Newspaper Page Text
•— THE EMPIRE a TER WEEimi Through which the K*neml public oftu ilway* h*vs 1U wwrU snppbetl. Clod nr time for cl*j*llnd advertisements: i Closing time for display *4 ?srtiaementa: 11 A. M r Ten oentt per line trrt 1» •ertica - FIts oen** for iubsed*si1 •ertion. Cona* ire «»«rage wirii to the liu* «. ■ ■ ... ' FOR SALE._ KT)U SALK, 2mi hand liot watei heating biller with radiators Bargain. Geo. B. Rice, \\ inter .< Pond Bldg. ^___ i-OR SALK Fancy work for Christ maa Gifts Mrs. U. Sellwarzonberg Phone Douglas 383._ FOR BALK — Ktg six Studebakc! touring car, 1922 model, a bar gain. Also an armful of Fords a your own price. Connors Motoi f 0° __ ' TOURING CARa AND TRUCKS.Al KcCaul's. _ FOR 8ALB—MAXWW-n CAR, RK eeotly overhauled. Also for hlri by day or hour with or wltlroti driver. Inquire Imperial ?<*> Ball. • WANTED __ WANTED—By young woman. nn> kind of work, hour, day or week p. O. Box 98._ ’ FOlT KEN i _ KOlt RENT—Flat mostly furnished Apply at Nugget Shop. FOR KENT—2 and 3 room .furnish ed apartpients. 3rd and poh Streets. Phone 13 6. RENT — Furnished tend un f furnished houses. Phone 3«6._ RENT—3 and 5 room turn jglicd apartments, newly renovat ed 421W/4 East . Phone 2004. For RENT—1, 2, 3, 4 mom apart ments. fully furnished. Feldoi Apts. PHONE 286. PHONOQP.APH ,or t«i<v Ml_______ " PIANO FOR KBtvr—Phone 14*. “ Ml5ttLLAMC.UOJ * CARD READING at *1* Waal 6tt •A. 6a Tide Flat*. Pai.MlHT—CtMdt aud u«>« lull, lortona told from your bead Wort burtaeaa, marriage aad the taiure teratoid. 106 Front St. CLIFF APARTMENTS t, I and 4 room apartment* completely furnlihed H. G. Welch, Prop. ^_raowi ape, FERRY SCHEDULE Leave Juneau tor Dougina, Trend well tli Thane. Effect! r* Tuesday, Jan. 29. 1924. T8:10p.m. •7:10a.m. •4:30p.m. 9:40a.|n. •:11a.m. • :11a.m.t 6:15p.m. 011:16p.m. f 12 midnight) S3 noont* |7:30p.m. U;0j)yn. |l:t0).a. 5 j - v Leave Douglas lor Treadwell ant Thane ■7:16a.m. 6:80p.m. |l:16a.m 33:16p.m. 3:66p.m. Leave Treadwell for Thane. V :80a.m. 13:20p.m. t 4:60p.m. Leava Thane for Treadwell, Dougli and Juneau. f :10a.m. 6:05p.m. Lmvi Treadwell for Doaclae ax Juneau. ItMajt 6:l0p.m.t . 6:36p.m. |l:r«a.n |3:60p.m. 10:00p.m. , Leave Dougin* for Juneau. S:26p.m. 1:60am. 6:36p.m.t 16:06!>n •:80a.m. t 6:40p.m. 'll:J0p.n 13:66p.m. |7:46p.m. »l:24a.n X:11p.m. •^■Thaae. 7—Freight will he eeueptee 1—Douglas only, j. Ir-Bnturdaye only. - 3—Kzcapt Saturday nlrht / ■ •—Schedule leering 11:16 p. m Juneau, will start Monday, Feb. 4. Jsaui Ferry & Navigatioi Company. '" .... L J. SHARICK Jeweler and Optician Watohee, Mawawdt, Silverware j | Jewcln Study the store ac»—and lean fejtbut the new things which ar aSowa lor *-at time today. ),n> POLLY AND HER PALS }\ I ' i - ■ » . L ' »-> .!• r«» F—tutt c*rvi*» Iru • ,r»»l HnUlr. nw-v«< | * ■ » ' \ ■ •' ■ ■■ By CUFF STERRETT MEXICO ADOPTS U S. METHODS IIAMnrRG, Nov. 2u. Mexico ia .becoming rapidly “Americanized,” in the opinion of Dr. Karl Sapper, geographer of the I’niversity oi Wperzberg. who has recently re turned from a topr of Central . America. Columbia and Venezuela. The tour was undertaken at the retries* of the Geographical Society *!H( H'amtnirg. j 1‘rot. Sap; or iiud not been in Mexiio since 1902. The outstand lug impression gained was that ol 1 the infiltration of I'nited States ideas and methods into Mexico. ' While the German, Spanish, and English ontlngonts in Mexico were seemingly to him to lx* about the same as in 1!mj2, and tli • increase ; in tin French colony was only slight, the North Americans are playing a much greater—role than form i riy. Despite the hatred of Yankees j which Dr. Sapper says lie found ! among a part of the native popu i lation, “the process of Americani , zation is in full swing," lie declared j Another change which struck thr German scientist was the spread of bolshevist ideas throughout Mex j tco, * J . , IS OUT FROM NOME i ■' -- .lames Keenan, of the Alaskt Mining Corporation, Seward Penln sula, passed through Juneau todaj on the Northwestern for Seattli and . yanp Francisco. He reportet an nal fine season. LATHROF* GOES SOUTH Capt. A. E. Lathrop is a passen ger south on the Noi thwestern ett ! route to New York in the interest of the Alaskan feature “The Chee chacoes." * — Keith McCullough, of Cordova Visited friertdtff ill* Jtmratlt today, lit is going to Seattle* tji spend tht holidays. Dry seasoned mm wood, 16 inol length. Jnnean Transfer. adv \' i Dr. M. P. Stanley I Physician and Inrfaoa } 808-10 Haight Building, Sec ond avenue and Pine Street, Seattle, Waah. Electronic Reactions of i| | J , | Dr. Albert Abrams. I j* ] Diagnosis Treatment | _•--— -. —_ , ., -« V;— , . ■ -» RUSSIAN STRAM RATO Open Wednesdays and Satardaye t 1 P. M. to 18 Midnight I ^ OASTINli^XJ avpHOn J l~ f ! AUTOS FOR HIRE •y»—~---. tH Carlson’s Tax* d I - Stand—Alaskan Hotel i « PHONE SINGLE 0 i. I 'Day and Night Service. ,*7f ■ ■; » ; SITKA HOT SPRINGS Bates' S3.00 Per Day and Up Dr. F. L. Goddard, Prop.. i»-----1 ]'—F7pp ;.—iti. vj I I l I V»,; • " 1 I Lakich Taxi . I SERVICE DAY AND NIGHT | I STAND 62 FRONT ST. I Day Phone 271. ' ^ Nigtot Phone 477. ■■ 1 NORTHWESTERN IS SOUTHBOUND —.— With Hi passengers for Juneau j | and 95 passengers for Seattle, the; steamer Northwestern, Capt. Jerry! ; Flynn, arrived Iu port from the! | Westward at 9:30 o'clock this, fore j noon and sailed south at noon j I The Northwestern has 1,100- tqnsj of ore aboard taken on at La- j | touche and Cordova and 700 bar-i ! rels of herring. Passengers arriving for Juneau I were: S. Guyot, H. Williams, J. Pence, W. McMorty, V. Kerr, E M. Policy, George McFecly, J. H.J ! Brokaw, C. J. Cornwall. A. A. j Bass, George Redmond, H. L. Mor 1 rls, R W. Calderhead, Chas. K. ! Bergman, O. Hart and C. C. Bo-, I londo. Passengers leaving on the N’ortli i western were: For Seattle — Ben’ | Lytell, Hi.latt A. Laurie, H. C. Da , vis and wife, Mr. and Mrs. A.j j Dunn, M. Nelson, M. Baas, W. N. j Williams, Mrs. Anna Stroop, T m, C. Thompson. Edward Colburn Mrs 1 A. Carlon, Ruy Cation, J. Houpe,! Frank Meredith. Mrs. L Buititen,, j A. F. Filloms. John Barker, W. E. j | Fisher, Wnt, M. MeEacheern, Mrs. | W. M McEac^crn, Mrs. F. Ash, | 111, H Walton, Cha> Anderson. M.J I K. WlUdoz. J. Mijukanle, Frank i Frcmmlng, W. L. Paul, H .E. Bush,. | Morris R. Benlschk, Joe Carrosco, | : John Elliott, Glen A. Hyner, L. B. j : MacGregor and wife, Louis Wolfe,! j Ralph R. Reeser, Miss A. Herring, j Miss M. Roth, George B. Grigsby, and wife, Jane Grigsby, Elizabeth I Grigsby, C. Nels Thorenson, H. F. Preston, Edward Morrissey, A. H.j Ziegler, H. J. Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holzheimer; For Wran-j gell—Att McNally, W. Granagen, j Mrs. W. Grancgan, Maxfield Dalton | and Mrs. George Petratovich; Forj Petersburg—EUa Jackson and 11. A. J Dahl. PRINCESS iSaRY SAILS — The Princess .nary sailed for; Vancouver at 8 o’clock this morn iug, arriving front Skagway at 7 i o’clock. The following paBsengers| left for the couth: For Seattle— i Frank Klnnoa, Mrs. L. M. Enberg, P. Enborg, E. Enberg, A. Enberg, ! A. L. Hammond, Crist Wick, Emil Tabalia, Sol Capllnger, W. C. Moss man, T. Young, S. Morris, Mrs, S. Morris, Mrs. S. Klsha, Mrs. A. J. Palmer. H. L. Ness and O F. Rob erts; For Chicago—J. W. Sorri; For Victoria—Mrs. L. 1J. Phillips; For Vancouver—V. Vele; For Prime Rupert—H. H. Townsond and Mrs. F. White. «---;-■ Tnmwrpw ---• Low Tide 2! 03 a. m. 3.1 High Tide 480 a. m. 14.2 Low Tide 2:55 p. m. 4 3; High Tide 8:15 p. ni. 13.1 | MARTHA SOCIETY TO MEET. The Martha Society of the Pres-1 byltrian Church will meet Friday afternoon at 2:30 at the Forget Me-Not Tea Room. Mrs. Kathcr-, ine Hooker ami Mrs. 11. I.. Morris will he hoste cs for the after noon. -- - WOMAN’S STATEMENT WILL HELP JUNEAU “I hated clf-lCns because all I ate I turned lour and formed g%-s. 1 drank hot weter and olive oil by; the g illon. Nothing helped until l tor’: Adltrika.” Unless due to deep-, < vatod eaueeg, Atllerika helps uuy| ca«e gas on the stomach in a sur-j 1 rlBingly QUI^K time. It is a won-! derful remedy to use for constipa-j iion—It often works in one hour! atjtl never gripes. Butler, Mau.ruj Drug Co. Solti in Douglas by Gtry si Drug Store. —adv.! ITS' Your BUSINESS You aloue know bow much of J hard work, of sacrifice, and of '■ enthusiasm have gone into mak ing it what it is today. You alone have the real vision of its future success. You alone can realise what It would mean to have to start all o^er again. Fire, accident, the forces of na ture, can wipe out in a few minutes the work of years. In surance is your one unfailing protection. Have you enough lnsuranceT Have you the right kind? ALLEN SHATTUCK INSURANCE—REAL E8TATE i iiiJiiiilllilliiiliiliiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiami'. | THE YACHT EURUS * | | FOR CHARTER | r | = | To anywhere In Alaskan waters—By far ihe moat seaworthy, 5 E strongly built and beat equipped boat ot her class in > :5 60 to P- Diesel engine. Sleeps ala with <«mfort. Radio equipped, i 2 PAUL) KEGEL, Master—Phone Douglas 40. £ ^(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIflimiHIUIIIIIlIHUIUIIUIIHOMr | I i f ] Ij j l \ \ \ £ ■ •' ' , i STEAMER MOVEMENTS | l I NORTHBOUND I I t ADMIRAL ROGERS due to ar | | river Sunday. SCHEDULED SAILINGS | i ESTEBETfl will .-.all for Sitka i and way ports at 11 o'clock j tonight. | | YUKON scheduled to sail from ! Seattle November 22 at 9 a. | I nr. | I NORTHWESTERN is scheduled i to sail from Seattle Novenr- | | her 29 at 9 a. m. PRINCESS MARY scheduled to sail from Vancouver Novem- ; j bor 29 at 9 p. m. | MAIL BOAT GEORGE JR. sails j j from Juneau tor Petersburg j j and way ports at midnight j next Monday night. SOUTHBOUND SAILINGS j j ALAMEDA due southbound about | | November 25. , ADMIRAL WATSON due south- | ) bound November 2S. I—-J CAPT. JOHN MORRISON BE BURIED TOMORROW j — The funeral for ('apt. John Mor rison aged 71, who died at the, St. Ann Hospital of old age, on j November 15, will be belli from the C. W. Young Chapel at 2:30 o’< lock | tomorrow aft: moon. Rev. G. G. Bruce will read the service. (’apt. Morrison is an old-timer j In this section. He had boon in! St. Ann Hospital for several months. •— -♦ ♦♦ GOODIE SALE. The I.adiec Guild of H:?ly Trinity i Cathedral will hold a goodie salej at' -Gcldteln’s Grocery department! Saturday. November 22. —adv. ‘ — furniture 90vea uifl stored Heavy hauling dona. Aone Juneau Transfer. —adv I !' _I WE with to announce that for Christinas We've cards that are differ ent, and new; The finest we’ve seen, and I; we’re thinking That this will honour verdict | too. 8 With sentiments new That will “say it for you” In exactly your personal, fav orite waj>; And designs that with beauty will brighten the day. LET VS SHOW YOU SAMPLES : EMPIRE PRINTING CO. PHONE 374 SHEET' METAL WORKS ALL KINDS OF SHEET METAL WORK DONE TO YOUR COM PLETE SATISFACTION W- C. JENSEN WINTER A POND BUILDING Phone*—-R«a. 4041, Shop 14. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitmiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiiimiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimijj 1 INDEPENDENT STEAMSHIP CO. I | OF ALASKA | | MOTORSHIP OREGON | | LEAVES SEATTLE FOR JUNEAU E ~ November 22, January 2, January 23 S E For Rates Call Up Phone 79. E; § j. k. McAlister, Agt. § ^iiiniiiiiiniiuniiimimimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiimuiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiinniiiiunnuiiniir FOR WESTWARD ALASKA POINTS I. I. “ITAJLS” leave* leward on the 10th of eaoh moan calling at all point* u far west aa Unalaaka. /_ SAN JUAN FISHING AND PACKING CO., G. C. EENDERSOlf, Agent, geward, Alaska. MAIL BOAT FOX PXTEXSBirxa AND WAT POXTt PEADfE’ ID Taku Harbor, SnettlRhan:, Bpeel River, Boev utUKuft JK. dum, Windham Bay,Gambler Bay.Pybue Bar, Brother Island, Five Finrnr Station, Fanahew, Farraeut Rev Leaves Monday at midnight. Takes freight until 10 o'clock Monday morning. 1AHSTXAS TEANIP0XTAT101 CO. r~" : ■ ~ — ' --—■ ... . _ _ _ —Leave* Monday at 11 p. m. for Haine*, Shag* MAIL BOA&nSLS-n „ *, eb. *» ping at Tenakee Spring* and other Rdf COTCDETU wrt«. For information •** Daw Honed, CO I CDC I II Fhone 444. Freight accepted until IS noon, day of aailing. I - - --,-y ^ALASKA STEAMSHIP COMP ANT linn — txBvici — iran LBAVN DDR AT JUNKAtl f STEAMER " Seattle North South SAILINQ SCHEDULE FOR NOVEMBER ALASKA ....Oct. 26 Oct. 28 Nov. 4 YUKON . Nov. 1 Nov. 4 Nov. 11 NORTHWESTERN .Nov. 8 Nov. 11 Nov. it ALAMEDA .Nov. 15 Nov. 18 Nov. 25 YUKON .Nov. 22 Nov. 25 Dec. X CONNECTIONS—At Cordova, with, Copper River & Northwestern Railway. At Seward, with The Alaeka Railroad. When You Think Alaska, Think Alaska Steamship Company W. E. NOWELL, AGENT JUNEAU. PHONE 8. L W. KILBURN, AGENT DOUGLAS, PHONE 08._ - - — ■ ..* I ■ _ “__* ^ ' T3 Jjjlj|K IV J| Y m g g ygg ^^gj0 ^^mjMkH Due nni Lt.Seattle Juneau •ROGERS ..Not. 5 WATSON . tWATSON .Not. 12 Not. •ROGERS ...Nov. 19 Not. •ROGERS ..Dec. 3 Dec. tWATSON .Dec. 10 Dec. 14 Dec. SI •—Calling Haines, Skagway and Sitka, returning v ‘ ' Srf . • i