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Image provided by: Alaska State Library Historical Collections
Newspaper Page Text
— THE EMPIRE ■ TXX MXDIUV Throufh whiah the men) Chile oh alway* haw tti ate nppUed. Cleton# time tor eiomUti •gvertuementa: I Y. ■ Closing tune tot iiiplny oi vardaemeate: 11 A. M. Tea eenti per line fcnrt la Mrttai flTi eea*« tor nbee«mea1 in tortlom. Conn* fw evenc* *<Hi If Ike Urn* ■■ - ■ » -* NOTICE—Party taking white and .amber handled umbrella from Moose Hall last night please re turn tp Kpipiro Office. FOR SALE FXiR SALE)—2nd band sound bright lumber. Numerous materials for construction of various kinds. For quotations apply A. E. Johnson at Treadwell. After 7 p. in. phone Douglas 51. _ JTQR SAKE — Big Six Studebaker louring caT, 1922 model, a bar gain. Also an armful of Fords at your own price. Connors Motor Co TOURING CARS AND TRUCKS AT RoCaul'a. baub—mnrnii car, rb aently overbanlad. Also for hire j Omj or hour with or without 4i4ygr. Inquire Imperial Pool Ball. I _ - i WANTED j WAiNTMlt — Chamber Maid. Apply Home Boarding House. j ” FOa RENi | FOR RENT — Four non) furnished i apartment, inquire Quality Store, j FOR RENT — Masquerade Suita, IX.00 and up; Mrs. B. 8chwarien-| her*. Plmne Douglas 3*3. j FOR RENT—1, 2, 3 and 4 room apts., fully furnished, Ught and water. Feldon Apartments, form erly Juneau Apts. FOR RENT—Steam heated furnish ed room. 340 Franklin. Phone -MT.___ | ROOM uiwubnmhbd plast ered house. Newly renovated. Phone lot. PHONOGRAPH fot mat. Phoo W__I PIANO FOR RMNT—Phone 14* I lUSCELLANtUUd r fAAD RBADtNO it til Went ttt j 1, os Tide Plata. PALMIST—«o*ie asd nave jtnu Inrtnne told from your hand. Work, kustsees, marriage sad the fstsre foretold. *0f Frost St. CUFF APARTMENTS t, I aai ft mom Msrtmeati eompletely finUM H. G/Wclch, Prop, non m. - ------- I PERMANENT I With the Truceon Building Produo to la conjunction with the Universal Cement Molds one oen build any kind pf struct urea. Fire-proof, Cheap est, bast and most perfect method known to the building world. InvietlBSte now. Concrete Product* Mfg. Oo. Juneau, Alaska. P -■-a ^mim——mmm___hbmm—mm ' FERRY SCHEDULE ban hw t« Bnglu, Tn*4 well end Thane. PKeeUve Tuesday, Jan. 99. 1914. ft: 10 p.m. •T :10a.m. •0:19p.m. 9:40a.m. 9:14a.m. 9:11a.m.9 1:11p.m. *11:19p.m. Ill mldaightt llaonat* |7:10p.m. |1:0I|M). ES’W.. TroadweU and i ■■ .j. *•? f 0:10p.m. |1:14a.m. lli 11p.m. 9:11p.m. bm Triad well far Thant. T:10a.m. ll:S0p.m.t 4:90p.m.t lam Thane for Treadwoll, Bonglai and Juneau. •:io»-«». n:i«p.m.t iiilialt ltttOf.m. 10:00p.m. W S-: ;. ' • ,.» •; , -i-i—a-ii—1-—.j B, CUFF STERRm I : W'-i' I f > •* * i ^;^3f J t'fr - ■ : s 1—-• i TRY ORB i Merchants Lunch | 45 Cent* Arcade Caie I MARY YOUNft, Propria*tr. i St' -- ■ ■—- -f | Juneau Public Library and Free Reading Room City Hall, Second Floor Main Street at 4th Readln* Room Open Proa I a. a. to to p. a. j Circulation Room Open froa ( 1 to 5:S0 p. m.—7:U0 p. a. I to 8:10 p. a Current Magazines, Newspapers./ Reference Books, Eto., FREE TO ALL » - ■ -- - -8 NORTH TRANSFER P. BATTELLO. Prop. Coal and Baggage.Moving,Stonge STAND: Aiasm Furniture Store 211 Seward 8treed. Phone 441. P. 0. Sox 8M, Tmteau. Alaika_ A Home Product of Real Merit JL CONFECTIONS and ICE CREAM Are Home Products that all | Juneauiles are proud oi, a',,. ....- ... . ", MED FURNITURE Boofht. Sold and Exchenfnd N. ROCOVICH 111 Seward Street. • j Telephone 441. P. 0. Box 111. , ■ - ' ■ ■ plumbing, sheet metal WORKS. BLACKSMITHING, I OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING | OSCAR HARR1 I C. W. Young's Machine Shop. Phones 2324 and 319. I ■- -* AUTOS FOR HIRE Carlson's Taxi ttaad—Alaxkan Hotel PHONE SINGLE 0 | Dsy and Night Bxrrtao. a Jack McDonald TAXI SERVICE CANDt-VAN ATTA BARBER SHOP—PHONE 411. mm-*—*-a •rrrrrE—:——f * Nick'* Taxi , SERVICE DAY AND, NIGHT Experienced and Expert Drlr eex. We please at all timee. Stan(t—U & I Onfe. Phone 64 or 477. a—---.—.—ii 1 BERRY’S TAXI " Dorado] and Bfflclont 0m • tea WON* 111. *--.. - .— , --:---a Cvrich Auto Semes Jiiihu, Alaaka Day and NlgHt Samoa. WON® 444. ‘ Btdad la Pront of Aratla Xrfm OOVJOH, Pray. f—r-— MARINE NEWS MEN AND WOMEN IN THE NEWS OF THE DAY. M*» 3HIRLCV HOOfrOG/l & JEDITK JCEWV- eouw> SeJt-o AXnE-ETT OE COURVIV^E £ 3^Mt7E3/ UNTEHJnTH'. Samuel Ontermyer, famous New fork attorney, has placed hts talents as a cross-examiner at the services of the Borah Senate Com Silttee that U probing the alleged “$10,000,000 campaign slush fund." Shirley Kellogg, “the girl with the goddess figure,'', famous American dancer, has Just secured a London divorce from Albert Pierre De Cour vllle, English theatrical magnate, naming Edith Kelly Could, dlvoroed wife of Frank J. Gould, an co-respondent --------7— I ^ i STEAMER MOVEMENTS | NORTHBOUND I I | No steamers northbound. I 8CHEDULED 8AILINQ8 , j ESTEBETH will sail for Sitka j and way ports at 11 o'clock | tomorrow night. | YUKON scheduled to sail from ; j Seattle November 1 at 9 a. , I m- ! PRINCESS MARY scheduled to j j Bull from Vancouver Novem- | I her 1 at 9 p. m. MAIL. BOAT GEORGE JR. tails | from Juneau for Petersburg I and waypurts at midnight | next Saturday night. | SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS j j ADMIRAL ROQERS Bouth at 9 , o’clock tonight. f NORTHWESTERN due Bouth j bound at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning. ADMIRAL WATSON southbound about November 1. ALASKA southbound about No vember 4. *- - -1 FISHING BOAT8 IN PORT Fishing boats arriving yesterdaj and today were: Olga with 4,50( pounds of halibut; Panama, witti 24.000 pounds; Lou Helen, wltl 4.000 “pounds; Avona with 8,00( pounds;. Akutan, with 37,000 pound! and Alpha, with 3,0.00 pounds. The flah sold to the Juneau Cole Storage and Baaeeo'a Fish Compauj at 16 and eight cehta. Old papara ior mi at n« Maptra . . ' '• , , M.' . VMft f - .f . I Tides Tomorrow \ \ »-r- A- ,-• i High Tide 2:05 a. m.17.3 j Low Tide 7:57 a. ni.0.8; High Tide 1:55 p. m. 19.2j ; Low Tide 8:33 p. m. -3.2 j j STEAMERS DUE SOUTHBOUND j The Admiral Rogers is due in ‘ port tonight beginning at 9 o’clock i from the triatlgular run enroule to j Seattle. .., J Steamer Northwestern sailed from | Cordova last night at G o'clock and is scheduled to hegin to be due at ; 10 o’clock tomorrow. The North I western is also hound south. The United Stales Lighthouse ten I dor Cedar, Capt. J. W. Leadbetter, arrived in 'Juueau last night from Lynn Canal, where it has been en gaged in tnkiug supplies to various lighthouse stations and doing buoy work. From here..the boat goes to Tenakee, Cape Spencer and Cape St. Elias to continue Work. The Cedar left Juneau at 11 o'clock this morn ing. ' WHERE QUALITY PREDOMINATES Competent plumbing and aheet metal, work ia a pzofltable in vestment. We know thia and so do you. Therefore it ia incumbent upon ns to see that you become aatiafled. When buying or having repair* mod# by us we accomplish this in two ways. HQNJgT WUCSB-NONEST MERCHANDISE ‘ " . botfM m5Jai«m<w' ' i IH ■ SI.. J a — '■ 'V ■' t —ae%| . 1 ' ‘ ". ' "" "*"» ( (I—f , 4J1 Alaakao Trail* End at I HOTEL ATWOOD j Pint Are. end Plus Hi.. Heeitle Popular Price*—Nearest to Everything, i TBD TATLOR Prop E—-.-t -• I. J. SHAR1CK Jeweler and Optician Watcheg. Diamettia Siiverwart ' ™ Jewphrj MOTHERS! Remember that your baby grow* elder every 'day. Perpetuate the memory of hie babyhood by Photo graphy. Call up today for an ap pointment. Portrait* our Specialty. . WINTER & POND ITS’ Your BUSINESS You alone know how much of hard work, of sacrifice, and of enthusiasm' have gone Into mak ing it wtiat It Is today. You alone hare the real vision of Its future success. You alone can realize what It would mean to have to start all over again. Fire, accident, the forees of na ture, can wipe out in a few minutes the work of years. In surance is your one unfailing protection. ; Have you enough ineuraneeT ■ Have you the right klndT ALLEN SHATTUCK INSURANCE—REAL ESTATE Study the store ads — that you may learn of whatever special econ omy-opportunities our merchants can offer to you. i mi ii i ii iiiii i iiiii min ii i iiiiiiin i mi ii i ii ii i min ii 11 iiimn nil iimi 1,11111111111(^1^11111^ 1 INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP GO. I i OF ALASKA ' I i MOTORSH1P OREGON I c £ = LEAVES SEATTLE FOR JUNEAU § 5 Oct. 28, Nov. 17, Deo. 0, De$. 26. I 5 For Rates Call Up Phone 70. 1 = j. k. McAlister, Agt. I r.nniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniinuiuninuiuiiinmmnniHinmnMiiiuiiiumnniiinir FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS I- I. “ITAM” leave* levari on the 10th of eanb menu ‘vliiaf at *11 point* u far vert a* Unalatka. SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO., Q. C. 9EXDER30N, Agent, Seward, Alaika MAIL BOAT for Petersburg abb way mita prnnrr ID T^ku Harbor, Snetttshan:, Speel River, Ham litUKUr. Jn. dum, Windham Bay.Gambler Bay.Pybue Bey Brother Island, Five Finger Station, Fanahaw, Farrarut Bay Leaves Saturday midnight. Freight received until 10 A. M. Sat urdays at City Wharf. iamstrad TRABSPORTATIOB 00. - ;=- ' -- ,v=r-w BB B la DA fl MoildaJ M 11 I- »• *k*c MAIL BOATmm; «-.»m— ping at Tcnakee Springe and other way rOTrUrTH For information tee Bare Eoneef, LU I LDl I ll Fhone 444. Freight accepted until 12 neon, day of catting. ■ " ---1 ; FOR FRDIC1 RUPERT, YAE00UYRR, SRATTLS 1 Leave Juneau Southbound— PRINCESS MARY—Oct. 27th, Nov. 6th, 20th. Transportation Issued to and from all Eastern Cilice of the United Stales and Canada and to Europe aud Hits Orient. W. L. COATES, A.'icnt. Juneau. - - j BBUHBBUUUHHHUBBUBUBBnnHHHMBHBBH^HMUBHUHBnBBMHBHaH mm mi wJ Ww M mm A W QlUAf a mm am fml M M