Newspaper Page Text
--—-" THE EMPIRE ■ TKX ttDlOTf Through which the touwul public cub always ha?* tti wants supplied. Closing time for elasnied advertisements: S F. M. Closing time for display ad vertisements ; 11 A. M. Ten esnts per line lrfl tn seitim Five eenta for suhsegneat in sertion. Coon* It# sTonge words *0 the line •-— ■ ■ i ■ i. FOR SALE FOR SALE Shot gun $17.50. Phone 122. __: FOR SALE .Moure on corner lot In desirable location, concrete foun dation and chimney, furnace and double garage, newly papered and painted throughout. House partly furnished. Terms, cash or one third deposit, balance on^ easy terms. Inquire P. 0. Box 728. FOR SALE OR RENT ■- Cotnpl ste household equU-ment, Including solid mahogany dining room set and elec trie range located in Capt. Boedeker's Apt For cash or rea sonable terms. Inquire T. L. Al len, or Phone 1103. FOB SALE — Ford Truck, recently overhauled, iirst class condition, $175 cash. Inquire Quality Store. ■ ~ 1 for SALE — One Air Compressor with receiver, practically new. | 10"xl0" belt drive Ingersoll-Rand, j $650 F. O. B. Dock, Douglas, Alas-; Ua. First National Bank of Ju-| ncau. _j FOR SALE — Big SI* Studebakerj touring car, 1U22 model, a bar gain. Also an armful of Fords at your own price. Connors Motor Co._ touring cars and trucks at MoCaul’s. rOR SAL*—MAXWBA CAR, RE MD’tly overhauled. Also for hire toy day or hour with or without driver. Inquire Imperial Pool Hall. _ LOST ~ LOST -Persian cat Phone 215 or call Mrs. .K. W. Harris. / ■— *■ FOR REN i ],'OI{ h|0NT Tihri'o room furnished j lionise wlltli electric range. Suatter Tract. Call Mrs. S. P. Raymond. FOR RENT -FurnNihod apartments . with private baitJh. Sorby Apart ments, 214 Front St. ---*~ iron RENT—Modern 4-room furn ished apt. Inquire R. P. Nel»}n. FOR RENT—-4 room steam heated apartment with tire place. Phone 387. __ FOR RENT — Masquerade Suits, $1.00 and up; Mrs. II. Schwarzen berg. Phono Douglas 462 FOR RENT—Marshall Apartments, j Apply Cash Cole. FOR RENT—1. 2, 3 and 4 room! apts., fully furnished, light and^ water. Feldon Apartments, form-, erly Juneau Apts. FOR RENT—Steam heated furnish ed room. 340 Franklin. Phone 287. - _._ . — I ROOM UNFTJRNT5HBD PHAST ered house. Newly renovated, j Phone 808.___, PHONOGRAPH tor rent. Ph*n 1 t*».■__! PIANO FOR KENT—Phone 14*. WANTED WANTED — Smuill cash register, cigar show case mnd round card table. Pablo Dcfla Rosa, 210 Front 8t. V/ANTED — Woman for general housework. Apply morning. Mrs. Chas. Goldstein. ' * WANTED — Colored Woman wants situation as cook. Inquire Mon tana Hunch. MISCELLANEOUS CARD READlNQ a\ *** Went *t* IK., on Tide Plata. PALMIST—400ine and have yonv Krtnne told from your hand. Worth taelaeae, marriage and the futhri foretold. *08 Front St. CUFF APARTMENTS A 1 ud 4 room apartment* eomhletaty fmliM H. G. Welch, Prsp. non k» t--t Western Ammunition * .* For fcl* At Rtttsd'i Gun Store • m *«*=■—--:-r* ■ -if it ■. 1 POLLY AND HER PALS g. CUFF STERRETT 1__ ; ■ >£>U KiajJ ER* /RE YOU HER aIEiGhBOR^ ' QUEEN ARRIVES SOUTHBOUND;ON I THE LAST TRIP The Queen arrived early this morning from Skagway, Sitka aml| Haines on the last trip of the sea-1 , son. Passengers for Juneau were: I I.oong Loy, Gideon Rowley, Louis, j Tinkler, Harry L. Rust, George Car teti, J. Bremmer, O. Holm, .Mrs,' jj. G. Brady, D, Willard, H. L. I ! Morris. J, Van Wart, Mrs. J. Vau Wart, Lester Chase, W. S. Loomis, i Passengers leaving were: For ! Seattle—Charley Woods, S. Shim , Insh ; For Petersburg—Jennie Kan i iiantck. Kdward Jackson, Frank A. i j Boyle; For Ketchikan—B. B. Green; | ! For Wrangell-*I,izzie Barney and | ! C. W. Hawkesworth. -- I See Sullr* carpenter Shop for |Jobbing and Cabinet work. Phon« : 1*«. —adv -♦ ♦ * Drv seasoned mill wood. 16 inch leneth. Juneau Transfer_»dv. AUTOS FOR HIRE h.i--;—r Nick’s Taxi j SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT j ’ i Experienced and Expert Drlv- ■ ers. We plea**’ at All times. ! Stands—OLD O&OTfO,/ Phone ! 197: U & I Cafe, Phone 64. i m-« I ’ BERRY’S TAXI Careful and Efficient Service PHONE 1»». Office Next to Gastlneau Hold. BERRY’S TAXI js---—=—*4-—a Carlson’s Taxi _ I Stand—Alaskan Hotel ! ... fHONJC SINGLE 0 • bay And Night Service. - --— -B ;b Jack McDonald TAXI SERVICE STAND—VAN ATTA BARBER SHOP—PHONE 416. B--5----B •-----■ Corich Auto Serrice Juneau, Alaska Day and Night Serried. PHONE) 444. Stand in pToni of Arctic i JOHN OOV1CH, Prop. 4 -k | FERRY SCHEDULE Leave Juneau for Dougina, Trend well tr_d Thane. Effective Tuesday, Jan. I». 1914. * lfl:10fr.m. •7:10a.m. •4:90p.m. 9:40a.m. { 9:14a.m. 9:lfa.m.f 6:16p.m. ♦11:16pm. (II midnight! 11 noont* 17:10p.m. |1:00 a.m. IT* :00p.m. Leave Douglae tor TreadwaO sad i.iUMiin tans, > . •7:96a.m. 4:46p.m.? • :30p.m. (1:16a.m. 13:16p.m. 9:66p.m. Leaya Treadwell fir Thana 7:80am • 11: If pm t1', 4:60p.m. t Leavra&aio for TrtadWOU, Donflaa 0:10a.m. ^flifSp!!?!1 9:00p.m. t Leavo Tread wtdl for iDOSfUa aad Juneau. 0:10am 0:30pmt 0:16p.m. 11:10a.m. 11:60pm 10:00p.m. Loave Dougina for Jaaaam. ,1:16pm, ■ :66am l:ISpmt 16:06pm • :S0a.m.t 6:40p.m. >ll:IOp.m. It :66pm (7:46p.m. 11:16a.m. 1:16pm >M^DUMii t—PreliM wtu ka iisms T—Douglas oaly. I—Baturdeye ealy. !—■geppt Satardaa night. ♦—SibtoulP lwMad 41:16 p. m., ' Juneau, will start Monday. Pab. 4,. JsMtu Ferry A Narifatnn * C-iipiuy. 1 itHICfhWW i.’IM’t. ■* S> u'.f >'■ Tide# T—aoiTow | High Tide 0:24 a. m.16.7 Low Tide 6:24 a. m. 0.0 High Tide 12:38 p. m 17.8 I Low Tide 6:49 p. m.-1.1 TIDES MONDAY I High Tide 1:03 a. m 16.8 ! Low Tide 7:00 a. m 0.4 i High Tide 1:10 p. m 17.8 Low Tide 7:23 p. m. -1.3 I -- PIONEER DIED AT FAIRBANKS Ed. Terrel!, pioneer of Alaska since 1S98 and resident of Fair banks 1913, died at Fairbanks recently, following an operation. Some time, ago he suffered a para lytic stroke, and gangrene set in one of his legs, which was finally am putated. Terrell was a graduate of Colum bia University, and Is survived by a daughter residing at Newark.! Ohio, and a sister in Washington. -- See Sulife carpenter Shop for Jobbing and Cabinet work. Pbone 136. —4d*. i 1-r, I STEAMER MOVEMENTS l I NORTHBOUND | | ADMIRAL ROGERS is due to | arrive/at midnight tonight. Has lour days' mail. YUKON Js due lo arrive Tues day. SCHEDULED SAILINGS | ESTEBETH will sail for Skag- | ! way and Wgypoita at 11 o'clock Monday Sight. PRINCESS MARY scheduled to | , sail from Vancouver at 9 | o'clock tonight. ADMIRAL WATSON scheduled to | sail from Seattle October 15 | I | at 10 a. m. NORTHWESTERN scheduled to , sal! from Seaftle October 18 at 9 a. m. < MAIL BOAT GEORGE JR sails from Juufeau for Petersburg I and wayiiurts at midnight tonight. SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS ALASKA due southbound Octo- 1 blr 14. V Our ads are small — but they are 1 Once read, they are remembered long 1 ! “Results”—The burden of our song fj If you have some goods to sell , 4s ^ Your proposition let us tell ’tj Our little ads will serve you well | Put your “Wants” within our care | Good Fruit our ads will always bear |j Everyone knows our price is fair §j If you want to hire a cook § 14 Sell a house, dog, car or book ' > I | Advertise where people look | | Buy and sell with compensation fl | Results will be a revelation i | You’ll profit by the circulation 1 J If you need a cook or a maid I | Our want ads will bring you aid § You’ll be many times repaid— pi ' by the | 1 Empire Printing Company | 1 Phone 374 | GiiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiNitiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiu | BARGAIN I WE HAVE ONE SECOND-HAND 7 COLUMN BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE COMPLETE WITH STAND AT A BARGAIN f J. B. BURFORD & CO. f PRISONERS RIDE , IN PRIVATE CAR — SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 11—Pris oners sentenced to federal penlten tarles will no longer be exposed to the stares of fellow passengers In the day coach enronte to their place of durance. They will ride like am bassadors in u Pullman car that for the time being will bo their own. "Jersey,’ ’a coach rebuilt to the design of United States Marshal j Fred Esola, will be their exclusive conveyance. Twenty four prisoners jean ride in it, and the hoi polloi | will be jealously excluded as though j j It were the coach of a visiting po tentate. “Singing will be permitted,'' said Marshal Esola, “anil card-playing for pennies may be Indulged at ; little tables fixed for the purpose. | Smoking ad libitum will be allowed, and no lestrlitton on conversation. I b ‘11 ve prisoners should be shown , verv reasonable kindness. Of course I discipline will prevail.’ ’ The coach made its Initial trip to Leavenworth recently. The per ■ mission to sing made an Instant hit with the guestH. Twenty-four ! prisoners-—the pre ise number of blackbirds that so astonished tin ; king "when the pie was opened”— burst into melody when the car j pulled out of the Oakland mole, j “Mama Goes Where Papa Goes, or 1 Papa Dai’t Go Out Tonight!” was i the unanimous choice of the chor isters. The heavy steel bars outside the windows, reinforced by wire net ting, will prevent the ingresa of people hankering for the musical life. Also staunch doors, .braced with brass rods and opened by a double key u'Avdi, will keep out Intruding person t likely to Invade the privacy of the, passengers.. Apart from those details, the “Jersey” differs in no respect from any other Pullraun coach. The Innovation In transporting pris oners In privacy and comfort is likely to be followed the country over. It was declared by federal officers whose hardest task Is the escorting of their charges a thou sand miles overland Eleven guards unler the direction of Deputy Marshal John Donnelly were the crew aboard the “Jersey” when it left for Leavenworth. Married Men Can’t Attend High School SPOKANE, Oct. 11.—Married stu dents cannot attend public high school In Spokane. That was the decision of Superior Judge Hugo Oswald, after three days delibera tion over tho case of Denton Mc Bean, Spokane high school boy, who was expelled from North Central high school recently when It was discovered he wis married. The Judge ruled that the case was beyond his Jurisdiction and referred It back to the County Superintend ent of Schools, who had already de cided against McBean. McBean declares lie will fight the case to the highest court. WED AT FAIRBANKS C. E. Mattson, formerly one of Fairbanks's best baseball pitchers and pioneer of the Interior, and Miss Thelma Drtggs, nurse in St. Joseph's Hospital for a year, were married recently at Fairbanks. Rummage Sale Oet. IS, It, 15, 18. Alaska Electric Light Co. Hooips Bargains for Every body. The Mart'll a Society. —adv. DEPARTMENT OP THE INTERIOR UNITED 8TATES LAND OFFICE Anehorge, Alaska. September 4, 1924. Notice la hereby given that Ar thur Atwood Stansfletd, together with his witnesses, Stephen Shel don, tfhd Robert J. Shepard, all of Haines, Alaska, has submitted proof on bis hoaaestead Serial 05869 for landa embraced in the NE^NE^i, Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, Section 24, To. 30 8. R. 68 E. Copper River Meridian, and is now on file 1n the local land office. Anchorage. Alaska, and if no protest is filed la the land office at Anchorage, Alaska within the per iod of publication, or thirty days thereafter, said final proof will be accepted and final certlflcato issued. J. L1NDLEY GREEN, I Register, f First publication Sopt. U, 1*84, Last pabUottCB Oet, 14, }ll4, :*iiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiii«j | THE YACHT EURUS ( 1 FOR CHARTER I — s s S ss To anywbore In Alaskan waters—By far the most auawvtrtby, ~ S strongly built and best equipped boat of her class in Alaska. 5 3 SO h.p. Diesel engine. Sleeps six with comfort. Radio equipped* 5 — TAUL KEQEL, M.iBter—Phone Douglas 40. ' ~ HiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiittiiiiiiiuiiiimiHiiiiiiiniiiiimiuimniiiiiimiiHfnr FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS t. I. “ITAM” leaves Seward on the 10th of sash smntt 'Yalliai at all point* as far west aa Unalaska. SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO., G. C. FENDERSON, Agent, Seward, Alaska MAIL BOAT for Petersburg and way poets rvnorc ID Tnku Harbor, Snettlshao:, Bpeel River, Rur uCUKvit Jil. dim, Windham Bay,Gambler Bay.Pybus Bay, Brother Island, Five Finger Station, Fanshaw, Farragut Bay. Leaves Saturday midnight. Freight received until 10 A. M. Sat urdays at City Wharf. lAMITXAS TRANIFORTATIOI 00. —« ■■■ i ■ I.-—. '■ —-- — /■ ■■ ■ ■ ' ■ —... . * ■ ■ ■ ll nn ■ •Leave* Monday at 11 p. m. for Haines. Stag MAIL BOAlb;«mVaup « ..r<a^ara. ping at Tcnakee Springs and other way COTCDCTU wrta. For information see Dare Honasi, Lu I LUL I II n‘ose W4- Freight aooepted until 12 noon, day of sailing. ——_- - - _ - ■ . . — r^ALASKA^ STEAMSHIP COMPANY •ARTY - SERVICE - SPEEB LJQAVB DUB AT JUNE AO Seattle Nona South SAILING SCHEDULE FOR OCTOBER NORTHWESTERN .Sept. 27 Sept. 20 Oct. 8 ALASKA . Oct. 4 Oct. 7 Oct. 14 YUKON .<...Oot. 11 Oct. 14 Oct. 21 NORTHWESTERN .Oct. 18 Oct. 21 Oct. 29 ALASKA . Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 CONNECTIONS—At Cordova, with Copper River & Northwestern Railway. At Seward, with The Alaska Railroad. When You Think Alaska, Think Alaska Steamship Company W. E. NOWELL, AGENT JUNEAU. RHONE 1. L. W. KUBURN. AGENT DOUGLAS, PHONE 4*3. ■ ■ ■ — y.n ■ i .in'1*" 1 -J w».. «af__ h Dus Lt.Seattle Juneau NB •QUEEN ....Oct. Qgg, 6 •ROGERS __Oct. 8 Oct. 11 1 WATSON .Oct. Oct. 18 Oct. 31 •ROGERS ...Oct. Oct. 25 Oct 29 •ROGERS ..Nov. 6 Nov. 8 Now 12 tWATSON ...Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 2& *—Calling Haines, Skagway, Sitka, returning k Juneau southbound. ~ • t^Cordova, Seward Anchorage and all porta west. Watson will make winter calls at Hyder, starting October 15th, sailing from Seattle. C. C. HICHOLS, OUT £. agn ugt Pkone 4 PkoneTlI , Douglaa, Aleak* i' Pacific Coastwise Jtrvio* ADMIRAL LINE ■■■■■MMILr.AIJIXANDim. PRB6IDUMTMHBMHM ' - - . ' . \ ■ - > , 'ff ' * . t; ■ 1 ' ’ * ‘ •