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Last 2 Times Tonight NEWS UP TO DATE H—40—Loges 50c ■BUffMKttDQU0-' .• •' HERBERT RAWLINSON IN “THE CLEAN-OP" AND “LEATHER PUSHERS” Coming Thursday BOOTH TARKINGTON’S “PENROD AND SAM” jsgjs®' Attractions at Theaters j ATTRACTIONS tonight COLISEUM—Viola Dana In "The $5 Baby.” PALACE — Herbert Rawlinson in “The Clean Up” anil another epi sode of “The Leather Pushers.” COMINb M . . KACTIOMS COLISEUM — Barbara La Mair in "Poor Men's Wives.” PALACE—“Penrod and Sam.” “THE $5 BABY” GREAT VIOLA DANA PRODUCTION "The $5 baby,” starring Viola Dana, seen yesterday at the Coli seum theatre, is one of the best of the Dana-Metro series. It Is a screen version of Irvin S. Cobb’s short story, which appeared in tho Saturday Evening Post, and it >piovcd to be a delightfully human photoplay of ■ life in Now York’s Ghetto. Harry Beaumont directed the film. Miss Dana was nevpr more mirth provoking than she is in this role. This featur is on for the last I time tonight. “THE CLEAN UP” LAST TIME AT PALACE Taken a hilarious situation; a co! | lection of thrilling adventures to, cram it with action, and Herbert ! Rawlinson, and it makes a play! you’ll remember for a long time, j All of which Is amply proven by the audience which witnessed "The Clean Up” at the F’alaco last night. He plays (lie whimsical heir to wealth who is cut off with a dollar and turned loose to shift for him self in the village where everybody elBe has n fortune. How lie rees tablishes tho town when it goes to smash on a wave of too much money, how he takes over the reins of the law and rescues It front predatory invaders, and incidentally, makes a man of himself by doing it, is a story of breathless interest. “POOR MEN’S WIVES” COMING TO COLISEUM One of tihe most elaborate hall room scenes ever filmed will he J seen in "Poor Men’s Wives,” the Uaanier ail-star special, which plays! at the Coliseum starting Thursday.; An exact duplicate of the Parisian revels the famous French director ht^s seen in his native country, the Beenes are breath taking in their • colossal size. Barbara LaMarr, Betty Francisco, D*vld Butler, Richard Tucker, and i the picture babies, Mickey MoBan j and Muriel McCorma are in the i caat. "PENROD AND SAM” COMING TO PALACE Booth Tarkington’a sequel to "Penrod,” recently seen here, will be the feature attraction at the Palace beginning Thursday. The production isr "Penrod and 8am” and is said to I be one of the best of itB kind yet placed on the screen. DEATH TAKES HEAVY TOLL QI PILGRIMS TO MECCA! BATAVIA, Dutch East Indies,) Nov. 5. — Of 50.000 Dutch Indian ( Mohammedans who made the pil j grimage to Mecca this year, about j 5,000 hav^ died on the way back j from disease and exhaustion conse quent upon the hardships of travel in visiting the holy places of Islam. Moslems believe that by these visits they will gain sanctity here and paradise hereafter. TTbe death rate cf thin year’s pil grim: igc has been higher than vsual, and Is attributed to ro many of if. to pilgrimh being aged and JuArm. m »■* 8ea Bully's carpenter nay for Jobbing and Cabinet work. Phoiu mi j NEW YORK CROOKS ROB CROOK’S ADMIRER. \ I KG# HRVEaflT P HewoaTH.-wt. ; .—---,-— The latest victim of thieves who follow beioweled New York women from cabarets and rob them, has been identified as Mrs. Helen Pat lersou Heyworth, divorced wife of Otto Y. Heyworth, grandson and heir to the millions of Otto Young, of Chicago. With rive others, she was held up In her apartment facing Central Park, but the lijieves got only a $500 gem. Mrs. Heyworth came Into .International notoriety recently when she announced she was got g to marry "Dapper Dan" Collins, International crook, then held in * Paris prison awaiting ex tradition to New York. Collins wrote her, asking her not to make the | sacrifice, hut she said she loved him and would wait until he was free ■ rid marry him. At that time she was suffering from injuries sustained tn falling from a Paris hotel window following a New Year's Eve parly. ARGENTINES REPEL ITALY’S HOPE FOR DOUBLE NATIONALISM IlULXuS AIRES, Xijv. r>. Tilt' - lii at visit to Argentina of Vit torio E. Orlando, former Italian; prime minister, to give a course ol lectures in the law department of I the University of Buenos Aires, did not pass without a protest by some Argentine educators. These gentle men regarded Signor Orlando as u propagandist for tltc policy of in 1 stilling loyalty to Italy among the; children of Italian immigrants at the I expense of the ir loyalty to the coun try of their birth. One membei of the law faculty. Dr. Juan C. Rebora, refused to at tend the lectures, as did also Dr. Alfredo L. Palacios, dean of tin i faculty of juridical and social sc ien ces of the University of La Plata ! They expressed themselves in cor respondence which was distributed > to the students and professors of j all educational institutions, as op posed “to the maintenance of a the-( ory which tends to create a double | nationality for those who, having been lwirn in Argentina, are, feel1 themselves and wish to lie Argon j tines.” --r FACE PACK. Have you tried tlie Bella Derm i Face Pack? If not, try it. at the! AMERICAN BEAUTY PARLOR, adv | riee »uiiy s «srpenier snop for Jobbing and Cabinet work. Phone I 1J«. —edv --- USE SULPHUR TO HEAL YOUR SKIN _ Broken Out Skin and Itching Eczema Helped Over Night For unsightly skin eruption^, rash or blotches on face, neck, arms I ok body, you do not have to wait j for relief from torture or embarrass-I went, declares a noted skin special ist. Apply a little' Metho-Sulphur and improvement shows next day. Because of its germ destroying properties, nothing has ever been found to take the place of this sul phur preparation. The moment you ipply It healing begins. Only those who have bad unsightly skin I troubles can know the delight this; Mentho-Sulphur brings. Even fiery, j Itching eczema Is dried right up. Get a small Jar of Howies Mentho-j Sulphur from any good druggist and use It like cold cream. (advertisement 1 -< 1111111111111 ii ijiii ill ii i iii ii i mi mil i m mi hi S""".... a = | Bigg er and Better than Ever Before || £ Now that the excitement of Election £ £ Day 13 over, It’s time to thjak of the I ARMISTICE DAY BALL j X Under the Auspices of Alford John j E 5; Bradford Post No. 4 E I AMERICAN LEGION | | A. B. HALL ADMISSION $1.00 I Ex-3orvlcc Men are Requested to * = *« Atteml in Uniform. ~| § i niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinr mm Mr. a:nl Mi:;. I,. H. Metzgar ur-1 lived on the Yukon yesterday from! Scuttle where they have been visit-1 ing for the past month. Miss Linda Drake returned to J li nen n on the Yukon from Seattle where she has been visiting. II. S. Marshal George D. Beau-j mont returned to Juneau on the Yu kon from Seattle. Mr. Beaumont took a prisoner to Morningalde and j than campaigned in Washington State for Coolldge. II. I1'. Preston and Sam Ouyot, traveling men, arrived on the Yu-1 kon from Ketchikan. Mrs. II. I). McLeod returned to! Juneau on the Yukon from Ketchi kan where she has been visiting with her daughter Mrs. Ralph Bar-1 llioleinew. Mrs. E. Ohmar, of Petersburg was' i passenger on the Yukon for a visit j In Juneau. Simon Kelli ntliul arrived on the j Yukon from the South. His family i will remain b< low for the winter. John T. ElPott, of the Bureau of Public Hoads, returned to Juneau m the Alaska from Girdwood, where lie has been for the past season. B. B. Neidiug arrived on the Al- * iska from the Kennecott Mine, of. which lie is superintendent. AT THE HOTELS Zynda Mrs. n li. N( iding, Glacier High-, way; S. Hellenthal, City; J. Blenk-1 piisof and wife; V. Isaacson; N.1 Wold. Gastineau J. If. Cobh, Santa Barbara; Mrs. Ray lJatson, Chichagof; 11. M. Per-j lilt, Chichagof. H. M. Doremus, Chi chagof; \V. H. Drew, Seattle; E. (’.' Freshwattrs, South Haven, Mich.: I C. Cameron. Portland; Mrs. Earl \\ Ohmer; Ed McPherson, Koteni kan; If. Gertley, Wrangell; II. A Dahl, Pclcrsbntg; li. F. Preston; C.! R. Bobbins and wife and child; G. A. Shoemaker. Portland; L. .1. Till, j Anchorage; W V. Schenmuger, Fin-1 land; Mrs. F. \Vr. Williamson, Klnse-1 lof; B. Gnrndalil; Barfle Gundalil,; [ It C. Wakejin; C. H. Kier, J. T, Ell iott; .V. J. Hcrumur, Fairbanks; L. J. Schumakef, Chllkoot. Alaskan Joo Sashulta, Chichagof; J. E. Shaw; Geo. aw; .lack Meyers; Tom Thompson, Ketchikan; Peter ! Join; H. Larson, Chatham; Mar lin Brecne, Chicago; William Hess,; S. Kahello; Bed Mlrovlch; Alfonso I lamhler; (Xo. Johnson, Oeo. Godfrey; ; Matt Gaspier; F. II. Story, Skagway. ! BOB TURNER Automobile Service. PHONE 257. Next to Boston Store. —adv. | _» _ , 'd miners for gate gt The Empire ] Weather Condition* Ax Recorded by the U. S. *v Weather Bureau. Pornaut (or Junean and vicinity for 24 Hour* betrinnin? 8 p. in. today F. ir tonight nnd Thursday, war.nir tonight; fresh ou-terly winds 10C1 L DATA Hsrnm. Teton. llurudilv Wine Yetocflv OTenthei 8 p. iu. yest’y.. 30.01 35 62 8E 2 Clear 8 o. m. today 29.85 35 85 N 3 Clear 12 noK t day 29.82 46 15 E 8 Clear CABLE AND lAulO KErOKTSs t MuH i K It I* A I HlKhMal 8 p in | ur«Mon*— 'P'tip ti»mr» Mi»me I | Ik thel 26 22 I Xanana .. SO 28 ! Easle 24 24 ; t..jii!>anka . 32 32 j Anchoiago 24 26 I St. Paul 38 36 j IXitdh Harlior .52 34 : Kodiiak 66 52 ■ Foe (leva 4 6 4 2 June1u 48 35 Sitka . 60 36 i'l inee Rupert . CO 56 GJmonitan . IS 16 Sc tile . 5o 44 Portland . 5o 48 6 u Francisco . Co 56 roi >a » uuw^at a a m. a htmoip. 9 am. *#»mn ValorHt 14 hr» Waathlv 30 30 * 0 Cldy 4 0 Cl ww 18 18 — 0 Clear 111 22 0 Clear 12 12 - 0 Clear 18 20 * o Clear 34 — 0 Foggy 30 34 — — Clear 42 44 — — Clear 32 4 4 * 0 Clear 32 35 3 0 Clear 30 28 — 0 Cldy 30 32 * 0 Clear 2 10 * 0 Cldy 4 4 4 4 1 8 .1 8 Cldy 4 4 4 4 1 0 .4 0 Cldy 52 52 12 .24 Cldy ' Less than 10 mllej. The procure remains high in Alaska except in the Southeast where it i: hi low nnrmi. It Is rising' in the Yukon Valley and tail in'; in the neu/thern portions of th • Territory. No precipitation was i ■ ; ■ i tcd in Alaska during the past t wr ul.y-lour hours. The pressure I ', i low in l!ie vicinity of Puget Sound and moderate rains have fallen in the Paeiiic State it is romewhat warmer In the Hiuthwest, colder ; t Fairlunku, and there has been little temperature Change else where. DOUGLAS ISLAND NEWS I LADIES LEAGUE TO MEET A meeting of the Ladies League has h'>en called for tomorrow even ing Thursday. All im min i s ol the bazaar committees are asked to be present to make arrangements for Nov. 13. ACCIDENTALLY CUTS HAND Murlal Jarman received a deep cut on her hand from a n :?wly shar pened carving knife last night nee essitating a couple of stitches be lng taken in the Index finger by I)r. Chace. MILLERS IN FROM FISHING Mr. and Mrs. William Miller ur lived here yesterday on their boat! llortle to spend some time In town! after their season’s fishing. They1 are located fo; the present over the Reidi Bakery. “THE FACE IN FOG* AT LIBERTY TONIGHT A crook melodrama, “The Pace! in the Fog,” said to abound in many bn athless thrills and unfold a pleas ant love story, is coming to the Liberty theatre tonight only. The stoiy concerns “Boston Black Iq," one of the besl known crook characters in fiction, who, with his; wife "Mary” becomes Innocently In-j volved in the plot of a band of international sharpers to steal a val liable diamond necklace from u beau litul Russian princess. The latter has fled to New York with the precious jewel. "Boston Blackie" has deserted his evil ways for the straight and narrow ami lie deter mines to thwart the villains. Prov ing the truth of the old adage that "it lakes a thief lo catch a thief,” he trails the swindlers, who have gotten possession of the jewels, and j steals them. This action leads the police to believe "Boston Blackie” has back ! slid into crime again, which adds! complications lo the story. In the[ end, however, everything tains out! happily. Lionel Barrymore is seen in the role of "Boston Blackie,” and pretty Serna Owen plays the part of the princess. Mary McLaren is “Mary” Lowel Sherman is the commoner in love with the loyal miss ami Louis Wotheim, who created the title role In Eugene O'Neil’s “The Hairy Ape," and looks It, Is the lender of the villains. As an addel feature there Is Ben Turpin. Torn between love ami duty our hero Ben Turpin hesitated. Ills love was In (he middle of the lake In a sinking rowboat calling for help, but as Ben arrived on the scene, he heard the express blow Its whistlo and remembered the opon drawbridge. Oqllantly he took up the challenge, anil spurning Cupid, lushed lo save the train and Its passengers. But he was too late! LUBE? ' PRESENTS FOR TONIGHT ONLY BIG DOUBLE BILL AT 7:30 "THE MCE IN THE FOG* with LIONEL BARRYMORE AND SEENA OWEN Also BEN TURPIN \ IN A MACK SENNETT COMEDY—2 REELS ‘ASLEEP AT THE SWITCH” Our Admission for this show is only 10-20-40 cents | ■ 1 —- ■ - -■ ■ WE CARRY ROYAL COURT ALLEN A ii 'LICOTT UNDERWEAR FOR MEN | * - i : A. J. GALLWAS ii&T (mw lonoas I n«l( l<r / JOVILAI Teddy, the Grtat^ Dane, had beaten him to It, and through tho (Jog's foresight, the special was saved. Rushing to tn ■A up love whore* he had lult it, ho found that other hands had been at work and res iled fair Madeleine -from the angry waves that wished to engulf her. A sinister (hu racier had crossed the threshold of our hero's heart and stoh n his beloved one from him. But Ben refused to say die and ev erything comes out happily In “Asleep at the Switch." : NO USERS FOR ROYAL CANES LONDON, Nov. 5.—There is some speculation as to what Queen Alex andra iv111 do with a collection of tpe late K Inf Edward's walking ; ^anos, when ehc returns to Marl bbrough House. A large- rack con tains tho favorite canes used by the King, whl(h typify the story of the walking .dick In the last cell tury. He was rarely seen without one, iftid always brought back a f• ■ brom his many visits abroad. TO TELEPHONE PATRONS. A new telephone directory is now in course of preparation. Patrons contemplating- change of address or net sons who wish to have telephones installed arc requested to notify the Telephone company. Phone 420 be fore Nov. 15. —adv. -♦ ♦♦ 01(1 paper* mr nale at The Empire ANOTHER CASE! Time-tested hy a Resident of This Locality. Just another report of sick news l and Buffering relieved by Doan’s Pills. Another Interesting cast* that tells of lasting benefit What can ha more convincing? Thousands recommend Dcan’n for backache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizzi ness and (littrussing urinary disord ers. Doan's pro a stimulant diuretic, to the anil cys. They have (helped thousands. Are recommended by many In this locality. Mrs J. It. Thompson''"3llfT \VT " Vlclcrlu St., Santa Barbara, ('a! . i cays: -'l had a continual dull aoliln r in the small of my back and It bothered me worse wln n 1 was about doing my housework. I was troubled with n tlrul, languid feeling and never seemed to get enough sleep. My feet swelled, also. Doan’s Pills cured mo completely." THREE YEARS LATER, Mrs. ' Thompson said: "I have had no n turn of kidney trouble since Doan'o cured me." 60c, at all doaloru. Poatar-MUburn t’o., Ml'rs., Buffalo, N. Y. adv. PERMANENT | With the Trucson Building j Products in conjunction with j the Universal Cement MoUi | one can* build any kind Jpf | structures. Flro-proof; 'Cheap | out, best and most parfcot j method known to the building | world. lnv,«tls*te now. Concrete Product* Hfg. Co. Juneau, Alaska. ♦ ■.. --r* Dr. M. P. Stanley j Physician and lorfaa* I S"8-i<) Hatgbt Building, deo | ord Arenas and Pisa Htreen,. ( Beattla, WagA Electronic Reactions of | I { Or. Albert Abrams. 1 Diagnosis Treatment j s' TONIGHT— Last Showing Do you know you can pawn a bahv? And tlial babies, grew p some times to be beautiful girls? “IT IS TO LAUGH” VIOLA DANA HI 10-20-40—Loges 50c. Coming Thursday “POOR MEN’S WIVES” '<U£S!BJJi:oy®y£ 'JU Mjmjse-m Iran«■*’ I. J. SHAR1CK 1 Jeweler a ad Optician Watohet, Biaccndt lilv-rwan ' Jeweirj ... ..Ml 111 . ITS’ Your BUSINESS Van alone know how much oi hard work, of sacrifice, and of enthusiasm have gone Into mak it what It It) today. - You alone ha'-e the real vision of. its future success. You nlono can realize what It would mean to havo to start all over again. Fire, accident, the forces of na ture. cun win* out in a few minute the work of years. In surance is your one unfailing protection. Have you enough InauranoeT Have you the right kind? ALLEN SHATTUCK INSURANCE— REAL ESTATE | Handles or nJd newspapers at The Cmulre, 2f> cents a bundle to the California Summer Land _ Obey the call of the warm California play* frtllY ground* this winter. ^ Sun-swept beaches —flower-bedecked riHar— fart, comfortable Sowing life, cheer and happiae**. and convenient Join jn the healthful outdoor recreation—golf* train« daily iog, swimming, motoring. over the pQ vi* the scenic Shasta route. Mountain* and Shasta'"Route valley* wondrous vista* to the California ' summer-land. In each direction. ^ ^ Southern Pacific low fare# will auk* your trip surprisingly inexpensive. For full information ask your local agent or write to B. 0. Taylor, Gen., Agt., 314 Union St., Seattle, Wash. Southern Pacific fc • •• * " * ■,v t i-%