Newspaper Page Text
BRINGING UP fAIMER \ - - - -- ■ * — Oh- if i COULD OU5T FORCiiT -ABOUT t)HOk ir lO feel better - t WOhQER "WH^T I CAM DO TOOT ME M'MO OFF IT - OH WHT If DlO * EVER MAlsE that bet j‘‘ - -T ^r-iD if TOO 'wA.r^T TO KEEP A PIPE. bV/EET •O'SE K , MILO TOBACCO AJSO KEEP - i I I r JO- 0-87 OHM t Imt i. Feature S»»m. Inc. | — ’ ■ • :*.;/-»/ , i ‘Z? ' ! , . : i : j > JAKE SCHAEFER HURLS CHALLENGE AT HOPPE NEW YORK. O. 2:. - fer,, San Fiaiuist-o lull! , ! s, .ml former world's champion an; ,! lenged Willie flop,* the title holder, to a '•. .<.<) , , at the 18.2 balkltne gam it , crown, however, would not a at stake if he accepts Ui rliall -it - . as he cannot be formaH. . h ill d until after Or title t a.t o • in November. STEVE DONOGHUE MAY ‘ RIDE NAGS,ARGENTINE NEW YORK Oct. '0. f ; not .m likely that Steve Domv.i ir . who, rodqt Papyrus iij • v> i . ■ .>■■'' race here wit’, V, \ I: go to South Am *"!,; this winter. T . 'a, :. tb jockey has b t . . view to Ills ri. i g it tit: p p , ,n , according to loado t n *\fruu *r», and it has b v ’ ; i V arrange to take i>*. hr • c .1) a riders with hint in order Mur the English sjyle of.j/r.ik'yphjp u\ay be established there MICKEY WALKER GETS BETTER OF HEAVY MAN NEWARK. O ' 30 —Mickey Wr ker weltcrweiglit champion steppn' out of hi^ class hist right but c pointed Jock Major of .S' R middleweight. In a 12 round bout HORSES ARRIVING FOR » OPENING OF TIA JUANA RACING _ i SAK DIEGO. Oct. 30.—'Traveling In a special train of six express cars, sixty-five thoroughbreds foi the Tia Juana winter race meeting which opens Thanksgiving day hav< arrived here from the Latonia, Kv track. Horsemen estimate the value of the horses at $300,000. Railroad offlaials said that the transporta tlon charges on the special totaled »6,8?7. HARRIS IS GREETED LIKE OLD TIME HERO IN HIS HOME TOWN _ HTTSTON, Fa. Oct. 30.—''ilmd. .•}' ' Harris Manager of the. \Va. in ,:< Senators returned home la i ii.git. much like a warrior of ohl !b was met at the station at V.Mk barre where his automohil ; 11< . e.j a parade which formed and es -t him here. The miners took a t; holiday ami greeted tin ir I*. ■;d: at a banquet last night. SPECIAL TRAIN OF HUSKY ROOTERS TO SEE EUGENE GAME SEATTLE pc •L.. -r-, Tomorrow I night at 11 o’clock u special Lair, composed of Pullman cars one da coach a _ baggage car and obaei-va tlon car will leave Imre for Eugene Oregon loaded with tJnivar. ity o Washington rooters to attend tic game Saturday when the Huskies meet ‘the University of Oregon. DAVE SHADE GETS CHANCE AT WALKER LATE NEXT MONTH NEW YORK. Oct 30.—Loo r Flynn, manager of Dave Shad’ California welterweight, announce he has received an offer of |d0t)<)' from" Newark N 3.. promoters to have Shade fight MIckev Walker, world's wplterwelrht champion, on November 24 Flynn is also considering an of fer from Boston promoters for a Walker- Shade hont, ten rounds to a decision. EP’NARD FINISHES FIFTH IN FIG RACE. ' •• "• . '.O 1i. *‘ * P i •. '. .... I I * • — ■■■ II ■■■ ■ ——»•*«■— >IWH ■ ■ ' —* - - To prove fhat tits victory over Kploard, tho great Trench foue>rear OW -1M no fluke Wirt) ( Oltnsellul winner Of the first of the <erfo. ,1 l" utial im-' won he l.auicl .stake# al I I M.l . • 1 •"* >'"• 1 •hreda Itiji Blare *» . f . i s,:„ , , fl- >•' •* ituJ fifth. II is reu .il. J tj, t u i,Oise ii ORIGINATOR OF NICK CARTER DIME NOVELS PISSES AWAY (Continued from luge One.) i'll to frederie Van . H nipisala'’ Hay, who wii'.*. h: ■. fi - N7 t, r „• ‘"V HI ory in 1*^01. nod ground nut morn thnn-'tnni. others '•fiilira«injr| his f; mmi.i i 1 '' r. I •ont.-ili'ii, g ur. ./n rds of :»i words I 1 ■ tills work i: v.-Vi'V v s ;ve o | '•hit<si v. i"t him Horn * >92 ' • 1907, wriiing many of (It 'n > < i ' I" ills . a t ri]ior| uT «>n 1"ri pile; i 0 prepare a yarn in w ' ; a jlui;,*!>-• dill wa . • : -i t or a£ ,i ihink UP a t r .' ig a - to towery 1 .11 jr or Young ’.\ ii ; \\o -. j The dime novel of ' !t . : ( • jegan to fadn with 'h com in n notion pictures. and wish i* nany of tlm, anonymous authors an heir flowery heroes. Hay ended its pi tillosqm- career It.. It!- own land in April, 1922. after willin'. 1 pathetic note to Joseph F.iurot i New York Police 4 maiissi u • who had given him mat' in 1 fni usj»y of bis novel.; in the u 1;. lays. “I can’t stand the g.-.ff any lo'ngcr. loe, so I’m going pit " he wrote Saw.-er took tip-'fiefirtn writing in 186H aft r meeting Colonel K. 7. " .In lS”ti. who wxot / unil'T the mi name of NTod Tinntllne, and ivho was consider >d the pioneer 'meri'-nn writer of ensptional nov ’If. JikIpoh and Sawyer nvjf In "alifninla and continued thojr frj. nd ■hip until the form"" dh d la 18*91 Story sforv came' from Saw yer's pea and hova of the nation •e»id them with absorbed iiytere d 801*00 of h:S stories v or shoo! ■hsraete-s h knew including f’rd i-j| (Villler* V Cod’. . ltoff.i! j, ; ; ifieaclr fWIU pun an • -ill- .. tj the Writ of old. •Mr villain h.-.v" no' he!" fust dpseits" Sawyer * ,M la'. n life “ar.d virtue always trlmaulmd. HTow T am satisfied to giro up fit it it irriHutf and tend *be flow ,-s thid trow abet my hor t ” Sawyer's later years were spent ini ally at .his home In San .lose, California. Jlis literary activities V Ij" i pncliid' I In lfi2l with a his ’ory oi Santa Clara County, the • mi- grape licit of California. •I" horn in Xlangor, Mo., No vember 11, is.ifi. ROOSEVELT ENGAGES SMITH IN HOT BATTLE FOR GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK; ONLY STATE ISSUES (Continued trow page 1) oral favorites for the nomination, '‘merged a victor «on tlie first ballot, and fhut after 26 years another (too volt is running for Governor of New Yprk. lie declared that tlie first, great •sue of the campaign was. economy 'a administration. The second, he said, was tux roduction, and the third "tlie practicable and unselfish reorgan la ti on of the state depart ments.'’ In his speeches he has contended that the Republican par ty in tlie state and nation was '“ore economical and more conducive o pro'** rlty than its leading oppo nent. vTIe charged that the consoli 'lation c* state departments as urged by Governor Smith, would bring ‘mportant state functions under poll leal oov.f'nl and under the hand of l,i imeny Halt As to prohibition : ' arraigned the present state ad ii.ini''ration for repeaj)nr the state ritforcement aef and promised to w.'rl for re adoption of a state law in conformity with the Volstead jet. Smith's Contentions Oovemot Hmltfi maintained WU0SWHO Mrs. Lockle McKinnon returned nil th Admits) Rogers from Sitka where she has been for the past week with Mr. McKinnon recently injured while hunting. C. M. Sharpe, traveling man ar rived on tho Admiral Rogers from Sitka. I). M. Bothwcll local broker, re turned on the Admiral Rogers from Sitka. S. Guyot traveling mail, left on the Rogers for Petersburg on a business trip. H. S. Graves, left on the Admiral Re* fo» Seattle where lie will j visit with Mrs. Graves for a time. | Eugene U. Morovich, represents. j tive of the Mergenthaler Linotype) Company of New York, is leaving1 on the Northwestern for Seattle From there he will go to New York. R* v P J. Kostrometlnoff, of Sitka was a passenger on the Ad mlral Rogers last nltfht for Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Keuttner of KlllisnQo, passed through on the; Rogers last night on their way* to! Seattle. AT THE HOTELS Gattineau Ralph Young, Sitka; Lila Newell, Sitka; C. M Sharpe. Zynda William L Paul. Ketchikan; M ,\r.' City Alaakan J. A. Finnegan, Petersburg. BOB TURNERS AUTO SERVICE ' PHONE 261—6 YEARS SERVICE': WITHOUT A SINGIiE ACCIDENT i OF ANY MOMENT OFFICE NEXT ! tO B ' ON STORK —adv j Simple Mixture for Gas on Stomach Simple buckthorn bark, magues- ; lum oulpli. c. ip., glycerine, etc., as); mixed in Adlerika, helps any gas j i on stomach, unless due to deep-!; seated causes. The pleasant and!i QUICK action 'will surprise you. Hc-| c. iise Adlerika lie such an excellent); intestinal «vacua nt it is wonderful! for constipation—It r)Jfeii works InH one hour and never gripes. Bugler-! Mailro Dftiig Co. Sold in Douglas by | Guy’s Drug Store. —adv. I that his department consolidation scheme, insofar as it has been put into effect hy the Joining of the highway department, the department! of public works and the department of public buildings, has saved the Rtate $800,000. Other consolidations, he has declared, were prevented by a Republican. Assembly which also' blocked his efforts for u "more! business-like administration of the! state’s business affair?.” He also has pointed out that the Democratic; regime has reduced Income and property faxes hy 25 per cent. Both Governor Smith and Colonel! Roosevelt have made extensive j tours of the state. The Republican ! candidate however, was the more i ambitious for he made a three i week’s trip covering all sections. On ! his schedule wore more than 200 ! ■peeches many of them rear plat- i rorm talks In small towns. Smith's Popularity The Governor, handicapped at : the outset of his active campaign ! by an attack of rheumatism that necessitated the cancellation of his ■peaking tour for John W. Davis, Democratic presidential nominee, ; twung Into action mom than a week lifter Roosevelt had started. His itinerary took him through the south ern, western and central tier coun ties, where he delivered several speeches. Governor Smith's popularity Is at tested by the size of the vote given him In the record breaking Repub | llcan year 1020. In that election J the late President Harding carried | the state by more than 1,000,000 i votes yet Nathan I,. Miller the | Republican gubernatorial candidate, defeated Smith by a plurality of on ly 75,000. In 1922 Smith swamped Miller by a plurality of nearly 400 ' 000. Smith was first elected Gov- j ernor in IRIS, when lie was elected over former Governor Cliailes S. Whitman by a Substantial plurality. -- TRAVELING MEN ARE ON ROGERS FOR KETCHIKAN Four traveling men passed through Juneau last night on the Admiral j Rogers for Ketchikan. The knights of the grip are J. Chamberlin, A | Van Mavem A. A. Humfrey and | Joe Meherin. W. W. Batcheller went to Petersburg after making the tri angular run. J. B. Berlins is going! through to I1I3 headquarters In Se attle. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. j In the C.'mmisiicners Court, for the Territory of Alaska, Division Number One, Haines Precinct. m Before A. F. McLian, Commicsioner, and Ex-Officio Probate Judge. In Che matter of Clio Estate or Har ry Jones, Doeeared. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that1 tho under. igni d win. on the 22nd i day of Oct ,ber, 1924, duly appointed Administrator i f (lie Estate of the, above named Harry Jones. Deceased. All persons having claims ugainst j the raid Dilate ire requested to present thorn, duly verified at-eord-l" ins to law, to Hie undersigned at I * Haines, Alaska, within six months1 if the date if tlhis notice. Dated ait Haines, Alaska, October 25, 1924. HARRY HIGGINS, Administrator. * Eirst publication, Oct. 30, 1924. Last publication, Nov. 20, 1924. * WHERE QUALITY PREDOMINATES Competent plumbing and sheet metal work is t profitable la vestment. We know this and so do yon. Therefore it is incumbent upon us to see tbat yon become satisfied. When buying or having repairs made by ns we accomplish this is r two ways HONEST PRICES—HONEST MERCHANDISE I WOODARD & NEWMAN PLUMniNN SOUTH FRONT ST. 9HEBT METAL WORK Phone 373 Re*. Phone* 1401, 1101 . ■ .— 1 g ONE THING THAT |! 1 THE ALISHA RAILROAD AND RIVER ROAT SERVICE MEAN TO ALASKA ■ f ; ,d 1 1 ^ a Cheaper and Quicker transportation of products, supplies and E equipment to and from Interior Alaska, thereby aiding very \ materially in the development of all activities, whether great E or small. { | THE ALASKA RAILROAD traverses regions already developed | that are rich in fish, fruits, v*?etables and minerals; and other I localities equally desirable that await only the coming of tbe £ prospector and homesteader. Write and ask for detailed informs = tion; it will be gladly and promptly supplied. THE ALASKA RAILROAD I (McKinley Park Rontc) mm ".4 . ; | ANCHORAGE >: ALASKA ■•liaitisitisaaaasiiaMiaaaauiirffliiMiaiaimiiMsinMsiaiissnsaMissaamssaaisisiasiiSMsiianiMai r “1 .. ”■ -. 1 N H. C. HANNA COMPANY AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND ACCESSORIES □AGENTS FOR^STUDEBARER C4R8 AND FEDERAL TIRES PHONE 35 ... OLD G. & B. MOTOR CO. j —.. ■ ---- ■■ - — -i*' ... JURORS AND WITNESSES YOU SHOULD STOP AT THE USTINEHU HOTEL ? while in Juneau thi» coining term of Court. WHY! Because we ) s ere centrally located, because we are better equipped in both the I Cafe and Hotel to give you the mirimnin of Serviee than my other 3 Hotel in Alaska. Will cost you no more. I MRS. E. W. BUSS f 306 Front Street GINGHAM HOUSE DRESSES MADE TO ORDER $2.50 AND UP PHONE 371 * .—- .* -Kt ALARM CAI1S _ '_ vK I ’ rd and Frank* a. > ■ >na rreakna. r i, ->•«( Ferry Way. I-A Ar- n ipi Film ■xehaaya •pi Olty Wharf l •!< i' fit <t»ir Saw Will. t" ■ 'irocary "> -t>i ftnia Sana. *» "<t •«*■»**# i & fua ->ecun<i and fu> | Fl ft ii and Seward :->! Kir* Hall < 2 OiuMbmu «au Ran Way 4 Atieoca and Ooid ■1-6 Fourth and Oarrfa. 3- 6 Fifth and OoM 6-7 Fifth and Bant. 1-8 Seventh and Gold. 1-9 Fifth and KeoMdy. 4- 1 Ninth, back of power honae 4-1 Calhoun, opp Juneau Apta. 4-J DMn Are., end Indian M, 4-6 Ninth and Oalhonn. 4-e Seventh and Malm. 4-1 Twelfth, at Norther* i/dip 4-e Twelfth and WUloayhhy, JUNEAU TRANSFER COMPANY Movpi, Pack* and Store* Freight and Baggage. ► Prompt Delivery at LADYSMITH COAL Phone 48. It'e all in knuwiag HOW to do ? • rat-clara cleaning and dyeing. I CAPITA! DYE WORK! t. Meldner Professional Oyer > aad Oitwuer. Phone ITT. | ..... k JAPANESE TOY SHoFT H B. MARDTO I Front Street I P 0. Box 218 for Mail Mm ^ Watch Him Go After ft I l*t him drink aii ns wants. It will do him food as our milk Is absolutely pure and fresh. Than Is nothing better for children or grown-ups either, for that mat ter. Let us lea re you a quart or two each morning. Our oows hare hose free from tuberculosis for. (our years. 1 Juneau Dairy PKONU 141. ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ PROSPERITY IS HERE I 5" *■ I Spruce Cement Hemlock Brick H* Fire Clay Iron Bark Lime Oak Hay Shingles Grain Boat Comber JUNEAU LUMBER MUXS Study tbs store sds—«ng iseira bout those new things whlnfc m tiQWn toi Us Aim 0a«