Newspaper Page Text
THE EMPIRE » "ALL THE NEWs ALL THE TIMET’ - ....— ■■ ■■ _ — -— VOL XXV., NO. 3714. JUNEAU. ALASKA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1924. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS. PRICE TEN CENTS KING OF PACIFIC COAST V, ■?: ,v . ' ’■ TRADE # UNDER ARREST, SEATTLE INDICTMENT OF i NEWSPAPERS IS BEING SOUGHT Publication of Income Tax Returns Taken Up by U. S. Government. WlA-S 111 NOTON, Nov. in Atlor r-v General Stone has rent instrue tlcne to “fix or seven" Gavi'mitiont attorneys t > make presentations to; i.rand jurii inking indictment of that number of newspapers for the; publication of income tax returns. Tbi' Attorney General declined In n it me I he m wspapers but raid he expected al Icarl one soil would be 1:1 1 wit bin a few days. ’ JUNEAU BRINGS TEST CASE. WASHINGTON, Nov. ID. Will i: m .1. .In ii can. taxpayer of Mil waukee County, Wise nnin, has bronchi tlie first test i;ee befor" the Sim remi Court regarding Cue < ii-liliuiionality of the laws author izing public income tax returns. In 1C' i-uit. Juneau seeks interpret a ti.n of the Stale publicity law re-, Intin;; to returns. The <i< cision is r'licffl to have direct bearing m the validity of Urn Federal statutes. American Citizen Shot And Killed in Mexico WASHINGTON, Nov. 19. Paul -Met-. American citizen, employed by ttie Pfiiolos Company. wits, shot and killed list Sunday at Guan-' cc vl according to reports receive I here from f’on: ul M-cEnolly, It i reported the assassin escaped. Military Authorities in China Form Government WASHINGTON. Nov. 19.—■Consul CeniT. I Hi.intzieman. at llankov. It. s cabled the Slate Department that military authorities in the K i rtze-Kieiia and Yellow River Provinces have formed a militarv Rove unent as an "emergency meas ure t uphold the constitution.” Order Mobolization to Check Armed Refugees som, Nov 19. Mobilization of tlie ini ulutio.) of all males over IS years o-f pgo, along the Jugo-j filavln a frontier, has been ordered! in an effort to cheek armed in cursloir) from Bulgarin of political refuge s who have been living in Serbian territoiy. Mill Worker Electrocuted Attempting to Remove Wire BLBWNGHAM. Nov. M John K. Brown,' aged a mill \v< rker. | was electrocuted when lie atU-met ed to t.ii.h aside an epi-liie in, - j Inoke'i by a heavy gale last night. - *“*•*-. Two Bandits Escape in Hail of Shot; Pursued TACOMA, "'ash., Nov. 19. Two bandits robbed I be State Bunk ol'j Orling, nearby, of J Hie Jute yes-, terduy afu rroon and escaped in a iiail of sltol with a posse in pur suit. Wife of Member of Dial Is Fatally Shot Today! BELFAST. Nov. 19— Mrs. Cano! Figgis, whose husband is a mem-, ber of the Bail, was fatally shot' ttiis afternoon at Rathfarnham. >nt-| side of Dublin, according to police; reports. believesIfe TOOK OWN LIFE COLILUBL'8. Nov 19.—Rev. O. V. ■ Slicafley. who refused after <iuc«-| tinning- yesterday to admit thnt Ills’ wire suicided by crawling into t'.io1 furnace in the residence and shut-; ting the door, today told tlie prose-! cv.toi- he had changed his mind and r> illy believed sbo did. Ashe-* of hi* wife’s body were found in the furnace and a coron er’s jury returned a verdict of suicide,, FIRST AND SECOND LADIES OF THE LAND. i * " HRS’. CAW*>* COOjlDGB <$ KKS* CG ,DAWE^‘ - ----——> u __iMMMMMB«» A wive arc shown the Kim and Second Ladies or the Land. .Mrs. Cal\ in Coolidge and Mrs. Charles Catos Dawes, posed logtthoi when Mrs. Dawes paid a recent visit to Washington. PRIMATE OF IRELAND DIES VERY SUDDENLY Cardinal Michael Logue Pass es Away at Home—Public Not Warned of Illness. BELFAST, Nov, 19. Cardinal Michael Logue, Primate of all Ire land. died today at his residence Aril C.'oeli in Armagh, without the public having received any intima tion that Jic was ill. Cardinal Michael Joigue. yen, raids Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland, “the successor of Hi. Patrick." strove for Irish tranquil ity and peace. The guerrilla tactics i f .S1nii Fein symiKithi/.crs and the reprisals of the Black and Tans fill ed 11 i in with horror and evoked strong pastoral letters denouncing the crimes which, in 1920. Iirougui Ireland to the verge of civil war. Exhorting the people lo prayer and to avoid all associations leading to crime and (lisa ter, the Cardinal in November of year charged Unit “the activities of the British military authorities arc being car ried into districts which hitherto havo been considered peaceful.” Me concluded: "GiM help our country, mn ning under llij: competition in murder.’ The calamities in Ireland, h< deelrred. wore greater than in the m mory of any living man. Visited United States. Cardinal Ligue was physically email, with grey hair, ruddy face and blue evs and was vigorous and omxgetle despite his eighty years lie denounced I lie attempt on the life el Viscount French, the Lord lieutenant of Ireland, in 1919 and said that the shooting <•" the police war “i lain murder." When condi tion? 'became critical he forbade political meetings; later ho received a warning threatening his life. The Cardinal paid a visit to the United States in 1908. at tile time i?f the centenary celebration of the founding of the Roman Catholic archdiocese of New York. He cole hrat d pontifical mass in St. Pat tick"? Cathedral in a $6,000 vest ment and later was the guest of Pro: idi nt Roosevelt whom he great ly admired. Before, returning home he placed a wreath on the tpmb of Washington at Mt. Vernon. Ho also met Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller and In a public state ment praised them for their phil anthropies. At the outbreak of the World War. Cardinal Jxigue said Irishmen would “stand by England” but later blamed the Government for the po (Continued on rage Six.) i CAP! BARTLETT PLANNING TOUR ACROSS ARCTIC NfciW YOHK. N'o\ IP. (‘apt. Robert A. ilartlett today -aid In loped to s(.:n next spring on a three ye..i journey, in a boat from Some to Spiii.oiibergcn, across the North T’oie with a crew of 10 men uni two scientists. He aid tic ‘expedition will cost about t'HiO.IMKJ ind I am making some progress oward getting financial hacking.” THOMAS HINCE DIES SUDDENLY HOI.I/YVV'OOI). N >v lb. Tliomi# 'I. Incc. on- of l Im lie t known movie producers in Uie Cisite.l Slater, (lied ! nddenly of hear) ronblo in one of Ills studios lierc tlii forenoon. Union Coal Concern Is Censured by Amer. Labor KL PASO. Texas. Nov lb. Oif 'ercnce; between i lie Cniled Mine Workers and the Coal River Col leries, owned by l lie Brotherhood of D womollvo Engineer: . was l.briu;' into III*' American I’cderal ion of Lalior convention here tart nigiit by the introduction of a. censure naming the engineers' organization. Foibles of Men Are Denounced, Convention CHICAGO. Nov. lb. Hot towels, el >se shaving and labial massage# were denounced at the convention if the Master Barbers last night 1» Henry Wever, editor of the official brgan of the Association. Law for Son to Support Parents Upheld by Court INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Nov. lb. The Indiana Supreme Court today upheld the law ompeling Barnard Lundy, stone cutter, to support his parents if they are dependent and if lie is financially able to do so. A. P. MAN IS DEAD SALT LAKE CITY, llah, Nov. 19.—Ambrose M. McKay, GG years. General Manager of the Salt Lake Tribune and First Vice-President of the Associated Press, died last night BIG MOONSHINE I CACHE SEIZED AT ANCHORAGE - j White Mule Valued at $20, 000 Is Found as Result of Raid by Officers. ANCIlOllAflK, Nov 11t. The 5 largest cache of white mule ever j grabbed in Alt ska v, ,i „< Izeil Mon day night by men from the 1 s., Marsh ,1's office, pi ihihilion agents and the City Chi f of Police. Af ter digging in tho ha ment of tliei Chickaloon l’ool I lull for seven/ hours, llm raider* heated five bar-1 tels of moonshirn eontaiuiiig 521 gallon' each. Clinton Malehorn, | proprietor of the pmd hall wit arrested and freed on $2,000 hail., Tite moor.shino Is valued at $20. otin. Somebody tipped the officers] off and tile raid followed. SHOT USED TO STOP GIG LINER Officers Board President Grant and Make Search for Narcotics. SEATTLE, N'liv. HI. \1'U.- til , s.-um ship Pi’fe Tdgiit Grant i Hi ■ I to* slop at :r sitf/Vi from tin- eutti', Snohomish. the cutter find . shell lust night across the bow if ■ li-; | big liner. The Iusident Grant air to ;■ stop a;u! otliters hoarded th • ship i ii’ul Rfarli.l fi> u limit for n.ireidies. The 1 i.i • • .leu proceeded wh.'e tin Snohomish kept in the rcu. ml played a seaichligllt or. the water; to p>- veil! .lulling of the c..tttra bund ov.. I'u'nrd. Supposed Higber-up in Liquor Smuggling, Gives Up - i SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. lit. , Max Kipslein, supposed director of , tlic Exportation Corporation of licit- i ish Cclumhia. bus snrrenil red here following his imlictinenl churgin'g conspiracy to violate the liquor law iu corni-idle,i with operations of tin-; ) suspected rum steamer Quadra ; Which was seized off the Furnlloiie! ; Island : intently. Pneumonia Plague Cases j Now Reach Total of 39 |,l)S ANGKM'IS, Nov, lit. New I puigue wises from lie pneumonic epidemic brings the lolul to I!!*-! Nn deaths nave occurred since, November 11 REV. R. T. CLOSE DEAD TWIN’SIlliKb. col.. Nov. 19. Itev.j] It. T .Cross. ,.g. d .SI) years, oldest j survivor ot tm- Qberlin Academy) faculty who in 1S70 discovered the t'avo of tile Winds near Muuitoti. died here lust night,. lie was nn j expert on mineralogy and was the., author of several books. ( STURDY MOUNTAIN CLIMBER j! FINDS AGE NO BARRIER \ I,OS ANGKM.S, Nov. 19. -Ceic- 1 i,riling lii; sixty Mirth birthday by (climbing the Grand Tclon in the! raitigo forming 'he west ride of .1 i.ekson's Hole. near Yellowstone. National I’.irk. William O. Owen.!1 ITesii'cnt of the Wyoming Statu j [ Society of Los Angelos, found on the ••.oniniit the records tie left there 1 20 years ago when, he says, he was (the first climber to scale the peak. ; Owen made his first ascent after iroven unsiicceesful attempts, a feat < iwhich won him rocognlion from the 1 lain don Alpine Club. _» ■ f Slight Earth Tremor Reported v From Kodiak ! — ! | Weather Mali it. C. Mize | receivi d a report this morning from Kodiak that at 7:51 | o’clock last night a light blit j distinct earth tremor was j felt. Tlie tremor lasted for ! ! eleven seconds. -il i'ikst Woman in Illinois senate. FLORENCE FIFE St- DOHREI^ Mis Humic. I'.lVi Uohrer, ot Bloomington, 111., the strikingly beau lilul ihinghti r ot the late tlu.i rnur ".In Him, running on Uu Republican lickei. hue been fleered to the lllymis Slute Senate, umj ^vir be the ttnl to ell in lliat body ' BOMBS THROWN HIGH MILITARY OFFICER, EGYPT OAII’.O, Nov. If). Two Ijo'.'ibs w ■.-o thrown this morning liy a ga r; of tlm '• or j nr mini at th. auto mo!)ll > contulu'ng Major tl’n-.oral Kir Lee Ktiuk. Slid i of th ■ Egyptian Army. One oi th bombs exploded. Several shot - v,. , also tin il ami Slat k is in a cltleal i onditlon from the shock and e wound In the stom ach. The chunffelir of the ear and a pollee offle*T were also wounded. The bt nib tin nver i oseape I. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR PRIZE BEING OFFERED Most Original I realise on i “Theory of Wages” Will Win Large Sum. ClirAdO, Nov 111. A P iz ol $5,00U for the heat original treatise on “The Theory of Wages" has been •uinouncci! by I’rof. .1. I.aur ance Luughlln of tin l otversily of Chicugo, ehairmau of a committee on - economic prize ;. To gin iin h slant ; tline for tlie necessary re.osren, ilia committee will receive eeuti ilmfiou until Oct. 1, 1026. Tin award will he an nounced us s .oil after that dale as possible. The prize is to lm paid hy Hurt Seim uer f. Marx, at tlm i invitutioti of the committee. I’rof. Laugh'in's aunmini i nient In j traduced tin cont .it m- the possible forerunner of ail animal p: Ize for distinguished oik In the field of economic:-. The eontesf is to le unuoiun ed i in Europe as well us in this toini i try. Foreign economies may com | pete, ’In i om.nitlei. said, provided ! their manuscripts are In English. Any point of vie .v may le taken, land any phas of th ■ wage problem i may be discussed. Ownership of tin j copyright of the winning treutlm j is to vest In the doaoi who will j arrange for publication of the bosk j the announcement said. I Prof. Laughlin's associate* on tin j committee ar • I’rof. John Hut. - ! Clark of Columbia 1'uiversity; 1); ! Edwin F. Cay of Harvard Culver .city; Congressman Theodore E. Bur | ton. and I’rol. Wesley (.'. Mitch 1 [of Columbia University. STATE INTRUSION WILL BE FOUGHT BT AMER. LABOR Executive Council of Ameri can Federation Makes Important Report. >-L i’ASO. Tex , Nov. 11*. * Indus try must solve iis own iirobtcnis 01 face the alternative of stall in trusion. the American Federation of Labor's Fxociitlve Council re 'porutod to Iho organ I/. Ml Ion’s an nual convenllun b re. State In trusion, II added, "must Inevitably load lo bureaueraey and break down." "Industry must find its own way through the difficulties with which lit Is bes"lsaid the report "Thete !s no magic wand with which lmr riors may lie waved aside. There lb no outside agency, governmental or otherwise, whhleh may he called in as physician to cut away the onl aiigiemcnlK. Ucmoeraey caiinol ; come in Industry through tin state.’ Hamm I O-omper.-. President o .Mm Federation and ten other mem hers of the committee signed tin report, which dealt with aetivitle: . spreading over tb geographical fleli of lid ciidin id. including Mexico Canada, and the 1'ana mu Cana Zoti", as well as the United States ami with objectives in political anil social spheres as wo II ns In In 1 dust rv. "Wo must point mil," it continued “and we wish to emphasize tin point beyond mistake the road t< democracy in indu try is not a rosi-1 that labor can travel alone. Democ 1 racy in Industry Implies and involves the part iol|i*t ion of every useful i element in industry. While then are lnrg • groups ol employers that 'mill hold‘the despotic attitude which , denies to even Its most ele ! mental and fundamental rights, pro I gres toward democracy is being mad" While there are groups ol employers that still refuse to ree ! ognize tb - right of wage earners | to organize freely and to be repre ! sented by men of their own choos ing. progress toward democratic practice still lontluues." Goes On Record | In consideration, of national po liiiial effort to which the federa tton has committed itself, the re part placed first the submission bj Coocre-s to the States of the Con i stitutloual amendment emoowerini federal regulation of child labor ,at.d notified its constituent mem he rah Ip of unions that It would stll | (Continued on I’Rge Two.) ROY OLMSTEAD I RE-ARRESTED NEW CHARGES Ihree Others Are Again Tak en Into Custody—Ille^ ally in Country. OLMSTED MARRIES GIRL HIRED TO SPY UPON HIM Sensational Developments Re sult Following Raid Last Monday Night. SBATYLK, Nov. 1b • four of ov a score arrow Led in a raid by pro liibition office ra last Monday night | at. the palatial residence of ltoy ' Olms'uid, former Lieutenant. • r l\>. I lice, in the Maaivt Maker Park iii trict, were again taken tutu cm-t..dy late yesterday for investigation as to their right to be in I lri njiia try. Dick Uenneti. mi J Herbert Fb Mr er, former members of the C’anad ian Northwest Mounted I'olii • and I William J. Symonds, are deeiarcil to | have cut. red the country illegally I from ('amnia. The rost-Intelligenei r today pub ■ lisheil tho following descriptions, j crecdlting them to William M. Whit piey. Assistant Fedora! Prohibit, km Director tor jt.e Sir e o, W.i-uin ; j ton : i ‘‘Olmstead, King of the Pacific I Coast rum trade, inti rested in »mi | ern freighters, a Canadian cum crtt I exporting liquor; Olmslead is own j er of smuggling vessels and director j general of the most extensive liquor traffic in tlir Northwest. Dick Mennelt is t»i> ■' Iticiinnl Klimt and is a itookkeepet for (tint stead. | Mrs. OlmstSud was formerly Klsie i Caroline Paiclie, ami i all -d also Vivian I’ortor aud Klsie Campbell, Mirotulrastu at Station KFO in the Olmstead maesion i Inv estiguto. s said Utls woman ] aided the Federal officials to try land get. evidence on Olimdemi but l Olmstead foiled the gam1 ny mm i rying her last August when the I Ulvorc" of hit former wile became ! effective. ‘ GRANDSTAND PTAY. " SKATTUC, Nov, I ■» M ,m Brown ibis afternoon <1* nouneiil Hi ! raid on Hoy Olimdt nil's i in-.on :• id I said: ‘‘I'd call it a ■ r.ind. .■ ml play. ITltc offhera eotild raid my hottsu in tin’ same way. l iquor ni l bo '(•cured tiy !• lophoning ;i l.iooHc • who would bring it" Policemen Who Assaulted Dancers Under Indictment ClllCAtiO. Nov. Hi V true toil' , lias been reported p turn'd against ; two itolicotnen for an alleged as sault upon Hosettu and Vui.tu Hull call, well known ini' uiliunal dan cers. DOREMUS ARRESTED AT KETCHIKAN;SENT HERE i II. M. Do. omits, said to he a | resident of It lliug!... .a. .1 . brought | lu re ye.tortlay from K-t. bikan, where he was arrested recently on \ 1 local wurrart (barging .■mhezrle ■ meht by bull . lb wm arraigned I before .litdg' V A. I’aine yes.’cr 1 lay ufternoou and his bond fixed | it *5<Mt pending a preliminary ex j aniination. Dor inns is said to have brought 1 boat to Petersburg last Spring i for a 'lirimp rucking company there and to have worked for that eon- * . corn a short time. Later he cat.v here and w s employed by the Bureau of Fisheries as .1 sip am watchman, remaining theie until i September 1 It is understood h>* i was employ, d on the mine tender rhlchugof for sometime afterward. I He left hero recently on the Motor ! ship Oregon fr. tii" - 'util ami -was 1 arrested at Ketchikan .than th-it o vessel arrived there. Dorentic, is cliarged with making •away with a phonograph owned hv | George Andetson of Anderson's Music Store.