS, DRAP£RIES, CRETONNES, COUCH COVERS AND PORTERIERS, HANDKERCHIEFS and a world of pretty novelties. FAIR VISITORS’ NOTICE You are cordially invited to make this store your headquarters while in our city. Our REST ROOM will be for your comfort.