Newspaper Page Text
»-— THE EMPIRE ■ to ranm Through which the rami pehlfc PM alwmyi tan Ita Suit ntaW. Closing tin* far alurif *i edvertuementi: • F. M* . dosing tine for display ed* JjtaenMta: 11 A. M ' Tea enta pee H»e W I*’ m*tn "tannei !*• " pen* In avenge words U tte Hm I - - - —* r m SALE . ,J tX>K 3AI F.—Fancy work for Christ mas Gift*. Mrs. B. Schwarrenbers, Phone Dbuglas 383. taOlt SALE—2nd hand sound bright luinbfer Numerous materials for konsitraction of various kjpds. Fot quotations apply A. E. Johnson qt Treadwell. After 7 p. m a phone Douglas 61. ,_ at;! *. — Big rflx Btudebakei 4 touring car, 1922 model, a bar ^)o. Alio an armful of Fords It ymlr own price. Connors Motoi CARS AND TRUCKS A1 CAB, HB erhaulod. Also for bln hour with or without Inquire Imperial Pool ■ ihi . __ __ LOST_ I.OfJT—On Saturday night, ivory cigarette holder. Will ilndei pidaet! return same to Valent^ie' f Jgwelry store. Will pay reward •• FOK R£Nt tin -— - --- VOk «P?af mostly furnished » Ap&ly at Nugget Shop. 2 and 3 room tarnish •» MV-apartment*. 3rd ‘and." do* +$¥'■: l36-_ * T •—■ Furnished apd un houses. Phone 3Of K~a~ and 5 room turn / FahartmentiS, newly renovat "421% East . Phone 2i»U. « * . ~ —— -— _3JNT—1. i. S. 4 room apart ££ fully furnished. Feldoi M. PHONE 286. for rout. n*m ' • ' y POM KENT—PUOUe 1«» 4 IDSCELLaNEOUS “ ' ‘ MtAOIMO s\ all Woot ltd Tido run. _—coat odd save fni Md from your hand. Work. 4 marring# and tbo future d. 108 Promt at. -------— POLLY AND HER PALS . ■ .* I ■-— i I J-T _.__ ... NQTICE TO, CREDITORS. 'In the Commissioner's Court for the Territory of Alaska, Division Np, One (1) Before A. F. Me Lean, Commissioner and Probate Andre Dretier, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the .undersigned lias been duly appoint ed 'administrator of the above en titled estate. Ail persons having Iclaims against tbe said estate are ihereby, requested to present, same : with > jproper vouchers attached, to ;t,he undersigned at Haines. Alaska, ! within six months from the date of j this ^notice. | Dated at Haines, Alaska, this 1st uiay at November, 1924. J. H. CHISEL, Administrator. ■ First publication, Nov. 6. 1924. !j Last publication, Nov. 27, 1924. , ! NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT AND ARREST OF PROPERTY. No. 2435 A. In Admiralty. i In the -United States District Court for the District of Alaska, Di I vision Number One. at Junean. (ALASKA PACIFIC FISHERIES, a i corporation, Libellant',' vs. Ga.3. i “AKUTAN,” l^er tackle, apparel. I furniture, engines, machinery, cargo anti equipment. Respondent. I TO ALL CONCERNED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that . :tht> 'undersigned. United States Marshal for the District of Alaska, idl'd on October 30tM, 1924, attach .'and arrest the Ga.s. “Akutan,” her i tackle, apparel, furniture, engines, !machinery, cargo and equipment, in ’ithe af>6vu»cetltlcd action in the * {abdvfr-intTtfea CWutt, '.1ft* a certain action brought by the Alaska Pa ! c|Ac Fisheries, a corporation, libel jlant, against said Ga.s. “AKUTAN.” her tackle, apparel, furniture, en gines, machinery,, cargo and equip ment, the cause or nature of said action being causes for services, pilotage, towage and of salvage, civil and maritime, in whldh the said Alaska Pacific Fisheries, a corpora : Mon demands Two Thousand Five |Hundred (92j>4>|.0|) -Dfliars, and .costs; and all persons Interested or concerned herein are requested to (be and appear at tlhe lime and place ;of tbe return of said process, to "EO Dpcembpr 6th, 1924, in the (tn^lpfi AbatesDistrict Court Room |nt- JjKnetiti. Amska.jat, tbp hour of j 10:ffb o'clock in the forenoon of I said day, and answer In that be half, or default will be entered and condemnation ordered as prayed for in libel. j^.pat^'at Juneau, Alatka, October GEORGE D. BEAUMONT, i , w . Marshal. I - { Ay M. H. *TftU*8DRLL. i v 1 1 . Dpp.. it. ft Marshal, n. E. ROBERTSON. Proctor for Libellant. Firsk publication. Oct. 30, 1924. L««t|pmbHcjftiyn» ^ov -13, 192j. Study the store ade — that yon may learn of whatever special econ ! bu^Ti*PPfrtu^ltlei * ogr merchants AUTOS TOR HIRE <U**V tiuri ' I T iir f f m f SITKA NOT SPRINGS I .’ftgg&aiy I 5 u *! 11'U 1, fBQMB Xtt. ”8IATa‘~ §■ ■ ■ «.1.1 I—I-.-"'. ■ ] Cofich Ant# Sorrict Juoan. AUlfa Day ana Nlglt MrrSna. PHOMB 444. ! 8BRY Jf fet SPnIOOT I M ARINE NEWS ADMIRAL WATSON HERE WESTBOUND Has Twenty-eight Passengers for Juneau and 115 Tons of Freight. The Ad'ulral Watson arrived from the south last night at midnight with 115 ton:, of freight aboard for Juneau. The steamer left at 4 o’clock this morning for the west ward with the following passengers: For Kodiak—Pete Aronta, Lis'onna Hemona: For Seward—Geo. Ashen felder, Mrs. Apoibusch. Mr. Apoi husch, Ester Apoibusch, Joe Apoi buBch, J. W. Edmonds; For Yaku tat—'Mrs. Shioto, Nadine Shioto, Bill Shioto, Ed Herman; For Latouche —Frank Du mot to. Passengers arriving from the South were: R. R. Brown, A. O. Means, Wilma Clereans, C. F. Sker ves, AV. Granigan and wife, Ever ett Judson, F. B. Judson and wife. AV. W. Luken. Ycm Lee, M Roth. | O. Herring, A. Brown. (’. O. El i vlng, P. A. Agnew L. M. Carilgan, ! Elizabeth Grigsby, Jane Grigsby, G. i B. Grigsby and wife, F. Rchang, i H. R. Hall and five steerage. ! i . * c* . * E8TEBETH l-ROM SITKA The Estebeth arilved early this I morning from Sitka and way ports ' with the following passengers for Juneau: Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Pera tovich, Mrs. Charles, Mrs. Sam Rosenburg, Henry Moses, A. E. Crea ' »a, T. Okabl, Dan Popovich, Sam | Nlckovich, Mike Wall, Charles Mil I ler. SherblnOau, AV. Kidd, A. An j derson, L. Nojson, H. C. Roberts j and wife Chas. Daniels, Jake Rice, ! Miss Klchan. L. Duvtal. T, A1. Italio, H. Williams, Frank Shottcr, Mr. Carson, D. Jackson, Paul Wil liams. Tho pstebeth Balls tonight at 11 o'clock for Skagway and way porta. NOTICE TO MARINERS i WRANGELL STRAIT—Danger Point Light. 8, reported missing Oct. 31, 1924, was replaced November 3, 1924. FREDERICK SOUND—Cape Strait Light, reported extinguished Get. 30, 1924, was relighted November 4, 1924. TLAVAL NARROWS—West Coast of Prince of Wales Island—Block Is land light, reported extinguished Nov. 13. 1924, will be relighted ; as soon as practicable. By direction of the Commissioner | of Lighthouses, W. C. Dlbrell, Su | perlntendent. I NORTHWESTERN SAILED FROM SEWARD THIS A. M. Steamer Northwestern sailed from i Seward at fi o'clock this morning | and is due to arrive sometime j Thursday mu the way south. Bit lemoned mm wood, 16 inch lOBfta, Joneon Transfer. odv. iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiMiiiiiiitiiiiiuuijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiii*;1 THE TMHT EUROS ( FOR CHARTER <’ i fV< | To anywhere In Alaskan waters—By far the moat aeswurthy, | strongly built and bast equipped boat ot bar class In Alaska. • BO h.p. Diesel engine. Sleeps six with comfort. Radio equipped. : PAUL KSGBL. Master—Phone Douglas 4«. t ' i •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiHititiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiniuitiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiib 1 General Guilllamat Com mands Troops on Rhine I | , i 1 { aEMgPAvIgakat General Guilllamat baa been chosen to take over the command of the French Artny of Occupation on the Rhine bridgeheads and in the Ruhr, succeeding General Ue goutte. General Guilllamat Is an officer of the old school, with a long and brilliant military career. Tides Tomorrow i High Tide 5:14 a. m. 12.S Low Tide 11.25 a. m. S.4! High Tide 5:05 p. m. 12.1*; Low Tide 11:57 p. m. . 2.91 IMPORTANT TO EYE-SUFFERERS Read the ad of Dr. J. W. Ed- • munds. Eye-Specialist of Seattle, on page 3. —adv. I ITS’ Your BUSINESS ! You alone know how much of bard work, of sacrifice, and of enthusiasm have gone Into mak ing It what it Is today. You alone have the real vision of Us future success. You alone <*an realize what It would mean to have to start all over again. Fire, accident, the forces of na ture, can wipe out In a few minutes the work of years. In surance is your ona unfailing j protection. Have you enough insurance! ‘ Have you the right kind! ALLEN SHATTUCK i INSURANCE-REAL ESTATE | j STEAMER MOVEMENTS! NORTHBOUND I I ALAMEDA in duo to arrive | | at -1 o’clock tomorrow after I noon. PRINCESS MARY duo tomor row nighl. SCHtDUl.ED SAILINGS ESTERETII will sail for Shag way and wayports at 11 o'clock ! tonight. I ADMIRAL ROGERS scheduled to t sail from Seattle November 19 at 10 a. m. YUKON sch duled to sail fiom Seattle November 22 at 9 a j m. | MAH, BOAT GEORGE JR sails j ] from Juneau tor Petersburg j I and way ports at midnight j tonight. j SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS | NORTHWESTERN la due south j hound about November 20. ADMIRAL WATSON due south ] bound November 28. I I •----- 4 ALAMEDA DUE TOMORROW Steamer Alameda sailed from Ketchikan at 1:30 o’clock this af ternoon and Is due to arrive her° tomorrow afternoon westbound. -♦ ♦♦ DAWSON ORGANIZING FOR ACTIVE WINTER SPORTS Dawson curlers have organized for an active season of winter sports. The Dawson Curling Club held Its llrst meeting late in October and chose G. B. Edwards, President, J.| A. M. H. Maltby, Vice-President, and William Bell, Secrotary. See Sully* carpenter snop for lohtitng and Cabinet work. Phon« IM. —adv. Prohibition Enforcement Officer A. G. Means returned to his head (piarters In Juneau, arriving on the Admiral Watson. \Y/E wish to announce that VV for Christmas Wa'va cards that ara differ ent, and new; The finest we’ve seen, and we're thinking That this will be $oui verdict too. I With sentiments new ■ That will “say it for you" £ In exactly your personal, fav I orite waj?; E And designs that with beauty 1 wil^ brighten the day. i s I LET US SHOW YOU SAMPLES EMPIRE PRINTING CO. PHONE 374 - '■ — 1 '-3T." '■--’ ALL tm OF SHEET METAL I WORK DONE TO T00» COM* I PIETB SATISFACTION I W. C JENSEN I WINTER ft POMS XUILDtHa I Phones—Ree. 4041. Step 34 | ■ :t ■ v ’ > % * r f. ; ■ 'r 'm ■ P . Vt’ ’ . * Jllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllv INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP CO. I | OF ALASKA 1 1 MOTORSH1P OREGON I S £ ! | LEAVES SEATTLE FOR JUNEAU § £ November 22, January 2, January 23 ~ 5 For Rate* Call Up Plione 78. £ | j. k. McAlister, Agt. § gniiuiiuiiiiHiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiHiiiiiiiitPiiiiiiiiimniiiiniiiniiiHHUiiiiHr FOB WESTWABD ALASKA POINTf I. "»TAR1” leave* Seward on tbo 10th of oaoh monti eallini at all point* u far weft aa Uaalaaka. SAN JUAN F1SHLNG AND PACKING CO., 0. C. HENDERSON, Agent, Seward, Alaska MAIL BOAT for Petersburg aitd way ports PCODrC ID T,iku Harbor, Hnettlaham, Speel River, 8nio UC.UKUL Jn. dum, Windham Bay.Rambler Bay.Pybue Bay Rrother Island. RMve P*lnr»r 8t»'i'’n. V.nshsw F>rr« "nit Heaves Monday at midnight. Takes freight until 10 o'clock Monday moining. BAJIITEAD TRAESP0RTAT10R CO 1 ..... _—Leave* Monday at 11 p. m. for Hainet, H»#* MAIL BOATU’^up . (.ratte.a« ping at Tenakee Spring* nnd other way COTCDCTU wrti' For information «ee Dare IvnMi, CO I CDC I II Fhone 444. Freight accepted until 12 noon, day of muling. V. —__ _ __ rFOB PRINCE RUPERT, VANCOUVER. SIATTLP Leave Joneao Southbound— . PRINCESS MARY—Nov. 20ih, Dec. -4th, 18th. * 'Transportation issued to and from nil Eastern Cities -of the United Stale* and Canada nnd to Europe and the Orient. W. I., COATES, Agent, Juneau. —__ ... " r“'~: ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMP AWT SAFETY - SERVICE - TO« LJGAV8 nUBATJUHBAO • STEAM KK Seatua North Booth SAILING SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER \ ALASKA .Oct. 25 Oct. 28 Not. 4 YUKON . Nov. 1 Nov. 4 Not. 14 NORTHWESTERN . Nov. V Nov. 11 Noy. 1» ALAMEDA .Nov. 15 Nov. 18 Nov. 26 YUKON .. Nov. 22 Nov. 25 Doc. 2 CONNECTIONS—At Cordova, with Copper River & Northwestern Railway. At Seward, with The Alaska Railroad. When You Think Alaska, Think Alaska Steamship Company W. I. HOWELL. AGENT JUNEAU, PHONE 8. L W. KHBUR1. AGENT DOUGLAS. PHONE Ml 1 """".. 11' 111 ' "■**» I!"/. 'A'l1 _ , -* * v • *,1‘. •• • , * " *. ‘ .*' .V*l'<r-.’ '«*&/». f: