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BARNEY GOOGLE AND SP ARK PLUG Registered L'. S. Patent Office By BILLY DE BECK— 1 ? CV *: • ♦** «4 • «' -;-* A Home Product of Real Merit CONFECTIONS and ICE CREAM i Are Home Product^ that aH Juneauites are proud of. | - - -- x Think WS'Re ftO'NSr To HAVE A LOT OF T«ovi«lE \ • •!> ' «MU»»HMG SPARK PLW& ON QoARO \ WE SHIP - l\Jo DOUBT NoU. RuDV , AND / t can Get away with it but SpARky D BE sure to set / nabbed • therefore x m Gonna fik it for him \ to Take another boat j ANJ> then uie can all '■ Meet at Southampton (tas\ l and PROCEED -lo, LONDON-/A ,UH ) >----( GO \ "I- YWADDA WEAN. / L Urn "fcATTce ship- ?? (^00 0€0H ^-V swo cayye* svw*‘ \ Vfln ftnlMlJ __ _ \ y -mi it e«<re ts oat what 1*^ ^ educate. X i'OOOOOOM ~ WO* THE REST OR TW£ a 8a7t!J C°«S UNNOTICEO,. svw>, eoss? v 'm* X^ m , ,Cop>u?St 1924 by King Feature* ByiwJicat*. t*c_| C,rr»at Britain nf<>f riwf-^. _ __. •■■■— ■» — ■■■-— — ■ ■■ -' **" * WE-PHONE i’ACIO SET BREAKS UP HOME. Pastor Pawns Watch and Scores Flock , ' )r m ------V >rov^awp. '!-[-'■ i . -.ii» r.. t““ ... 1 ■ — •g. Aimer T. Hovland. of Newton Lower Falls, Mass., Is seeking because abe says her husband “bellowed” for silence If she _j*ed while he was listenin'* In on his radio set with a single BaM phone. If there had been tv o bead sets, both might have been —Jufjiig the entertainment DOUGLAS ISLAND NEWS 1, I ■■■■ III ■ .11. I - MRS. BRADLEY COMPLIMENTED Mrs. John Feusi entertained a num ber of ladies from Douglas and .1 ti nea ii -at her home yesterday after noon complimentary to Mra. F. R. Bradley. The guests had their needle work and the afternoon was pleasantly spent with sewing and visiting. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. TEMPORARILY ILL. Stove N’ordin of Juueau is a guest at the Grandler house where he is under the care of Dr. W. JD'Arcy Chase. V'SITING FRIENDS. Ike Weathers formerly of Douglas was an Island visitor yesterday. TOM MIX AND RUTH ROLAND AT LIBERTY TONIGHT. Tlirre will he a double movie offering at the Liberty tonight. Tom Mix and his famous horse! Tony, will be seen in a William | Fox production, "Just Tony" which; is said to be a thriller and shows! why this particular horse is such a wonder. It is an out-door feature and will be relished by all movie, fans.:' ; j t _ -- Do you know that Ruth Roland is an export swordsw'omun?" In “Hu man Vultures," episode 10 of het Pathoserial supreme thriller, “Thf Timber Queen.” showing tonight at the Liberty Theatre, Ruth matiheF her skill against the best swordsman LIBERTY TONIGHT TOM MIX AND TONY IH “JUST TONY" Also Ruth Roland in an other episode of “The Tim ber Queen” entitled “HUMAN VULTURES” ~ ' —■rr~TTrn ». C. HANNA COMPANY 'AUTOMOBI' " REPAIRING D ACCEbfORIl AGE] |FOk siuoEBAKEP iuvo AND FEDERAL TIRES PHONEI35 • • • OLD G. & B. MOTOR CO. j _ 1 , _J GOME IN and inspect our new line of Sweaters for Men, Women and Children. J. GALLWAS. lonon ... i_ MV8LAS In South America. When It comes to tnvordsplay, this daring and skill ful girl makes D’Artagan look like a piker: In this episode Ruth at last locates her father—hut finding him ; and freeing him are two different | matters, as Ruth discovers when i she finds herself hanging over a | steep , rocky precipice with the j rope cutting on a rock. do noFdose CHILDREN'S COLDS I _ The Safest, Quickest end Best Treatment Is An Applicanon of Vicks Over Throat and Chest at Bedtime Modern mothers realize that too j much doting—especially for the oft-, recurring colds of children—is both j !a harmful and round-about method. I ! It is for this reason that in lit-j icrrlly millions of 'homes Vicks is I the favorite treatment for croup andj ; colds, as well a.s for the cold 'troubles of 'grown-ups. J For spasmodic croup and clill Idim's colds you just nib Vicks over j throat and chest until the difficult j breathing Is relieved, then spread on jtulckly and cover with a warm flan tnel cloth. j Like a poultice or plaster Vicks !is absorbed through and stimulates j the skin. This relieves soreness, |loosens phlegm and eases difficult breathing. Like a vapor lamp, the I application over throat and chest 'sends up 'healing vapors which are j inhaled with oach breath directly; 'into the congested, inflamed airi I passages. Golds go overnight; croup is gen ierally relieved wltih/ln 15 minutes. , At all drag stores. i..... iesAr ■jjoigt.l Rev John Dumlep, pastor of tin Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church or Salem. Mass., baa announced ha has been compelled to pawn 01* watch to buy food, at the tame time attacking his parishioner* for "patronizing wine and whisks® club*." _— DIPLOMACY TURNS TO ENGLISH BERLIN, Oct. 33.—English Is be coming the language of international Intercourse, declares Dr. A. von Wilke, in an essay concerning the language of diplomacy. He says that French, in this1 flfeld, is losing its dominance. - — I-I I shouldn’t the West ‘ be proud of its coffee? There is no finer coffee to be had than S' Hills Bros. Red Can. It is the cream of the crop—not of one plantation, but of the plantations of the entire coffee-pro ducing world. Blended with rare skill* roasted to a turn, ground with special machinery and packed in vr'aium that retains its freshness always! Little wonder that Hills Bros. Red Can Coffee outsells all other brands and is in demand the world over. The Recognized Standard, without a doubt. To be sure, the West is proud of this wonderful coffee t With all its high quality, Hills Bros. Coffee is not high-priced. It is econom- ^ ical to buy—and economical to use. Hills Bros., San Francisco. HILLS BROS COFFEB • Fseumm-Pack 'yhiek 01924, Hill* Bn*. 1 ■ —--u ,t ' * ‘ » K a » Weather Condition* As Recorded by the U. S. ^ Weather Bureau. Forenut for Juneau and ncinity for 24 noun beginning 8 v. it today: Rain tonight and Saturday, cooler tonight: omrdaret 5tulnerly winds. . LOCAL DATA Bnrora Temtt. Humidity Win6 Velocity Weather 8 p. m. ye#t'$ 29.36 42 91 SE 18 Bain 8 a. m. today 29.11 46 61 SE 8 Rain 12 n.oon today 29-33 44 87 S 10 Cldy CABLE AND RAdIO REPORTS 7-JJVWBTIHtDAy ' <~ ~ foliA y Hlgtoat » p ru. i uKutliu **•.», Itwpp. I a. pi ii-mr r*mp * '.mn temp VwlhclHr N hr*« p 22 20 22 16 I Cldy Berhol . 24 22 Tuntana . 22 18 4 4 —- 0 Clear , Eagle . 24 4 0 10 — 0 Clear Fairbanks . 32 18 8 12 — 0 Clear Andhbnuge . 38 34 28 30 * 0 Cldy at. Paul . 30 30 28 30 — .02 Cldy Dutch Harbor .... 44 36 28 32 — — Snow Kodiak . — — 40 4 4 — — Cldy Cordova . 62 42 34 36 4 .64 Pt. Cldy Juneau 52 42 38 46 8 .36 Bain Sitka . 54 42 40 46 —- .28 Rain Prinre Rupert ... — — 44 46 16 .78 Rain Edmondon . 66 58 38 36 * 0 Clear Seattle . 62 58 50 64 • 8 ‘.30 Cldy Portland .;_ 66 64 54 56 4 .08 Cldy San Franca two .... 68 60 56 56 ° 0 P-t. filfly .... _- ' The pressure remains low In the Gulf of Alaska with to moderate precfplLotion on the coast. The ‘highest pressure reported by ' an Alaskan station tlhls morning is 20.54 Inches at St. Paul. It Is UcL>w normal as far south as Oregon. Fair weaithpr prevails lit the Interior and tempeatures have fallen in the middle Yukon atifl Tanttna Valleys, on Pntnoe William Sound and in the Aleutian Islands. Snow is falling «t Dutdh Harbor tills morning. THE JUNEAU LAUNDRY Vnuddla Vtrwt between Vraal 4i* Iwni Wt f%»-« 6*1 ALASKA MEAT COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Woo*Mgjgr £iiiiiiiiiimiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiiiiriiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiifiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiitnfiiniiii: 1 ROYAL ELECTRIC VACUUM ! [ CLEANERS 1 i •' "" I 1 SOLD AND RENTE® I 3 */ 3 | Rentals can be applied oil t 1 I Cleaner purchase later. | I “■ J I Alaska Electric Light 8 Power Go | £ j S Home of Edison Mazda Lamps and Regular, Reliable Brands of | Electric Appliances. Phone 6 Juneau I niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiifT tjinnimiifiifimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii(fnHAitmi(ihriiildiiurt/jni(niii' ONE THING THAT THE ALASKA RAILROAD AND a RIVER BOAT MEAN TO ALASKA Cheaper and Quicker transportation of products, in and equipment to and from Interior Alaska, thereby aj yen ra? the development of Cl activities, wh gredt I THE ALASKA RAILROAD traverses regions already developed thgt are neh in fish, fruit:, »«eetables and minerals; and other locglitSN. equally lesirable that await only the coming of thP 1 prospector and homesteader. Write and ask for detailed informs - tion; it will be gladly and promptly supplied. THE ALASKA RAILftdAD (McKinley Park Rdttt) AVCBORAGK ALttKA| nmmii»mniinMmnAmniiiiniin»itiiiiiimiAiiiniiiininiiuiiinininim»iuiiu...n No Waiting Prompt and Agreeable SerrlM PHONH 119 0. K. Barber Sb«e r T—_b ' .JSMfiSU, i Telephone 441. P. 0. Bo* Vtl. ! 4--—.—-_^_4 r-—i Vwh SITKA HOT SPRING& Rate. $3.00 Per Da* and Tip ; Dr. F. I. Goddard, Prop. 11— -1 ^RELIABLE TRANSFER | I Phone 149. Bee. 148 I j Courtee^ tod^Qood Berrfte j I 1U88IAH 8TKAH BATtS ? | Open Wednesday^ and BUirdiK | 1 P. It. to it Midnight I I OABTINBAU AVBNtTn | 1 ^ I Or. M. P. Stanley f I Phytician and Burgeon | | >08-10 Haight Building. Mo or d Arana* and Pin* Street, I i Dr. Albert Abraaa. 7 f | Dlagnoela Treatment | B - ■ -■ " f JUST RECEIVED A new model of the Eastman line of KODAKS Tour Inspection Invited. ' ' «•*. , • • 1 IT’S A SUES WINNER Remember that “If it isn’t an Eastman it isn’t a Kodak.” WINTER & Pblft n 11- — ———i TRY OUR Mercbanti 41 Cents Arcade Cafe j HART YOUNG, ProprUWr. P".——==t Jon can Public Library . and Free Reading Komi City Hall, Second Floor Main Street at Reading Room Open From 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Circulation Room Open tram 1 to 1:80 p. m.—t:88 P. m. Jb 8:88 p. m. Current Magazines, Newspaper* Reference Books, Its., FREE TO Abl • •"’,S L X SHARKS Q VMtm. IMi ’"KS3S W