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BARNEY GOOGLE AND SPARK PLUG Registered U. S. Patent Office By BILLY DE BECK ' ; / 1 i ■ HR ■ iv. ■ W Europe n !? j f SvJERVBOOYS BEE/u j | There ®ut me » That's 7S6 ? SV^Ujav IT 606s.' II i n i' i i DOUGLAS ISLAND NEWS • **" ~ v* . 7~~. **--'•**< Z ZR-3 ENTERING LAKEHURST HANGAR. Weather Condition* As Recarded by the U. S. , Weather Bureau. Fermat hr Juki ndalty fat M inti tociaalaa 8 a. m. today: Proibalhly showers tonight and Tuesday;light variable winda. t LOCAL DATA I 8w»m. tmi IinUitT Wtnft Velocity Weather 8 p. to. yeet'y 29.34 38 98 NW 1 Clear | 8 a. m. today 29.12 4ft 49 SE 10 Cldy 12 noon UtfAy 29.08 48 93 8E 9 Cldy j CABLE AND RADIO REPORTS i a»I ■< ki>A i t uiua * UtlkAI | e «>. i oo«Mt I t.a. • a in. Fkmiii. * am Station*— tamp. tamp ' t»rop t«mp v«e>, t(g It hr* vunn« I Norm- 20 ’ 24 12 12 * .01 Pt. Cidy J Bethel . 20 18 ] 12 14 4 .02 Snow 1 Tatiana . 22 1# | 6 12 — 0 Pt. Chly Engle . 24 2 0 10 — 0 Cldy Fairbanks 24 8 8 14 — 0 Pt. Cldy Anchorage . .'14 26 24 28 * 0 Cldy | 3t. Paul ... 32 28 28 30 — .10 Pt. Cldy f Dutch Harbor .... 40 36 j 26 30 — — Clear j Kodiak . 56 4 0 ' 1. Cordova . 4 4 44 ,Juniau . 45 38 35 45 10 .04 \ Cldy ! I ,Sit'k« 50 40 38 44 — .01 > Hath | Prince Rupert ... — — | 44 48 8 .12 Rain j Edmonton .. 58 46 34 40 * 0 CMy ' Seattle . 62 56 50 50 14 .52 Rain j Portland _i.... — 66 j 50 22 8 .28 Rain J San Francisco .... 64 58 j 54 54 22 .46 Cldy * •—(Lees than 10 miles. I NOTH: Observations at Prince Rupert, Edmonton, Seattle, Portland and Son Francierco at 4 a. m. and 4 p. m., Juneau time. The pressure remains low t-hrotiig/luvut Alaska and is lowest frpui Kodiak Island to Prince Rupert. Llillrt ruins have fallen fVbm thB'Cfiilf >f Alaska to Bitithdi Columbia, and moderate rains fell last night In _ ihe Pacific Coairt States. It Is inu-h colder at .\oine and conlderably " colder in the Aleutian Islands. It wne thuch Colder yesterday ul Fall banks and Eagle but Is today the same as Saturday. ■ —.....■*»-- ■ .. , '- 1 MRS. CAHILL HOSTESS Mrs. \V. E. Cahill entertained abou! forty-five ladles Saturday afternoon at her home in Treadwell. Cards provided the principal eu tcrtuiumonl for Ihe afternoon, both whist and bridge being played wliilt those not wishing to play, had their sewing There were four tables of bridge at which Mrs. W. b. Kirk held high score aud Mrs. Ed Ninnls held the low. Mrs Kelts Gray re ceived the cut prize. Eive tables were engaged at whist, the lucky ones being Mrs. A. Gam, first prize; Mrs. John Wills, consolation and Mrs. Charles Sey the cut. Mrs. O. A. Stillman received first prize and Mrs. Roes Davis the consolation in a contest held for those who sewed Refreshments were served by the hostess. Mrs. Cahill was assisted in the entertaining by Mrs. Egbert Loomis. SCHOOL GRADES ARE TO HOLD HALLOWE'EN PARTIES K - The coming Hallowe’en time was tire occasion of two school parties held Saturday evening by the pupils of the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grades of the Douglas School. The Eighth and part of the Sev enth Grades chaparoned by theli teacher, Mrs. Nina Abbott bad their party in the Labor Union Hall All the boys and girls were in cos tume, prizes for the best dressed going to Ethel Ruadquist and John Maggett and for the most comical character going to Esther Davis and Carl Lindstrom. Games and dancing and lots of eats completed the even ing's fun. Tho Sixth and the other half of the Seventh Grades with their teacher. MlS3 Elva Kirkham held their party In tho basement of the school house program is being arranged to start the affair. Refreshments will follow the program. The features of the i Bazaar will include a Hue display j of fancy and plain needle work, knit i and novelty articles, and goody artl clou of every kind. There will also he, u candy booth ami fish pond which are always popular. The various committees in charge are as follows: Program—Mesdanies Smith, Langaeth, Loomis: Sewing Mesdanies Gray, Ness, Edmiston; Goodies—Mesdamos Fraser, Gallwns, and Wcschenfelder; Candy Booth— Miss Miller; Fish Pond- Miss 1. Aalto. Refreshments — Mesdanies Gair, Sey Gam and Mills. — * * Wp CANNERYMAN LEAVING FOR A SHORT TRIP E. B. Dudden of the Douglas Packing Company is leaving today I on the Princess Alice for a couple of weeks’ visit to the Sound cities. -♦ -• BENEFIT ENTERTAINMENT An entertainment to be given at the Liberty theatre on November 28 is now being prepared for the bene fit of the basket ball teams of the Douglas school. Miss Bernice Sco : villa, Superintendent is In charge of i the preparation for the program which will iiK-lude a one-act play, I vocal and Instrumental numbers, and j other features. Further aunounce 1 ment concerning which will be made ! later. I “Walk the ship" was the command given the ground crew that Mir.ed guy ropes and walked the ZR-3 Into her hangar ui Lukeliurst. K. J, at Ibe end of her record breaking flight from k'lledilchshafen. ilermany, miles, which she uegdtlatbd in eighty line hours and Mveuieeu uiluuies. JEWEL WORTH WBOlSED FOR TERRS RS PRPERWEICHT LONDON, Oct. 27.—Declared to bo the laigest sapphire in the world, a jewel, once used as a common paperweight, has been brought from India and Is now being offered for exhibition in London. The Jewel is worth mo.e than $25,000, weighs 010 carats and is in the form of a pluck ed fl it li a short stem. It was by a government of ficial In India, who, ignorant of its value, used it as a paper weight in one of the guard huts on the India > frontier. The discovery of the jewai was made by the director of Indian Re /' nue when he visited the outpost. Its history has been traced to the twelfth century when one of th> Bella In kings, while on a pilgrimage to Ceylon, was given the sapphire by a Buddhist monk. During ihe reign of this king the stone became the object of much veneration and was afterwards captured by Malik Kaffur, the great general of Allait ! dan. Later It came into (lie pos session of a state official, but was lost about 1875. Experts are of the opinion that the Jewel was a hair ornament of an ancient deity and there Is, it is believed, a companion stout lit existence HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE 16 GIVEN MOOSE CHILDREN Between 150 and 200 children were present at the Hallowe'en Mas querade given by the Women of Mooeeheart 'Legion Saturday after noon in Moose Hell. Costumes of every nationality, color and descrip tion were in evidence, the whole presenting oarnlval-lilke scene. About 18'tpriaes were awarded for the var ilous costumes. A grand march op ened the party, followed by games. The hall wait beautifully decorated in Hallowe’en colors. Down stairs title dining ball was also festive with black and orange and the children were served with everything that kiddles love o eat. Many mothersi -^—*—— were present to up thiat every one had a good time. G.O.P. CANDIDATES ARE HERE ON VOTE DRIVE After several days spent In tiwns cuth of here, Delegate Dan Suther land returned yesterday and will probably end his campaign for re oloation in th/is city. It. is under stood he will make ka speech here li ter this week. Jn has campaigning to the south, the Delegate was joined by Attorney General Rn-tgard, f®n-ator Forest J Hunt, In til peek I nig re-election, and \V. L. Paul, leader of the organized Indian element, who is a candidate for the lower House. Mr, Rust gard and Mr. Hunt t*i4>pfil 'off here .with the Delegate wMifle - Mr. i*Bul con tinued on to the north on the Ad miral Rogers. H. J. Raymond,jlot'al pioneer and former local hairiness man, who le n'r w owner and opertor of the Belle Island Hoi Springs near Ketchikan a’ived yesterday oik. the Admira Rogers and is vtitMing with hh many friends. He came up on bust nf s and expects to return on the rime vessel. -— ♦ NOTICE TO MARINERS SEACOAST—Cape St. Elias Oas and whistling buoy. 2. reported exting uished Oct. 21, 1924, will be re lighted as soon as practicable. By direction of the Commissioner of Lighthouses, W. C. Dfbrell, super intendent. NOTICE TO MEMBERS. A regular meeting of the Women of Moose heart Logion will be held Tuesday. October 28, at 8 p. n. .at Moose Hall. Nomination of officers a. v. mckinnon, —adv. Secretary. Study the store ads—for they wll clarify moet of your buylap prat Iwa NHMMtUlWUUIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIINIHIMimmillllrtllllllllllllllHHIMMMMBH JURORS AND WITNESSES j YOU SHOULD STOP AT ✓ ' THE GASTINEAII HOTEL while in Juneau this coming term of Court. WHY! Because we are centrally located, because we are better equipped in both the Cafe and Hotel to give you the aanimum of Benrioe than any ether ■fctld it Alhlha. will cost yea no more. ../-*• < •. . . - •.-.*> H- .i ■*.-r im«iii«M>iinMiiinn i mmmmmmmm., ■ il THE JUNEAU LAUNDRY *! fmakUa Mnd Mtm VMri Mi hml _ - - -- • -1 -• ■ — r - - .- - 1 - - ••'- - i> 4 I ILISM MEAT COMPKHY l' Wholesale and Retail Btichon non m hwaib mm »■■■■—■HIM I .. IHIi* !■■».,,,I l.1i, , I. .1. . _ ■' .v **. v rti ***** , I • * • * i!HininimiininnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiHnuniiuiiiiininimiiminiuiiniimmiiiiuii I *. ,< n * r il ELECTRIC COFFEE PERCOLRTORS I ' 1 I $5.00 AND UP. , s wa-iV s j _I Drop in and give them the jolly once over. I - *1. 1 Alaska Electric Light & Power Go | x Home of Edison Mazda Lamps and Resul&r, Kellabl* Brands ot E Electric Appliances. FhOM • § I I I I 1 ' I -* I EDUCATION WEEK PROGRAM n . November 17th to 23 will be ob | served here as Education Week plans ! for which are now being arranged by the High School and grade teach ers. Appropriate exercises for each i day will be held daily by the differ ent rooms culminating on Friday ! evening with an entertainment in the Congregational Church. This will ! consist of a program of well selected | numbers by the High School students i and pupils from the grades. L. O. j Henderson. Commissioner of Educa I tion is also expected over for an address on that evening. In addition to the program a display of school Work will be cn exhibition. A spec'al sermon appropriate to 'he last day of Education Week I which is dedicated to “For Ood and i Country” will be preached by Rev. O. A. Stillman on Sunday evening, November 23 in the Congregational Church. Mrs. Iver Makk wishes to sn ncunee thit (the is reopening her hoarding-house tihis evening after having made several improvements for a better service and will wel come her old and new patrons, adv. -♦ ♦ ♦ FOX FARMING IN ALASKA SOON BE GREAT INDUSTRY Duncan A. Stewart, pioneer Alas ka mining man at the Northern, de clares that fox fanning will In time become one of the Territory's great est wealth sources. Stewart owns a fox farm covering an island con taining 8,000 acres near Valdex. The island is so big, he says, that he doesn't know how many foxes he owns.—(Seattle Post-Intelllgencer.) suit of some kind and the prizes for same were awarded as follows: Josephine Corbett and Frank Petty grove for the best dressed and to Mona Carlson and Frances Synder for the most comical character. Re freshments and games were enjoyed to complete their Hallowe’en enter tainment. HUNTERS RETURN Edward McCormick and Frank Eostinoble returned yesterday on the Forester from a few daVs hunting trip to Admiralty island. BOARDING HOUSE REOPENED Mrs. Iver Makl is reopening her boardlhg house on Second Street today After having been closed for two weeks, during which time she has renovated and remodeled the kitchen and made other changps for better service. SEVERAL ENTERTAINMENTS TO BE HELD NEXT MONTH Various programs and affairs are scheduled to be held here next month >by school and church bodies for benefits and entertainments. The first one is scheduled for Nov. 13 and is the annual Bazaar of the Ladles League of the Con gregational church. An interesting '-— — H. C. HANNA COMPANY AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND ACCESSORIES it . / AGENTS IFOUftSTUDEBAKER CARS AND FEDERAL TIRES I NORTH TRANSFER P. JATTXLLO. Pi«f. Coal and Baggage,Moving,Stonge STAND: Alaska Fnrufsn Star* Sll Seward Street Phone 441. P. 0. Box 8N, Jnnean. Alaaka. —*■ 1 11 A Home Product '•* of Real Merit & A 3. CONFECTIONS and ICE CREAM It* 51 * Are Home Products that all Juneauites are proud of. No Waiting Prompt and Agreeable Oervtea PHONO 1<» 0. K. Barber Shop I— H| HIED FUBNlTtrKl ' Bought. Sold and Exchanged N. BOCOVICI 111 Seward Street. Telephone 441. P. o. Box slL l-------1 *- - ■ • Vint SITKA HOT SPRINGS Bate* $3.00 Per Day and Dp Dr. F. L. Goddard, Prop, ■ ..- ■— I ’“reliable transfer Phone 149. tea. 149 Coarteay and Good Servian Oor Motto. i m .Aping— Am I ‘ ■ ii ... .At nm. ■ I-—t 1U9CAJI 9TUX BATH Open WUihSaji and lattMeyi 1 P.U. to IS Midnight O ASTI NBA O AVBNTJB .srj Dr. M. P. Stalk? ! Physician and large as | S08-10 Haight Building, Sec ond Avenue nud Plue Street, Seattle, Wash. Keatrouia Xanatlaaa af Dr. Albert Abram*. Dlagnoala Treatment [