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. TTarney google and spark plug Registered T. 8. Patent Office Boss. AW DOST LA< Yo BoDDAH The Tightwads' Yo1 WHEN Yo IS SICK BUT Yo' WHY DonT THEY ALL GOT ANODDAW CABLEGwAM LOOSEN UP AND Fom DAT .iockey club in pay mine Too L UN NON . OEY SHO AM He Y KNOW I Pow FuL ANXIOUS Fo' SPAHKY AIN'T GOT A DIME - Yo GO OVA.H Fo A SPECIAL. -r^g OPp SPAWNS WAee OSYA AWAN6INS- AN- D. LNNrT Tm DEV'S WILLING TO PAY ALL GoNNA Get uP SPAHKYS Expenses - GONNA GET up / So-THAT-S TME \ house we ocrr booked ( For passage * J -mama GOODNESS / i WE A/N-T GOT THAT j LlT-fLE RGNT WHO / ' OWNS HIM ON < Bcaro — ; " *£§ r -v ,//// / "... _ Copyrifht <924 by King Feature* Syndicate. Iik C.wnt Rrrtam n»l»u reacrved-_ ..._ _ __ , r, i DOUGLAS ISLAND NEWS * * DOUGLAS CHURCH * * * SERVICES • O-B | DOUGLAS PREP3YTERIAN | i NATIVE MISSION ---b DAVID WAGGONER. Pastor. 2:3o p. n».—Afternoon service. 7:00 p. m.—Thursday — Mid week prayer service. All are cordially welcome at these jarvlces. ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL f CHURCH 3-cj Evening Prayer and Sermon at 7:30 p. m. DOUGLAS CATHOLIC “ CHURCH I •5-jj November 30.—First Sunday of Advent. 0:00 a. m.—Holy Mass and Ser mon. 1:00 p. m. Sunday School for all the Parish No evening services. q_-_———-——a were made by many of the racm- j bers. Mr. McCroskay left on the; Estebeth for Juneau. _& Twenty-five live mink shipped from a farm en TagUli Lake came in on Saturday's train being sent to the Bruce Brown mink farm near Juneau. While being held for the Estebeth they are In charge of the local express agent. Members of the Men's Gun Club on Sunday afternoon took a group of older boys of town out to the rifle rtngo near the three mile ismt and had a chicken shoot. Victor Selmer, with the highest score, won the chicken. What might have been a serious accident occulted on Broadway on Saturday. Mr. Itxeu attempted to drive Ills Ford son truck across the track in front of an engine bucking down town. He either though the engine was standing still or was going hi the direction it was hondert. Before the engine St ruck the truck Mr. Itzen jumped. The truck was badly damaged. The Admiral Rogers was in port late Sunday evening for about two hours. Passengers for Skagway were Mrs. H der from Ketchikan: 1 Mi'. M> Proskey and Louis Rapuzzi from Juneau. Those leaving for Juneau wer ■ George It Dedham, Mr. and Mis. Frank Feero. from Skag way; Mr. E. J. Peroux, from Par cross. Mr. Peroux who has been a l'ox farmer for about 25 years has sold his farm and Is leaving the North. About 25 Skagway people went to I Haines on the ■Fornuwe on Satur I day Alternoofl to*att8tfd the dance [ given by the J. L'. B. Club at Phil koot Barracks. There was good mu I sic and a good crowd. Refreshments i were served. The boat left for ! Skagway ahou* 2 o'clock hut there wan srch a storm on the channel that it had t- return to the dock 1 and wait until morning. The mer ] rymakers arrived in town at 7:50 , Sunday morning. Those who attended the Marion ette performance of "Snowr White and the Seven Dwarfs” at the Fifth Avenue Theatre on Thursday night ! enjoyed a quaint entertainment. On Wednesday afternoon the school children were delighted by a show j at the school house. SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT IS REGULAR VAUDEVILLE SHOW Everything Ik In readiness for the school enl ertairiment which is to be given at the Liberty Theatre this evening as the only diversion being offered at home tonight for the people of the island. A matinee was given this after noon which was largely attended by the children and for a first performance, went off smoothly. The entertainment is scheduled to start at S o’clock when everyone Is expected to be in his seal. JOHN H. DUNN TO ADDRESS THE DOUGLAS I P. Tr A The feature of iIip next regular business meeting of the Douglas Parent-Teacher Association to l>< held Tuesday pvening, Dec. 2nd in the High School Auditorium, will be an address by John H. Dunn Clerk of the Federal Court in .In neau. This number alone will make the meeting of unusual in forest. Tho complete program will be a follows: Selection by Orchestra. Presentation By First and Second Grades. Instrumental Solo Mrs. Rose Da vis. Address—John H. Dunn. Community Singing—Miss Scoville Selection—School Orchestra. DOUGLAS FISH CO. MAKES A SHIPMENT Forty tons of salted herring in boxes were shipped out on the Alameda this week hv the Dougin Fish Company, to be followed short ly by other shipments destined for China as a part of the big lmsi ness which the rompanv expect ultimately to build up with tha' country. -♦ ■—— RINALDO SUBMERGED The gas boat Rinaldo owned by Ed ^Andrews, local photographer. celebrated Thanksgiving this week by getting full and sinking to the muddy bottom of the hay. It was moored alongside the City Float The boat was beached for neces sary repairs yesterday. -- JACK HOLT COMING TO LIBERTY SUNDAY A popular east of Paramount stock company players was essem bled to support Jack Holt in hit new Paramount picture, "While Sa tan Sleeps,” which will he seen al the Liberty theatre tomorrow night It includes Fritai Brunette as lead ing women ard Mabel Van Buren Betty Francisco, Fred Huntley, J P. Loekney, Will It. Walling. Syl via Ashton and Bobby Mack. Tin picture was diteeted by Joseph lieu abery. who handled the megaphom for Mr. Hal Holt's previous sue cesses, “The Man Unconquerable,' Albert Shelby Le Vino wrote the story, willi Peter B Kine's story “The Parson of Panamint,” as a basis. “I knew I'd get in trouble if I’d play tlie part of a rent collector," | declared Snub Pollard, after thej completion of his latest two-reel Patlie comedy, "Dig l'p." which will be the comedy feature. "I hate any kind of a collector,"j lie continued, “and i didn't wail' | to even lie one on the sere -n. Thej worst blow of it though, was when | they had Charles Stevenson play the toiigli guy in the comedy. I had the fun of watching Charlie bent up Harold Lloyd and knork him all over the lot when “Grandma's' Boy" was being filmed, but I nevei hoped for such a fate myself." — ♦ •» See unity s i -aTvemer wnop Tot Tobbing and Cfbinst work. Phon* IS*. —*dv x | j ^KILROY^rRANSFER *! I WE HAUL YOUR COAL AND | DO YOUR MOVING. ! PHONE 173 OR 215. i i lunML uuminun* ITY CHURCH B----Cl 0. A. STILLMAN, Pastor. Subject of the sermon at the Congregational rhurch Sunday even ing will ho "How Can 1 Show Real Gratitude?" Sunday School at 10:30 a. m. Juniors at 6:30 p. m. Sermon at 7:30 p. m. SKAOWAY NEWS NOTES SKAGWAY, Nov. 23. National Education \Yi ' k was observ'd dur ing the past week in the Skagway Public Schools. On each show night lliferent High School pupils spoke it the movie houses on the various phases of education. On Saturday afternoon at Hie suhool gymnasium a physical education contest took place based on the program outlined by the National Hoys and Girls Badge Contest. All the pupils took part. Competitive tests of speed, endurance, accuracy and physical balance were made by races, ball exercises and balancing. Many of the patents responded to the invitation to visit school during last week. The school literary society—The Aurora Borealis—will give Its first program on Wednesday afternoon. Robert MeCroskey of Garfield. Wash., Most Worshipful Grand Mas ter of the Masonic Lodge, under whose jurisdiction come the Masonic lodges of Wa.hrlngton and Alaska, was an arrival on the Rogers on an ollicial visil. Skagway Masons, loined by large delegations from Haineo and Chilkoot Barracks, held a special sessicn on Monday evening at Masonic Hall wilh Mr. Mcf'ros key as guest of honor. One candi date was given the third degree work. A banquet and social session followed the meeting. Mr. MeCros key gave a very interesting talk commenting especially on the line spirit of fellowship he has found In the North. Informal speeches jiiiuiuiiiiiiMiiiimiinmiHtiiiiiiimiiiiii LIBERTY PRESENTS FOR SUNDAY NIGHT A Paramount Picture With JACK HOLT IN WHEN SATAN SLEEPS It s a great book and stil! it is a greater picture—so don’t miss seeing it. ALSO TO MAKE YOU LAUGH SNUB POLLABD IN DIB UP" Some Comedy—And a Scenic opens the show 10—20—40 cents THE UNIQUE SHOP Rose Lamps Polychrome Work ALL KINDS FANCY - NEEDLEWORK , FANCY UNDERWEAR OF BEST MATERIAL All Work Made to Order ! Would Be Glad to Handle Work For Ladies at a Commission. OPEN AFTERNOONS THE UNIQUE SHOP _Opposite^hr^^Stwit_^^ •■■iHiiisimiiiiiiiimniaimaiimiiHlNmiii. I n| I 11 I IE I I i E — — I First national bank I OF JUNEAU | Pays 4 ytr cflrt on Savings Accounts luHuiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiMimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiNiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini By BILLY DE BECK M ^ i * w fcVc . • Weather Condition* As Recorded by the U, S. Weather Bureau. fomwt for Jnackn eat ndalty ter M noon becinniB* lie. todmy: Snow and cooler tonig/ht and Sunday; moderate southeasterly windH. LOCAL DATS Sw»a. tm». iiiBlditf Win* Telortty Wedftket 8 p. m. ye«t'y.28.80 42 98 E 1 Raj* 8 a. in. today.29.00 35 99 E 2 Cldy 12 noon today 29.40 46 54 E 24 Rain CABLE AM) RADIO REPORT* i iMit A$U>A> iuua> I p.m. I uu.Ml I.A. • LA rmflg. Ila iitemp temp I lump' Tt»MH*» W *>r. w«»tt Nome .............. 34 32 j 28 3ft 10 7l2 Snow Bethel .. 38 32 | 28 30 4 Trace Sno.v Tanana .. 24 22 18 20 —■ 0 Clear liable . 30 24 18 20 — 0 Clear Fainbnnks . 32 24 8 16 — 0 Clear Anchorage . 36 32 22 22 • 0 Clear St. Paul . 30 28 | 28 28 — .04 Cldy Butch Harbor .... 38 32 26 28 — — P», gTdy Kodiak . 48 40 | 38 38 — — Pt. giuy Cordova . 40 38 ] 84 34 4 1.20 Cfoir Juneau . 46 42 34 35 2 .02 Cldv Sitka 46 42 34 42 — .02 tidy Princo Ruprrt. — — 44 4 6 14 .78 Rain Edmonton . 48 42 34 38 * n Cldv i Seattle . r>6 64 40 42 * o Clear 'Portland . SO 46 I 40 40 » 11 Clear Can Francisco ... 66 62 | 62 62 * 0 Pt. Cldy •—I.esa than 10 miles. NOTE; Observations at Prince Rupert, Edmonton, Seattle. Port land and/San Francisco are made at 4 a. m. and 4 p. m , Juneau time The pressure is lowest Hits miming near Nome and is moderately hiyh in the Pacific states. The pres-ure is relatively high in the In terior and fair weather prevails generally throughout the Territory I except in the Southeast and in southern Bering Rea. Heavy rain toll yesterday on Prince William Round. Tempera lures are generally lower, more especially in the eastern por ion of til Territory. Old Papers at t(ie Empire Office [ For Your « . * IF YOU HAVEN'T TIME TO SEE OUR ENGRAVED ' ‘ ■ y fit Christmas Card SAMPLES Phone 374 AND*WE WILL LET YOU TAKE THE BOOK It) YOUR HOME FOR ONE EVENING. Phene 374 * * * AND WE WILL DELIVER THE BOOK TO YOU AND CALL IN THE MORNING TO GET IT. Phone 374 Empire Printing Co. PHONE 374. I1 - J I—LI [ J . ..1 UU. ii J-li IK. • (All Alaskan Trail* AM «| itrat 4%% Po»ulat Ptteee—NhkftMt to KiTlMH. TWO TAtliOA. PN* II • —'» - »—-•«•*« '■!. ".HHI.H flY 001 Mwtlmb Unch 41 (Hti Arcade Cafe . KAlY YOUNG, ProffMev. — -«—-—ii ■ i i ' NORTH TRANSFER t. lATTHIO. Prep. Coal and BaftKage.Morin&Sthrpff STAND: Alaska Fnrnitnra Stan 811 Seward Street. Phone 441. P. 0. Baa ISA _Jwnaaa. Alaska.- ... i « . ■■■« . ■■ ■.■ ■'< . •-*4—■ PLUMBING. SHEET I WORKS, BLACKS! I OXY-ACETYLENE | OSCAR HARRl l I C. W. Young’s Machine Shag- I | Phones 2324 and 312. | li., , .... -v 1 -